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Did I Ever Wake Up?
Citation:   supergroover. "Did I Ever Wake Up?: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp9936)". Jul 11, 2005.

T+ 0:00
15 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 14:39 16 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
  T+ 19:15 20 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I had never used drugs before, but one night probing through the anarchist's cookbook I discovered several unusual drugs. One of them was nutmeg, which seemed interesting enough to try. I began researching it online and read through many experiences documented on this website. After weighing the pros and cons, I decided I'd try it. I went to the store and discovered that in the Mexican grown bags, the cost was only about one dollar. I bought some whole and ground nutmeg, went home and ground up the whole nutmegs in a nut grinder. I mixed this with the already ground nutmeg, and with an old weight watchers scale, I followed the 1 gram per 10 pounds of body weight rule and measured out 20 grams. This wasn't too smart because this scale is about 15 years old and doesn't work very good, but I didn't think of it at the time. I spent the next 2 hours forcing it down with cherry cola. The taste is not even close to as bad as people have said, but the texture is awful, it floats and won't mix, and feels like drinking sawdust! I proceeded to log any effects it had.

12:53 am – Drank approximately 15 grams of nutmeg with a number of glasses of water. Waiting to see what happens.

1:27 am – Experiencing slight dry mouth. Nothing more of significance.

2:31 am – Still thirsty. Feeling spaced-out and groggy, but it may be from lack of sleep although I have only been awake for 13 hours or so.

2:39 pm – Woke up with very dry mouth and bad headache, slept since 4am and there seems to be no lasting effect from the nutmeg other than a headache.

3:32 pm – Bored. Really bored. Ingested approximately 15-17 more grams of nutmeg. If this doesn't work by tonight I am giving up.

6:34 pm – Feeling clouded but otherwise nothing significant. I am wondering if I did something wrong.

7:26 pm – This sucks! Nothing cool at all is happening, I know this could be a risk but since the whole nutmeg isn't having any effect I am switching to powdered at a much cheaper 99 cents per bag price.

8:08 pm – Drank down most of the 20 grams with some cherry cola.

8:49 pm – Consumed the very last of the nutmeg with more cola. If this works, things should be getting interesting

9:55 pm – Not pressing my luck but I think something may be happening. Feeling dizzy when walking, and less focused

2:59 am – Something definitely happening. Feel very groggy, yet alert. moving my hands is now a chore.

Log entry 09-25-2001

8:26 pm – The Nutmeg without ANY doubt had a lasting effect on me. Sunday morning I woke up but I wasn't awake... the whole day was like I was asleep... dreaming what was going on. I don't remember alot of Sunday but it was weird. It wasn't so pleasant of an experience. I would sit in the van watching the road go by, and all the sudden I am watching things go backwards, then in a *flash* it all goes past me. When I was taking a shower Sunday morning, the running water sounded like a thousand bullfrogs and crickets making the loudest noise of their lifetimes! The water falling between me and the knobs made them look like they were phasing in and out of existence. I felt really weird indeed. asleep twice from what I can remember. anything else is gone. Monday I was expecting it to have worn off for the most part but most of it was still there. Same half-awake state in which I can't seem to become alert! Monday felt alot nicer though. I spent the whole day feeling mellow and buzzed. bright lights and moving objects kept me busy for hours at a time. Music also sounded alot cooler, I loved it when I was at a concert Monday night, because the music had a much stronger effect in my state of mind, and being in a mosh pit felt really, really crazy! everything happens in flashes, but it is making me REALLY thirsty, I felt like I was going to faint after a couple hours. This morning I woke up thinking that it was finally over only to find that I am still buzzed and feeling like I can't quite wake up. I don't know how much longer it will last... but if I want to make the time go by faster... I'll just draw my attention to the pretty flag waving through the air!

The main effect nutmeg had on me, was after going to sleep that night, I felt like I had never woken up, like I was hearing, seeing, and feeling everything those days, about a thousand miles inside my head, it all seemed so far away. I still can't remember much from the first day. The only bad side effects were that I was SO thirsty, my mouth was drier than hell. My best advice is if you are on nutmeg, do NOT eat peanut butter! I was surprised at how much nutmeg I had to use for an effect, and I would suggest that the oilier it feels, the better. The oil is what seems to be the active part. Last night I experimented with making a tea from nutmeg. I took half a bag of ground nutmeg with some whole ones and ground them up, put them in a coffee filter and poured hot water thru it. the water coming out was yellow-brown, and oily. I drank it down and it was MUCH harder to swallow as a tea than in whole. I really did leave the best of it in my trashcan. Today after waking up I feel really good, calm, relaxed, and sedated. It's not as strong as taking it whole, which is what I recommend if you try it, but it really helped me sleep. I slept from 1am to 3:30pm. I don't plan on doing nutmeg often anymore, but I think it is worth a try!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9936
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 11, 2005Views: 13,098
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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