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Hit Hard by 1,4-B
Citation:   Eric 'Ethno'. "Hit Hard by 1,4-B: An Experience with 1,4-Butanediol (exp9805)". Nov 1, 2004.

7.0 ml oral 1,4-Butanediol (liquid)
The experiment began when I came across a bottle of 1,4 butanediol that had actually belonged to my friends mother. I had remembered reading about the psychoactive potential of the substance and I decided to start with a moderate sized dose. The butanediol came in this container with a measured dropper top, I measured out 1ml at a time and took 7ml in total. I held the total amount under my tongue in hopes of speeding up absorption. The substance tasted much like a solvent would be expected to taste, very strong and bitter, but not intolerable by any means. Ten to fifteen minutes later, I felt a mild intoxication and slight loss of coordination, with effects similar to the consumption of a moderate amount of alcohol. I presumed that the effects would stop at that point, but I was very mistaken.

About half an hour to 45 minutes after the initial administration, the effects increased with surpassing severity. I felt more drunk than I had ever felt in my life, I could barely walk and had to lie down. It felt as though everything was spinning around me, but I also experienced some feelings that are not generally associated with alcohol intoxication, such as a euphoria and relaxation that felt more like I had taken perhaps 4 or 5 Vicodin or 40mg of sublingual morphine. I felt some pronounced nausea, but like many opiates, the feelings of sickness dissipated when lying down. Nevertheless, I was completely incapacitated and was unable to get up for the remainder of the evening.

In retrospect, I believe I consumed a bit too much of the 1,4 butanediol for a pleasant experience, for in my trials after the initial dose I used a lower dosage, such as 2-3ml to achieve a more desirable and tolerable effect. From my experience, butanediol lasts about 5-6 hours and should thus be administered with great care. Also, be aware that 1,4 butanediol may potentiate the effects of other substances, particularly alcohol and other barbiturate like substances. I found my experiences pleasurable enough to order another bottle. It is likely that 1,4 butanediol will become increasing more difficult to obtain. Though it is a legal compound it is not approved for consumption, and as such is illegal to sell for its psychoactive purposes.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2004Views: 22,550
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