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Not a Fun Ride
by ugh
Citation:   ugh. "Not a Fun Ride: An Experience with 5-IT (exp99026)". Oct 11, 2015.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral 5-IT
  T+ 3:00 50 mg oral 5-IT
  T+ 16:00 7 mg oral Pharms - Zopiclone
  T+ 18:00 60 mg oral Pharms - Baclofen
  T+ 20:00 100 mg oral 5-IT
  T+ 21:00   repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 25:00 50 mg oral Pharms - Baclofen
  T+ 26:00 7 mg insufflated Pharms - Zopiclone
15:00 - 50mg 5-IT orally (same as I do with aMT)
15:30 - Feeling a lot of tingles and rushes. Zero nausea.
16:00 - Feeling good, and some euphoria, so listen to music which sounds great.
17:00 - Coming down, which his left me rather disappointed as it was far too quick and light for me compared with aMT.

18:00 - 100mg 5-IT orally (like I do with 6APB) which I decide is probably a better dose for my needs although 50mg and a quick up and down will suit some people.
19:00 - A good aMT-like high for about 10 hours as I worked on some music productions.
07:00 - Back to baseline, so take 7mg zopiclone orally and go to bed with the intention of going to sleep.
07:15 - Remember that I'm supposed to be meeting a friend at 11:00, so decide not to go to sleep and stay up.

10:00 - 60mg baclofen to give me an nice base for the day.
12:00 - 100mg 5-IT orally, then go and meet my friend in town to watch the football and catch up.
13:00 - A few pints and feeling good. A nice clean controlled high, like aMT, just as I like.
17:00 - 50mg baclofen as I get back home. Still feeling great so work on some music production again for a few hours.
20:00 - Nearly back to baseline (minus the baclofen buzz) so eat a pizza and some Mars Bar ice creams. (baclofen makes me hungry)
21:00 - 7mg zopiclone intranasally, as I have work in the morning and need to get a good sleep.
07:00 - Wake up and still feeling good and manage a full day of work feeling no comedown at all, and not much tiredness considering I missed a nights sleep.
10:00 - Make an order for more 5-IT as I'm happy with the results.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99026
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 11, 2015Views: 2,358
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5-IT (578) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), General (1)

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