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Can't Believe It's Not Molly
Citation:   lolli. "Can't Believe It's Not Molly: An Experience with 6-APB (exp97333)". Aug 27, 2017.

  oral 6-APB (capsule)
I showed up at a Burner party and they were telling me about a wonderful Molly-like drug, 6APB. They told me its effects were very much like molly. I hadn't planned on rolling that night, but what the heck, it'd be a lot more fun than just drinking. Besides, I space out my rolls over many months. I consumed a capsule.

I waited about 30 minutes and decided I should eat something before since I was hungry. I ate about 1/4 of a sandwich and a few fries. My much more experienced boyfriend told me it's a bad idea to eat before you roll, I was thinking 'no, food felt good to me.' Bad Idea; about 15 minutes later I began to feel nauseous. This feeling stays for about another 15 minutes until I start feeling an extreme warmth emanating from my core. As this warmth begins blowing up in me, I start rolling. It was similar to alot of molly I've tried, better than some. Friendly, open, talkative (ish), feelings of euphoria and elation, although the more I roll the less amazed I am with it. I started to come down before others at the party, as I did I had felt waves of nausea. I contribute this to eating, I believe I would have rolled harder and longer if I had not eaten. It was morning and I began drinking whiskey, straight-up. Attempted a short nap that afternoon, only very briefly succeeded. Found it difficult to sleep still that night.

Overall, I'd say I like it as much as any molly I've ever tried.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97333
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 27, 2017Views: 1,938
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6-APB (516) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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