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Dream of Liberation
Citation:   SpiritOfTheStone. "Dream of Liberation: An Experience with Melatonin (exp9765)". Nov 5, 2003.

2 tablets oral Melatonin  
  1 tablet oral Vitamins / Supplements (pill / tablet)
  500 mg oral Vitamin C  
Two days ago, I took six pills of melatonin, one hour before going to sleep. I had a lot of vivid dreams. The morning after I had a slight headache and pain in my joints - perhaps because my sleep was very deep, and I slept almost all night in the same position.

Yesterday, also approximately one hour before going to bed, I took two pills of melatonin, one pill of vitamin E + selenium, and 500mg of vitamin C. I had a lot of very vivid and amazing dreams.

I dreamt that I was going to visit a psychiatrist in a hospital, many times over a longer period of days. I can't remember why I started visiting the doctor in the first place, but I have a feeling that it was by advice of my parents.

After a couple of sessions with the psychiatrist, he started being more and more serious and concerned about my mental health - and in my eyes, he was becoming more and more frightening, evil, and noxious. He was administering drugs to me, sedating and washing my brains. I was helpless, lying in a bed in his lab with some three to five - one of them was my brother - other patients.

I was trying to escape from the mad scientist, but without success. Once I succeeded to get away somehow - it was a long and exhausting runaway. I was walking on wet streets, with torn clothes and shoes. But 'they' somehow caught me back to the madman. I was lying again in a bed that was rotating on some weird device, sedated by drugs and closely inspected by the ugly psycho.

But then, I somehow got enough will and energy. I got up and seize him by his throat. It was like the final liberation, like 'I will take my freedom and kill you'. A strange energy filled my soul, I was capable of doing and taking what belonged to me - my freedom, my sanity, my soul. I jammed hard his neck down and torn him, broke him - killed him.

Finally I found the freedom of my psyche - a clear sky - and now my soul can fly, free from any constraints.

When I woke up, I cried. Many times.
Because life is wonderful, mysterious.

We can really fly. The spirit is our sky and our eye.
You Are Freedom. Fly! You Are Freedom. Fly!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9765
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2003Views: 19,891
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Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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