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Difficult Trip
Citation:   Great Intention. "Difficult Trip: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp98007)". Oct 22, 2015.

30 mg IM 4-HO-MET
Background: Many years experience with natural psychoactive substances and RC's. I have always done this with the intention of getting at some psychological truth. MDMA was useful but became toxic after some time. The 2C’s have been beneficial to a point. Then I discovered 4-ACO-DMT. Which typically I administered IM in 30 mg dose. This has been very useful in inner work. I do not take RC’s recreationally.

Unable to procure 4-ACO-DMT I settled for 4-HO-MET. Believing from my study that it would act very much like the 4-ACO. I have obtained from the same reliable source. I do not blame them for my adverse effect.

3 PM with a sitter I embark. 30mg at first. First effects came on in a few minutes. Waves of anxiety and then a terrible feeling of having been poisoned. What is this? I was not able for the first 15 minutes to recognize this as a psychedelic. I nearly called 911. My body/mind didn’t like this at all but I began to gain my footing after some time and was able to talk with my sitter. Some of the qualities of 4-ACO-DMT became apparent but without the warmth and ‘spiritual feel’ I am used to. Body load was very unpleasant. Couldn’t wait for what turned out to be a six hour trip to be over. Fortunately I was able to ride it out with wisdom obtained from previous experiences.
Body load was very unpleasant. Couldn’t wait for what turned out to be a six hour trip to be over. Fortunately I was able to ride it out with wisdom obtained from previous experiences.

Still the disruption to my habit-of-mind proved useful as I was able to get free of some ingrained behavior. I would however not recommend this substance to anyone. The organic feel of the 4-ACO-DMT was completely absent. Yes, there was color and sound distortions but the whole ‘feel’ was artificial and weird. Very difficult to work with and hard on the nerves.

[Reported Dose: '40 mg']

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98007
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 60
Published: Oct 22, 2015Views: 6,388
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4-HO-MET (436) : Guides / Sitters (39), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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