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My New Best Friend
Morning Glory - Heavenly Blue
by Goof
Citation:   Goof. "My New Best Friend: An Experience with Morning Glory - Heavenly Blue (exp9974)". Jul 12, 2005.

240 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
After reading many reports of experiences of morning glory seeds, most specifically Heavenly Blue, I decided to try some. I bought 8 packages of Burpee brand Heavenly Blue seeds (grown in Holland) from the local Home Depot. Each pack contained 1.5 grams of seeds (50-60 seeds). I decided to take 4 packages for the first time.

I put them in a Tupperware container and poured water over them, enough to cover them entirely. I then added a drop of Palmolive anti-bacterial dish washing liquid, placed the top on the container and shook the seeds vigorously for 3 minutes. I then poured the soap/water/seed mixture in a metal strainer and rinsed the seeds thoroughly for 5 minutes with cold water. After such, I padded the seeds with a paper towel and placed them on a plastic sandwich bag. I then used a 12' box fan on low setting placed approximately 3 feet away to dry them overnight. When I checked them in the morning, they were completely dry, and tasted nothing of the soap. I then placed them inside the plastic bag and put them in my pocket. While en route to a local park party I ate the seeds. I began to eat the first of the seeds at 1:10 p.m. and finished all 240 of them by 1:30p.m.

NOTE: It is imperative to chew the seeds up into a paste. You will need to chew longer than normal, 20-30 bites, to achieve this. This breaks the husk of the seed and in turn grinds the interior of the seed completely, properly releasing the precious LSA contained within.

Almost immediately (1:35 p.m.) I began feeling slightly nauseous. This was a mild nausea and subsided after an hour at which time I ate a turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich on toasted white bread. I believe the addition of food in the stomach alleviated the nausea.

NOTE: I had not eaten anything since 6:30 a.m. before eating the seeds. It is important you take these seeds on an empty stomach. Allow 3 hours from your last meal, or the nausea can be unbearable and induce vomiting. Also, the LSA will absorb more completely into your body, and faster on an empty stomach.

At 1:45 p.m. I noticed a slight effect of the seeds similar to a single hit off of a marijuana cigarette. As the stoned type effect increased so did my nausea, but it was not unbearable. At 2:15 p.m. I had arrived at the park party and was noticing a definite affect from the seeds. I felt a slight euphoria and I had a grin on my face. I can compare the effects at this time to being similar to the after effects of an MDMA (ecstasy) trip. After eating the aforementioned sandwich, I was feeling very happy and talkative. Also, I began feeling very 'speedy'. That is to say I had an urge to move around and my hand was slightly trembling. At this time it was 3 p.m. and I was definitely noticing the effects. I was disoriented and easily overwhelmed by the people I was meeting and had an inability to concentrate on things.

At 3:15 p.m. I bought a Screwball and Lemon chill from a local ice cream vendor and ate them quickly.

NOTE: I noticed a tingling metallic like sensation in my jaws at an hour after ingestion. This lasted the ENTIRE trip. Even when I noticed no other effects.

I decided to attempt to walk around since I noticed my eyes were dilated at this time. This proved to be very interesting. The ground felt slightly spongy and my movements felt like I weighed less than I actually did. Kind of like gravity had reduced its power. I was still happy and talkative, until at 3:30 p.m. a police car approached the party. I had just drunk a half of a Guinness Draught (pint size) and being underage was nervous that the cop would notice this. To my relief, the cop car drove around the parking lot, then left. However, this event brought forth a fear in me that didn't leave. I began to feel uncomfortable and unsafe at the party and I decided to leave. My fiancée was with me and she drove me home. While in the car, my fiancée calmed me down by saying 'Their are no cops around. We are going home. Don't worry. Everything is fine.' I 'm not sure if her words, or leaving the party, or her voice calmed me, but at 3:45 p.m. I was calm.

We decided to pull into a Taco Bell and get something to eat. I couldn't decide on the food and had her order for me. While sitting in the drive through and waiting for the order, I began to feel increasingly confused. I thought that the outside was unsafe and that we needed to get home immediately. When we pulled into the drive way, my nerves calmed and we walked into the house. At 4 p.m. we sat down and began to eat. At this point I believe the peak started. My movements were very slow and I had a fascination with patterns. Also, it was very difficult to concentrate. We put in a copy of 'Friends DVD' and I needed to urinate. I sat on the toilet and stared at the red rug on the bathroom floor. I believe I was in there for twenty minutes, observing the many things the rug did. Among them, it seemed to grow and shrink, faces formed and melted away, and swirling patterns slowly formed and morphed into dog heads. All this took place on the rug, which I was very focused on. I then realized I was done urinating and I staggered back into the living room.

I ate maybe half of my burrito and continued to stare at the carpet, ceiling, walls, and anything else that had a pattern. The love seat seemed to breath with me and the taco shells swirled and vibrated. I attempted to watch the DVD, but could not focus on the action and was confused very easily. After going to the restroom again to look at the carpet and urinate, it was about 5 p.m. I then proceeded to try to have sex while under the influence of the seeds. This proved to be very difficult, since I could not focus on the sex. My mind kept trailing to other thoughts and after an hour of sweaty and tiring sex, my fiancée told me she was very satisfied and that was some of the best sex we had ever had, yet I didn't feel the same about it. It was pleasurable, but I just couldn't concentrate on her. That was aggravating. After the sex, it was 6 p.m. and we began to gather our things for a trip to her parents house for her little sisters birthday. I was still feeling the seeds, yet it wasn't nearly as strong as a couple of hours earlier. I believe the sex brought me down.

I drank 2 beers (Miller Light) and at 7:30 she drove us to her parents house. I was still easily confused and a little swaggering in my walk, but it was controllable. From 8 p.m. until I fell asleep at 2 a.m. the seeds gradually wore off and I became increasingly cognisant and sober. Yet, at 2 a.m. I still had the tingling metallic sensation in my mouth. I was very tired and fell asleep very quickly. In the morning, I urinated and it was an apple juice color, and had a strong odor. I had no diarrhea, only a consistent burp, during the initial nausea, and some flatulence during the peak.

All in all, I enjoyed my first experience with morning glories. The trip lasted about 10-12 hours and the next day, I felt a little stiff, but nothing bad. Set and setting is essential with this drug.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9974
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2005Views: 31,638
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Morning Glory (38) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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