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A Lovely Night With an Intimate Friend
4-Acetoxy-DiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   sakithin. "A Lovely Night With an Intimate Friend: An Experience with 4-Acetoxy-DiPT & Cannabis (exp97819)". Oct 9, 2012.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This report is from an experience I had with an intimate friend. I took 26mg of 4-AcO-DiPT, and she took 23mg. Each dose was weighed on a zigzag rolling paper on a jeweler's scale, the paper poured out into the traveler's mouth, and then licked clean by the traveler before it was discarded. At the time that we dosed, it was night time, a few hours after either of us had last eaten, and we both wanted to shower. Knowing the material in question to have a considerable tactile component, we opted to shower together, after dosing.

The onset felt fairly rapid, in that there were definite tactile enhancements by the time we actually got into the shower (though we almost certainly weren't peaking yet). We started by washing each other. One of my earliest memories of the trip was of rubbing soap all over one of our fronts (i.e. stomach and chest) with our hands, and then applying it to the other's front by rubbing fronts together. During this activity, I found the tactile enhancements immensely stimulating, and it fairly quickly led to sex. I also observed some slight visual shifting in the patterns on the shower tiles. She mentioned later that with her eyes closed in this period, she'd had images of the shower water falling on her as small luminous blue cones.

At some point we got back to the business of washing, and each washed and conditioned the other's hair. I found the activity arousing, and hadn't experienced myself as having had an orgasm yet, but nonetheless had difficulty getting a new erection to resume having sex. I don't know whether this was a result of having already had a bunch of sex (even with no experienced orgasm), an effect of the drug, or some combination of these effects (another factor may be that having very recently soaped ourselves off, we may have washed away a whole bunch of pheromones--the drug may have left me more sensitive to this absence). Regardless, we were still able to resume having sex. At some point, we took a seated position on the floor of the shower, and found it interesting (but difficult to describe how, specifically) to take turns facing the shower head, and lean forwards and backwards (while still having sex), modifying where the water hit us. We also discovered after a while that we had been sitting on the shower drain, and causing it to flood somewhat (sort of a 'gee this high water level is really fun--wait, why is the water level so high, oh we're sitting on the drain).

Eventually, we finished showering, and when I went to get my comb, I noticed that about two and a half hours had elapsed while we were showering (this may also explain my difficulty getting an erection in the later portions of the shower).

The tactile enhancements were still strong enough that we found ourselves immensely distracted (no sex this time, just lots of hugging, kissing, and sensual touch--also opting to dry each other instead of drying ourselves) while trying to comb our hair, get dressed, and generally finish up with the whole process of showering. Finally, after about an hour of slow progress we were pretty much ready to go. I was also noticing that the drug's effects were beginning to diminish, so I suggested that we smoke some pot in order to stretch out or enhance whatever was left of the trip. We did so (a few tokes each), and she immediately announced a craving for chocolate (fortunately, we were quite capable of addressing this craving).

After smoking pot, and eating an assortment of chocolates, fruits, pastries, and caramel (with continued sensual distractions) we headed to bed (noting the time more than any fatigue), had even more sex and went to sleep. By the time we got to sleep (about 5h after originally dosing) it was difficult to tell if any of the perceptual effects remaining were from the 4-AcO-DiPT, or if they were from the pot. When we woke up about 8 hours later, we were both back to baseline.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Oct 9, 2012Views: 7,185
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