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Fun Times
Citation:   HaciendaHardCore. "Fun Times: An Experience with 6-APB (exp97648)". Oct 7, 2012.

T+ 0:00
80 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 80 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 80 mg oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 9:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline (pill / tablet)
  T+ 9:00 2 hits oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
T=0: After smoking a few spliffs during the day I bombed the first of the 80g of 6-APB at around 7:30 in the evening. I had not eaten in about 6 hours so was on an empty stomache.

T+1.5: I waited for about an hour and a half and felt very little effect, which could have been placebo, before taking the second 80gm (bombed in rizla).

T+3: After another hour to an hour and a half with again very minor effects I thought f**k it it doesnt look like I have actually got 6-APB (even though it was a browny-white powder) so I thought I may as well neck the last 80g bomb.

T+4: To say I was suprised was an understatement - I have never taken anything that took 4 hours to start working before and work it certainly did. I started getting mad fecked up vision, felt a bit trippy...reminded me of those 'mongy' e's you used to get. I stuck on my recording of Channel 4's (UK) 6 hour house dj night and had to restrain myself from getting up and dancing about (wife might ask what the f**k am I doing lol.)

T+4-T+9: I smoked some pretty outrageous weed during this 5 hours which seemed to synergise well with the 6-APB and my vision was, well, if I hadn't already rolled my spliffs earlier in the day then I don't think I could have made one.

T+9: Still felt a bit mad but took a (prescription) Amatryptaline (50mg used for my frequent migraines) along with 2 x etizolam (similar to valium) all honesty I dont think I needed to take the etizolam as I certainly didnt have any issues getting to sleep.

Waking up next day T+15: I had a nasty headache and felt sick...tried eating a banana and it took about 5 min before I threw it back up. Nausea went on for about an hour before suddenly dissapearing and leaving me absolutely famished and a couple of fried egg sandwiches did the trick.

So in summary I would be very wary of the length of time it seems to take to work, even on an empty stomache, so bear this in mine when dosing yourself.

This was my first experience of 6-APB and after taking 250mg I really started getting the effects. If I were to take it again I would probably do 2 x 150mg spaced an hour apart.

Overall I found it very mellow, nice body rushes and crazy vision but I didnt feel very sociable - was more in to sitting there feeling the rushes type of thing.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97648
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 44
Published: Oct 7, 2012Views: 8,464
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6-APB (516) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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