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It's Like Extasy and It's Legal
Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Ginseng & Caffeine
by arrr
Citation:   arrr. "It's Like Extasy and It's Legal: An Experience with Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Ginseng & Caffeine (exp99378)". Oct 10, 2019.

T+ 0:00
5 capsls oral Gotu Kola
  T+ 4:00 5 capsls oral Ashwagandha
  T+ 4:00   oral Coffee
  T+ 4:30 5 capsls oral Ashwagandha
  T+ 5:00   oral Caffeine
  T+ 5:00 5 capsls oral Ginseng
Me and my girlfriend ordered Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha and Ginseng capsules online, after trying some products that were available at local shops. We have found out that Ashwagandha has the same effect as Extasy, and found nobody talking about this on the net, so we wanted to write report about it.

After the morning meditation and light breakfast (muesli and milk) at home, we took 5 capsules of Gotu Kola each for the start. The first effects became noticeable after some 20 minutes. Felt really focused, warm and energetic. We immediately started to do some housework and cleaning. Everything seemed a little bit brighter and our mood became better. I felt muscles became a little bit more tensed and had a more energy for physical work. I was writing some texts on the net, and I felt really focused to do the mental work, with energy, and without any drowsiness. My girlfriend went out to buy something in the shop and noticed that she feels too warm.

We became hungry some 4 hours later, and we ate a heavy lunch. After the lunch we took 5 capsules of Ashwagandha each with our coffee. We noticed first effects after 30 minutes. At start it was light, maybe because of the heavy lunch, but after some time it became really nice. Everything started to feel more beautiful - sight, touch, taste and smell. Felt really warm and my sensitivity to light increased. I was still able to focus very well, write texts and communicate on the net, without any problems. In the meantime, the weather became better, clouds disappeared and even the sun came out, so we decided to take 5 more capsules of Ashwagandha each and go out for little walk and to buy some energy drinks. Outside everything seemed so beautiful and people looked happy and I was able to read emotions on people's faces easily, like when I am on Extasy.
I was able to read emotions on people's faces easily, like when I am on Extasy.
Our sight became better, we could see the things more clearly.

I think that at this point second dose of capsules kicked in. We felt emotionally secure and protected and wanted to hug people on the street :) After some half an hour, we came back to home and drank couple of energy drinks. We watched the movie and noticed that effects start to wear down. We still had energy and felt nice, but with less intensity. Then we decided to take 5 capsules of Ginseng each.

Again, effects started to be noticeable after half an hour. We noticed that light from the monitor became brighter and colors of the movie became more intense. I noticed that my muscles became more tensed and felt physically stronger, like when taking speed, only with less intensity. I finished writing texts on the net, and after that we decided to do our regular yoga hour. We found some video yoga class on the net and followed it for the first time. Although we had some difficulties to stay in the poses because they were staying in them for a very long time in the video, after we finished with yoga, we felt no exhaustion at all and had the same energy level as before. It was late in the evening, and we were always tired after yoga at this time before when we were not taking stimulants. We were really pleased with effects on physical strength and endurance. Before sleep, we had some sex for good night :). It was little bit longer and it was little bit more intensive and sensitive than usual, but nothing too extreme. After that, we went to sleep. I had no problems with sleeping at all, felt really refreshed at the morning. My girlfriend had problems sleeping, she fall asleep at 5 in the morning and slept for only couple of hours, but didn't felt exhausted in the morning. Maybe it's because of pills, maybe because of energy drinks, but maybe it was because of the full moon :)

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99378
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Oct 10, 2019Views: 10,765
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Gotu Kola (238), Ashwagandha (732), Ginseng (144), Caffeine (11) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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