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Barely Breathing, Wife Calls 911
Citation:   jakeyblues1987. "Barely Breathing, Wife Calls 911: An Experience with GHB (exp99196)". Jan 25, 2018.

T+ 0:00
0.6 g oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 1.4 g oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 2 g oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 1 g oral GHB (liquid)
GHB Overdose

T-0:00- took 3ml at 950 pm [from a 5ml / 1g vial]
T-1:00- not feeling anything took the other 2ml and a whole nother 5ml
T-1:30- Still nothing, really pissed about possible bunk. Slam 10ml
T-2:00- Finally feeling a little, figures just wasnt very potent took 5ml

T-2:10- Hit me like a whirlwind. Feel drunk as hell, world spinning. The whole time I was playing call of duty. I started thinking... Oh fuck, that last vial hasnt even kicked in! I'm fucked.
T-2:30???- I passed out cold. Wife comes in hears me snoring, barely breathing. Calls 911.

T-5:30- Wake up in the ER dizzy as all hell, when asked what day it was I replied jan 3, 2013, got day and year right... Had to go to the bathroom, walked to the bathroom and passed out in ER toilet, got wheelchaired back to the bed, tubes all in me.

At first I told doc I was drinking, but then confessed to the GHB. Doctor said I stopped breathing due to sleep Apnea I didnt know I had.

T-7:30- finally released from hospital went home and fell to sleep.
T-21hrs- Still a little out of it. find I have a little dyslexia, and a weak lethargic feel but ok.

Total amount taken 25ml grams approx 5g, didnt measure myself, bought in liquid form.


1. Never do GHB or any other depressants if I have sleep apnea, it can stop my breathing.

2.If its not working after 2 hours stop redosing! I could have tried a higher dose than original a different day.

3. Tell someone in the house what I am doing. My wife had no idea what happened to me and didnt know what to tell the doctors.

4. Never have drugs in the room I am using in! I got lucky and my room wasnt searched my wife wouldnt let them, but if it had I'd be in jail.

5. Dont redose higher than original.

6. All this is online, and I'm an idiot even after reading dosage, effects, and stories.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99196
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 25, 2018Views: 2,827
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GHB (25) : Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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