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Reducing Vasoconstriction
Turbina corymbosa & 2C-D (with Catuaba & Chocolate)
Citation:   Coypus. "Reducing Vasoconstriction: An Experience with Turbina corymbosa & 2C-D (with Catuaba & Chocolate) (exp98552)". Oct 19, 2015.

4 g oral Turbina corymbosa (seeds)
  2 Tbsp oral Catuaba (plant material)
    oral Chocolate (powder / crystals)
From time to time I'm using Rivea corymbosa seeds as an entheogen. I'm powdering 3 to 5 grams of seeds with a coffee grinder, add a shot worth of rum and as much cool water, a few lemon juice drops and sometimes one or two bruised peppermint leaves. Rum and peppermint oil contain acetaldehyde which is supposed to turn the LSA into the less sedating LSH. I then allow the mix to sit in the fridge for 24/48hours. I'm drinking the more or less weird tasting liquid after having filtered the plant matter.

I experience few or none stomach discomfort and reduced sedation. This is not a strong entheogen (at this dosage, which is more or less what is reported for traditional use) and it is not very visual except for some warm color enhancement.

The main problem is vasoconstriction (mostly in the legs) which is dose-related and relatively strong (for a man of my age and health). It can be successfully controlled by drinking catuaba tea before and during the experiment. In addition, eating cocoa around the peak time provides a quick relief, but not for a very long time (2 hours). Vasoconstriction lasts more than psychoactive effects and drinking catuaba tea the next day too helps to get rid of this side-effect. I also tried to eat fat fish during a Rivea trip, as this food is supposed to have vasodilatating properties, but it didn't work, so I'm sticking to catuaba and cocoa, which work very well and allow me to enjoy the gentle but interesting Rivea effects without feeling my blood vessels clamped.

Something really cool I tried is to take some 2C-D while tripping on rivea seeds. It allows to have a strong 2C-D trip with a little amount. Something like 10 to 20 mg of 2C-D taken orally over Rivea provide the visual effects of 50mg taken alone. Even snorting small bumps of 2C-D (in the 5 - 10 mg range) boosts the mild Rivea trip into the visual realm.

I found 2C-D to be mildly vasoconstrictive on its own, but a lot less than LSA/LSH and tripping on this combo doesnt bring noticeably more vasoconstriction than on Rivea seeds alone. In any case, catuaba and cocoa take care of this side-effect with great results.

Dosage :
- Rivea corymbosa (cold water / alcohol extract) : 3 to 5 grams
- Erythroxylum Catuaba (hot water extract) : around 2 tablespoons of shredded bark (for 2 breakfast bowls of tea, one drunk 2 hours before drinking the Rivea extract and one during the trip.)
- Cocoa (powdered pure cocoa) : 2 to 3 tablespoons of powder eaten with some brown sugar and milk (enough to turn the mix into a paste. That's the way I'm using it, but other ways should probably work.)

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98552
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 49
Published: Oct 19, 2015Views: 3,646
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Turbina corymbosa (116), 2C-D (103) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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