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Erowid Canvas Tote/Shopping Bag
This reusable "Ecobag" is made of 100% recycled mid-weight
(10 oz) cotton canvas, printed with the Erowid logo.
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DEA Federal Register Entry
U.S. Federal register
Date="05/11/93" Citation="58 FR 27751" Group="legal" Type="NOTICE" Department="Lodging of Consent Decree Pursuant to the Comprehensive Environment al Response Compensation and Liability Act and the Resource Conservation and Re covery Act" Agency="DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION (DEA), JUSTICE" Subject="Controlled Substances: Proposed 1993 Aggregate Production Quota for No roxymorphone"
------------------------------------------------------------ Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Substances: Proposed 1993 Aggregate Production Quota for Noroxymorphone AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice. ACTION: Notice of a proposed 1993 aggregate production quota.
------------------------------------------------------------ Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Substances: Proposed 1993 Aggregate Production Quota for Noroxymorphone AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice. ACTION: Notice of a proposed 1993 aggregate production quota. + ------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: This notice proposes a 1993 aggregate production quota for noroxymorphone, a Schedule II controlled substance. DATES: Comments or objections must be received on or before June 10, 1993. ADDRESSES: Send comments or objections in quintuplicate to the Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, DC 20537, Attn: DEA Federal Register Representative/CCR. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard McClain, Jr., Chief, Drug & Chemical Evaluation Section, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, DC 20537, Telephone: (202) 307-7183. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 306 of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. 826) requires that the Attorney General establish aggregate production quotas for all controlled substances in Schedules I and II each year. This responsibility has been delegated to the Administrator of the DEA pursuant to sec 0.100 of title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations. An application has been made for a manufacturing quota for the Schedule II controlled substance, noroxymorphone. Based on a review of this application and other information available to the DEA, the Administrator of the DEA, under the authority vested in the Attorney General by section 306 of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. 826) and delegated to the Administrator by sec 0.100 of title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations, hereby proposes the 1993 aggregate production quota for noroxymorphone, expressed in grams of anhydrous base, be established as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------+----------------- | Proposed 1993 Basic class | aggregate | production | quota (grams) ------------------------------------------------------------+----------------- | Noroxymorphone ............................................ | 150,000 ------------------------------------------------------------+----------------- All interested persons are invited to submit comments or objections, in writing, regarding this proposal. Comments and objections should be submitted in quintuplicate to the Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, United States Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20537, Attention: DEA Federal Register Representative, and must be received by June 10, 1993. If a person believes that one or more issues raised by him warrant a hearing, he should so state and summarize the reasons for his belief. In the event that comments or objections to this proposal raise one or more issues which the Administrator finds warrant a hearing, the Administrator shall order a public hearing by notice in the Federal Register, summarizing the issues to be heard and setting the time for the hearing. Purusant to sections (3)(c)(3) and (3)(e)(2)(C) of Executive Order 12291, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget has been consulted with respect to these proceedings. This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 and it has been determined that this matter does not have sufficient Federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. The Administrator hereby certifies that this matter will have no significant impact upon small businesses or other entities within the meaning and intent of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq. The establishment of annual production quotas for Schedules I and II controlled substances is mandated by law and by international commitments of the United States. Such quotas impact predominantly upon major manufacturers of the affected controlled substances. Dated: March 9, 1993. Robert C. Bonner, Administrator of Drug Enforcement. [FR Doc. 93-11034 Filed 5-10-93; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410-09-M