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High Wore Off a Lot Quicker and More Linearly
Citation:   Curious George. "High Wore Off a Lot Quicker and More Linearly: An Experience with AM-2201 (exp98750)". Apr 13, 2020.

  smoked AM-2201 (plant material)
I will not try to estimate a dosage as this RC came infused onto marshmallow leaf. I know how much leaf I smoked but not the concentration of AM-2201.

AM-2201 on Marshmallow Leaf - Report

Having been warned to dose low I rolled a joint with a very small amount mixed with more (not laced) marshmallow leaf.

I'm glad I dosed conservatively.
I'm glad I dosed conservatively.
High was intense, bordering on uncomfortably so. It was very cannabis like although the way it came on (intensity growing over the first 10-15 mins) was quite different. Also when the high wore off it did so a lot quicker and more linearly than bud does. I did not feel at all sleepy. I experienced something similar to paranoia (which never happens to me with bud). These feelings rose and fell throughout the experience.

The effects were gone after 3 hours and I felt totally normal and slept well.

Although AM-2201 was a pleasant experience, it will never replace bud for me. It's too intense to be used in the same way and while cannabis is obviously extremely safe, I have no idea on the harm this substance is doing.

Glad I tried. Interesting experience of a synthetic cannabanoid but won't be a regular habit.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98750
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 13, 2020Views: 1,202
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AM-2201 (529) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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