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My Favorite Chemical by Far
by Votd
Citation:   Votd. "My Favorite Chemical by Far: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp99168)". Oct 29, 2016.

40 mg oral 4-HO-MET
That Metocin

I've taken this 4-ho-met at various doses around 10-20 times so I would consider myself pretty experienced. The first time was a dose of 20mg and was very intense because I hadn't taken a tryptamine in months.

I've noticed that 4-ho-met has a cross tolerance with other tryptamines so I should always wait a week or two for full effects. After understanding how it will effect me I've determined that 40mg is best. 60mg+ can make the effects a little different such as mild temporary schizophrenia or sensing there is a small invisible entity (I nickname it the third person) with me which usually sticks to either the left or right of me. I've witnessed a friend taking up to 100mg at one time but in none of these experiences has there been vomiting or an allergic reaction. Dosages higher than 40mg can bring about unusual body feelings as well like things underneath the skin around the thighs or lower stomach are moving around slightly. Excretion can rarely bring a slight burning effect at high doses and the chem isn't smokable. Snorting is more likely to bring on negative effects than swallowing it in my experiences.

I find 4-ho-met to be an exact mimic of lsd and I store it out of direct light and heat. Keeping it in sealed plastic will bring best preservation whereas storing it in a gelatin capsule can make it lose potency.

Usually after swallowing a capsule legs will begin to shake around the 30-45 minute mark and a slight euphoric body feeling will come on
legs will begin to shake around the 30-45 minute mark and a slight euphoric body feeling will come on
. Around an hour to two hours after swallowing is when visuals should begin. Visuals will be quicker to come on and more effective with better preservation although with a badly preserved batch it can take up to 5 hours. Usually the visuals will last around 4-6 hours although with only one experience the trip lasted around 12 hours. Tracers/fuzzy vision will begin the visuals and then lights will turn brighter along with the tracers. On about half of the trips the lighting will shift colors between yellow, red, and green. TV sets will have the tracers as well and actors faces will sometimes be deformed into 3 pieces. With only one trip the faces were deformed and the actors on TV had slowed speech and at another point fast forwarded speech. I'm 100% sure this experience of time dilation was not a trick because it was playing on a cable network of a movie I have seen before. Coming down usually involves tearing up or a runny nose but isn't excessive. I'm not able to go to sleep mid trip.

This is my favorite chemical by far (out of nicotine, alcohol, thc, jwh's, percs, codeine, valium, mdma, lsd, dmt, 5-meo-dalt, cocaine) because of its extreme similarity to lsd, easy availability, and safeness at 40mg or less. The effects won't work unless I take it once a week at the most. While I doubt 60mg+ will have a permanent effect I wouldn't suggest it because it gets a little crazy and I'm the type that usually enjoys a higher dosage than the average person with substances.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 29, 2016Views: 5,079
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4-HO-MET (436) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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