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Remedy for Insomnia
Kava Kava & Cannabis
by N/A
Citation:   N/A. "Remedy for Insomnia: An Experience with Kava Kava & Cannabis (exp9993)". Feb 14, 2003.

  smoked Kava (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
To begin with, I had a therapist suggest Kava Kava as a method of relaxation.

One night, smoking bud, I decided to lace a few bowls. I took some capsules I had of pure ground Kava root and broke them up on an old magazine. Then I rolled each bud in the powder and sprinkled some on top of the bowl just to make sure. Four bowls of really dank bud and kava later, I was on the most calm, relaxing high of my life.

I've repeated this process numerous times now and very much enjoy the effects.

The Kava seems to do three things:

1) It eliminates any chance of a paranoid high. A calm euphoria sweeps the mind leaving me stoned AND at peace with the world.

2) It enhances creativity. Kava/pot art is great. Some how the high is more focused and expressive as opposed to being stoned stupid.

3) It is maybe the best remedy for insomnia that I have ever found. Sleeping on the two substances is relaxing on a different level. Even my dreams tend to be better.

The only real drawback is, if I have good weed, having to taste the kava, too. however, it seems to improve the taste of brick-weed. Kava, when smoked, is not bitter, but more peppery, unlike the gross taste of drinking kava.

If I want to feel the effects more fully, I take some of the kava orally, too. I take a few capsules before I smoke. Hash is even more pleasent...I get a body high from hell when I combine all three...I intend to trip sometime with such a combination, hopefully.

Goodluck and kava pleasent dreams...

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 9993
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2003Views: 33,338
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Kava (30), Cannabis (1) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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