Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Eases Opiate Withdrawal
Kratom (extract)
Citation:   H.Love. "Eases Opiate Withdrawal: An Experience with Kratom (extract) (exp98548)". Mar 13, 2018.

30 drops oral Kratom (extract)
Kratom and I have somewhat of a history, though not nearly as intimate a history as I have with methadone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, fentanyl, or my beloved, H. Its mu-opioid receptor activity is what attracted me to kratom in the first place, as I’m always looking for something to fill the gaps. Kratom suits this purpose, and boy was it a life saver recently when I ran short on meds and had to scramble to find something to carry me over till I could fill a script again. At this time I was taking an average of 90 mg oral methadone daily, or 40 mg IV; that is, until my supply ran out. I then devoted all my energy to figuring out how not to go into withdrawal. It’s happened before, and without going into details let me just say that it’s unbearably horrible, and I would do ANYTHING to avoid it. This time it turned out to be my last option, but a very good option, as I already had some 80x extract. I wasn’t sure if it would do anything but I figured hey, anything is better than nothing; maybe it will stimulate those mu-opioid receptors just enough so that they don’t freak out and send my body into Withdrawal Hell.

So I took an empty capsule and dropped 30 drops of the extract into it, closed it & swallowed it with a light snack. I prefer putting liquid kratom extract into an empty capsule rather than trying to drop the liquid into a drink or – god forbid – put it directly into my mouth…the taste is HORRIBLE and does not wash away easily. It kicked in pretty fast – I was already starting to feel some of the agitation, sweatiness & runny nose that signals the onset of withdrawal when I took the capsule, and I felt the effects of the kratom within 30 minutes: withdrawal symptoms ebbed away.

****WARNING: I take a shit ton of narcotics all the time, and so have a wicked tolerance to all opiates. DO NOT copy my doses. Know your own dose, and start small.****

I ended up taking 30 drops in a capsule every 4-6 hours, and kept withdrawal at bay for a whole 24 hours until I was able to get my hands on some Rx narcotics. I think kratom is excellent for this purpose, as it’s legal, cheap & easy to get.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98548
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Mar 13, 2018Views: 1,478
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Kratom (203) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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