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My Demon
by Q
Citation:   Q. "My Demon: An Experience with Heroin (exp98902)". Apr 28, 2022.

0.5 g   Heroin
I am a 21 year old male who has been battling addiction for 7 years. I am in no denial about my addiction... I am an addict. I have done many drugs over the years, including LSD, lots of alcohol, ketamine, benzos, and opiates. Lots of opiates. I first tried opiates when I was 16, OxyContin to be specific. I fell in love. The warm, tingly waves, the mental feeling of utter bliss and contentment. It is in my opinion better than an orgasm.

I used opiates off and on for the next 3 years, with various stints in rehab. Then, at age 19, I found heroin. That was it. Game over. I had tried many drugs to try and fill the hole inside me with little success. Sure, I enjoyed getting high, but I never quite felt content. Heroin was different. Different from prescription opiates, different from all other drugs I have tried. It filled that hole.

Two years later, I still can't kick it. I've had periods of clean time. A few months there, a couple weeks here. But I still find myself coming back for more. As of right now I am sitting on half a gram that I am trying my best to make last the night. So far so good, but its all I can think about. I keep looking at it, practically salivating.

It became my best friend and worst enemy.

Exp Year: 2005-2012ExpID: 98902
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 28, 2022Views: 751
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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