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When It Set in I Was Sure of the Difference
by Red
Citation:   Red. "When It Set in I Was Sure of the Difference: An Experience with MDMA (exp97893)". Jan 16, 2020.

1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
    smoked Cannabis
  2 tablets oral MDMA
First Time Experience With Drugs

I am a 19-year-old Canadian woman, 5’9’’ and 145lbs, on no prescription drugs, and no previous experience with any ‘hard’ drugs. I have smoked weed for a year and a half, but only regularly (a few times a week) for a couple months. I don’t smoke cigarettes.

I decided to try MDMA as my first big drug for a dubstep concert downtown in a nearby large city on October 2012. In my mind, there are three levels of drugs; weed as the first and smallest effect, then shrooms, MDMA, and acid, then ecstasy, cocaine, etc. I had decided to move up to my ‘second level’ about three months beforehand, although I had predicted it to be shrooms.

I decided on MDMA because my friend (with lots of experience with drugs) and I had a brief holiday for thanksgiving that was relatively stress-free (I’m a university student), she was planning on taking MDMA from some friends who would be joining us at the concert, and I’ve been told by many people with experience that MDMA would be a better choice for the rowdiness of a dubstep concert.

Before taking 2 pills of MDMA, I had a large thanksgiving dinner, two small joints shared between three people, and a beer. I was feeling excited and nervous for it, but very ready and expectant. I took the two pills with water while in line for the concert at the same time as my friend, who is about the same size as me. The effects hit my friend about 20 minutes before they hit me; this has happened before when I’ve taken marijuana edibles – even friends much larger than me have felt the effects sooner on occasion.

Before it fully set in, the crowds and the mosh pit were bothering me – I am used to mosh pits, but I’m normally not a fan of crowds, especially when I’m high. My friend was almost immediately in the middle of everything, but after about 10 minutes we went and sat down for another 10 minutes. I was beginning to feel something, but it wasn’t until we got up and joined the dancing again that it really hit.

I felt no definite shift or physical change, but when it set in I was completely sure of the difference.
I felt no definite shift or physical change, but when it set in I was completely sure of the difference.
This shift also coincided with a shift to the main (and better) DJ. I was now very comfortable with the crowd, experiencing feelings of excitement for the music, friendship with the people around me and with strangers, and a contentedness that I hadn’t been feeling before. I also felt much more talkative and sometimes more sensual. I danced for about an hour and a half straight, and lost all my friends in the process. I was not worried, and had an uncharacteristic faith that I didn’t need to do anything but everything would work out. When the DJ ended I still felt very energetic, and went outside and found my friends immediately. I was talking nonstop and very fast, and was told to calm down by my friend, although I felt nothing wrong. We went to get water because we were warned that people can become overheated from MDMA.

At this time we had to get home, and called a taxi. I did not take charge of getting home, but I think that I would have been able to make it back. However, I was still very energetic and knew that I didn’t want to go home – we stayed out for another 20 minutes, and although I wasn’t calmed down much we still went home (we were staying with parents). Both of us had a hard time sleeping, but I expect it’s because the MDMA hadn’t worn off. I listened to music and talked incessantly online for another hour and a half before falling asleep.

I was worried about the comedown, but I didn’t feel any emotional effects afterwards, only tiredness from not much sleep (about 4 hours). In the morning, both my friend and I still felt a little bit overly-energized, although it was a small effect. We were also still clenching our jaws too tightly, as we had been doing the night before.

All in all, it was a very good experience. I had no hallucinations, and although I was acting uncharacteristically such as lower inhibitions than even alcohol, I was still in control of myself in a chaotic environment.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97893
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 16, 2020Views: 876
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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