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I'm Not as Afraid of Depression as I Used to Be
Citation:   Weiss. "I'm Not as Afraid of Depression as I Used to Be: An Experience with Kratom (exp98775)". Feb 25, 2018.

1 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)

My friend gave me a few grams of kratom, said to try a gram or two. That weekend I had spare time and skipping breakfast, first thing Saturday morning I drank 1g of powder in a few ounces of hot water, followed with juice to get rid of the bitter taste. Then I started reading a book. I felt normal, but it was taking some effort to concentrate normally, my mind felt too loose and restful to be bothered, so I gave up and had a bath. This was really relaxing, my mind was calm, amazingly calm. After two hours I was normal, and no side effects.

Later on I used kratom as an anti-depressant. I experience severe depression a few times a year, my mind just races, and everything tells me life isn't worth living, and this goes on for a few weeks, previously the only relief I had for it was telling myself it would go away eventually. The next time I got depressed and tried kratom, my mood had been on a steady decline for about a week. I was holding out until the weekend because of work. The weekend came, I had been through mental hell the last two days, I was in for at least another week of severe depression. I took two 500mg capsules that Saturday morning. The change was sudden, every racing depressed thought in my mind disappeared. I thought the depression might come back, but it didn't. I felt it a little the next day, I was moody and sad a couple times, then my mood improved over the next few weeks and stabilized until I had another depressive episode two months later (normal for me). I tried kratom again, and experienced a similar turnaround. I don't use it often, but I am really grateful for the few times I took it, and I'm not as afraid of depression as I used to be.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98775
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 1,393
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)

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