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Euphoric Trip on a Mountain
H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   J Awesome. "Euphoric Trip on a Mountain: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp99602)". Sep 23, 2022.

T+ 0:00
8 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
  T+ 0:45   smoked Cannabis
Let me preface this by apologizing for writing such a long essay. My previous drug experiences are: Marijuana, mushrooms, MDMA, and Adderall. I would not consider myself an experienced psychedelic user. This was my second time trying the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds, and by far the more memorable experience of the two. My first experience consisted of sitting around with a few friends in a basement watching TV while tripping. My second experience was much more exciting.

The night before the trip, my friend and I made our plans. We were going to take 8 seeds each and walk from campus to a nearby mountain seeing as the weather was supposed to be abnormally warm. The morning of, I slept in until around 11, showered, ate a little food then started preparing for my hike. At around 12 I started scraping some of the outer coating off of the seeds because I read online that much of the nausea most people experience is caused by alkaloids in the outer coatings. If I had made plans further in advance, I might have tried a cold water extraction, but seeing as I didn’t have multiple hours/days, I simply crushed the seeds and let them soak in water for a few minutes before my friend and I drank the solution at around 12:30.

Almost immediately after consuming the seeds, my friend and I left the dorms and started making our way over to the nearby mountain. At around T=0:30, I began to feel my stomach start to knot. I knew from my previous experience that nausea would soon follow, so my friend and I took a short break from our hike to smoke a quick bowl before resuming our trek. At around T=0:45 hiking became more difficult and we slowed our pace drastically. By this time we were nearing the top so we took another short smoke break because both of us were starting to feel a little nauseous and I could feel some vasoconstriction in my legs making it a little painful to walk. We then resumed our hike and shortly made it to the top of the trail.

Once at the top, we made our way to a secluded area overlooking the city. We stayed there for nearly an hour simply admiring the view and munching on some snacks. During this period, I could definitely tell that I was in an altered state of thought, but couldn’t really differentiate the seeds from the weed. Both my friend and I noticed that whenever we tried to move we would start to feel really sick. I managed to refrain from puking, but just barely.

At about T=1:45, the wind started picking up to the point where we decided it was time to move. We packed up our belongings and made our way through the snow over to an area that was more sheltered from the wind. By now I could really tell that I was starting to trip fairly hard. I remember mentioning to my friend that “I felt like a giant looking over the city”, and the “I could feel every photon of light from the sun penetrating into my skin, making me a better person.” At this point my nausea was completely gone and I was feeling extremely euphoric. I put on some earbuds and started listening to some music, and MY GOD. The music sounded better than it had ever before. Even better than on DXM or MDMA. I couldn’t keep myself from laughing out loud in joy from the beauty of the sound.

At approx. T=2:30 we again moved to another location and ate some more food and drank some water. By now I was starting to see patterns in the clouds and in the city streets below. The sun felt amazing and I was still feeling incredibly euphoric. We stayed at this location until around T=3:45 until we decided that our trip was fading and that it was probably a good time to head back to campus.

We began our descent, making a much faster pace than expected, arriving at the bottom within about half an hour. Here we stopped, checked our eyes to see if they were obviously dilated, which they were not, then walked the 10 minutes back to the dorms. Once we arrived back at our rooms, and were out of the direct sun, our eyes became extremely dilated and I don’t know if it was because of the darker environment, or just because of the time after taking the seeds, but both my friend and I started tripping much harder than we were when we were on top of the mountain.

At this point, we were at around T=4:45. My friend decided to try and sleep the rest of the trip off while I stayed in my room and played around on my computer for a little while. Looking back on the experience, I would say that this is probably the time where I peaked. The walls were warping, there were auditory distortions, and overall I was having a blast.

At T=5:30 my friend called me and asked me to come into his room because he was starting to have a bad trip. He felt like the walls were closing in on him and he wanted to go outside because he felt very claustrophobic. I managed to calm him down enough to fall asleep again, went back to my room and laid in bed thinking deep thoughts and trying to enjoy the rest of my trip until around T=7:00, when I had come down enough to act fairly normal. I felt completely sober at about T=8:30.

Overall, I had a great experience with these seeds. I had an hour or so of nausea. Looking back, it probably would have been a good idea to have a trip sitter around, but other than my friend feeling uncomfortable for a short period of time, we were mostly under control, and having a great time.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99602
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 23, 2022Views: 307
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