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Weights Lifted Off Our Shoulders
MDMA & Methadone
Citation:   GingMan33. "Weights Lifted Off Our Shoulders: An Experience with MDMA & Methadone (exp99959)". Dec 8, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  oral Methadone (daily)
  T+ 0:00 1 capsl oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 1:15 0.5 capsls oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
Where to begin? I am an semi experienced user to many substances, I first tried ecstasy at the age of 14 accidentally purchasing a yellow Macintosh, I asked the guy for one saying I had 5 bucks and he gave me a pill, I was like I didn’t want that I wanted a joint but oh well I will try it out of curiosity now. I split the one with my friend at school we snorted half each and got very hyper and we were in gym class, I almost dunked the basketball net!! (I was a skinny Caucasian kid). All of this information I find is important so you can get to understand me a little bit better and kind of relate to me if possible.

I now look back and question how did I get to this point of being currently addicted to methadone
I now look back and question how did I get to this point of being currently addicted to methadone
trying to quit day by day its not a easy task but I will do it anyways. I smoke marijuana daily for pain and nausea, I have token MDMA around 50 times tried mushrooms several occasions, LSA, Opiates, DXM (weird one), amphetamines, Pharmaceuticals.

I have been dating this girl that I love so much for almost 2 years now and some problems arrived in our relationship like any normal relationship, but the problem was I never trust anyone including her for my whole life and it was getting ridiculous I was accusing her of things I going crazy because I heard stories which weren’t true (she say he say) bullshit so I went crazy!! I remembered reading some experiences on erowid stating that MDMA can helps couples talk to each other about there issues and problems without killing each other or screaming at each other, so I took the liberty of picking up some pure MDMA!!! Because I have heard it has been used for couple therapy and can resolve other personal hidden problems.

My girlfriend lets call her F has never tried MDMA before and was very hesitate about trying it, but I informed her about the dangers/benefits/side effects of the substance.She was saying no for a very long time and I respected that and said “When your ready I will be too, I’m not trying to rush you I’m just trying to resolve our issues and problems and have a great time with you as well I would never put you in any danger” then finally she wanted to work things out and as a result she had the time of her life lets begin the really story of our experience.


Were in my house we just got back from grocery shopping we picked up Gatorades and goodies we had a really rough week arguing we need to clear the air and be reborn with the weights lifted off our shoulders.

T-0. 00 I take one capsule of pure MDMA estimate 100mg it was brown sticky crystal molly smelled like black liquorice “the good stuff”. F took half of a capsule 50 mg just to be safe considering it was her first time with me, so we were playing the waiting game not to mention we both had full stomach from eating a sheperds pie so I knew I had to take a shit before any effect could kick in quickly!!

T. 0. 20 mins I start feeling a little funny in my head I started to get butterflys in my stomach I quickly ran to the washroom to take a shit so much came out but it felt amazing I knew we were going to have the time of our lives!! As a side note it usually hits me in 20 mins I must be a fast metabolism

T. 030 mins-I walked out of the washroom with the biggest grin on my face, F looks at me and says 'really your already feeling it, I wanna feel good like that too' I replied honestly 'baby we're doing this to work out our problems but I guess feeling good is a little part of the reward system too, but since you dont feel anything we know your not MDMA sensitive so you can take another 50 mg to try to catch up' later on I realized my friend said to take 100 mg off the bat because taking 50 mg then 50 mg then 50 mg wont do anything!! Stupid me always forgetting important information oh well we also take a coupe hits of weed to get things started.

T. 0. 45 mins I feel absolutely amazing a really nice body glow also a little in the clouds not peaking yet, I realized were going to need water (drink a cup 250 ml every hour sipping no chugging) and gum we decided to walk to the store I only live 5 mins away from one,. F says she doesnt feel anything I'm really upset she doesnt feel good and I do feel good more than good excellent, amazing words couldn’t describe it, don’t know if it had something to do with the combination of methadone and MDMA I m not at a high dose, she feels absolutely nothing. But I knew she was going to feel good soon enough if I feel something shes got to eventually.

T. 1. 00 -1. 15 we arrive back at my home we say fuck it!!!! I give her another 75mg she parachutes it tottaling her dose to 225 mg she weighs 160 so I know she can handle it but shes going to have to ride that highway :) I also take another 50 mg parachute to get the rolling started I also take a couple hits of good quality weed. I'm rolling by now discussing my life and my problems with her she tired and grows impatient with waiting I dont blame her I tell her to poop but I been telling her that for the past 40 mins she finally goes to do it we laughed beforehand lol.

T. 1. 30 - 2. 30 hours -shes disappointed, never do MDMA on a full stomach if you want quick results, or poop right after so I figure why not speed things up I tell her wash up were having some freaky loving sensual sex ;) ;) we go at it for what seems like eternity (I never keep it up on MDMA but this was a first) and feels amazing she tells me she finally feels it and it feels fucking amazing!!! I guess right when I stuck it in she felt ecstatic thank god! I screamed you finally feel it its about time, we were sooo happy and finally starting talking about our problems but since she was new to it I wanted to listen to what she had to say so I could relate better to her and get a better understanding on how I could fix things and change our relationship into a better developed one.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99959
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 8, 2020Views: 676
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MDMA (3) : Relationships (44), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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