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Down the Rabbit Hole...
4-HO-MET & Cannabis
Citation:   NailTheCasket. "Down the Rabbit Hole...: An Experience with 4-HO-MET & Cannabis (exp98908)". Jul 11, 2013.

  vaporized 4-HO-MET (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I gained interest in research chemicals only because for six months every day I bought nine grams of 'k2 herbal incense' and got very messed up all the time from it. When I finally smoked a pack called The Big Bang and got a thirty four hour high from it I decided to go ahead and research and study what is in this. Atleast try to figure out why it produces the effects it does which can range in a wide variety. Upon researching it a year and a half now there is still much more to learn about it. But I get the basic idea. The main idea is smoking research chemicals. They spray them onto blends of herbs or one kind of herb. Which some herbs used in most blends already give you some kind of a mental or body high or are psychoactive in their own. This added with psychoactive research chemicals being sprayed on them, it makes sense to me now why I got so fucked up from k2.

After studying research chemicals, I had looked around through vendors and finally found a vendor that carried one specific chemical I had been reading a lot about called 4-ho-met. The reason this specific chemical interested me so much was because of it's similarity to psilocin, the same chemical in psilocybin mushrooms you get the effects from.

Sense the effect was said to be so similar to psilocin I decided to order some with a fresh paycheck. I ordered 100mg, knowing I was gonna go at it slow and that the dose to get effects was 8mg. I placed my ordered and paid, waited about two and a half weeks and my package safely arrived to my doorstep.

I got off work and rushed home that night. Had the next day off, it all had fallen together perfectly. Me and my roommates all had the next day off work. Their co-worker Josh who was staying with us at the time said he was down to do it too. My roommate Tim was eager to go ahead and smoke it and see what effects it would produce. I was too, so we got some tinfoil, cut some straws and emptied the powdered white metocin onto a flat surface. Sadly enough, we had no scale to weigh out our doses in milligrams. So, we eyeballed it. Yes, a risky and dumb idea, but we're all pretty experienced with psychedelics. Not saying that can prevent us from having a difficult experience with a substance. But we eyeballed it decently.
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]

I go first, I use my JC Pennies giftcard to move some onto the tinfoil. I Tim holds the tinfoil for me and I grab my straw. He lights his lighter close underneath the foil where the chemical is above it, and I begin inhaling with the straw as the chemical bubbles and smokes and turns into a tar-y burnt looking substance. Immediately, before even exhaling the smoke, I can taste chemical in my mouth and throat. Effects are sudden. I begin to start feeling the comeup setting in and taking me on a ride. Tim took his hit. We sit a couple moments and decide to take a couple more hits. We fifteen minutes after taking our fest hits we are feeling strong effects already. Audio hallucinations are happening frequently. My hearing went down in my left ear, then went normal and instantly went up in the right ear then went back to normal. It was odd. The walls grew and moved. Colours got much much brighter, for an hour we tripped out. Just me and Tim. By this time, Josh and Tim's girlfriend Ashley were ready to join us. We got them to our level even though we had comedown a bit. But we just smoked a bit more (again, all doses being eyeballed as complete guesses). We head back out to the kitchen, sit and smoke a few bowls of some mids. The Cannabis seemed to enhance everything much much more. The body high and visuals and hallucinations all got more intense after smoking. Colours were very bright, lines and waves began appearing everywhere. For brief moments I saw fractals everywhere and then they'd disappear out of nowhere. Josh began playing Sonic 2 for the Sega. We all zoned out as he played, the backgrounds and layers in the game looked crazy awesome. For almost two hours we all tripped out. Had moments were we laughed for long periods of time and we all agreed it was very similar feeling to shrooms. Everything was also very three dimensional. Sounds were very distinct. Crisp. Hard to explain. Like, a sound from far away sounded like it was right up next to your ears. It was pretty wicked.

After we all had came down we decided to once again smoke more. This time we each took a decently big eyeballed out big couple hits. Smoked more weed and rolled a joint. We decided to walk to the lake down the street from our apartments. The walk down there was an adventure. We all felt like a big gang of hoodlems like back in middle school. It was funny and we pretended to be zombies. We all likely looked very much under the influence of something wild.

It was about two in the morning. We get to the boat docks and sit down on a bench next to Lake Monroe. We notice some highschool looking kids are on the other side of where we're chilling at running around climbing trees, running on stuff and jumping over things. We observe them a bit and eventually spark up the joint. We are all tripping pretty hard by now. Ignoring the obnoxious highschool kids and staring at the lake looked awesome. It was a beautiful picture infront of me. The lights from over in Sanford were sparkling and bouncing around everywhere. The stars and clouds in the sky looked wild and were moving around similar to when on mushrooms. The highschool kids jumped in their car, almost crashed driving like morons, then left. We walked back home shortly afterwards.

Once getting back home we were all still tripping but beginning to comedown. The cool thing about 4-ho-met is that it lasts a good while no matter how you seem to take it. Smoked, it hits you fast but you sober up usually in one to two hours, sometimes a bit longer. The comedown can be harsh though, lasting upto about six hours sometimes. The high lingers and stays around with you for hours after you comedown from the peak and plenty of visual and audio hallucinations occur after the peak as well, during the comedown and into the next day.

In my experience with 4-ho-met, I have discovered some interesting things and formed a newfound interest in a specific research chemical. This one stands out to me because it is almost exactly like shrooms. It feels very clean of rc high. Visuals are perfect, euphoria is assured. I have yet to not enjoy an experience with it. I plan to also buy it again one day, before it's made unavailable. This one should definitely have more studies done on it. By us experimenters, as well by chemists who make it, and pharmaceutical studies. I highly recommend Metocin and will be trying it again soon. I hope to see more experiences and learn more about it from others as well as time goes on.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98908
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 11, 2013Views: 10,608
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4-HO-MET (436), Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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