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Stoned-Like Comfortable Dream State
Lotus/Lily - Unknown spp. & Wine
Citation:   Mr Clam. "Stoned-Like Comfortable Dream State: An Experience with Lotus/Lily - Unknown spp. & Wine (exp99338)". May 9, 2019.

  oral Lotus/Lily - Unknown spp. (tincture)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Lotus Awakened

I have lived around lotus for many years but passed it off as some kind of novel placebo nonsense or a legal alternative that did not hold any weight. Well I read some reports and decided since it is so readily available in my country that I really outta give it a shot. I took 100 grams dried of purple and yellow lotus flowers and put them in a jug with two bottles of red wine and left it to sit (and shake) for 2 weeks. I strained out a 500ml glass and down the hatch in two gulps. Smelled great but tasted like soap.
Smelled great but tasted like soap.
I chased it with some orange juiced infused with chia seeds.

In an hour the fx began. They came wave after wave till bedtime and beyond as the next day I felt lingering fx. The waves got more and more intense. At the peak I was laying on the sofa drifting in and out of a stoned-like comfortable dream state that was between wake and real sleep. I did not ever fall asleep. It reminded me of opium in some ways as I was nodding but it was totally its own flavor. One can't compare weed to opium but there are similarities and unique differences. This was the same. The intensity was great. Like I could not drive then.

I have been into plants and the ABC's since I was 15 and am no lightweight. This stuff works just like kratom works. It's not like 'uh I felt something'.... I had tried lotus long ago but followed suggested dose and used the Blue Lotus. This was 'sacred Lotus'....different species. When I did it then I used to small a dose I suppose. 100 grams actually made 2 doses but my wife don't dig the taste so I re-dosed!!

Did the next day too and my wife said I was sitting on the toilet for an hour, all spaced out. I mention that cuz the next day I drank booze with it and THAT messed it up. The lotus is affected by alcohol. Yeah sure there is some content to the infusion but it is minimal...

See, about the infusion: I left the cap loose so it could breath so the alcohol content went down and even vinegar'ed a bit perhaps. If there was any alcohol in the original dose, I could not taste it and immediately after drinking it, I felt no alcohol buzz. I do not think alcohol was a player at all in this!

The funny thing is that NOBODY here uses it to get off.....They make tea from like a gram of it or eat the stems for nutrition but folks here have no clue.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99338
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: May 9, 2019Views: 1,916
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Lotus/Lily - Unknown spp. (857) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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