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Gas Fear
Nitrous Oxide
by enay
Citation:   enay. "Gas Fear: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp99521)". Jun 8, 2018.

3 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
The balloon and metal froze to my hand. I painfully pulled my hand away as the third nitrous whipit filled the balloon. Once the hissing sound ended, I put my other hand around the neck of the frozen balloon. Once it was thawed I twisted the balloon so no air would escape, then looked around the room at my friends. Everyone had there own different colored balloons in their hands. We raised them to the sky. I exhaled, then inhaled what was in the balloon, it tasted sweet and numbed my thought. I held it in and closed my eyes. Music was blasting in the room, vibrating the couch I was on. My body went numb like normal. Then the sensation of going at warp speed came over me. I saw lights flying fast me. The next thing I remember is a voice, coming from another dimension, “What's wrong? Use your words.” I felt myself hyperventilating. My mind raced, trying to find when this started. I felt the most intense fear of my life. I couldn't feel my body. One of my friends got on top of me, hugging me, trying to calm me down. I clung to him for dear life, incapable of controlling myself. Shaking and crying, I sat there, slowly gaining myself back. I didn't know emotions that strong were even possible.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99521
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 8, 2018Views: 2,206
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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