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Totally Unprepared for What Was to Come
Pharmahuasca (Moclobemide & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   Sabnock. "Totally Unprepared for What Was to Come: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Moclobemide & M. tenuiflora) (exp98597)". Sep 14, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00 150 mg oral Moclobemide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:00 75 mg oral Moclobemide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:30 75 mg oral Moclobemide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:30 375 capsls oral Mimosa tenuiflora (rootbark)
A Trip for the History Books

I received my 150mg Moclobemide in the mail today and took a pill right away (as I read it might help ADHD) around 2:30pm, periodically smoked some Cannabis. I felt pretty exceptional all day today, kind of a new normal I would say. Anyways, I was curiously looking forward to testing out a little Mimosa tonight, and that I did.

So since the Moclobemide pill I took earlier in the day was mostly out of my system I felt, at 9:30pm I split another tablet in half and took one half saving the other for 10pm. I had 3, I repeat, 3, THREE, 00 capsules of Mimosa powder (yes, MHRB powder), that I took at 10pm with the other half of Moclobemide..........

Within 15 minutes, it came on strong! And by strong, I honestly can't think of a word to describe how, strong, it was... Intense, Merciless, Unbearable, Frightening, those words don't cut it. The tryptamine buzz filled my body like never before (and I've had MANY Mimosa Rue experiences), and the purge was a must, not because I felt nauseous, it was the opposite, no nausea whatsoever, but I was TOTALLY unprepared for what was to come, so I purged multiple times to get all of the Mimosa out of me.

By this time, about 25 minutes have gone by and I absolutely DREAD this stuff as it get's stronger and stronger. I fear for my life, I easily got frightened. I woke my mother up because she used to be a nurse, and I told her I needed to her to talk to me to calm me down.
I woke my mother up because she used to be a nurse, and I told her I needed to her to talk to me to calm me down.
I connected with my mother unlike never before, I felt like a kid (I'm 22) reaching out to his mother when scared. After about maybe 5 minutes of her comforting me, I was alright enough to let her go back to sleep and I wandered back to my room to try to 'relax'.

It was about 10:30pm, and my subconscious mind had the 'filters' dissolve. All of a sudden, I saw the 'filters' peel back and saw the reality around me like NEVER before. I realized that everything around us, from tv to cell phones to computers to school to anything your mind can really think of, acts as a 'distraction' to distract us from the true reality. I had a MEGA deja-vu feeling that my subconscious mind saw this whole thing coming before my conscious mind did, bit by bit, frame by frame, thought by thought, and I knew right off the bat that I was in no way prepared for this.

In the next 30 minutes that followed, I experienced so many visuals (open and closed eyed) which honestly I have never in my life and many times on Mimosa Rue, NEVER been able to achieve (except maybe some slight CEVs), and honestly I can't remember for the life of me what all I saw because it all just happened so fast, but I just knew I wanted it all to end.

Around 11pm, I was slowly regaining my sanity and 'stableness' and felt incredibly happy, still smoking Cannabis throughout all of this, and thinking about what the hell just happened. I decided that since life is filled with distractions or 'filters' to keep us from the real reality, I figured I'd turn on the 'Filter-Tube' and watch some tv to help distract me. Within the next 15 minutes I realized I had some shit I needed to type down before I forgot, so I turned to the computer and typed the following:

'Everything is a filter - - think long and hard! REMEMBER! Momma saved me Love -- Reality is a series of filters, you peel back the filters, and the world is a very dirty, gritty and ugly place. The need for distractions is important because if people were to peel back the filters, they would be absolutely horrified at what they might see, understand, perceive, feel or experience. Deja-Vu is very real, but it is like a program or software for the electric mind and what the program is designed for I have absolutely zero idea. But my fucking god the earth shattering reality that lies behind and beneath, makes the need for true change, the ever more so important. If every Individual could peel back the filters on reality, this is NO joke, the world WOULD change overnight (with a week or two's worth of thinking and mulling shit over). There seems to be a very POWERFUL tool for the human mind if you know where to acquire it through seeking information and knowledge.'

So by 11:30pm, I was pretty much back down now and had to go talk to my brother and tell him what I just experienced.

By 12am, I was completely down, relaxed, chilled out and GLAD to be back.

All in all, it lasted 2 hours, and I would say that even though 8 grams of Mimosa is as much as I've ever done (with Rue), those 3 capsules of Mimosa seemed to be the equivalent of maybe 15 to 20 grams (roughly), when used with Moclobemide. Now, why that is, I have no fucking clue, and if you can explain to me why that is then hey, I'll mull it over. But in the meantime, it brought up some VERY interesting questions to mind.

First of all, if 3 capsules of this shit with one pill of Moclobemide did this, then maybe a SUPER low dose of maybe half a capsule, would be more tolerable and workable. Secondly, why in the hell would it be THIS potent, if 3 capsules of Mimosa with 3 capsules of Rue produces what I thought of as a 'very low dose' with hardly ANY psychedelic effects except a slight mood lift and slight but def. Noticeable Mimosa effects with very subtle traces of CEVs.

Honestly, I was TOTALLY unprepared, and am VERY glad I'm back. I was actually almost contemplating taking an anti-psychotic but was worried about what it might do with the Moclobemide so thankfully I didn't. My mother saved me tonight, and I will never be doing this again (at least not at this damn dose lol).

So, this was totally unexpected. Next time I attempt this, I will be taking ONE capsule of Mimosa, if not just a half of a capsule.

EDIT - Oh and while I'm thinking about it, to me this whole thing seemed more like an 'extended smoked DMT' kind of thing, even though I've never been successful in smoking it.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 1,348
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Moclobemide (75), Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Pharmahuasca (822) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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