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A Lot More Gentle on Me Than Rehab
Poppies - Opium & Cannabis
Citation:   Lexxxie29. "A Lot More Gentle on Me Than Rehab: An Experience with Poppies - Opium & Cannabis (exp97290)". Apr 29, 2020.

4 oz oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
I'll start this off by stating I'm not a rookie when it comes to drug experimentation no crack, meth or heroin involved thankfully but mainly cocaine, pain pills, syrup, mushrooms and cannibis. But at this point, I was in and out of a treatment program due to a heavy oxycontin addiction brought on by a botched heart surgery in 2010. I'd tried quite a few ethnobotanical opiate antagonists to find a better rehab route than suboxone and methadone clinics which I felt were just making the monkey grow and my withdrawals worse. I was up to a super huge kratom dose when I did some research on poppy pod and poppy seed tea.
I was up to a super huge kratom dose when I did some research on poppy pod and poppy seed tea.
I soon discovered that real pods were hard to find but I did have a local co-op vendor I knew of in the area where I could find unprocessed poppy seeds.

I washed the seeds (6-8ozs) with warm water in a 64oz gatorade bottle half full of hot water and 1 shot of tanqueray...shook it hard for about 45 mins, strained off murky brown liquid and washed the same seeds again but with less water and just a taste of tanqueray then strained liquid again. I threw away the seeds then combined all the liquid which came to 64oz. I mixed it with orange presweetened kool-aid to help yucky bitter taste, then noticed all the oil solids at the top of bottle and I figured it was a good thing. To help with dosing, I poured some of the liquid into a nyquil bottle and used a medicine cup to keep track just in case anything went wrong. I drank 3 medicine cups full (4ozs) and sat down to watch TV (I find cartoons awesome during any kind of trip, as it keeps things happy) on an empty stomach.

I noticed one thing quickly, it was potent and I did the right thing by starting off slow.
I noticed one thing quickly, it was potent and I did the right thing by starting off slow.
My headache and wisdom tooth pain went away within the first 10mins and I had a relaxed feeling like I melted into my bed basically all the nice effects from a low dose of oxy.....I didn't have any nausea, but I attributed it to the cannibis joints I'd smoked while I was drinking the PST. I woke up the next morning on time and still felt the effects of the pain relief.

Sooo, at this point I've replaced my high dosage of suboxone with this same dosage of PST mentioned above but leaving 2-3 dry days between every week of this and I've noticed that the cravings and withdrawals aren't as intense (just diarrhea and headache) with the low dose of PST as compared to the rehab program where my withdrawals are plain hell (vomiting, shakes, vertigo, hyper mood swings etc.). I also noticed the cravings for all other substances have left.

I can honestly say I've been clean (except cannibis) with no cravings for 7mos now. It's alot easier plus less expensive to wean myself off of drugs drinking PST than the rehab programs.

[Reported Dose: "4 fluid oz every 4-6hrs"]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97290
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Apr 29, 2020Views: 879
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