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The Good Day Drug
Citation:   DreamManTom. "The Good Day Drug: An Experience with Methylone (exp97686)". Oct 1, 2012.

103 mg oral Methylone
This is a copy of what I wrote in a notebook during my first methylone experience.

Methylone 103mg
Drank with .5 liters of water. No noticeable taste

++ very light, music and socializing is very enjoyable. I have energy, but not as 25i-nbome rush. My gum tastes amazing. There is a faint nausea, but it is easily ignorable.

Either the effects are lowering or I am becoming accustomed to this state. This drug is very manageable. I feel more like a +1.5. There was a hint of a headache that went away after a few minutes. Eating is not a problem, and gum is nice but not necessary.

Post trip notes:
Methylone only lasted about 3 hours before its effects dwindled and were not noticeable. I also did not experience any visual or audio effects, however music did sound 'fuller'.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97686
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 1, 2012Views: 1,617
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