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The Red Orb
Citation:   bellbelleza. "The Red Orb: An Experience with DMT (exp99502)". May 20, 2019.

  smoked DMT
This is an account of one of my many DMT experiences.

In the beginning aha just the taste to start with nothing like it. Then the entrance to what I refer to as the 'waiting room'. It's always very flat so to say one dimensional the color of steel and the feeling of the inside of a clock. Uncomfortable to me in every way, I can feel the gears the grinding I can feel the wait but there is no time here. After the initial discomfort comes the breakthrough, it happens so fast I forget all about the eternal grinding.

This particular experience was quite different from most of my others. I have never felt that I was alone on my journeys to these places and I believe that every one has shown me exactly what I have needed to see. I have been shown forever, I have touched just over there, I have traded places with another person became them and them me... But this time I was given something
this time I was given something

After leaving the waiting room the first thing I was shown was the most beautiful glowing red orb. It was massive it was all I could see, stunning! Such a force I have never seen in any experience. Radiating a life force of its own. I was being watched as usual, I can feel them as they watch me but I never see them. This time one spoke to me. EAT IT. Before I could even ask the question the orb was atop a spoon. Open Your Mouth. I did as I was told.

Then the giant spoon tilted downward, my mouth open as wide as I could for I had no idea how this larger than life orb was going to fit in my mouth. Simply enough the orb slid from the spoon, I felt as it slid down the back of my throat slowly working its way down. All the way down it slid slowly in no hurry at all touching and filling every part of me as it went. Then in my stomach, I could see it there inside of me.

A giant glowing red orb in me. They told me that I may keep it forever, 'this belongs to you now'. Then I was back. Out of my many experiences this seemed to be the shortest one. It may of lasted a minute total I'm usually gone at least five. I could still feel it, the subtle warmth, a little heavy but not as heavy as I thought it should be. I sat very still for a very long time. My partner came in the room to check on me, I was crying.

To this day I have no idea the meaning of this gift. But it was a gift that was very clear. When I focus on it I can still feel the extremely beautiful warm red glow.
When I focus on it I can still feel the extremely beautiful warm red glow.

This is the first time I have ever put one of my experiences into writing I think mostly because my words lack anything even close in comparison to my actual experiences. Plus I somehow feel that it is a very personal experience that was given to me alone and to share it somehow tarnishes it in a way. But I truly believe with every part of my soul that there is so much to this that it must be shared. As to the meaning of the gift I was given maybe I will never know, it was one of my last experiences with DMT. But more will be revealed I know I will one day enter the waiting room again and have many more questions when I arrive.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 99502
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 20, 2019Views: 842
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