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'Diet Weed' Minus the Anxiety
Citation:   Alfalfa. "'Diet Weed' Minus the Anxiety: An Experience with Kanna (exp98674)". Sep 23, 2018.

550 mg oral Sceletium tortuosum (ground / crushed)
Good Sleep Aid

I had been looking for legal non prescription anxiolytics when I stumbled on kanna and decided to order 3g from an online vendor. I had it shipped to a buddies house so my parents would'nt ask any questions.

It came a few days later and I weighed out at least a half gram and put in some lemonade. The texture is similar to very fine kratom powder and t tastes pretty bitter. We downed our drinks as quick as possible and played some xbox while waiting. It took about 20 minutes for the effects to kick in.

The kanna made gave us a warm/jovial feeling and I think 'diet weed' would be a good comparison minus the anxiety I get from marijuana. I didn't think it was like a warm fuzzy opiate buzz but more of a non-narcotic relaxation. About 50 minutes after taking it in the basement at night with only the TV on I was on the verge of falling asleep so we went upstairs to prevent that and I got a kind of mild nicotine-like buzz after standing up. The buzz lasted about two hours.

I would be hesitant to take this on a daily basis without further research. I haven't purchased any kanna since than (about two months ago) but I'm sure I will try it again in the future.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98674
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Sep 23, 2018Views: 2,130
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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