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Ingestion Notes
Citation:   Treefrog. "Ingestion Notes: An Experience with Jwh-250 (exp99609)". Apr 22, 2013.

4 mg oral JWH-250 (powder / crystals)
1 gram of jwh-250 was dilute in 750ml of Ever clear 190 proof.

Sample was about 1 teaspoon of 4mg.

The effects over all peak at about 3 hours with an oral consumption. Effects extend to 5 hours with oral ingestion.

First effects are felt within 30min.

At this low dose, the effects are nice and not overbearing.

It is possible to double up on the total dose.

As a non cannabis user, this level is almost right. The alcohol solution allows a very accurate dose every time, paramount to having repeatable effects.

I whole heartedly recommend this path of ingestion for non smokers, and it is easy to do.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99609
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Apr 22, 2013Views: 3,718
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JWH-250 (513) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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