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Blast Off Into the Noise
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   squarekat99. "Blast Off Into the Noise: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp99426)". Jul 31, 2019.

3 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
The cracker is much cheaper up front, but they usually don't last very long. I bought a dispenser so I wouldn't have to replace it. Since the trip itself is rather short, I do not need to spend a lot of time thinking about place, setting, or my mind set. But it's always better to be in a good mood in a place I feel comfortable.

Before I took the first hit, I put on some Queen and had the visualizer on to give me something to listen to and look at during the trip. I got comfortable on the couch and set up the dispenser so the cartridge was ready to go.

I took a few short, quick breathes to get more oxygen into my blood stream and breathed all the way out. I pulled the handle and breathed in the gas. Within seconds I could feel my body getting tingly and the sounds around me began to pulse and engulf me. I had a friend there to help so the next cartridge was ready before I realized. The next one was easier to take in one breath and the next one was even easier. After finishing with the 3rd cartridge, I was able to lay back on the couch and just experience the mini trip. Colors were immediately more vibrant and intense, and the visualizer seemed to take over my field of vision. The music was hard to distinguish, but the noise around me was getting more and more intense
the noise around me was getting more and more intense
, the sound of the clock on the wall ticking, the sound of my dog breathing beside me, and the voice of my friend when she talked was very deep, but I began to giggle uncontrollably at the thought that her voice was actually that low. My lips and tongue were completely numb and I almost started drooling at one point, but luckily I was able to stop myself.

What seemed like 20 minutes was really just 20 seconds. I finally stopped giggling while the noise around me was slowly starting to die down. The visualizer was still beautiful and more colorful than I've ever seen it, but I could tell the effects were quickly wearing off. Within 2-3 minutes of when I finished all 3 cartridges, the effects we're completely gone and I was back to earth.

The trip, while very short, was very intense and beautiful. I did not get any visual hallucinations other than colors being more intense and the auditory experience was probably the most profound part of the trip, although I did not experience actual auditory hallucinations.

This is a very quick and non-committal drug to take and there is no prolonged affects or hangover. I felt completely back to normal within 10 minutes of taking it. I have yet to experience a 'bad trip' on nitrous.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99426
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 729
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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