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Science Is to Be Believed
Citation:   Starbucks. "Science Is to Be Believed: An Experience with 25D-NBOMe (exp99271)". May 30, 2021.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral 25I-NBOMe
  T+ 0:00 2 hits oral 25D-NBOMe
  T+ 48:00 2 hits oral 25D-NBOMe
Having read about "*-nbome tolerance" and done nbombes to great effect at a club the other night (2 x 25i and 2 x 25d) I found myself wondering what tolerance is actually like. Up until now I had just always assumed the authority of alleged tolerance and given fair breaks between anything and, hey, been not wasting resources. Tonight I decided to gamble some resources and despite having taken both kinds nbomes 2 days ago I decide to see what would happen if I took my remaining two 25d-nbomes now (in fact part of me just wanted my house to be empty of any 'hmm what's this'?)

I'm sitting here 90 mins after getting sublingual. It's certainly not nothing. But it is really quite pedestrian as compared to just 2 days ago when my dose in the middle of a hectic club had me questioning the nature of reality and my existence (not my actual existence, just the nature of it). At that time I would have struggled to write anything. Now, I'm fine.

So yes, within the limits of this current case study, the claims of significant short term seretonin consequences of nbomes are not marginal.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99271
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: May 30, 2021Views: 757
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25D-NBOMe (541) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1)

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