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Redifined Music
Citation:   Subcity. "Redifined Music: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp9995)". Feb 14, 2004.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I'll start by giving a little background info on myself. I was 19 at the time and I'm now 20. I`ve been going to different clubs/house partys in Oslo, Norway since I was 17. I had several experiences with other drugs such as hash, speed, cocaine and rohypnol before I tried MDMA.

Well let`s get on with the day it happened. I was attending a private party, nothing out of the ordinary, just me and a few of my friends getting drunk. We had plans to go to a new techno club in downtown Oslo. Me and my friend Jon had been talking about trying ecstasy for a few weeks, but we hadn`t thought more of it. Then a friend named Willy came up to us and said he had gotten hold on three MDMA pills called bulls wich he was more than happy to share with us. After some consideration we decided that this was a good night to try ecstasy, becase we where all in a good mood and the new club was opening tonight.

I`ve heard that if you drink before taking a ecstasy pill it can lower the effect, but I'm not sure... After drinking a few beers we headed down to the club. First we went in and took a look around, feeling the atmosphere. We went out again, being satisfied with what we had seen we decided to take the pills. This was the first time for me and Jon, Willy had done it a few times before. We sat on a couch in he main room talking to each other. This was the kinda place everybody was on something, and it seemed like everybody was happy.

After about half an hour I suddenly started to feel the music going inside my head, bringing a music experience that was totally alien to me. I told my friends(Jon and Willy) about what I was experiencing and Jon told me he had gotten the same effect a few minutes ago. My whole body was breathing in sync with the music, a sudden rush of happiness came over me, and Willy started to hug me and Jon. The touch of another human felt like electricity spreading all over. We were all in another state. I realized that ecstasy is a very social drug. I didn`t get any hallucinations exept a kinda blurred vision from time to time.

When the cub closed 3 a.m. we headed back home. In Norway the sun goes up at that time in the summer. It was raining and the sky was grey, but in some sense it was all so beutiful. As we wandered home we talked about our experiences at the club and have a few laughs. I´ve had problems sleeping after taking cocaine and speed(kinda obvious) some days before, but when i went to bed that night I slept like a child. The next day I woke up feeling refreshed and renewed.

So my advice to the people that are planning to take MDMA is:
-Do it with people that are close to you
-Respect the drug and what it can do to you
-I'm only writing from my experience, you may get different effects
-Have fun

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2004Views: 8,297
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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