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Acute Hypertension and How I Handled It
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   shadowedpixie. "Acute Hypertension and How I Handled It: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp99673)". Jul 31, 2019.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
This is the story of my second experience with acid. I had previously done shrooms a few times before, and had also done acid for the first time a few weeks earlier, so I was fully confident that I was going to have a good trip. But what started off as an awesome day in a great setting quickly progressed to an all day long painful stupor.

My boyfriend and I decided to be at his place for the day, so we could walk around his quiet, pretty neighborhood if we ever felt like going outside. After we took the acid at about 11 am (2 hits each), we each smoked a bowl of some blueberry kush in the hope that it would calm any potential anxiety during the trip.

By about 12 noon, I felt a headache coming on
By about 12 noon, I felt a headache coming on
, and a little bit of tension in my torso. I drank some water and walked around a bit to shake it off, and it helped temporarily. Within the next half hour, I was beginning to see things warp, and I was in a very good mood and excited about the day.

Around 1pm is when the waves started hitting me, and things began going downhill. With each wave, I could feel my blood pressure going up, tension building throughout my body, my body temperature rising, and my headache getting worse. The waves themselves were making me slightly delirious, just enough to make it difficult to vocalize what I was feeling. In between the waves, I was able to communicate fairly normally, except for the fact that I wasn't speaking so much as groaning from the pain.

I was honestly expecting the pain and everything to subside after a while, but it only continued to get worse throughout the day. I managed to stay in a positive mood until about 5pm, at which point my body felt like it was being slowly crushed from all angles. I wasn't feeling any claustrophobia, but my muscles were cramping to the point of barely being able to move them. I was feverish and sweaty, and the veins in my arms and legs were popping out, which rarely even happens when I exercise. Around that time I had a bit of a breakdown and almost started to panic, but my boyfriend calmed me down before it got even worse. I was exhausted, yet too high-strung to sleep, or even feel very restful lying in bed.

Having a decent amount of knowledge about the human body, I knew in the back of my mind that it would be bad if I couldn't think of anything to lessen the stress on my body sometime soon. My boyfriend offered to go to the store to pick up some advil, but I felt like it would be bad for him to go alone, and I wasn't up for walking with him. We decided that ice would have to do do cool me down and calm down my heart, and it was a GREAT idea.

I put an ice pack underneath my armpit, and immediately started to feel a little better. I could feel my blood pressure and my heart rate both go down, which was a huge relief. The ice also stopped the pain in my body from getting any worse from that point on.

Once some of the discomfort went away, I fell asleep for about half an hour. This was some time around 6pm. Upon awakening, I still wasn't feeling up for doing much more than lying in bed, but I felt much more confident that I could handle the situation. I was still in a fair amount of pain for the rest of the night, and I had to keep the ice under my armpit the ENTIRE time, or else everything would start to escalate again. A few more very intense waves continued to hit me every 40 minutes or so, but I was prepared for them and managed to make it through without any terrible surprises.

The trip seemed to subside fairly quickly around 12 midnight. By 1:30 am, it felt like it had worn off almost entirely. I could tell that my body was regulating itself much better. My veins were no longer popping out, the ice started to make me feel cold instead of better, so I threw it aside, and my headache had started to fade. I vaguely remember lying next to my boyfriend and actually feeling the tension leave my body. He said, 'It's over, isn't it?' as if he could feel me relax. I just nodded, and said, 'Yes, thank god,' and fell asleep. I was out cold until mid-morning.

The next day, I felt far better than I had expected to, but I was still sore all over and somewhat weak. I had a mild headache for a few hours, and I was tired for a few days afterward, but I managed to recover fully within a week.

Throughout the trip, I had been drinking LOTS of water, which seemed to help when I was feeling extra tense. I also did my best to continue to eat throughout the day, even though I was having a hard time chewing with the tension in my jaw. Without sustenance, I think the entire day would have been FAR worse, so I am very glad that I was in a good enough mental state to take care of myself, despite nothing going as planned.
I was in a good enough mental state to take care of myself, despite nothing going as planned.

The funny thing about this experience is that my boyfriend had no issues whatsoever. He was having a great time the entire day, with absolutely no discomfort. I hadn't been aware of any visuals because of my situation, but my boyfriend told me that everything he was seeing was beautiful and colorful and enjoyable.

I guess this just goes to show that really ANYTHING can happen, and different people can have entirely different reactions to the same batch.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99673
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 943
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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