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DEA Federal Register Entry
U.S. Federal register
Date="03/31/94" Citation="59 FR 15052" Group="legal" Type="RULE" Department="DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE" Agency="DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION (DEA), JUSTICE" Subject="Exempt Chemical Preparations"
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration 21 CFR Part 1308 Exempt Chemical Preparations AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice. ACTION: Interim rule and request for comments.
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration 21 CFR Part 1308 Exempt Chemical Preparations AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice. ACTION: Interim rule and request for comments. + ------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY: This interim rule amends the list of exempt chemical preparations set Forth in section 1308.24(i) of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This action is in response to DEA's periodic review of the exempt chemical preparation list and of new applications for exemptions filed with DEA. Preparations included in the list are exempted from the application of specific provisions of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, and from certain Drug Enforcement Administration Regulations. DATES: Effective Date: March 31, 1994. Comments must be submitted on or before May 2, 1994. ADDRESSES: Comments and objections should be submitted to the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, DC 20537; Attention: Federal Register Representative/CCR. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Howard McClain, Jr., (Chief, Drug & Chemical Evaluation Section), 202-307-7183. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Controlled Substances Act as amended by the Dangerous Drug Diversion Control Act of 1984 authorizes the Attorney General in accordance with 21 U.S.C. 811(g)(3)(B) to exempt from specific provisions of the Act, a compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any controlled substance, which is not for administration to a human being or animal and which is packaged in such form or concentration, or with adulterants or denaturants, so that, as packaged, it does not present any significant potential for abuse. This authority ultimately has been delegated to the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration. The Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, has received applications pursuant to sec 1308.23 of title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations requesting approval of exempt status provided for in 21 CFR 1308.24. The Deputy Assistant Administrator hereby finds that each of the following preparations and mixtures is intended for laboratory, industrial, educational, or special research purposes, is not intended for general administration to man or animal, and either (a) contains no narcotic controlled substances and is packaged in such a form or concentration that the packaged quantity does not present any significant potential for abuse, (b) contains either a narcotic or non-narcotic controlled substance and one or more adulterating or denaturing agents in such a manner, combination, quantity, proportion, or concentration that the preparation or mixture does not present any potential for abuse, or (c) the formulation of such preparation or mixture incorporates methods of denaturing or other means so that the controlled substance cannot in practice be removed, and therefore the preparation or mixture does not present any significant potential for abuse. The Deputy Assistant Administrator further finds that exemption of the following chemical preparations and mixtures is consistent with the public health and safety as well as the needs of the researchers, chemical analysts, and suppliers of these products. The listing of products in 21 CFR 1308.24(i) exempts persons who handle them from certain sections of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 and its regulations. The Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, hereby certifies that these matters will have no significant impact upon small businesses or other entities within the meaning and intent of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. Accordingly, the Deputy Assistant Administrator certifies this action will have no impact on the ability of small businesses to compete and he therefore determines that no regulatory flexibility analysis is required. This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined that this matter does not have sufficient federalism implications to require the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has determined that listings of exempt chemical preparations are exempt from centralized review under Executive Order 12866. List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 1308 Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic control, Narcotics, Prescription drugs. Under the authority vested in the Attorney General by section 202(d) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 811(g)(3)(B)) and delegated to the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration by regulations of the Department of Justice (28 CFR 0.100), and redelegated to the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, the Deputy Assistant Administrator hereby amends 21 CFR part 1308 as set forth below. PART 1308-SCHEDULES OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES 1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 1308 continues to read as follows: Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b) unless otherwise noted. 2. In sec 1308.24(i), the table is amended to read as follws: sec 1308.24 Exempt Chemical Preparations. * * * * * (i) * * * Exempt Chemical Preparations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplier Product Name Form Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aalto Scientific, Therapeutic Drug Vial: 5ml ........ 04/09/91 LTD. Monitoring Control Level I, II, III Freeze Dried Abbott 125I Cholylglycyl. Plastic Bottle: 04/07/78 Laboratories. .tyrosine Reagent 20 ml Solution, No. 7816 Abbott ADx Bottle: 3.2 ml ... 12/02/86 Laboratories. Benzoylecgonine Fluorescein Tracer Solution Abbott ADx Cannabinoids Bottle: 3.2ml .... 12/02/86 Laboratories. Fluorescein Tracer Solution Abbott ADx Cannabinoids Reagent Pack: 50 12/02/86 Laboratories. Reagent Pack (No. tests 9671-55) Abbott ADx Cocaine Vial: 3.2ml, Kit: 04/18/89 Laboratories. Metabolite 100 vials Fluorescein Tracer Solution, No. 9670-T, No. 9670T0013 Abbott ADx Cocaine 50 Test Unit ..... 04/18/89 Laboratories. Metabolite Reagent Pack, No. 9670-55 Abbott ADx Opiates Vial: 3.2ml, Kit: 04/18/89 Laboratories. Fluorescein 100 vials Tracer Solution, No. 9673-T, No. 9673T0013 Abbott ADx Opiates 50 Test Unit ..... 04/18/89 Laboratories. Reagent Pack, No. 9673-55 Abbott ADx Propoxyphene Box: 100 bottles 11/30/90 Laboratories. Fluorescein or less Tracer Solutions Item No. 9675T0011 Abbott ADx Propoxyphene Kit: 50 test ..... 11/30/90 Laboratories. Reagent Pack Item No.9675-55 Abbott Advisor Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 04/10/92 Laboratories. Cannabinoids Bulk 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, Tracer No.76224 200 ml, 100 ml; Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20 ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Advisor Card & Box: 2000 Cards .. 04/10/92 Laboratories. Cover No.07A15 Abbott Advisor Card & Box: 2000 Cards .. 04/10/92 Laboratories. Tracer No.07A14 Abbott Advisor Cocaine Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 06/08/92 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer (in- 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, process) 200 ml, 100 ml; No.77458A Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20 ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Advisor Cocaine Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 04/10/92 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, No.77458 200 ml, 100 ml; Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20 ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Advisor Drug of Kit: 10 Discs .... 04/10/92 Laboratories. Abuse Screening System No.6A60-10 Abbott Advisor Drug of Kit: 40 Discs .... 04/10/92 Laboratories. Abuse Screening System No.6A60-21 Abbott Advisor Opiates Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 06/08/92 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer (in- 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, process) 200 ml, 100 ml; No.78692A Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20 ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Advisor Opiates Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 04/10/92 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, No.78692 200 ml, 100 ml; Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20 ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Advisor Reaction Disc: 1 Card ..... 04/10/92 Laboratories. Disc No.6A60B Abbott Advisor Reaction Carton: 20 Discs . 04/10/92 Laboratories. Discs No.6A60 Abbott Amphetamine Bulk Carboy: 10L Flask: 10/09/85 Laboratories. Calibrators, B-F 6L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Amphetamine Bulk Flask: 2 liter ... 12/09/85 Laboratories. Controls, L and H Abbott Amphetamine Class 50L, 45L, 20L, 10L, 03/01/88 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator B 8L, 6L, 4L, 2L, -F 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 125ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 20 ml, 15ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Amphetamine Class 50L, 45L, 20L, 10L, 03/01/88 Laboratories. Bulk Control L 8L, 6L, 4L, 2L, and H 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 125ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 20 ml, 15ml, 5ml.2ml Abbott Amphetamine Class 50L, 45L, 20L, 10L, 03/01/88 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer: No. 8L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 94699 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 125ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 20 ml, 15ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Amphetamine Class Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. QC Primary B-F, L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 M, H No. 9667 (B- ml, 250 ml, 200 F, L, M, H) QC ml, 100 ml Bottle: 5ml Abbott Amphetamine Class Bottle: 30 ml .... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Stock Tracer: No. 94700 Abbott Amphetamine Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 97072, 97072 A-B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Amphetamine Stock Bottle: 125ml .... 09/30/85 Laboratories. Standard, No. 97072 Abbott Amphetamine/ Flasks: 1 liter, 11/10/87 Laboratories. Metamphetamine QC 250 ml, and 200 Primary Bulk ml Control M, No. 9668-M Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 (II) QC Primary B ml, 250 ml, 200 -F, L, M, H No. ml, 100 ml Bottle: 1A99 (B-F, L, M, 5ml H) QC Abbott Amphetamine/ 50L, 45.5L, 20 L, 08/26/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine 19L, 13.25L, 13L, II Bulk 10 L, 9.5L, 9L Calibrators B-F Carboy; 6 L, 4L, Code No. 1A99 (B- 2 L, 1 L, 250 ml, F) 200 ml Flask Abbott Amphetamine/ 50L, 45.5L, 20 L, 08/26/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine 19L, 13.25L, 13L, II Bulk Controls 10 L, 9.5L, 9L (L, M, H) Code No. Carboy; 6 L, 4L, 1A99 (L, M, H) 2 L, 1 L, 250 ml, 200 ml Flask Abbott Amphetamine/ 5 ml Vial ........ 08/26/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine II Calibrators B- F No. 1A99 B-F Abbott Amphetamine/ Kit: 6 Vials ..... 08/26/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine II Calibrators No. 1A99-01 Abbott Amphetamine/ 5 ML Vial ........ 08/26/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine II Controls (L, M, H) No. 1A99-L, M, H Abbott Amphetamine/ Kit: 3 Vials ..... 08/26/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine II Controls No. 1A99-10 Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. Methamphetamine 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 QC Primary B-F, L, ml, 250 ml, 200 M, H No. 9668 (B- ml, 100 ml Bottle: F, L, M, H) QC 5ml Abbott Amphetamine/ Bottle: 5 ml ..... 11/10/87 Laboratories. Methamphetamine QC Primary Standard Control M, No. 9668-M Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/19/89 Laboratories. Methamphetamine Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, II Bulk Controls, 250 ml, 200 ml No. 1A99X, Y, Z Abbott Amphetamine/ Kit: 100 vials ... 01/19/89 Laboratories. Methamphetamine II Control X, Y, Z; NO. 1A99-02, 03, 04 Abbott Amphetamine/ Vial: 5ml ........ 01/19/89 Laboratories. Methamphetamine II Control X, Y, Z; No. 1A99X, Y, Z Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Methamphetamine Flask: 6, 4, 2, II QC Primary 2-6 1L, 500, 250, 200, QT, NG, CO, PS No. 100 ml; Bottle: 1A99 2-6 QT-QC & 950, 500, 100, 50, NG/CO/PS-QC 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 20L, 10L; 10/25/91 Laboratories. Methamphetamine Flask: 6, 4, 2, II QC Primary 8QT 1L, 500, 250, 200, NO. 1A998QT-QC 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 20L, 10L, 07/14/89 Laboratories. Methamphetamine 6L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, II bulk 200 ml Calibrator B, C, D, E, F; No. 01A99-B, C, D, E, F Abbott Amphetamine/ Carboy: 20L, 10L, 07/14/89 Laboratories. Methamphetamine Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, II bulk Control L, 250 ml, 200 ml M, H, ; No. 01A99 -L, M, H Abbott Barbital Buffer, Plastic Bottle: 04/07/78 Laboratories. 0.06 M Reagent 2.5ml Solution No. 7824 Abbott Barbiturate II U Bottle: 5 ml ..... 10/17/89 Laboratories. Control L, M, H; No. 9669 L, M, H- 11 Abbott Barbiturates Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 07/01/88 Laboratories. Calibrator B-F No. 20L, 19L, 13.25L, 9669 B-F 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Barbiturates Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 07/01/88 Laboratories. Control L, H No. 20L, 19L, 13.25L, 9669 L, H 13L, 10L, 9.5, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Barbiturates Bulk Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/19/89 Laboratories. Controls, No. Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, 9669X, Y, Z 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Barbiturates Vial: 5ml ........ 01/19/89 Laboratories. Control X, Y, Z; No. 9669X, Y, Z Abbott Barbiturates II QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Primary NG, CO, Flask: 6, 4, 2, PS No. 9669 NG/CO 1L, 500, 250, 200, /PS-11-QC 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Barbiturates II U Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 10/17/89 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrators 20L, 19L, 13.25L, B-F; No. 9669 B-F 13L, 10L, 9.5L, -05 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, Flask: 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Barbiturates II U Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 10/17/89 Laboratories. Bulk Controls L, 20L, 19L, 13.25L, M, H; No. 9669 L, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, M, H - 11 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, Flask: 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Barbiturates II U Bottle: 5 ml ..... 10/17/89 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F; No. 9669 B-F-05 Abbott Barbiturates II U Kit: 6 vials ..... 10/17/89 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F; No. 9669-05 Abbott Barbiturates II U Kit: 3 vials ..... 10/17/89 Laboratories. Controls L, M, H; No. 9661-11 Abbott Barbiturates II U Carboy: 10L, Flask: 10/17/89 Laboratories. QC Primary B-F; 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, No. 9669 B-F-05 250 ml, 200 ml, QC 100 ml, Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Barbiturates II U Carboy: 10L, Flask: 10/17/89 Laboratories. QC Primary L, M, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, H; No. 9669 L, M, 250 ml, 200 ml, H-11 QC 100 ml, Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Barbiturates QC Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. Primary B-F, L, M, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 H; No. 9669 (B-F, ml, 250 ml, 200 L, M, H) QC ml, 100 ml Bottle: 5 ml Abbott Barbiturates QC Flasks: 1 liter, 11/10/87 Laboratories. Primary Bulk 250 ml, and 200 Control M, No. ml 9669-M Abbott Barbiturates QC Bottle: 5 ml ..... 11/10/87 Laboratories. Primary Standard Control M, No. 9669-M Abbott Barbiturates QC Carboy: 10L, Flask: 06/05/89 Laboratories. Primary X, No. 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, 9669X-QC 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml, Bottle: 5ml Abbott Barbiturates Serum Carboy, Flask, 01/03/89 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator B Bottle or Ampule: -F, No. 9679 B-F 50, 45, 20, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1L; 500, 250, 200, 125, 100, 50, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5, 2 ml Abbott Barbiturates Serum Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/03/89 Laboratories. Bulk Control L, M, Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, H; No. 9676 L, M, 250 ml, 200 ml H Abbott Barbiturates Serum Kit: 6 vials ..... 01/03/89 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F, No. 9679-01 Abbott Barbiturates Serum Bottle: 5ml ...... 01/03/89 Laboratories. Calibrators B/F, No. 9679 B/F Abbott Barbiturates Serum Bottle: 5ml ...... 01/03/89 Laboratories. Controls L, M, H; No. 9679 L, M, H Abbott Barbiturates Serum Kit: 3 vials ..... 01/03/89 Laboratories. Controls L, M, H; No. 9679-10 Abbott Barbiturates Serum Carboy: 10L, Flask: 01/03/89 Laboratories. QC Primary B-F, L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, M, H; No. 9679 (B 250 ml, 200 ml, -F, L, M, H)-QC 100 ml, Bottle: 5ml Abbott Benzodiazepine Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. Serum QC Primary 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 B-F, L, M, H; No. ml, 250 ml, 200 9682 (B-F, L, M, ml, 100 ml Bottle: H)-QC 5 ml Abbott Benzodiazepines Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 07/18/88 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator 20L, l9.5L, 19L, No. 9674 B-F 13.25L, 13L, 10L, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Benzodiazepines Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 07/18/88 Laboratories. Bulk Control L, H; 20L, 19L, 13.25zl, No. 9674 L, H 13L, 10L, 9.5, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Benzodiazepines QC Flasks: 1 liter, 11/10/87 Laboratories. Primary Bulk 250 ml, and 200 Control M, No. ml 9674-M Abbott Benzodiazepines QC Flasks: 1 liter, 11/10/87 Laboratories. Primary Bulk 250 ml, and 200 Control M, No. ml 9674-M Abbott Benzodiazepines QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Primary NG, CO, Flask: 6, 4, 2, PS No. 9674NG/CO/ 1L, 500, 250, 200, PS-QC 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Benzodiazepines QC Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. Primary, B-F, L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 M, H; No. 9674 (B ml, 250 ml, 200 -F, L, M, H) QC ml, 100 ml; Bottle: 5ml Abbott Benzodiazepines Carboy: 10 liter; 12/07/87 Laboratories. Serum Bulk Flask: 6 liter, 2 Calibrators B-F: liter Code No. 9682 B-F Abbott Benzodiazepines Carboy: 20 liters, 05/02/88 Laboratories. Serum Bulk 10 liters; Flask: Calibrators: No. 6 liters, 2 9682 B-F liters, 1 liter Abbott Benzodiazepines Carboy: 10 liter; 12/07/88 Laboratories. Serum Bulk Flask: 6 liter, 2 Controls L, M, & liter H: Code No. 9682 L, M, & H Abbott Benzodiazepines Carboy: 20 liters, 05/02/88 Laboratories. Serum Bulk 10 liters; Flask: Controls: No. 6 liters, 2 9682 L, M, H liters, 1 liter, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Benzoylecgonine Carboy: 20L, 10L; 11/23/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 97182, 97182 A-B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml, Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Benzoylecgonine Bottle: 125ml .... 11/21/85 Laboratories. Stock Standard, No. 97182 Abbott CG RIA Diagnostic Kit: 100 tests ... 04/07/78 Laboratories. Kit No. 7815 Abbott Cannabinoids - GS Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/19/89 Laboratories. Bulk Controls, No. Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, 3897X, Y, Z 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cannabinoids - GS Kit: 100 vials ... 01/19/89 Laboratories. Control X, Y, Z; No. 3897 - 02, 03, 04 Abbott Cannabinoids - GS Vial: 5ml ........ 01/19/89 Laboratories. Control X, Y, Z; No. 3897X, Y, Z Abbott Cannabinoids Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 10/24/86 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F, 20L, 19L, 13.25L, No. 9671 (B02-F02) 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cannabinoids Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 10/24/86 Laboratories. Controls L, M, H; 20L, 19L, 13.25L, No. 9671 (L11, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, M11H11) 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cannabinoids Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 10/27/86 Laboratories. Tracer (No. 94192) 20L, 19L, 13.25L, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cannabinoids QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Primary 2-6 QT, Flask: 6, 4, 2, NG, CO, PS No. 1L, 500, 250, 200, 9671-11 2-6 QT-QC 100 ml; Bottle: & NG/CO/PS-QC 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Cannabinoids QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 10/25/91 Laboratories. Primary 8QT No. Flask: 6, 4, 2, 9671-11 8QT-QC 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Cannabinoids QC Carboy: 10L, Flask: 12/27/88 Laboratories. Primary NBS, B-F, 4L, 2L, 500 ml, L, M, H; No. 9671 250 ml, 100 ml, -02[NBS, B-F]-QC; 200 ml, Bottle: No. 9671-11[L, M, 5ml H]-QC Abbott Cannabinoids QC Carboy: 10L, Flask: 12/27/88 Laboratories. Primary NBS, B-F, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, L, M, H; No. 9671 250 ml, 200 ml, (NBS, B-F, L, M, 100 ml, Bottle: H)-QC 5ml Abbott Cannabinoids Stock Bottle: 125 ml ... 06/19/87 Laboratories. Standard (94568) Abbott Cannabinoids Stock Bottle: 125 ml ... 10/24/86 Laboratories. Standard (No. 94193) Abbott Cannabinoids Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L, 12/27/89 Laboratories. Standard 10mcg/ml Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, -No. 94568, 5mcg/ 500 ml, 250 ml, ml-No. 94568A, 200 ml, 100 ml, 1mcg/ml-No. bottle: 950 ml, 94568B 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Cannabinoids Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L, 12/27/88 Laboratories. Standard; 10mcg/ Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, ml-No. 94193, 500 ml, 250 ml, 5mcg/ml-No. 200 ml, 100 ml, 94193A, 1mcg/ml- bottle: 950 ml, No. 94193B 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Cannabinoids Stock Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 10/27/86 Laboratories. Tracer (No. 94194) 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml; Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Cannabinoids-GS 20 L, 10 L Carboy; 07/28/88 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrators 6 L, 2 L, 1 L, B-F No. 3897 B-F 250 ml, 200 ml Flask Abbott Cannabinoids-GS 20 L, 10 L Carboy; 07/28/88 Laboratories. Bulk Controls (L, 6 L, 2 L, 1 L, M, H) Code No. 250 ml, 200 ml 3897 (L, M, H) Flask Abbott Cannabinoids-GS 10 L Carboy; 6 L, 07/28/88 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer Code 2 L Flask No. 95826 Abbott Cannabinoids-GS 5 ml Vial ........ 07/28/88 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F No. 3897 B-F Abbott Cannabinoids-GS Kit: 6 Vials ..... 07/28/88 Laboratories. Calibrators No. 3897-01 Abbott Cannabinoids-GS 5 ml Vial ........ 07/28/88 Laboratories. Controls (L, M, H) No. 3897-L, M, H Abbott Cannabinoids-GS Kit: 3 Vials ..... 07/28/88 Laboratories. Controls No. 3897 -10 Abbott Cannabinoids-GS QC Carboy: 10L, Flask: 12/27/88 Laboratories. Primary NBS, B-F, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, L, M, H; No. 3897 250 ml, 200 ml, (NBS, B-F, L, M, 100 ml, Bottle: H)-QC 5ml Abbott Cannabinoids-GS Kit: 100 Tests ... 07/28/88 Laboratories. Reagent Pack 100 Test No. 3897-20 Abbott Cannabinoids-GS Kit: 100 Tests ... 09/22/89 Laboratories. Reagent Pack 100 Test, No. 3897-19 Abbott Cannabinoids-GS 5 ml Vial ........ 07/28/88 Laboratories. Tracer Code No. 3897-T Abbott Cholylglycine Plastic Bottle: 04/07/78 Laboratories. Antiserum (Rabbit) 20 ml Reagent Solution No. 7817 Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 9.5, 19 L 07/07/88 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator B -F No. 9670 B-F Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20L, 10L, 10/28/85 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator, Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, B-F No. 9670 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 9.5, 19 L 07/07/88 Laboratories. Bulk Controls L, H No. 9670-L, H Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20L, 10L, 10/28/85 Laboratories. Bulk Controls, L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, and H No. 9670 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/19/89 Laboratories. Bulk Controls, No. Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, 9670X, Y, Z 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 10/30/85 Laboratories. Bulk Tracer, No. 20L, 13.25L, 13L, 97075 10L, 9L, Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Vial: 5ml ........ 01/19/89 Laboratories. Control X, Y, Z; No. 9670X, Y, Z Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. QC Primary 2-6 QT, Flask: 6, 4, 2, NG, CO, PS No. 1L, 500, 250, 200, 9670 2-6 QT-QC & 100 ml; Bottle: NG/CO/PS-QC 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20, 10L; 10/28/91 Laboratories. QC Primary 2-6 QT Flask: 6, 4, 2, -C, 8QT-C No. 1L, 500, 250, 200, 9670 2-6 QTC-QC, 100 ml; Bottle: 9670 8QTC-QC 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20, 10L; 10/25/91 Laboratories. QC Primary 8QT No. Flask: 6, 4, 2, 9670 8QT-QC 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/23/88 Laboratories. QC Primary B-F, L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 M. H, No. 9670 (B ml, 250 ml, 200 -F, L, M, H)-QC ml, 100 ml, Bottle: 5 ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Flasks: 1 liter, 11/10/87 Laboratories. QC Primary Bulk 250 ml, and 200 Control M, No. ml 9670-M Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Bottle: 5 ml ..... 11/10/87 Laboratories. QC Primary Standard Control M, No. 9670-M Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 10L, Flask: 06/05/89 Laboratories. QC Primary X, No. 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, 9670Z-QC; Primary 250 ml, 200 ml, Z, No. 9670Z-QC 100 ml, Bottle: 5ml Abbott Cocaine Metabolite Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 10/30/85 Laboratories. Stock Tracer, No. 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, 97156 200 ml, 100 ml; Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott High Carboy: 50, 20, 07/02/91 Laboratories. Multiconstituent 10L; Flask: 6, 4, (9) Stock 2, 1L, 500, 250, Standard Cat. No. 200, 100 ml; 92622 Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Low Carboy: 50, 20, 07/02/91 Laboratories. Multiconstituent 10L; Flask: 6, 4, (9) Stock 2, 1L, 500, 250, Standard Cat. No. 200, 100 ml; 92620 Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Low, Medium, High Carboy: 10, 20L; 10/06/89 Laboratories. Multiconstituent Flask: 6, 4, 2, Stock Standards, 1L, 500, 250, 200, No. 90967, 90968, 100 ml; Bottle: 90969 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Medium Carboy: 50, 20, 07/02/91 Laboratories. Multiconstituent 10L; Flask: 6, 4, (9) Stock 2, 1L, 500, 250, Standard Cat. No. 200, 100 ml; 92621 Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Methadone Bulk 20 L, 10 L Carboy; 09/02/88 Laboratories. Calibrators (B-F) 6 L, 2 L, 1 L, Code No. 9676 (B- 250 ml, 200 ml F) Flask Abbott Methadone Bulk 20 L, 10 L Carboy; 09/02/88 Laboratories. Calibrators (L, M, 6 L, 2 L, 1 L, H) Code No. 9676 250 ml, 200 ml (L, M, H) Flask Abbott Methadone Bulk 10 L Carboy; 6 L, 09/02/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard 2 L, 1 L Flask Code No. 95952 Abbott Methadone Kit: 6 Vials ..... 09/02/88 Laboratories. Calibrators No. 9676-01 Abbott Methadone 5 ml Vial ........ 09/02/88 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F No. 9676 B-F Abbott Methadone Controls 5 ml Vial ........ 09/02/88 Laboratories. L, M, H No. 9676- L, M, H Abbott Methadone Controls Kit: 3 Vials ..... 09/02/88 Laboratories. No. 9676-10 Abbott Methadone QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Primary NG, CO, Flask: 6, 4, 2, PS No. 9676 NG/CO 1L, 500, 250, 200, /PS-QC 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Methadone Stock 1 L, 500 ml, 100 09/02/88 Laboratories. Standard Code No. ml Bottle 95720 Abbott Morphine Stock Vial: 125ml ...... 10/16/85 Laboratories. Standard, No. 97291 Abbott Morphine Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Standard, Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, No.97291 A-B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Multiconstituent Carboy: 50, 20, 07/02/91 Laboratories. (9) QC Control H 10L; Flask: 6, 4, Cat. No. 92625 2, 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Multiconstituent Carboy: 50, 20, 07/02/91 Laboratories. (9) QC Control L 10L; Flask: 6, 4, Cat. No. 92623 2, 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Multiconstituent Carboy: 50, 20, 07/02/91 Laboratories. (9) QC Control M 10L; Flask: 6, 4, Cat. No. 92624 2, 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Multiconstituent Carboy: 20L, 10L, 09/03/87 Laboratories. Bulk Controls L, Flask: 10L, 6L, M, H (No. 9687-L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, M, H) 200 ml Abbott Multiconstituent Carboy: 20L, 10L, 10/06/89 Laboratories. Control for 19L, 9.5L, 6L, 4L, Abused Drug 1L, Flask: 250 ml, Assays Bulk L, M, 200 ml H; No. 9687-L, M, H Abbott Multiconstituent Vial: 5 ml ....... 10/06/89 Laboratories. Control for Abused Drug Assays L, M, H; No. 9687-L, M, H Abbott Multiconstituent Carboy: 10L, Flask: 10/06/89 Laboratories. Control for 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, Abused Drug 250 ml, 200 ml, Assays QC 100 ml, Bottle: Primaries L, M, H; 950 ml, 500 ml, No. 9687-L, H, H- 100 ml, 5ml QC Abbott Multiconstituent Kit: 6 vials ..... 10/06/89 Laboratories. Controls for Abused Drug Assays, No. 9687- 10 Abbott Nordiazepam Serum Carboy: 10 liters; 05/02/88 Laboratories. Bulk Stock Flask: 6 liters, Standard No. 2 liters, 1 liter 94941 Abbott Nordiazepam Serum Carboy: 10 liter; 12/07/87 Laboratories. Bulk Stock Flask: 6 liter, 2 Standard: Code liter No.94941 Abbott Nordiazepam Serum Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 94941, 94941 A, B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5 ml Abbott Nordiazepam Serum Bottle: 125 ml ... 12/07/87 Laboratories. Stock Standard: Code No. 94941 Abbott Nordiazepam Serum Bottle: 125 ml ... 05/02/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard: No. 94941 Abbott Nordiazepam Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 97757, 97757 A, B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Nordiazepam Stock Bottle: 125ml .... 04/21/86 Laboratories. Standard, No. 97757 Abbott Opiate Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 05/07/86 Laboratories. Calibrators, B-F, 20L, 19L, 13.25L, No.9673 B-F 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Opiate Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 05/07/86 Laboratories. Controls, L and H 20L, 19L, 13.25L, No. 9673 L and H 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Opiates Bulk Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/19/89 Laboratories. Controls, No. Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, 9673X, Y, Z 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Opiates Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 05/07/86 Laboratories. Tracer, No. 97458 20L, 19L, 13.25L, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Opiates Control X, Vial: 5ml ........ 01/19/89 Laboratories. Y, Z; No. 9673X, Y, Z Abbott Opiates QC Primary Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. (B-F, L, M, H) QC 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 No. 9673 (B-F, L, ml, 250 ml, 200 M, H) QC ml, 100 ml Bottle: 5ml Abbott Opiates QC Primary Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. 2-6 QT, NG, CO, Flask: 6, 4, 2, PS No. 9673 2-6 1L, 500, 250, 200, QT-QC & NG/CO/PS- 100 ml; Bottle: QC 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Opiates QC Primary Carboy: 20, 10L; 10/25/91 Laboratories. 8QT No. 9673 8QT- Flask: 6, 4, 2, QC 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Opiates QC Primary Flasks: 1 liter, 11/10/87 Laboratories. Bulk Control M, 250 ml, and 200 No. 9673-M ml Abbott Opiates QC Primary Bottle: 5 ml ..... 11/10/87 Laboratories. Standard Control M, No. 9673-M Abbott Opiates QC Primary Carboy: 10L, Flask: 06/05/89 Laboratories. X, No. 9673X-QC; 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, Primary Y, No. 250 ml, 200 ml, 9673Y-QC; 100 ml, Bottle: PrimaryZ, No. 5ml 9673Z-QC Abbott Opiates Stock Flasks: 6L, 4L, 2L, 05/07/86 Laboratories. Tracer, No. 98718 1L, 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml; Bottles: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 5ml; Amp: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Phencyclidine Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 03/21/86 Laboratories. Calibrator, B-F 20L, 13.25L, 13L, No. 9672 B-F 10L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Phencyclidine Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 09/26/86 Laboratories. Control M, No. 20L, 13.25L, 13L, 9672 M 10L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Phencyclidine Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 03/21/86 Laboratories. Controls, L and H 20L, 13.25L, 13L, No. 9672 L and H 10L, 9L Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Phencyclidine Bulk Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/19/89 Laboratories. Controls, No. Flask: 6L, 2L, 1L, 9672X, Y, Z 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Phencyclidine Vial: 5ml ........ 01/19/89 Laboratories. Control X, Y, Z; No. 9672X, Y, Z Abbott Phencyclidine QC Carboy: 10L Flask: 11/22/88 Laboratories. Primary (B-F, L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 M, H) QC No. 9672 ml, 250 ml, 200 (B-F, L, M, H) QC ml, 100 ml Bottle: 5ml Abbott Phencyclidine QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Primary 2-6 QT NG, Flask: 6, 4, 2, CO, PS No. 9672 2 1L, 500, 250, 200, -6 QT-QC & NG/CO/ 100 ml; Bottle: PS-QC 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Phencyclidine QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 10/25/91 Laboratories. Primary 8QT No. Flask: 6, 4, 2, 9672 8QT-QC 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Phencyclidine QC Carboy: 10L, Flask: 06/05/89 Laboratories. Primary X, No. 4L, 2L, 1L, 500 ml, 9672X-QC; Primary 250 ml, 200 ml, Z, No. 9672Z-QC 100 ml, Bottle: 5ml Abbott Phencyclidine Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 97158, 97158 A-B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Phencyclidine Flask: 100 ml, 04/18/89 Laboratories. Stock Standard, 200 ml, 250 ml, No. 95356 500 ml, 1L, 2L, 4L, Bottle: 5ml, 100 ml, 500 ml, 950 ml, Carboys: 10L, 20L Abbott Phencyclidine Bottle: 125ml .... 11/21/85 Laboratories. Stock Standard, No. 97158 Abbott Phenobarbital Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 06/16/88 Laboratories. Calibrators No. 19L, 13.25L, 13L, 9500 B-F 9.5L, 9L; Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Phenobarbital Bulk Carboy: 50L, 45.5L, 06/16/88 Laboratories. Controls No. 9500 19L, 13.25L, 13L, L, M, H 9.5L, 9L; Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Phenobarbital Vial: 2ml ........ 01/20/84 Laboratories. Enzyme Inhibitor Stock Abbott Phenobarbital QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 01/04/91 Laboratories. Primary B-F, L, M, Flask: 6, 4, 2, H Item No. 9500B- 1L, 500, 250, 200, F, L, M, H 100 ml; Bottles: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Phenobarbital Plastic Bottle: 03/23/87 Laboratories. Stock Solution 1 125 ml mg/ml Code No. 94312 Abbott Phenobarbital Plastic Bottle: 03/23/87 Laboratories. Stock Solution 10 125 ml mg/ml Code No. 94313 Abbott Phenobarbital Carboy: 20, 10L; 01/04/91 Laboratories. Stock Standard Flask: 6, 4, 2, 500 ug/ml Item No. 1L, 500, 250, 200, 99259 100 ml; Bottles: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Phenobarbital Bottle: 1 liter .. 08/12/82 Laboratories. Stock Standard Solution Abbott Polyethylene Plastic Bottle: 09/21/77 Laboratories. Glycol 8000, 16% 300 ml, 150 ml Solution in 0.09 M Barbital Buffer, No. 7541 Abbott Polyethylene Stainless Steel 03/09/88 Laboratories. Glycol 8000, 18% Tank: 1000 liters Solution in 0.09M Barbital Buffer: No. 07602 Abbott Progesterone Bottle: 30 ml ..... 03/11/92 Laboratories. Buffer No. 2242J Abbott Progesterone Box: 100 Bottles/ 03/11/92 Laboratories. Buffer No. 30 ml 2242J0001 Abbott Progesterone Bulk Carboy: 50L, 25L, 05/11/92 Laboratories. Buffer No. 12918 20L, 19L, 15L, 13L, 10L, 9L; Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 50 ml, 30 ml, 20 ml; Amp: 20 ml, 10 ml, 5ml, 2ml Abbott Progesterone Kit: 4 Bottles ... 03/11/92 Laboratories. Reagent Pack No. 2242-20 Abbott Propoxyphene Bulk Carboys or Flasks: 11/30/90 Laboratories. Calibrator B-F No. 50L, 45.5L, 20L, 9675 B-F 19L, 13.25L, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Propoxyphene Bulk Carboys or Flasks: 11/30/90 Laboratories. Control L, M, H 50L, 45.5L, 20L, No. 9675 L, M, H 19L, 13.25L, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Propoxyphene Bulk Carboys or Flasks: 11/30/90 Laboratories. Tracer Item No. 50L, 45.5L, 20L, 92003 19L, 13.25L, 13L, 10L, 9.5L, 9L, 6L, 4L, 2L, 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Propoxyphene Kit: 5 vials ..... 11/30/90 Laboratories. Calibrators Item No. 9675-01 Abbott Propoxyphene Vial: 5ml ........ 11/30/90 Laboratories. Calibrators Item No. 9675B-F Abbott Propoxyphene Kit: 3 vials ..... 11/30/90 Laboratories. Controls Item No. 9675-10 Abbott Propoxyphene Vial: 5ml ........ 11/30/90 Laboratories. Controls Item No. 9675L, M, H Abbott Propoxyphene QC Carboy: 20, 10L 11/30/90 Laboratories. Primary B-F, L, M, Flasks: 6, 4, 2, H, Z Item No. 1L, 500, 250, 200, 9675(B-F, L, M, H, 100 ml Bottles: Z)-QC 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Propoxyphene QC Carboy: 20, 10L; 02/20/91 Laboratories. Primary NG, CO, Flask: 6, 4, 2, PS No. 9675 NG/CO 1L, 500, 250, 200, /PS-QC 100 ml; Bottle: 950 ml, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Propoxyphene Stock Carboys: 20, 10L 11/30/90 Laboratories. Standard, 100 mcg Flasks: 6, 4, 2, /ml Item No. 1L, 500, 250, 200, 92005 100 ml Bottles: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Propoxyphene Stock Bottle: 12ml ..... 11/30/90 Laboratories. Tracer Item No. 92001 Abbott Propoxyphene Bottles: 3.2ml, 11/30/90 Laboratories. Tracer Item No. 5ml 9675-T Abbott Secobarbital Bulk Carboy: 20L, 10L, 03/21/86 Laboratories. Calibrator, B-F Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, No. 9669 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Secobarbital Bulk Carboy: 20L, 10L, 03/21/86 Laboratories. Controls, L and H Flask: 6L, 4L, 2L, No. 9669 1L, 250 ml, 200 ml Abbott Secobarbital Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L, 01/03/89 Laboratories. Standard 1000mcg/ Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, ml-No. 90107, 500 ml, 250 ml, 500mcg/ml-No. 200 ml, 100 ml, 90107A, 200mcg/ml Bottle: 950 ml, -No. 90107B 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Abbott Secobarbital Stock Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 97171, 97171 A, B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5 ml Abbott Secobarbital Stock Bottle: 125ml .... 11/21/85 Laboratories. Standard, No. 97171 Abbott Spectrum Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/03/85 Laboratories. Phenobarbital Calibrator II-VI, Nos. 9755, 9757, 9759, 9761, 9763 Abbott Spectrum Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/03/85 Laboratories. Phenobarbital Controls, Nos. 9876, 9878, 9880. (L, M, H) Abbott TDx Amphetamine Kit: 6 vials ..... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Class Calibrators 9667-01 Abbott TDx Amphetamine Bottle: 5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Class Calibrators B-F Abbott TDx Amphetamine Bottle: 5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Class Control L and H Abbott TDx Amphetamine Kit: 2 vials ..... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Class Controls 9667-10 Abbott TDx Amphetamine Kit: 1 vial ...... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Class Reagent Pack, No. 9667-60 Abbott TDx Amphetamine Bottle: 5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Class Tracer Solution, No. 9667T Abbott TDx Amphetamine/ Bottles: 4ml ..... 08/23/85 Laboratories. Methamphetamine Calibrator, No. 9668-01 Abbott TDx Amphetamine/ Bottles: 4ml ..... 08/23/85 Laboratories. Methamphetamine Controls, No. 9668-10 Abbott TDx Barbiturates 5 ml Vial ........ 07/01/88 Laboratories. Calibrators No. 9669 B-F Abbott TDx Barbiturates Kit: 5 Vials, 5 ml 07/01/88 Laboratories. Calibrators No. each 9669-01 Abbott TDx Barbiturates Bottle: 4 ml ..... 10/08/85 Laboratories. Calibrators, B-F No. 9669 Abbott TDx Barbiturates 5 ml Vial ........ 07/01/88 Laboratories. Control L, H No. 9669 L, H Abbott TDx Barbiturates Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/08/85 Laboratories. Control, L and H No. 9669 Abbott TDx Barbiturates Kit: 2 Vials, 5 ml 07/01/88 Laboratories. Controls No. 9669 each -10 Abbott TDx 5 ml Vial ........ 07/18/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Calibrator No. 9674 B-F Abbott TDx Kit: 5 Vials, 5 ml 07/18/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines each Calibrators No. 9674-01 Abbott TDx Bottles: 4ml ..... 04/21/86 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Calibrators, No. 9674-01 Abbott TDx 5 ml Vial ........ 07/18/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Controls L, H No. 9674 L, H Abbott TDx Kit: 2 Vials, 5 ml 07/18/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines each Controls L, H No. 9674-10 Abbott TDx Bottles: 4ml ..... 04/21/86 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Controls, No. 9674-10 Abbott TDx Bottle: 4 ml ..... 05/02/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Calibrator No. 9682 B-F Abbott TDx Bottle: 4ml, 5ml . 12/07/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Calibrators B-F: Code No. 9682 B-F Abbott TDx Kit .............. 12/07/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Calibrators: Code No. 9682-01 Abbott TDx Kit: 6 vials ..... 05/02/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Calibrators: No. 9682-01 Abbott TDx Bottle: 4 ml ..... 12/07/87 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Controls L, M, & H: No. 9682 L, M, H Abbott TDx Bottle: 4 ml ..... 05/02/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Controls L, M, H: No. 9682 L, M, H Abbott TDx Kit .............. 12/07/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Controls: Code No. 9682-10 Abbott TDx Kit: 3 vials ..... 05/02/88 Laboratories. Benzodiazepines Serum Controls: No. 9682-10 Abbott TDx Cannabinoids Bottle: 5 ml ..... 06/19/87 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F (9671-02) Abbott TDx Cannabinoids Bottles: 5 ml .... 10/24/86 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F (No. 9671-01) Abbott TDx Cannabinoids Bottle: 5 ml ..... 06/19/87 Laboratories. Controls L, M, and H (9671-11) Abbott TDx Cannabinoids Bottles: 5 ml .... 10/24/86 Laboratories. Controls L, M, H (No. 9671-10) Abbott TDx Cannabinoids Bottle: 5 ml ..... 10/27/86 Laboratories. Fluorescein Tracer Solution (No. 9671-T) Abbott TDx Cannabinoids 100 tests ........ 10/27/86 Laboratories. Reagent Pack (No. 9671-20) Abbott TDx Cocaine 5 ml Vial ........ 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite Calibrator B-F No. 9670 B-F Abbott TDx Cocaine Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/02/85 Laboratories. Metabolite Calibrator, B-F No. 9670 Abbott TDx Cocaine Kit: 5 Vials, 5 ml 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite each Calibrators No. 9670-01 Abbott TDx Cocaine 5 ml Vial ........ 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite Control L, H No. 9670 L, H Abbott TDx Cocaine Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/02/85 Laboratories. Metabolite Control, L and H No. 9669 Abbott TDx Cocaine Kit: 2 Vials, 5 ml 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite each Controls No. 9670 -10 Abbott TDx Cocaine Kit: 100 Vials, 5 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite ml Each Fluorescein Tracer Solution No. 9670 T0001 Abbott TDx Cocaine Box: 5 ml Vial ... 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite Fluorescein Tracer Solution No. 9670-T Abbott TDx Cocaine Reagent well: 5ml 10/02/85 Laboratories. Metabolite Reagent Pack Abbott TDx Cocaine Kit: 100 Tests ... 07/07/88 Laboratories. Metabolite Reagent Pack No. 9670-20 Abbott TDx Bottle: 5 ml ..... 09/03/87 Laboratories. Multiconstituent Controls L, M, H (No. 9687-L, M, H) Abbott TDx Opiates Vial: 4 ml ....... 02/29/88 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F: No. 9673-01 Abbott TDx Opiates 5 ml Vial ........ 05/07/86 Laboratories. Calibrators, B-F No. 9673 Abbott TDx Opiates Vial: 4 ml ....... 02/29/88 Laboratories. Controls L and H: No. 9673 L, H Abbott TDx Opiates Vials: 5ml ....... 05/07/86 Laboratories. Controls, L and H No. 9673 Abbott TDx Opiates Box: 10 Vials, 5 07/08/88 Laboratories. Fluorescein ml each Tracer Solution No. 9673 T0001 Abbott TDx Opiates Reagent Well: 5 ml 02/29/88 Laboratories. Fluorescein Tracer Solution: No. 9673-T Abbott TDx Opiates Reagent Well: 5ml 05/07/86 Laboratories. Reagent, Pack No. , 100 tests 9673-20, 100 tests Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Carboy: 9.5, 19 L 07/18/88 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator B -F No. 9672 B-F Abbott TDx Phencyclidine 5 ml Vial ........ 07/18/88 Laboratories. Bulk Calibrator B -F No. 9672 B-F Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Carboy: 9.5, 19 L 07/18/88 Laboratories. Bulk Control L, M, H No. 9672 L, M, H Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Kit: 5 Vials, 5 ml 07/18/88 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F each No. 9672-01 Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/09/85 Laboratories. Calibrators, B-F No. 9672 Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Bottle: 4ml ...... 09/26/86 Laboratories. Control M No. 9672 Abbott TDx Phencyclidine 5 ml Vial ........ 07/18/88 Laboratories. Controls L, M, H No. 9672 L, M, H Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Kit: 3 Vials, 5 ml 07/18/88 Laboratories. Controls No. 9672 each -10 Abbott TDx Phencyclidine Bottle: 4ml ...... 10/09/85 Laboratories. Controls, L and H No. 9672 Abbott TDx Phenobarbital Kit ctg: 6 vials . 08/31/81 Laboratories. Calibrator-0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, and 80.0 mcg/ml Abbott TDx Phenobarbital 5 ml Vial ........ 06/16/88 Laboratories. Calibrators B-F No. 9500 B-F Abbott TDx Phenobarbital Kit: 6 Vials, 5 ml 06/16/88 Laboratories. Calibrators No. each 9500-01 (9500 B-F) Abbott TDx Phenobarbital 5 ml Vial ........ 06/16/88 Laboratories. Controls No. 9500 L, M, H Abbott TDx Phenobarbital Kit: 3 Vials, 5 ml 06/16/88 Laboratories. Controls No. 9500 each -10 (9500 L, M, H) Abbott TDx Phenobarbital Kit ctg: 3 vials . 08/31/81 Laboratories. Controls- 15.0, 30.0, 50.0 mcg/ml Abbott TDx Propoxyphene Kit: 100 tests ... 11/30/90 Laboratories. Reagent Pack Item No. 9675-20 Abbott TDx Systems Kit: 6 Bottles ... 09/03/87 Laboratories. Multiconstituent Controls for Abused Drug (No. 9687-10) Abbott TDx or TDx/TDxFLx Box: 100 bottles 11/30/90 Laboratories. Propoxyphene or less Fluorescein Tracer Solution Item No. 9675T0001 Abbott TDx, ADx Kit: 100 tests ... 03/01/88 Laboratories. Amphetamine Class Reagent Pack, No. 9667-20, No. 9667 -55 Abbott TDx/TDxFLx Kit: 100 tests ... 11/30/90 Laboratories. Propoxyphene Reagent Pack Item No. 9675-60 Abbott Thyroxine Binding Glass Bottle: 13ml. 04/22/76 Laboratories. Globulin, Plastic Bottle: Thyroxine I 125 250 ml Abbott TrakPak Five Drug Carboy: 20, 10L 10/19/90 Laboratories. Control 2-6 QT Flask: 6, 4, 2, Nos. 92212-92216 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott TrakPak Five Drug Carboy: 20, 10L; 10/25/91 Laboratories. Control 8QT No. Flask: 6, 4, 2, 93349 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott TrakPak Five Drug Carboy: 20, 10L 10/19/90 Laboratories. Control Stock No. Flask: 6, 4, 2, 92210 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml Bottle: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml Ampule: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Trakpak Card w/ Box: 2000 cards w/ 03/08/91 Laboratories. Cover Code #01249 cover Abbott Trakpak Card w/ Box: 2000 cards .. 03/08/91 Laboratories. Tracers Code # 01248 Abbott Trakpak Cocaine Flasks: 6, 4, 2, 03/08/91 Laboratories. Tracer Code # 1L, 500, 250, 200, 92199 100 ml; Bottles: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Trakpak Drug of Kit: 40 cartridges 03/08/91 Laboratories. Abuse Screening System (40 test kit) Code #04A74 Abbott Trakpak Negative Vial: 5ml ........ 03/08/91 Laboratories. Control Code # 04A74C Abbott Trakpak Opiates Flasks: 6, 4, 2, 03/08/91 Laboratories. Tracer Code # 1L, 500, 250, 200, 92198 100 ml; Bottles: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott Trakpak Reaction Cartridge: 1 card 03/08/91 Laboratories. Cartridge Code # 04A74B Abbott Trakpak THC Tracer Flasks: 6, 4, 2, 03/08/91 Laboratories. Code #92200 1L, 500, 250, 200, 100 ml; Bottles: 950, 500, 100, 50, 5ml; Ampules: 20, 10, 5, 2ml Abbott X Systems Vial: 5 ml ....... 07/14/89 Laboratories. Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine II Calibrator B, C, D, E, F; No. 01A99-B, C, D, E, F Abbott X Systems Kit: 6 vials ..... 07/14/89 Laboratories. Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine II Calibrators, No. 01A99-01 Abbott X Systems Vial: 5 ml ....... 07/14/89 Laboratories. Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine II Control L, M, H; No. 01A99-L, M, H Abbott X Systems Kit: 3 vials ..... 07/14/89 Laboratories. Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine II Controls, No. 01A99-10 Abbott X Systems Kit: 6 Bottles ... 05/12/92 Laboratories. Methadone Calibrators B-F Abbott X Systems Bottle: 5ml ...... 05/15/92 Laboratories. Methadone Calibrators B-F Abbott X Systems Kit: 3 Bottles ... 05/15/92 Laboratories. Methadone Controls L, M, H, No. 9676-10 Abbott X Systems Bottle: 5ml ...... 05/15/92 Laboratories. Methadone Controls L, M, H; No. 9676 L, M, H Abbott d-Amphetamine (II) 10L Carboy; 6L, 2L, 08/26/88 Laboratories. Bulk Stock 1L Flask Standard Code No. 95947 Abbott d-Amphetamine (II) 1L, 500 ml, 100 ml 08/26/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard Bottle Code No. 95934 Abbott d-Amphetamine (II) Carboy: 20L, 10L 11/22/88 Laboratories. Stock Standard No. Flask: 4L, 2L, 1L, 95934, 95934 A-B 500 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml, 100 ml Bottle: 950 ml, 500 ml, 100 ml, 5ml Adri/Technam ..... 3-0rtho-Carboxyme. Screw Cap Vial ... 05/03/73 .thylmorphine Adri/Technam ..... 5-Ethyl-5-(1- Screw Cap Vial ... 05/03/73 Carboxy-n-propyl) Barbituric Acid Adri/Technam ..... 5-Ethyl-5-(1- Vaccine Vial: 10 ml 05/03/73 Carboxy-n-propyl) Barbituric Acid- Bovine Serum Albumin Adri/Technam ..... 5-Ethyl-5-(1- Vaccine Vial: 10 ml 05/03/73 Carboxy-n-propyl) Barbituric Acid- Rabbit Serum Albumin Adri/Technam ..... Barbiturate Screw-cap vial: 07/17/76 Standard 10 ml Adri/Technam ..... Barbituric Acid Vaccine Vial: 50 ml 05/03/73 Sensitized Red Blood Cells Adri/Technam ..... Benzoyl Ecgonine . Screw-cap vial: 04/18/74 10 ml Adri/Technam ..... Benzoyl Ecgonine Vaccine Vial: 50 ml 05/03/73 Sensitized Red Blood Cells Adri/Technam ..... Benzoyl Ecgonine Screw-cap vial: 07/17/76 Standard 10 ml Adri/Technam ..... Benzoyl Ecgonine- Vaccine Vial ..... 07/21/75 BSA Adri/Technam ..... Benzoyl Ecgonine- Vaccine Vial ..... 07/21/75 RSA Adri/Technam ..... CMM-BSA and CMM- Vaccine Vial: 10 ml 05/03/73 RSA (Carboxymethylmo. .rphine Bovine Serum Albumin or Carboxymeth- ylmorphine Rabbit Serum Albumin) Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Disks: 25/package 05/03/85 Cannabidiol Standard Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Delta 8 Disks: 25/package 09/19/84 THC Carboxylic Acid Standard Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Delta 8 Vial: 6 ml ....... 09/19/84 THC Carboxylic Acid Standard Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Delta 9 Vial: 6 ml ....... 09/19/84 THC Carboxylic Acid Standard Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Delta 9 Disks: 25/package 09/19/84 THC Carboxylic Acid Standard Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Delta 9 Vial: 6 ml ....... 09/19/84 THC Standard Adri/Technam ..... Cannabuse Delta 9 Disks: 25/package 09/19/84 THC Standard Adri/Technam ..... Drug Standards, Disks: 25/package 11/15/85 Acid/ Neutral Mixture A and B Adri/Technam ..... Drug Standards, Disks: 25/package 11/15/85 Basic Mixture A and B Adri/Technam ..... Methadone Standard Screw-cap vial: 07/17/76 10 ml Adri/Technam ..... Morphine Vaccine Vial: 50 ml 05/03/73 Sensitized Red Blood Cells Adri/Technam ..... Morphine Standard Screw-cap vial: 07/17/77 (in distilled 10 ml water) Adri/Technam ..... Tropinecarboxylic Screw-cap Bottle: 05/03/73 Acid (ecgonine) 10 ml Alltech-Applied 4-Methylaminorex . Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied 6-Acetylcodeine .. Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied Benzoylecgonine Amber Ampoule: 1ml 02/16/90 Science. Tetrahydrate 7.5 ug, 50 ug, 250 ug Alltech-Applied Bromazepam ....... Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied Cyclopentobarbital Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied GC/MS Kit: 3 vials ..... 02/16/90 Science. Benzoylecgonine Calibration Standards Kit Alltech-Applied L-Amphetamine HCl Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied MDE HCl .......... Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied Medazepam ........ Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied Metharbital ...... Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied N-Ethylamphetamine Amber Ampoule: 1ml 02/16/90 Science. Alltech-Applied N-Hydroxy-MDA .... Amber Ampoule: 1ml 02/16/90 Science. Alltech-Applied Normeperidine HCl Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied Phenmetrazine HCl Amber Ampoule: 1ml 02/16/90 Science. Alltech-Applied Talbutal ......... Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied Thiopental ....... Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. Alltech-Applied d3-Benzoylecgonine Amber Ampoule: 5ml 02/16/90 Science. Tetrahydrate Alltech-Applied l-Methamphetamine Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/16/89 Science. HCl American Dade Urine Glass Vial: 15ml . 04/08/91 Biological Chemistry Control, Technologies, Inc Level I & II American Monitor Qualify I ........ Glass Vial: 10 ml . 10/09/75 Corporation. American Monitor Qualify II ....... Glass Vial: 10 ml . 10/09/75 Corporation. Amersham 5 Alpha-Dihydro[1, Vial: 6ml ........ 04/02/91 Corporation. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7-3H] Testosterone Cat. No. TRK.443 Amersham 5 Alpha-Dihydro[1 Vial: 6ml ........ 04/02/91 Corporation. alpha, 2 alpha(n) -3H] Testosterone Cat. No. TRK.395 Amersham 5 Alpha-dihydro[1, Vial: 1ml ........ 04/11/91 Corporation. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7-3H] Testosterone Reagent 4 T/DHT RIA Kit Amersham Amerlex T-3 RIA Kit: 50 tests, 100 02/18/80 Corporation. Kit, IM 2000, IM tests, 400 tests 2001, IM 2004 Amersham Amerlex T-4 RIA Kit: 50 tests, 100 02/06/80 Corporation. Kit, IM 2010, IM tests, 400 tests 2011, IM 2014 Amersham Amerlex-M B-hCG Kit: 100 tests, 06/19/85 Corporation. Radioimmunoassay 400 tests Kit IM 3091, IM 3094 Amersham Amerlex-M T3 RIA Kit: 100 Tests 400 08/27/86 Corporation. Kit, 1M.3001, Tests 1M.3004 Amersham Amerlex-M T4 RIA Kit: 100 Tests 400 08/27/86 Corporation. Kit, 1M.3011, Tests 1M.3014 Amersham Amerlite FSH Assay, Glass vial: 5.8ml, 05/30/89 Corporation. Cat. Code 38.1ml, 240 tests, LAN.0077, Cat. 144 tests Code LAN.2077 Amersham Amerlite Rubella Glass vial: 5.8ml, 05/30/89 Corporation. Antibody Assay, 38.1ml, 240 tests, Cat. Code 144 tests LAN.0200, Cat. Code LAN.2200 Amersham Amerlite TSH Assay, Glass vial: 5.8ml, 05/30/89 Corporation. Cat. Code 240 tests, 144 LAN.0001, Cat. tests Code LAN.2001 Amersham Amerlite TT3 Assay: Kit: 144 tests, 11/24/87 Corporation. Catalog Code Lan. 240 tests, 480 0003, Lan. 1003, tests and Lan.2003 Amersham Amerlite TT4 Assay: Kit: 144 tests, 11/24/87 Corporation. Catalog Code Lan. 240 tests, 480 0002, Lan. 1002, tests Lan. 2002 Amersham Codeine (N-methyl- Custom Preparation 03/27/72 Corporation. C14) Hydrochloride Amersham Dihydrotestostero. Vial: 5.5ml ...... 04/11/91 Corporation. .ne Standard Reagnet 3 T/DHT RIA Kit Amersham Morphine (N-methyl Vial: 0.32 to 03/27/72 Corporation. -C14) 1.89 mg Hydrocloride No. CFA-363 Amersham Pheno [2-14C] Vial: 0.39 to 11/05/74 Corporation. barbital Catalog 5.85 mg No. CFA 537 Amersham Prolactin RIA Kit, Kit: 50 tests, 100 03/28/80 Corporation. IM 1060, 1061 tests Amersham T-3 Uptake (MAA) Kit: 50 tests, 100 02/05/79 Corporation. Kit-IM 1020, IM tests, 400 tests 1021, IM 1024 Amersham Testosterone Vial: 5.5ml ...... 04/11/91 Corporation. Standard Reagent 2 T/DHT RIA Kit Amersham Testosterone-3-(0- Vial: 1.2ml ...... 04/02/91 Corporation. carboxymethyl) oximino-(2-[125I] iodohistamine) 10uCi, 25uCi Cat. No. IM.128 Amersham Testosterone/dihy. Kit: 200 assays .. 04/11/91 Corporation. .drotestosterone [ 3H] assay system Cat. No. TRK-600 Amersham [1(N)-3H] Vial: 47.5-95 07/31/87 Corporation. Hydromorphone TRQ micrograms 4729 Amersham [1(n)-3H] Codeine, Ampule: 0.002 mg to 02/26/74 Corporation. No. TRK 448 0.015 mg Amersham [1(n)-3H]Morphine, Vial: 0.002 mg to 02/26/74 Corporation. No. TRK-447 0.015 mg Amersham [1, 2, 6, 7-3H] Vial: 6ml ........ 04/02/91 Corporation. Testosterone Cat. No. TRK.402 Amersham [1, 7, 8(n)-3H] Vial: 0.0008 mg to 02/26/74 Corporation. Dihydromorphine, 0.008 mg No. TRK-450 Amersham [15, 16(n)-3H] Vial: 3.45 to 6.9 11/19/74 Corporation. Etorphine, micrograms Catalog No. TRK 476 Amersham [15, 16(n)-3H] Vial: 13.8 to 27.6 02/17/75 Corporation. Etorphine Catalog micrograms No. TRK 476 Amersham [17 alpha-methyl- Vial: 6ml ........ 04/02/91 Corporation. 3H] Mibolerone Cat. No. TRK.764 Amersham [2(n)-3H] Lysergic Vial: 0.003 mg to 05/22/74 Corporation. Acid Diethylamide, 0.04 mg No. TRK. 461 Amersham [2-14C] Diazepam Multidose Glass 09/28/77 Corporation. Catalog No. Vial: 56mm x 25mm CFA.591 Amersham [3H]11- Vial: 5.7ml ...... 06/13/91 Corporation. Ketotestosterone Cat. No. TRQ.5919 Amersham [4-14C] Vial: 6ml ........ 04/02/91 Corporation. Testosterone 50uCi, 250uCi Cat. No. CFA.129 Amersham [N-methyl-3H] Multidose Glass 09/28/77 Corporation. Diazepam Catalog Vial: 56mm x 25mm Code: TRK.572 Analytical Control Benchmark I TDM Plastic Vial: 5ml 10/02/91 Systems, Inc. Control 1L, 2M, per Vial; 1-120 3H Vials per Bag Applied Science 6- Vial: 1 ml ....... 03/30/88 Laboratories. Monoacetylmorphine HCl Applied Science Allylisobutylbarb. Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. .ituric Acid Applied Science Alphaprodine HCL . Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Alphenal ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Alprazolam ....... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Amobarbital ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Amphetamine HCL .. Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Aprobarbital ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Barbital ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Barbiturates, Vial: 10 ml ....... 10/04/72 Laboratories. Mixture 4 Applied Science Benzoylecgonine Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Tetrahydrate Applied Science Benzphetamine HCL Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Butabarbital ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Butethal ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Cannabidiol ...... Vial: 1 ml ....... 03/30/88 Laboratories. Applied Science Cannabinol ....... Vial: 1 ml ....... 03/30/88 Laboratories. Applied Science Chloral Hydrate .. Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Chlordiazepoxide Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. HCL Applied Science Clonazepam ....... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Clorazepate Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Dipotassium Applied Science Cocaine .......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Codeine .......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Delta-8-Tetrahydro Vial: 1 ml ....... 03/30/88 Laboratories. -cannabinol Applied Science Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. .ocannabinol Applied Science Depressants, Vial: 10 ml ....... 10/04/72 Laboratories. Mixture 3 Applied Science Dextropropoxyphene Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. HCL Applied Science Diacetylmorphine Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. HCL Applied Science Diallybarbituric Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. acid Applied Science Diazepam ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Diethylpropion HCL Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Dihydrocodeine ... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Dimethyltryptamine Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Drug Mix Four .... Ampoule: 1 ml .... 11/03/86 Laboratories. Applied Science Drug Mix One ..... Ampoule: 1 ml .... 10/21/86 Laboratories. Applied Science Drug Mix Three ... Ampoule: 1 ml .... 11/03/86 Laboratories. Applied Science Drug Mix Two ..... Ampoule: 1 ml .... 10/21/86 Laboratories. Applied Science Ecgonine HCL ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Ecgonine Methyl Vial: 1 ml ....... 03/30/88 Laboratories. Ester HCl Applied Science Ethchlorvynol .... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Ethinamate ....... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Ethylmorphine HCL Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Fenfluramine HCL . Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Fentanyl ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Flurazepam HCL ... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Glutethimide ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Halazepam ........ Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Hexobarbital ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Hydrocodone Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Bitartrate Applied Science Hydromorphone HCL Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Levorphanol Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Tartrate Applied Science Lorazepam ........ Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Lysergic Acid .... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Lysergic Acid N- Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. (methylpropyl) amide Applied Science Lysergic Acid Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. diethylamide Applied Science MDA HCl .......... Vial: 1ml ........ 03/30/88 Laboratories. Applied Science MDMA HCl ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 03/30/88 Laboratories. Applied Science Meperidine HCL ... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Mephobarbital .... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Meprobamate ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Mescaline ........ Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Methadone HCL .... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Methamphetamine Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. HCL Applied Science Methaqualone HCL . Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Methohexital ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Methylphenidate .. Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Methyprylon ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Mixture 1-Opiates Vial: 1ml ........ 10/04/72 Laboratories. Applied Science Mixture 2- Vial: 1ml ........ 10/04/72 Laboratories. Stimulants Applied Science Mixture 3- Vial: 1ml ........ 10/04/72 Laboratories. Depressants Applied Science Mixture 4- Vial: 1ml ........ 10/04/72 Laboratories. Barbiturates Applied Science Mixture 5-Kit of Vial: 1ml ........ 10/04/72 Laboratories. Representatives Applied Science Morphine ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Nalorphine ....... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Nitrazepam ....... Vial: 1ml ........ 03/30/88 Laboratories. Applied Science Norcodeine HCL ... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Nordiazepam ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 03/30/88 Laboratories. Applied Science Normorphine ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Opiates, Mixture 1 Vial: 10 ml ....... 10/04/72 Laboratories. Applied Science Oxazepam ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Oxycodone HCL .... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Oxymorphone HCL .. Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Paraldehyde ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Pemoline ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Pentazocine ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Pentazocine HBr .. Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Pentobarbital .... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Phencyclidine HCL Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Phendimetrazine Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Bitartrate Applied Science Phenobarbital .... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Phentermine ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Prazepam ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Propylbenzoyl- Vial: 1ml ........ 03/30/88 Laboratories. ecgonine Applied Science Psilocybin ....... Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Psilocyn ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 11/06/87 Laboratories. Applied Science Secobarbital ..... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Stimulants, Vial: 10 ml ....... 10/04/72 Laboratories. Mixture 2 Applied Science Temazepam ........ Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Applied Science Thebaine ......... Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Thiamylal ........ Vial: 1ml ........ 01/24/73 Laboratories. Applied Science Toxi Clean Test Vial: 1ml ........ 03/30/88 Laboratories. Mix Applied Science Triazolam ........ Vial: 1ml ........ 04/16/85 Laboratories. Armed Forces 11-nor-9-carboxy- Glass Ampule: 1 mg/ 01/25/82 Institute of delta 8-THC in ml, 1ml, 5ml, Pathology. Ethanol Ampules 10 ml Astral Medical Barbital Buffer .. Plastic bag: 12.2g 05/01/85 Systems. /bag Astral Medical Barbital Lactate Plastic bag: 18g/ 05/01/85 Systems. Buffer bag Astral Medical Isoenzyme Buffer . Plastic bag: 14g/ 05/01/85 Systems. bag Astral Medical Tris-Barbital Plastic bag: 18g/ 05/01/85 Systems. Sodium Barbital bag Buffer Atochem North M&T NiproTeq SB Polypropylene 03/10/88 America, Inc. Additive Containers: 5 gallons, 55 gallons BHP Diagnostix, Kallestad TDM Kit: 7-3ml Vials; 08/18/88 Inc. Multi-Calibrator- 3ml Vial Pilot Lot B-G BHP Diagnostix, Kallestad TDM 3ml, 6ml, 10 ml, 08/18/88 Inc. Multi-Calibrator- 30 ml, 50 ml Vial Pilot-Lot Phenobarbital BHP Diagnostix, Kodak Ektachem-DT Bottle: 6ml ...... 01/05/85 Inc. Calibrator Baxter Diagnostics (125I) Human TSH Vial: 15ml ....... 12/07/89 Inc. Tracer, Cat. No. CA-2623 Baxter Diagnostics Absorbed Plasma Glass Vial: 5ml 08/16/71 Inc. and Serum (Lyophilized Reagents Kit Material) B4233-2 Baxter Diagnostics Bovine Chemistry Bottle: 18ml 01/29/86 Inc. Control I.X (Lyophilized Special Order Material) Request B5107- 55XX Baxter Diagnostics Bovine Chemistry Bottle: 18ml 01/29/86 Inc. Control II.X (Lyophilized Special Order Material) Request B5107- 65XX Baxter Diagnostics Buffered Thrombin Bottle: 5ml 01/24/86 Inc. (Bovine) Catalog (Lyophilized No. B4233-40 Material) Baxter Diagnostics Dade IAC.X Kit: 6 bottles ... 08/27/91 Inc. Comprehensive Immuno-Assay Control, Tri- Level Unassayed Baxter Diagnostics Dade Immunoassay Bottle: 9ml 04/25/86 Inc. Control, Level I- (Lyophilized Low Material) Baxter Diagnostics Dade Immunoassay Bottle: 9ml 04/25/86 Inc. Control, Level II (Lyophilized -Intermediate Material) Baxter Diagnostics Dade Immunoassay Bottle: 9ml 04/25/86 Inc. Control, Level (Lyophilized III-High Material) Baxter Diagnostics Dade Immunoassay Kit: 3 bottles ... 04/25/86 Inc. Controls, Tri- Level Baxter Diagnostics Dade TDM Control Glass Vial: 9ml 01/21/82 Inc. Level I-Low B5700 (Lyophilized -2 Material) Baxter Diagnostics Dade TDM Control Glass Vial: 9ml 01/21/82 Inc. Level II- (Lyophilized Intermediate Material) B5700-3 Baxter Diagnostics Dade TDM Control Glass Vial: 9ml 01/21/82 Inc. Level III-High (Lyophilized B5700-4 Material) Baxter Diagnostics Dade Therapeutic Kit: 9 Vials ..... 03/10/87 Inc. Drug Monitoring (TDM) Controls (Catalog No. B5700-1) Baxter Diagnostics Dade Urine Kit: 10 Bottles; 08/02/91 Inc. Chemistry Control Bottle: 18ml Level I, II Baxter Diagnostics Data-Fi Euglobulin Kit: 70 Tests .... 09/09/86 Inc. Lysis Set Cat. No. B4233-40 Baxter Diagnostics Data-Fi Fibrin Glass Vial: 5ml 01/24/86 Inc. Monomer Control (Lyophilized Catalog Nos. Material) B4233-30 & B4233- 38 Baxter Diagnostics Data-Fi Fibrinogen Kit: 50 tests .... 09/09/86 Inc. Determination Reagents Cat. No. B4233-15 Baxter Diagnostics Data-Fi Protamine Kit: 10 Vials .... 03/10/87 Inc. Sulfate Reagents Kit (Catalog No. B4233-30) Baxter Diagnostics Data-Fi Thrombin Bottle: 5ml 05/18/81 Inc. Reagent (Lyophilized Material) Vial: 9ml Carton: 10 vials, Cat. No. 28 10 09 Baxter Diagnostics Data-Fi Thrombin Bottle: 9 ml 07/20/83 Inc. Reagent (Lyophilized Material) Baxter Diagnostics EXCEL-QC Level 1 Botttle: 18ml .... 08/04/93 Inc. Serum Chemistry Control Baxter Diagnostics EXCEL-QC Level 1 Kit: 12 Bottles .. 08/04/93 Inc. and Level 2 Serum Chemistry Control and Carbonate Diluent 1 and 2 Baxter Diagnostics EXCEL-QC Level 2 Bottle: 18ml ..... 08/04/93 Inc. Serum Chemistry Control Baxter Diagnostics Immunoassay Bottle: 9ml ...... 08/27/91 Inc. Control Level I- III Unassayed Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol Level I Bottle: 9ml 01/20/84 Inc. Chemistry Control, (Lyophilized Assayed, Special Material) Order Request. B5103-XXX Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol Level Bottle: 18ml 06/30/83 Inc. I.X Special Order (Lyophilized Request B5106-5X Material) Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol Level II Bottle: 9ml 01/20/84 Inc. Chemistry Control, (Lyophilized Assayed, Special Material) Order Request. B5103-XXX, B5113- XXX Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol Level Bottle: 18ml 06/30/83 Inc. II.X Special (Lyophilized Order Request Material) B5106-6X Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol. ES Bottles: 9ml, 07/15/83 Inc. Level I Chemistry 6.7ml Control, Assayed (Lyophilized Material) Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol. ES Bottle: 18ml, 9ml 06/27/86 Inc. Level I.X Special (Lyophilized Order Request Material) Catalog No. B5106 -75AAA Catalog No. B5106-1XAAA Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol. ES Bottle: 9ml, 6.7ml 07/15/83 Inc. Level II (Lyophilized Chemistry Control, Material) Assayed Baxter Diagnostics Moni-Trol. ES Bottle: 18ml, 9ml 06/27/86 Inc. Level II.X (Lyophilized Special Order Material) Request Catalog No. B5106-85AAA Catalog No. B5106 -2XAAA Baxter Diagnostics Owren's Veronal Bottle: 18ml ..... 08/16/71 Inc. Buffer Baxter Diagnostics Paramax Kit: 6 Glass 07/07/93 Inc. Phenobarbital Bottles; 6ml each Calibrator I, II, III, Cat. # B- 6109-11 Baxter Diagnostics Paramax Glass Bottle: 6ml 07/07/93 Inc. Phenobarbital Calibrator Level II Baxter Diagnostics Paramax Glass Bottle: 6ml 07/07/93 Inc. Phenobarbital Calibrator Level III Baxter Diagnostics Stratus Glass Vial: 3ml .. 06/27/83 Inc. Phenobarbital Calibrators B, C, D, E, & F Baxter Diagnostics Stratus Glass Vial: 6ml .. 01/25/82 Inc. Phenobarbital Conjugate Baxter Diagnostics Stratus Kit: 120 tests ... 03/10/87 Inc. Phenobarbital Fluorometric Enzyme Immunoassay Kit (Catalog No. B5700-22) Baxter Diagnostics Thrombin Reagent Bottle: 5ml 08/16/71 Inc. (Bovine) (Lyophilized Material) Vial: 5ml Carton: 10 vials, Cat. No. 28 10 12 Baxter Diagnostics, Status Estradiol Vial: 33.5ml ..... 03/12/93 Inc. Antibody Solution Baxter Diagnostics, Status Estradiol Vial: 8ml ........ 03/12/93 Inc. Conjugate Beckman Beckman B-1 Buffer Plastic Vial: 15 g. 05/22/79 Instruments, Inc. Beckman Beckman Buffer B-2 Packet: 18.16 g. . 04/24/71 Instruments, Inc. Beckman Beckman ICS Drug Vials: 5ml ....... 10/29/80 Instruments, Inc. Calibrators A, B, C, D, and E Beckman Beckman ICS Drug Kit containing: 6- 11/11/80 Instruments, Inc. Control Sera 1ml bottles. Beckman Beckman ICS Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/80 Instruments, Inc. Phenobarbital Conjugate Beckman Beckman LD Buffer Bottle: 14.3 grams 07/31/86 Instruments, Inc. Beckman Beckman LD Buffer Bottle: 14.3 grams 07/31/86 Instruments, Inc. Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 05/19/89 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml, Box: 10 System: Alkaline trays, Kit: 10 Phosphatase trays Isoenzyme Electrophoresis (Isopal) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 05/19/89 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml, Box: 10 System: High trays, Kit: 10 Resolution trays Electrophoresis (HRE) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 05/19/89 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml, Box: 10 System: Immunoel. trays, Kit: 10 .ectrophoresis trays (IEP) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 07/31/86 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml System: Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 07/31/86 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml System: Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme Electrophoresis (LD) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 3.5 05/19/89 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis ml, Box: 10 trays, System: Kit: 10 trays Lipoprotein Electrophoresis (LIPO) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 07/31/86 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml System: Protein Electrophoresis (SPE-II) Kit Beckman Paragon Plastic Tray: 05/19/89 Instruments, Inc. Electrophoresis 3.5ml, Box: 10 System: Serum trays, Kit: 10 Protein trays Electrophoresis (SPE) Kit Beckman Synchron Control: Plastic Bottle: 05/13/91 Instruments, Inc. Multilevel 20 ml; Kit: 6 Comprehensive bottles Chemistry Control Serum Levels I, II, III Beckman Triad LINK Plastic Bottle: 05/13/91 Instruments, Inc. Comprehensive 20 ml; Box: 20 Custom Unassayed Bottles Chemistry Control Serum Levels I, II, III Beckman Triad NYSPATH Plastic Bottle: 05/13/91 Instruments, Inc. Comprehensive 20 ml; Box 20 Custom Unassayed Bottles Chemistry Control Serum Levels I, II, III Beckman Vigil PRx Plastic Bottle: 05/13/91 Instruments, Inc. Multilevel 10 ml; Kit: 6 Protein/Drug Bottles Control Serum Levels I, II, III Becton Dickinson & IQ Immunochemistry Kit: 25 tests .... 06/30/87 Company. System, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Catalog No. 3010 Becton Dickinson & Neonatal T4 Tracer, Bottle: 125ml .... 01/15/92 Company. Catalog #264015 Becton Dickinson & T3 Tracer Solution Bottle: 125ml .... 09/27/78 Company. Catalog No. 237728 Becton Dickinson & TSH [125I] Tracer, Clear vial: 10 ml . 09/04/86 Company. Catalog No. 259624 Behring IEP Buffer, 793001 Foil Pouch: 6.5 g. 09/17/79 Diagnostics. pH 8.2 Behring Immuno-tec II Foil Pouch: 5.35'' 09/17/79 Diagnostics. Agarose Plate, x 5.25'' 839013, 850013 Bio-Metric Systems, Cocaine-Enzyme Vial: 250 ml, 100 ml, 07/07/92 Incorporated. Conjugate 50 ml Bio-Metric Systems, Cocaine- Vial: 50 ml, 10 ml . 07/07/92 Incorporated. ImmunoPrime Modified Carrier Bio-Metric Systems, Morphine-Enzyme Vial: 250 ml, 100 ml, 07/07/92 Incorporated. Conjugate 50 ml Bio-Metric Systems, Morphine- Vial: 50 ml, 10 ml . 07/07/92 Incorporated. ImmunoPrime Modified Carrier Bio-Metric Systems, Phencyclidine- Vial: 250 ml, 100 ml, 07/07/92 Incorporated. Enzyme Conjugate 50 ml Bio-Metric Systems, Phencyclidine- Vial: 50 ml, 10 ml . 07/07/92 Incorporated. ImmunoPrime Modified Carrier Bio-Metric Systems, Tetrahydrocannabi. Vial: 250 ml, 100 ml, 07/07/92 Incorporated. .nol-Enzyme 50 ml Conjugate Bio-Metric Systems, Tetrahydrocannabi. Vial: 50 ml, 10 ml . 07/07/92 Incorporated. .nol-ImmunoPrime Carrier Bio-Rad Benzodiazepines/ Kit: 100 tests ... 02/08/90 Laboratories. Tricyclic Antidepressants by HPLC Bio-Rad CoTube Estradiol Glass Bottle: 07/28/93 Laboratories. Tracer 125ml Bio-Rad Dade Urine Vial: 20 ml, 50 ml . 01/05/88 Laboratories. Chemistry Control Levels I AND II Bio-Rad Dade Urine Vial: 50 ml ....... 01/05/88 Laboratories. Toxiology Control Bio-Rad Internal Standard Amber vial: 30 ml 02/08/90 Laboratories. Flask: 200 ml- 2000 ml Bio-Rad Lypochek Vial: 10 ml ....... 09/24/87 Laboratories. Immunoassay Control Levels I, II, III Bio-Rad Lypochek Vial: 20 ml, 50 ml . 09/24/87 Laboratories. Quantitative Urine Control Levels I and II Bio-Rad Lypochek Vial: 10 ml ....... 08/20/84 Laboratories. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Control (TDM), Levels I, II, III Bio-Rad Lypochek Unassayed Vial: 20 ml ...... 09/24/87 Laboratories. Chemistry Control (Bovine) Levels I, II Bio-Rad Lypochek Unassayed Vial: 20 ml ...... 09/24/87 Laboratories. Chemistry Control (Human) Levels I, II Bio-Rad Methadone/ 400 tests ........ 09/17/90 Laboratories. Methadone Metabolite Reagent Kit Bio-Rad Quantaphase Plastic bottle: 05/06/81 Laboratories. Thyroxine RIA- 60 ml, 260 ml 125I Tracer/ Dissociating Reagent Bio-Rad Quantaphase Plastic bottle: 05/06/81 Laboratories. Thyroxine RIA- 60 ml, 260 ml Thyroxine Immunobeads Bio-Rad Quantimune Plastic Bottle: 05/31/78 Laboratories. Barbital Buffer 1000 ml, 250 ml, 200 ml Bio-Rad Quantimune Vial: 10 ml ...... 07/21/76 Laboratories. Radioimmunoassay T-4 Tracer, Iodine-125 Bio-Rad Quantimune T-3 RIA Bottle: 220 ml .... 09/24/82 Laboratories. Barbital Buffer Bio-Rad Quantimune T-3 RIA Kit: 500 tests, 05/31/78 Laboratories. Test Kit 100 tests Bio-Rad Quantimune T-4 RIA Kit: 500 tests ... 07/01/77 Laboratories. Kit Bio-Rad Quantimune T-4 RIA Kit: 5000 tests, 05/31/78 Laboratories. Test Kit 100 tests Bio-Rad Quantimune Plastic Bottle 07/01/77 Laboratories. Thyroxine with Screw cap: 1 Radioimmunoassay liter Barbital Buffer Bio-Rad Quantimune Glass Serum Vial: 07/01/77 Laboratories. Thyroxine 10 ml Radioimmunoassay T-4 125I Tracer/ Dissociating Agent Bio-Rad REMEDI DPS Check Vial: 20 ml, Flask: 09/17/90 Laboratories. Mix 1L-10L Bio-Rad REMEDI DPS Vial: 20 ml, Flask: 09/17/90 Laboratories. Internal Standard 250 ml-6000 ml Combination Bio-Rad REMEDI DPS Vial: 20 ml, Flask: 09/17/90 Laboratories. Internal Standard 250 ml-2500 ml One Bio-Rad REMEDI DPS Vial: 20 ml, Flask: 09/17/90 Laboratories. Internal Standard 250 ml-5000 ml Two Bio-Rad REMEDI DPS Urine Vial: 20 ml, Flask: 09/17/90 Laboratories. Calibrator 1L-10L Bio-Rad Serum Calibrator 1 Amber vial: 20 ml 02/08/90 Laboratories. Polypropylene container: 20L Bio-Rad Serum Calibrator 2 Amber vial: 20 ml 02/08/90 Laboratories. Polypropylene container: 20L Bio-Rad Serum Calibrator Box: 2 vials ..... 02/08/90 Laboratories. for Benzodiazepines/ Tricyclics, Contains 2 Bio-Rad T-4 Competitive Bottle: 385ml .... 07/21/76 Laboratories. Binding Reagent, Iodine-125 Bio-Rad Urine Toxicology Amber Vial: 50 ml . 09/19/79 Laboratories. Control No. C-470 -25 Bio-Rad Barbital Buffer .. Vial: 10 ml ....... 07/21/76 Laboratories, (Chemical Division). Bio-Rad Barbital Buffer Plastic bottle: 07/21/76 Laboratories, Powder 250 ml (Chemical Division). Bio-Rad Barbital Buffer Plastic bottle: 09/09/77 Laboratories, Powder 250 ml (Chemical Division). Bio-Rad Barbital Buffer- Packages: 9.11 g., 05/09/74 Laboratories, Dry Pack 18.21 g., 12.14 g. (Chemical Division). Bio-Rad Bio-Rad Bottle: 500 ml .... 12/14/72 Laboratories, Electrophoresis (Chemical. Buffer Division). Bio-Rad Electrophoresis Package: ; 6.15 g. 12/14/72 Laboratories, Buffer, Dry-Pack (Chemical Division). Bio-Rad Immunoelectrophor. Dry-pack: ; 25.6 g. 08/06/75 Laboratories, .esis Barbital (Chemical. Buffer I, pH 8.6 Division). Bio-Rad Immunoelectrophor. Dry-pack: ; 15.61 08/06/75 Laboratories, .esis Barbital g. (Chemical. Buffer II, pH 8.6 Division). Bio-Rad Immunoelectrophor. Dry-pack: ; 6.82 g. 01/22/76 Laboratories, .esis Barbital (Chemical Buffer III, pH Division). 8.6 Bio-Rad Immunoelectrophor. Dry-pack: ; 15.07 08/06/75 Laboratories, .esis Barbital g. (Chemical Buffer III-a, pH Division). 8.8 Bio-Rad Reagent No. 3 .... Bottle: 165ml .... 12/14/72 Laboratories, (Chemical Division). Bio-Rad Benzodiazepines/ Polypropylene 03/28/91 Laboratories, Tricyclics/Plasma Container: 15L - (Clinical. Catecholamines 100L Division). (BZ/TCA/pCats) Serum Calibrators Bulk Preparations Bio-Rad Plasma Kit: 100 Test .... 03/28/91 Laboratories, Catecholamines by (Clinical. HPLC, 100 Test Division). Bio-Rad Plasma Vial: 20 ml; Set: 6 03/28/91 Laboratories, Catecholamines by vials (Clinical HPLC, Serum Division). Calibrator Set, 1x6 vials Bio-Rad Benzo/TCA Control Vial: 10 ml; Box: 6 03/20/91 Laboratories, Levels I & II vials (ECS Division). Bio-Rad Blind Performance Kit: 5 bottles ... 09/14/90 Laboratories, Specimen Set Cat. (ECS Division). #610 Bio-Rad LYPHOCHEK Assayed Vials: 10 ml each . 04/13/88 Laboratories, Chemistry Control (ECS Division). Serum (Human) Levels I and II Bio-Rad LYPHOCHEK Vial: 10 ml; Kit: 09/14/90 Laboratories, Immunoassay Plus 12 vials (ECS Division). Control Serum Levels 1-3 Bio-Rad LYPHOCHEK Urine Box: 10 vials; 09/14/91 Laboratories, Toxicology Vial: 50 ml (ECS Division). Control-Confirm Bio-Rad LYPHOCHEK Urine Vials: 20 ml each . 04/13/88 Laboratories, Toxicology (ECS Division). Control-Law Bio-Rad LYPHOCHEK Urine Box: 10 vials; 09/14/90 Laboratories, Toxicology Vial: 20 ml (ECS Division). Control-Screen Bio-Rad Positive for Bottle: 90 ml ..... 09/14/90 Laboratories, Amphetamines (ECS Division). Bio-Rad Positive for Bottle: 90 ml ..... 09/14/90 Laboratories, Cocaine (ECS Division). Bio-Rad Positive for Bottle: 90 ml ..... 09/14/90 Laboratories, Marihuana (ECS Division). Bio-Rad Positive for Bottle: 90 ml ..... 09/14/90 Laboratories, Opiates (ECS Division). Bio-Rad Positive for Bottle: 90 ml ..... 09/14/90 Laboratories, Phencyclidine (ECS Division). Biodiagnostic Liqui-Ura Toxic Vial: 5ml ........ 03/11/85 International. Control Bioscientific Corp ECA Buffer, Plastic Packet: 07/14/77 Catalog No. ECA 18.0 g., 10 05805 packets per box Bioscientific Corp Agarose Barbital Vial: 7 drams .... 11/15/90 /ECA. Buffer CSB 470182 Bioscientific Corp Agarose Barbital Vial: 12 drams; 11/15/90 /ECA. Buffer ECA 470182 Box: 3 vials Bioscientific Corp Agarose Barbital- Vial: 12 drams, 11/15/90 /ECA. EDTA Buffer ECA Box: 3 vials 470180 Bioscientific Corp ECA Buffer ECA Vial: 12 drams, 11/15/90 /ECA. 0320024 Box: 12 vials Bioscientific Corp General Procedure Plastic Tray 09/10/90 /ECA. Agarose Film #ECA 4.5''x5'', Kit: 10 470100 trays Bioscientific Corp LD Agarose Gel # Plastic Tray: 09/10/90 /ECA. CSB 102 3''x5'', Kit: 10 trays Bioscientific Corp Protein Agarose Plastic Tray 3''x 09/10/90 /ECA. Gel #PSB 103 5'', Kit: 10 trays Biosite Alprazolam Stock Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Solution, 31366 Biosite Alprazolam Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6; 31446-31450 Biosite Amphetamine Enzyme Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 31111, Bulk Formulation Biosite Amphetamine QC Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control Biosite Amphetamine QC Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control (Bulk) Biosite Barbiturate Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 2ml - 60 ml Biosite Barbiturate Vial: 8, 16, 32 ml 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Derivative Biosite Barbiturate Enzyme Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 31110, Bulk Formulation Biosite Barbiturate QC Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control Biosite Barbiturate QC Bottle: 5L - 10L . 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control (Bulk) Biosite Barbiturate Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6; 31356-31360 Biosite Benzodiazepine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/91 Diagnostics. Controls, 1-6 31088-31093, 7-11 31098-31102, Bulk Formulation Biosite Benzodiazepine QC Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control 3 Biosite Benzodiazepines QC Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control 1 Biosite Benzodiazepines QC Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control 1 (Bulk) Biosite Benzodiazepines QC Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control 2 Biosite Benzodiazepines QC Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control 2 (Bulk) Biosite Benzodiazepines QC Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control 3 (Bulk) Biosite Benzoylecgonine Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 2ml - 60 ml Biosite Benzoylecgonine Vial: 1.5ml ...... 03/14/91 Diagnostics. Conjugate II, III, IV, & V Biosite Benzoylecgonine Bottle: 5, 15, 30 03/14/91 Diagnostics. Conjugate II, III, & 60 ml IV, & V Bulk Biosite Benzoylecgonine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Controls, 1-5 31041-31045, Bulk Formulation Biosite Benzoylecgonine Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Enzyme Conjugate 31105, Bulk Formulation Biosite Benzoylecgonine Vial: 1.5ml ...... 03/14/91 Diagnostics. Enzyme Conjugate II Biosite Benzoylecgonine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards, 1-6 31035-31040, Bulk Formulation Biosite Benzoylecgonine Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Stock Solution, 31322 Biosite Benzoylecgonine Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6; 31341-31345 Biosite Cocaine QC Control Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Biosite Cocaine QC Control Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. (Bulk) Biosite Conjugate Beads Bottles: 250 ml - 11/30/90 Diagnostics. (Bulk) 1L Biosite D-Amphetamine Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Stock Solution, 31323 Biosite D-Amphetamine Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrator, 31376 Biosite D-Methamphetamine Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Stock Solution, 31324 Biosite D-Methamphetamine Flask: 250 ml .... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrator, 31381 Biosite Estazolam TTC Vial: 1ml ........ 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Stock Solution Biosite Estazolam Vial: .25-1ml .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6 Biosite Estazolam Vial: 5-20 ml ..... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6 Bulk Formulation Biosite Flurazepam Enzyme Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 31109, Bulk Formulation Biosite Flurazepam Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards, 1-7 31081-31087, Bulk Formulation Biosite Intervention Bottled/Flask: .1L 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Conjugate (Bulk) -4L Biosite Labeled Conjugate Bottles: 10 ml - 1L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Mixture 4 Biosite Labeled Conjugate Bottles: 10 ml - 1L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Mixture 5 Biosite Labeled Conjugate Bottle: 20L, 10L, 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Mixture 7 5L, 1L Biosite Labelled Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Barbiturate 0.5, 1, 2 & 5 L Conjugate Biosite Labelled Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Benzoylecgonine 0.5, 1, 2 & 5 L Conjugate Biosite Labelled Conjugate Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Mixture 1 10 ml - 1L Biosite Labelled Conjugate Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Mixture 2 10 ml- 1L Biosite Labelled Morphine Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 0.5, 1, 2 & 5 L Biosite Labelled THC Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 10 ml - 1L Biosite Lorazepam Enzyme Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 31108, Bulk Formulation Biosite Lorazepam Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards, 1-4 31094-31097, Bulk Formulation Biosite Lormetazepam Stock Vial: 1ml ........ 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Solution Biosite Methadone Control Vial: 2ml ........ 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Biosite Methadone Vial: 2ml, 50 ml .. 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Standards 1-6 Biosite Methadone Stock Vial: 2ml, 50 ml .. 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Solution Biosite Methamphetamine Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Enzyme Conjugate 31104, Bulk Formulation Biosite Methamphetamine QC Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control Biosite Methamphetamine QC Bottle: 5L - 10L . 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control (Bulk) Biosite Morphine Conjugate Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. 2ml - 60 ml Biosite Morphine Control 3 Vial: 2ml, 50 ml .. 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Biosite Morphine Controls, Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. 1-5 31076-31080, Bulk Formulation Biosite Morphine Enzyme Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 31107, Bulk Formulation Biosite Morphine Standard Vial: 1.5ml, 5- 03/14/91 Diagnostics. 6, 31220 Bulk 20 ml; Flask: 20- Formulation 50 ml Biosite Morphine Standards, Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. 1-5 31071-31075, Bulk Formulation Biosite Morphine Stock Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Solution, 31325 Biosite Opiate QC Control Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Biosite Opiate QC Control Bottle: 05.L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. (Bulk) Biosite Opiate Threshold Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Control Calibrators 2-6; 31346-31350 Biosite PCP QC Control ... Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Biosite PCP QC Control Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. (Bulk) Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 5-20 ml ..... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Control 7 Bulk Formulation Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 1.5ml, 5- 03/14/91 Diagnostics. Controls 5 -6, 20 ml; Flask: 20- 31255-31256 Bulk 50 ml Formulation Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Controls, 1-4 31010-31013, Bulk Formulation Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Enzyme Conjugate 31103, Bulk Formulation Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: .25-1ml .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Standard 7 Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards 1-4 31006-31009, Bulk Formulation Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 1.5ml, 5-20 03/14/91 Diagnostics. Standards 5-6, ml; Flask: 20- 31253-31254 Bulk 50 ml Formulation Biosite Phencyclidine Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Stock Solution, 31321 Biosite Phencyclidine Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6; 31366-31370 Biosite Phenobarbital Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Controls, 1-8 31063-31070, Bulk Formulation Biosite Phenobarbital Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards, 1-8 31055-31062, Bulk Formulation Biosite Secobarbital Stock Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Solution, 31326 Biosite TCA Conjugate Bottled/Flask: .1L 11/09/93 Diagnostics. (Bulk) -4L Biosite TCA Conjugate Bottle: .25L, .5L, 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Beads 1L Biosite THC Conjugate .... Plastic Bottles: 11/30/90 Diagnostics. 2ml - 60 ml Biosite THC Controls, 1-3 Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. 31052-31054, Bulk Formulation Biosite THC Enzyme Vial: 100 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Conjugate 31106, Bulk Formulation Biosite THC QC Control ... Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Biosite THC QC Control Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. (Bulk) Biosite THC Standards, 1-6 Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. 31046-31051, Bulk Formulation Biosite THC Standards, 7-9 Vial: .25-1ml .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Biosite THC Standards, 7-9 Vial: 5-20 ml ..... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Bulk Formulation Biosite THC Threshold Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Control Calibrators 2-6; 31371-31375 Biosite Temazepam Stock Vial: 2ml ........ 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Solution, 31337 Biosite Temazepam Flask: 250 ml ..... 05/26/92 Diagnostics. Threshold Control Calibrators 2-6; 31451-31455 Biosite Threshold Control Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. A & B Biosite Threshold Control Bottle: 1L - 20L . 10/29/91 Diagnostics. A & B (Bulk) Biosite Threshold Controls Vial: 3.5-5ml .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. C, D, E, F, G, H Biosite Thresholds C, D, E, Bottle: 1-5ml .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. F, G, H Bulk Solution Biosite Triage 6 Panel for Box: 10, 25 10/05/92 Diagnostics. Drugs of Abuse cassettes Biosite Triage DOA Demo Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control Biosite Triage DOA Demo Bottle: 0.5L - 10L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control (Bulk) Biosite Triage Drug Screen Vial: 5ml ........ 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control Biosite Triage Drug Screen Bottle: 0.5 - 20L 10/29/91 Diagnostics. Control (Bulk) Biosite Triage Bottle: .25L, .5L, 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Intervention 1L Conjugate Beads Biosite Triage Box: 10, 25 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Intervention Pouches Panel for Drugs of Abuse Biosite Triage Pouch: 1 each .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Intervention Test Device Biosite Triage Panel for Box: 10, 25 11/30/90 Diagnostics. Drugs of Abuse cassettes Biosite Triage Panel for Box: 10, 25 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Drugs of Abuse Pouches Plus Tricyclic Antidepressants Biosite Triage Panel for Kit: 25 Tests .... 11/01/93 Diagnostics. Drugs of Abuse plus Tricyclic Antidepressants, Cat#92000 Biosite Triage Panel for Kit: 10 Tests .... 11/01/93 Diagnostics. Drugs of Abuse plus Tricyclic Antidepressants, Cat#92010 Biosite Triage Plus TCA Pouch: 1 each .... 11/09/93 Diagnostics. Test Device Biosite Triage Test Device Metallic Pouch: 1 11/30/90 Diagnostics. each Biosite Triage-7 Conjugate Bottle: 1L, 250 ml 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Beads Biosite Triage-7 Device .. Pouch: 1 cassette 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Biosite Triage-7 Panel for Box: 10, 25 12/22/92 Diagnostics. Drugs cassettes Biosite d-Amphetamine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Controls, 1-5 31030-31034, Bulk Formulation Biosite d-Amphetamine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards, 1-6 31024-31029, Bulk Formulation Biosite d-Methamphetamine Vial: 1.5ml, 20- 03/14/91 Diagnostics. Controls 5-6, 50 ml; Flask: 20- 31020, 31257 Bulk 50 ml Formulation Biosite d-Methamphetamine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Controls, 1-4 31020-31023, Bulk Formulation Biosite d-Methamphetamine Vial: 50 ml, 1.5ml 10/24/90 Diagnostics. Standards, 1-6 31014-31019, Bulk Formulation California Amobarbital-2-C-14, Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear. Catalog No. 72077 microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. 0.5, and 1.0 millicuries California Cocaine (methoxy-C Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear -14) Catalog No. microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. 72182 0.5, and 1.0 millicuries California D-Amphetamine Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear (propyl-1-C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Sulfate, Catalog 0.5, and 1.0 No. 72078 millicuries California DL-Amphetamine Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear (propyl-1-C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Sulfate, Catalog 0.5, and 1.0 No. 72079 millicuries California Meperidine (N- Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear methyl-C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Hydrochloride, 0.5, 1.0 Catalog No. 72508 millicuries California Mescaline Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear (aminomethylene-C microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. -14) 0.5, 1.0 Hydrochloride, millicuries Catalog No. 72512 California Methadone Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear (heptanone-2-C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Hydrochloride, 0.5, 1.0 Catalog No. 72516 millicuries California Methamphetamine Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear (propyl-1-C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Sulfate, Catalog 0.5, 1.0 No. 72517 millicuries California Methylphenidate Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear (carbonyl-C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Hydrochloride, 0.5, 1.0 Catalog No. 72550 millicuries California Morphine (n-methyl Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear -C-14) microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. Hydrochloride, 0.5, 1.0 Catalog No. 72560 millicuries California Pentobarbital-2-C- Screw Cap Vial: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear 14, Catalog No. microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. 72618 0.5, 1.0 millicuries California Secobarbital-2-C- Ampule: 50 01/08/75 Bionuclear 14, Catalog No. microcuries, 0.1, Corporation. 72675 0.5, and 1.0 millicuries Cambridge Medical 125I Human Vial: 5ml ........ 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Parathyroid Incorporated. Hormone 44-68 Cambridge Medical 125I- Vial: 11ml ....... 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Tetraiodothyronine Incorporated. Cambridge Medical 125I- Vial: 11ml ....... 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Triiodothyronine Incorporated. Cambridge Medical Donkey Anti Goat Vial: 5ml ........ 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Gamma Globulin Incorporated. Cambridge Medical Parathyroid 6 Vials: 5ml each 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Hormone (Human 1- Incorporated. 84) Standard Cambridge Medical Parathyroid Vial: 10 ml ....... 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Hormone Assay Incorporated. Buffer Cambridge Medical T3 AntiSerum Vial: 11ml ....... 03/29/85 Diagnostics, (Rabbit) Incorporated. Cambridge Medical T3 Standard ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Incorporated. Cambridge Medical T4 Antiserum Vial: 11ml ....... 03/29/85 Diagnostics, (Rabbit) Incorporated. Cambridge Medical T4 Standard ...... Vial: 1ml ........ 03/29/85 Diagnostics, Incorporated. Casco Standards .. 1-(1- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Phenylcyclohexyl) Box: 25, 50, 75 pyrrolidine Cross vials Plastic Cup: -Reactant 125ml Casco Standards .. 1-Phenylcyclohexy. Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/23/90 .lamine Cross- Box: 25, 50, 75 Reactant vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. 1-[1-(2-thienyl)- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/23/90 cyclohexyl]- Box: 25, 50, 75 piperdine Cross- vials Plastic Cup: Reactant 125ml Casco Standards .. 1-[1-2(2-thienyl)- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/23/90 cyclohexyl]- Box: 25, 50, 75 pyrrolidine Cross vials Plastic Cup: -Reactant 125ml Casco Standards .. 11-OH-delta-8-THC Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. 11-OH-delta-9-THC Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. 11-nor-delta-8-THC Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -9-carboxilic Box: 25, 50, 75 acid Cross- vials Plastic Cup: Reactant 125ml Casco Standards .. 11-nor-delta-9-THC Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -9-carboxilic Box: 25, 50, 75 acid Cross- vials Reactant Casco Standards .. 8-B-11-diOH-delta- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 9-THC Cross- Box: 25, 50, 75 Reactant vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. 8-B-OH-delta-9-THC Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Allobarbital Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Alphenal Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Alprazolam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Amobarbital Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Aprobarbital Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Barbital Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Benzoylecgonine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Benzphetamine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Bromazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Butabarbital Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Butalbital Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Butethal Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Cannabidiol Cross- Cryo-Vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Cannabinol Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Chlordiazepoxide Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Clonazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Cocaine Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Cyclopentobarbital Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Diazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Ecgonine HCl Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Ecgonine-methyl Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 ester HCl hydrate Box: 25, 50, 75 Cross-Reactant vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Fenfluramine Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Flunitrazepam Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Flurazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Halazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Hexobarbital Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Lorazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. MDA Cross-Reactant Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. MDE Cross-Reactant Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. MDMA Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Medazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Midazolam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Nitrazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 03/21/90 Casco Standards .. Nordiazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Oxazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Pentobarbital Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Phencyclidine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/23/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Phenmetrazine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Phenobarbital Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Phentermine Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Pinazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Prazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Propylhexedrine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Secobarbital Cross Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 -Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Talbutal Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Temazepam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. Triazolam Cross- Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. d-Amphetamine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. d-Methamphetamine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. l-Amphetamine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Casco Standards .. p-OH-Amphetamine Cryo-vial: 1.1ml 03/21/90 Cross-Reactant Box: 25, 50, 75 vials Plastic Cup: 125ml Cayman Chemical Testosterone ..... Vial: 3ml ........ 04/07/93 Company. Ciba Corning ACS Estradiol Kits: 3 Vials; 18 01/31/94 Diagnostics Corp. Component Sets vials Ciba Corning ACS Estradiol Bottle: 30 ml ..... 01/31/94 Diagnostics Corp. Component Sets Releasing Reagent Ciba Corning ACS Multical E Kits: 4 Vials; 2 01/31/94 Diagnostics Corp. Pack (Low & High vials Calibrator) Ciba Corning ACS Multical High Vial: 10 ml ....... 01/31/94 Diagnostics Corp. Calibrator Ciba Corning ACS Multical Low Vial: 10 ml ....... 01/31/94 Diagnostics Corp. Calibrator Ciba Corning AACC Tox ......... Glass Vial: 30 ml . 01/20/86 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning ACS FT4 .......... Kit: 50 Test, 300 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Test Ciba Corning ACS FT4 Lite Vial: 7ml ........ 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reagent Ciba Corning ACS FT4 Lite Vial: 7ml ........ 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reagent Ciba Corning ACS FT4 Solid Vial: 26ml ....... 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Phase Ciba Corning ACS Ferritin Lite Vial: 7ml; Kit: 50 04/15/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reagent Tests, 300 Tests Ciba Corning ACS Ferritin Solid Vial: 26ml; Kit: 04/15/91 Diagnostics Corp. Phase 50 Tests, 300 Tests Ciba Corning ACS HCG Solid Vial: 26ml; Kit: 04/18/91 Diagnostics Corp. Phase 50 Tests, 300 Tests Ciba Corning ACS Magnetic Check Plastic Vial: 26ml 06/18/91 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning ACS Magnetic Check Plastic Vial: 26ml 06/18/91 Diagnostics Corp. II Ciba Corning ACS Performance Kit: 6 Vials ..... 06/18/91 Diagnostics Corp. Verification Test Kit Ciba Corning ACS T3 300 Test Kit: 300 Tests ... 07/22/91 Diagnostics Corp. Kit Ciba Corning ACS T3 50 Test Kit Kit: 50 Tests .... 07/22/91 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning ACS T3 Lite Plastic Vial: 7ml 07/22/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reagent Ciba Corning ACS T3 Solid Phase Plastic Vial: 26ml 07/22/91 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning ACS T4 ........... Kit: 50 Test, 300 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Test Ciba Corning ACS T4 Lite Vial: 7ml ........ 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reagent Ciba Corning ACS T4 Solid Phase Vial: 26ml ....... 03/26/91 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning ACS Wash Check Plastic Vial: 26ml 06/18/91 Diagnostics Corp. Solid Phase Ciba Corning ALP Buffer Plastic Bottle: 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Concentrate Cat. 175ml No. 470244 Ciba Corning ALP Gel/12 Cat. No. 2 Plates: 24 Tests 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. 470246 Ciba Corning ALP Gel/8 Cat. No. 2 Plates: 16 Tests 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. 470243 Ciba Corning ALP Gel/8 and Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Buffer Cat. No. Plastic Bottle: 470240 175ml Ciba Corning Alkaline Plastic Vial: 25 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Hemoglobin Buffer Drams Cat. No. 470580 Ciba Corning Alkaline Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Hemoglobin Kit/8 Plastic Vial: 25 Cat. No. 470678 Drams Ciba Corning Ciba Corning Kit Contains: 10 ml 10/22/85 Diagnostics Corp. ANTICONV/ASTH I, vial, 5 Vials II each level Ciba Corning Ciba Corning TDM I Vial: 5ml, 10 10/22/85 Diagnostics Corp. vials Ciba Corning Ciba Corning TDM I, Kit Contains: 5 10/22/85 Diagnostics Corp. II & III Vials each level Ciba Corning Ciba Corning TDM Vial: 5ml, 10 10/22/85 Diagnostics Corp. II vials Ciba Corning Ciba Corning TDM Vial: 5ml, 10 10/22/85 Diagnostics Corp. III vials Ciba Corning Ciba Corning TOX I, Kit: Contains: 12/16/85 Diagnostics Corp. II 10 ml vial, 5 Vials each level Ciba Corning Ciba Corning Urine Vial: 30 ml ....... 05/22/85 Diagnostics Corp. II Ciba Corning DAU I, No. 9076 .. Glass vial: 25ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 10 vials Ciba Corning DAU II No. 9077 .. Glass Vial: 25ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 10 vials Ciba Corning DAU III, No. 9078 Glass vial: 25ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 10 Vials Ciba Corning DAU IV, No. 9079 . Glass Vial: 25ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 10 Vials Ciba Corning DAU V, No. 9085 .. Glass Vial: 25ml; 05/10/91 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 10 vials Ciba Corning Double Four-Track Plate: 8 Tests; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Gel Cat. No. Kit: 12 Plates 470179 Ciba Corning HDL Cholesterol Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Gel/8 and Buffer Plastic Vial: 25 Cat. No. 470618 Drams Ciba Corning High Resolution Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Protein Gel/8 Cat. Plates: 16 Tests No. 470201 Ciba Corning High Resolution Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Protein Kit/8 Cat. Plastic Vial: 25 No. 470682 Drams Ciba Corning Immophase Ferritin Glass Vial: 3 ml . 01/19/87 Diagnostics Corp. Controls Ciba Corning Immophase Ferritin Glass Vial: 5 ml . 09/16/86 Diagnostics Corp. Standards Ciba Corning Immunoelectrophor. Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. .esis Gel/10 Cat. Plates: 20 Tests No. 470090 Ciba Corning Immunoelectrophor. Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. .esis Kit/8 Cat. Plastic Vial: 25 No. 470684 Drams Ciba Corning L-TDM I .......... Glass Vial: 5 ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 15 Vials Ciba Corning L-TDM I, II, III Kit: 15 Vials .... 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Kit Ciba Corning L-TDM II ......... Glass Vial: 5ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 15 Vials Ciba Corning L-TDM III ........ Glass Vial: 5ml, 05/23/89 Diagnostics Corp. Box: 15 Vials Ciba Corning LD Isoenzyme Gel/8 Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. and Buffer Cat. Plastic Vial: 25 No. 470620 Drams Ciba Corning LVM HI-CHEM DIL .. Vial: 10 ml ....... 06/21/90 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning LVM, Product Code Carton: 12 vials . 06/21/90 Diagnostics Corp. - 9774 Ciba Corning Linearity Vial: 10 ml; Kit: 2 02/12/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reference vials Material LNM-A, LNM-B, LNM-C Ciba Corning Linearity Survey Vial: 10 ml; Kit: 2 02/12/91 Diagnostics Corp. LN3-A, LN3-B, LN3 vials -C Ciba Corning Linearity Survey Vial: 25ml; Kit: 2 02/12/91 Diagnostics Corp. LN4-A, LN4-B, LN4 vials -C Ciba Corning Lipoprotein Kit/8 Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Cat. No. 470694 Plastic Vial: 25 Drams Ciba Corning MULTIQUAL ABN Vial: 3ml, 10 ml, 04/09/89 Diagnostics Corp. UNASY Carton: 15 vials, 10 vials Ciba Corning MULTIQUAL I Assay, Kit: 15 vials; 3ml 08/05/92 Diagnostics Corp. Product Code 9816 /vial Ciba Corning MULTIQUAL II Assay, Kit: 15 vials; 3ml 08/05/92 Diagnostics Corp. Product Code 9817 /vial Ciba Corning MULTIQUAL III Kit: 15 vials; 3ml 08/05/92 Diagnostics Corp. Assay, Product /vial Code 9818 Ciba Corning MULTIQUAL NOR Vial: 3ml, 10 ml, 04/09/89 Diagnostics Corp. UNASY Carton: 15 vials, 10 vials Ciba Corning Magic Ferritin Plastic Vial: 1 ml 01/19/87 Diagnostics Corp. 2000 Standard Ciba Corning Magic Ferritin Plastic Vial: 5 ml 01/19/87 Diagnostics Corp. Controls Ciba Corning Magic Ferritin Polypropylene Vial: 09/16/86 Diagnostics Corp. Standards 3 ml Ciba Corning Magic Ferritin Plastic Vial: 50 01/19/87 Diagnostics Corp. Zero Standard ml Ciba Corning Magic Lite Plastic Vial: 50 02/16/88 Diagnostics Corp. Ferritin Bulk ml Lite Reageant Ciba Corning Magic Lite Plastic Vial: 200 02/16/88 Diagnostics Corp. Ferritin Bulk ml Solid Phase Ciba Corning Magic Lite Plastic Vial: 50 02/16/88 Diagnostics Corp. Ferritin Solid ml Phase Ciba Corning Magic Lite T3 Bulk Plastic Vial: 200 02/16/88 Diagnostics Corp. Solid Phase ml Ciba Corning Magic Lite T3 Kit Kit: 100 Tests ... 06/27/91 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning Magic Lite T3 Lite Plastic Vial: 30 ml 06/27/91 Diagnostics Corp. Reagent Ciba Corning Magic Lite T3 Plastic Vial: 75ml 06/27/91 Diagnostics Corp. Solid Phase Ciba Corning Magic T4 Antibody Plastic Vial: 50 02/16/88 Diagnostics Corp. ml and 200 ml Ciba Corning Magic T4 Antibody Vial: 50 ml, 200 ml 11/01/90 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning Multi-LD Gel Cat. Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. No. 470221 Plates: 32 Tests Ciba Corning Multi-SPE Gel Cat. Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. No. 470252 Plates: 32 Tests Ciba Corning Multitrac ALP Gel/ Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. 12 and Buffer Cat. Plastic Bottle: No. 470240 175ml Ciba Corning Multitrac Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Immunofixation Plastic Vial: 25 Kit/12 Cat. No. Drams 470685 Ciba Corning Multitrac LD Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Isoenzyme Gel/12 Plastic vial: 25 and Buffer Cat. Drams No. 470622 Ciba Corning Multitrac LD Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Isoenzyme Gel/16 Plastic Vial: 25 and Buffer Cat. Drams No. 470625 Ciba Corning Multitrac Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Lipoprotein Kit/ Plastic Vial: 25 12 Cat. No. Drams 470695 Ciba Corning Multitrac Serum Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Protein Kit/12 Plastic vial: 25 Cat. No. 470697 Drams Ciba Corning QCS ABN ASY ...... Vial: 5ml, Kit: 5 01/21/89 Diagnostics Corp. vials Ciba Corning QCS ABN ASY No. Box: 10 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9705/9705A Vial: 5 ml Ciba Corning QCS ABN ASY No. Box: 10 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9707/9707A Vial: 5 ml Ciba Corning QCS ABN UNASY No. Box: 40 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9691/9691A Vial: 25 ml Ciba Corning QCS ABN UNASY No. Box: 10 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9717/9717A Vial: 10 ml Ciba Corning QCS NOR ASY ...... Vial: 5 ml, Kit: 5 01/21/89 Diagnostics Corp. vials Ciba Corning QCS NOR ASY No. Box: 10 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9702/9702A Vial: 5 ml Ciba Corning QCS NOR ASY No. Box: 10 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9704/9704A Vial: 5 ml Ciba Corning QCS Nor UNASY No. Box: 40 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9681/9681A Vial: 25 ml Ciba Corning QCS Nor UNASY No. Box: 10 vials, 12/15/89 Diagnostics Corp. 9716/9716A Vial 10 ml Ciba Corning Reagent A- Alt 14 Vial: 15 ml ...... 03/24/79 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning Reagent A- Alt 7 . Vial: 15 ml ...... 03/24/79 Diagnostics Corp. Ciba Corning Reagent A-Ammonia Vial: 10 ml ...... 03/24/79 Diagnostics Corp. 10 Ciba Corning Serum Protein Kit/ Kit: 10 Plates; 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. 8 Cat. No. 470696 Plastic Vial: 25 Drams Ciba Corning Special Barbital Vial: 3 per kit .. 04/17/79 Diagnostics Corp. Buffer Set, Catalog No. 470182 Ciba Corning Univeral II Gel/8 Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Cat. No. 470261 Plates: 16 Tests Ciba Corning Universal Buffer Plastic Vial: 25 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Cat. No. 470586 Drams Ciba Corning Universal Plates: 12 per kit 04/17/79 Diagnostics Corp. Electrophoresis Film Agarose, Catalog No. 470100 Ciba Corning Universal Gel/12 Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Cat. No. 470554 Plates: 24 Tests Ciba Corning Universal Gel/16 Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. or Multi-SPE Gel Plates: 32 Tests Cat. No. 470066 Ciba Corning Universal IEP Gel Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. Cat. No. 470222 Plates: 16 Tests Ciba Corning Universal II Gel/ Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. 12 Cat. No. Plates: 24 Tests 470262 Ciba Corning Universal II Gel/ Kit: 12 Plates ... 09/22/92 Diagnostics Corp. 12 Cat. No. 470362 Ciba Corning Universal II Gel/ Kit: 12 Plates; 2 10/28/91 Diagnostics Corp. 16 Cat. No. Plates: 32 Tests 470268 Ciba Corning Universal II Gel/8 Kit: 12 Plates ... 09/22/92 Diagnostics Corp. Cat. No. 470361 Ciba Corning Universal PHAB Kit: 3 vials per 09/26/79 Diagnostics Corp. Buffer Set kit Catalog No. 470180 Ciba Corning Magic Lite HCG Plastic vial: 50 ml, 12/09/88 Diagnostics corp. Solid Phase Kit: 100 tests Cone Biotech, Inc American Vial: 20 ml Kit: 2 05/30/90 Association of vials Bioanalysts, Urine Toxicology Survey Cone Biotech, Inc CAP/Cocaine Vial: 20 ml ...... 03/07/88 Reference Material Levels II, III, and IV Cone Biotech, Inc College of Vial: 15ml Kit: 4 05/30/90 American vials Pathologists (CAP) Reference Material for Cocaine in Urine Cone Biotech, Inc College of Vial: 100 ml ...... 05/30/90 American Pathologists Forensic Urine Drug Testing Survey Material (AACC/CAP) Cone Biotech, Inc College of Vial: 50 ml ....... 05/30/90 American Pathologists Toxicology Survey (CAP) Cone Biotech, Inc College of Vial: 50 ml ....... 05/30/90 American Pathologists Urine Toxicology Survey (CAP) Cone Biotech, Inc QCM-UTI .......... Vial: 20 ml ....... 03/07/85 Cone Biotech, Inc RIATRAC-Three Vials: 8ml ....... 02/27/84 Level Ligand Assay Controls Cone Biotech, Inc UDM-CAP/AACC Bottle: 60 ml .... 08/31/87 Forensic Urine Drug Testing Survey (Initial Phase) Cone Biotech, Inc UDS and UDC CAP/ Vial: 30 ml ...... 01/06/88 AACC Forensic Urine Drug Testing Consolidated ADT-1 thru ADT-40 Vial: 125ml ...... 06/10/92 Technologies, Inc Consolidated HIST Multi-Drug Vial: 15ml ....... 10/22/92 Technologies, Inc Reference Material Consolidated Morphine Kit: 4 Vials ..... 09/08/92 Technologies, Inc Glucuronide Calibration Set Consolidated Morphine Vial: 20 ml ....... 09/08/92 Technologies, Inc Glucuronide Reference Levels 1, 2, 3 Diagnostic 125-I Barbiturate Vial: 110 ml, 550 03/01/88 Products. Isotope: Cat. No. ml Corporation. TBA2, TBAY2 Diagnostic 125-I Vial: 100 ml, 550 03/01/88 Products. Benzolyecgonine ml Corporation. Isotope: Cat. No. TCN2, TCNY2 Diagnostic 125-I Vial: 10 ml, 100 03/01/88 Products. Benzoylecgonine ml, 675 ml Corporation. Isotope (DA): Cat. No. CND2, YCND2 Diagnostic 125-I Fentanyl Vial: 500 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Isotope: Cat. No. Corporation. TFN2 Diagnostic 125-I Methadone Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Isotope: Cat. No. Corporation. TMD2 Diagnostic 125-I Methaqualone Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Isotope: Cat. No. Corporation. TMQ2 Diagnostic 125-I Morphine Vial: 110 ml, 550 03/01/88 Products. Isotope: Cat. No. ml Corporation. TMP2, TMPY2 Diagnostic 125-I PCP Isotope: Vial: 110 ml, 550 03/01/88 Products. Cat. No. TPC2, ml Corporation. TPCY2 Diagnostic 125-I Serum Vial: 110 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Morphine Isotope: Corporation. Cat. No. TSM2 Diagnostic 125-I THC Isotope: Vial: 20 ml, 110 03/01/88 Products. Cat. No. THD2, ml, 550 ml Corporation. YTHD2 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators B-F: Corporation. Cat. No. APD4-8 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 5ml ........ 07/05/90 Products Calibrators Cat. Corporation. No. MAP 4-8 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 5 ml ....... 03/20/89 Products Controls, Cat. No. Corporation. ACO1, ACO2 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Controls: Cat. No. Corporation. 5AC01, 5ACO2 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 20 ml, 100 03/01/88 Products. Isotope: Cat. No. ml, 550 ml Corporation. APD2, 5APD2, YAPD2 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Reference Corporation. Preparation: Cat. No. 5YAP7 Diagnostic Amphetamine Vial: 5 ml ....... 03/20/89 Products Reference Corporation. Preparations, Cat. NO. APD5, APD9 Diagnostic Barbiturate Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators B-G: Corporation. Cat. No. BAC4-9 Diagnostic Barbiturate Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Reference Corporation. Preparations: Cat. No. 5YBA5 Diagnostic Benzoylecgonine Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators (CAC) Corporation. B-F: Cat. No. COC4-8 Diagnostic Benzoylecgonine Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators (DA) Corporation. B-F: Cat. No. CND4-8 Diagnostic Benzoylecgonine Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators (DA): Corporation. Cat. No. CNC4-8 Diagnostic Benzoylecgonine Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Reference Corporation. Preparation (DA): Cat. No. 5YCN5 Diagnostic Benzoylecgonine Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Reference Corporation. Preparation: Cat. No. 5YCN5 Diagnostic C-Terminal PTH Vial: 10 ml ...... 03/01/88 Products Antiserum: Cat. Corporation. No. PCD1 Diagnostic CON6 Immunoassay Kit: 6 vials ..... 03/25/91 Products Tri-level Control Corporation. Cat. No. CON6 Diagnostic Canine T3 Isotope: Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products. Cat. No. TC32 Corporation. Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Barbiturates In 500 tests Corporation. Urine: Cat. No. TKBA1, TKBA5 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Barbiturates Corporation. Qualitative Determination In Urine: Cat. No. TKBAY Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Canine T3: Cat. 500 tests Corporation. No. TKC31, TKC35 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Cocaine 500 tests Corporation. Metabolite: Cat. No. TKCN1, TKCN5 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests ... 03/01/88 Products Fentanyl: Cat. No. Corporation. TKFN1 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Free Kit: 100, 200 03/25/91 Products. Testosterone Cat. Tests Corporation. No. TKTF 1, 2 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count LSD Kit: 8 vials, 19 03/20/89 Products. 100, 500, Cat. NO. vials Corporation. TKLS1, TKLS5 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count LSD Kit: 8 vials ..... 03/20/89 Products Qualitative Corporation. Determination in Urine, Cat. No. TKLSY Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Metabolite Corporation. Qualitative Determinants In Urine: Cat. No. TKCNY Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests ... 03/01/88 Products Methadone: Cat. Corporation. No. TKMD1 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests ... 03/01/88 Products Methaqualone: Cat. Corporation. No. TKMQ1 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Morphine Corporation. Qualitative Determinations In Urine: Cat. No. TKMPY Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products Morphine: Cat. No. 500 tests, 1000 Corporation. TKMP1, TKMP5, tests TKMPX Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Opiates Screen Corporation. Qualitative Determinations In Urine: Cat. No. TKOSY Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Opiates Screen: 500 tests Corporation. Cat. No. TK0S1, TKOS5 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count PCP Kit: 100 tests ... 03/01/88 Products (Phencyclidine) Corporation. In Urine: Cat. No. TKCY1 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count PCP Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products (Phencyclidine) Corporation. Qualitatives Determinations In Urine: Cat. No. TKPCY Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Serum Kit: 100 tests ... 03/01/88 Products Morphine: Cat. No. Corporation. TKSM1 Diagnostic Coat-A-Count Total Kit: 100, 200, 500 03/25/91 Products. Testosterone Cat. Tests Corporation. No. TKTT 1, 2, 5 Diagnostic Donkey Anti-Goat Vial: 10 ml ...... 03/01/88 Products Gamma Globulin Corporation. (PTH-Ultra): Cat. No. PTDG Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 6 vials ..... 03/20/89 Products Amphetamine, Cat. Corporation. No. KAPD1, KAPD5 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Amphetamine, Corporation. Qualitative Determinations In Urine: Cat. No. KAPDY Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Amphetamine: Cat. 500 tests Corporation. No. KAPD1, KAPD5 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Cannabinoids (THC) 500 tests Corporation. In Urine: Cat. No. KTHD1, KTHD5 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Cannabinoids (THC) Corporation. Quantitative Determinations In Urine: Cat. No. KTHDY Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 2500 tests .. 03/01/88 Products Cocaine Corporation. Metabolite Qualitative Determination In Urine: Cat. No. KCNDY Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/88 Products. Cocaine 500 tests Corporation. Metabolite: Cat. No. KCND1, KCND5 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 70 tests, 140 03/01/88 Products. PTH-C: KPCD1, tests Corporation. KPCD2 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 70 tests .... 03/01/88 Products PTH-M: Cat. No. Corporation. KPMD1 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 100, 200 03/25/91 Products. Testosterone Cat. Tests Corporation. No. KTTD1, 2 Diagnostic Double Antibody Kit: 70 tests, 140 03/01/88 Products. Ultra-PTH: Cat. tests Corporation. No. KPTD1, KPTD2 Diagnostic Enzyme-Labeled Vial: 20 ml, 60 ml . 07/05/90 Products Amphetamine Cat. Corporation. No. MEAP2, 5MEAP2 Diagnostic Enzyme-Labeled Glass Vial: 11ml, 01/25/91 Products. Cocaine 60 ml Corporation. Metabolite Cat. No. MECC2, 5MECC2 Diagnostic Enzyme-Labeled Vial: 11ml, 60 ml . 09/28/90 Products Methamphetamine Corporation. Cat. No. MEMA2, 5MEMA2 Diagnostic Enzyme-Labeled Vial: 20 ml, 60 ml . 07/05/90 Products Opiates Cat. No. Corporation. MEOP2, 5MEOP2 Diagnostic Enzyme-Labeled PCP Vial: 20 ml, 60 ml . 07/05/90 Products Cat. No. MEPC2, Corporation. 5MEPC2 Diagnostic Enzyme-Labeled THC Vial: 20 ml, 60 ml . 07/05/90 Products Cat. No. METH 2, Corporation. 5METH2 Diagnostic EquiCON-DOA Drugs Kit: 2 Vials ..... 03/25/91 Products of Abuse Equine Corporation. Urine Controls Cat. No. EDAC Diagnostic EquiCon-DOA Level Vial: 30 ml ....... 03/25/91 Products 2, 3 Cat. No. Corporation. EDAC 2, 3 Diagnostic Fentanyl Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators: Cat. Corporation. No. FNC4-9 Diagnostic Free Testosterone Vial: 3.5ml ...... 03/25/91 Products Calibrators Cat. Corporation. No. TFC4-8 Diagnostic Goat Anti-Rabbit Vial: 110 ml, 320 03/01/88 Products. Gamma Globulin/4% ml Corporation. PEG Saline: Cat. No. 5N6 Diagnostic LSD Calibrators B- Vial: 5 ml ....... 03/20/89 Products F, Cat. No. LSCH- Corporation. 8 Diagnostic LSD Controls, Cat. Vial: 120 ml, 5ml . 03/20/89 Products No. 5LCO1, 5LCO2, Corporation. LSCO1, LSCO2 Diagnostic LSD Isotope, Cat. Vial: 105 ml, 550 03/20/89 Products. No. TLSY2, TLS2 ml Corporation. Diagnostic LSD Reference Vial: 120 ml ...... 03/20/89 Products Preparation, Cat. Corporation. No. 5YLS6 Diagnostic Low and High Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Barbiturate Corporation. Urinary Controls: Cat. No. 5BCO1, 5BCO2 Diagnostic Low and High Vial: 3.5 ml, 100 03/01/88 Products. Benzoylecgonine ml Corporation. Urinary Controls (DA): Cat. No. 5COO1, 5COO2, CNC02, CNCO3 Diagnostic Low and High Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Cannabinoid Corporation. Urinary Controls: Cat. No. 5TC01, 5TCO2 Diagnostic Low and High Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Morphine Urinary Corporation. Controls: Cat. No. 5MCO1, 5MCO2 Diagnostic Low and High Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Opiate Urinary Corporation. Controls: Cat. No. 5OCO1, 5OCO2 Diagnostic Low and High PCP Vial: 100 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Urinary Controls: Corporation. Cat. No. 5PCO1, 5PCO2 Diagnostic Methadone Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators: Cat. Corporation. No. MDC4-8 Diagnostic Methamphetamine Vial: 5ml ........ 09/28/90 Products Calibrators Cat. Corporation. No. MMA-8 Diagnostic Methamphetamine Cartridge: 5ml ... 01/25/91 Products Cartridges Cat. Corporation. No. VMADC Diagnostic Methamphetamine Vial: 3ml ........ 01/25/91 Products Positive Corporation. Reference Cat. No. VMAPC Diagnostic Methaqualone Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators: Cat. Corporation. No. MQC4-8 Diagnostic Mid-Molecule PTH Vial: 10 ml ...... 03/01/88 Products Antiserum: Cat. Corporation. No. PMD1 Diagnostic Milenia Kit: 7 vials, 96 07/05/90 Products. Amphetamine Cat. tests, 480 tests Corporation. No. MKAP1, MKAP5 Diagnostic Milenia Kit: 6 vials, 96 07/05/90 Products. Cannabinoids Cat. Tests, 480 Tests Corporation. No. MK TH1, MKTH5 Diagnostic Milenia Cocaine Kit: 96 Tests, 480 01/25/91 Products. Metabolite Cat. Tests Corporation. No. MKCC1, MKCC5 Diagnostic Milenia Cocaine Glass Vial: 5ml .. 01/25/91 Products References and Corporation. Controls Cat. No. MC3, 6; MCCC1, 2 Diagnostic Milenia Kit: 96 wells, 480 09/28/90 Products. Methamphetamine wells Corporation. Cat. No. MKMA1, MKMA5 Diagnostic Milenia Opiates Kit: 6 vials, 96 07/05/90 Products. Cat. No. MKOP1, Tests, 480 Tests Corporation. MKOP5 Diagnostic Milenia PCP Cat. Kit: 6 vials, 96 07/05/90 Products. No. MKPC1, MKPC5 tests, 480 tests Corporation. Diagnostic Morphine Vial: 3.5 ml, 10 03/01/88 Products. Calibrators: Cat. ml Corporation. No. MPC4-8 Diagnostic Morphine Reference Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Preparation: Cat. Corporation. No. 5YMPY7 Diagnostic Opiate Calibrators: Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products. Cat. No. OSC4-8 Corporation. Diagnostic Opiate Cartridges Cartridge: 5ml ... 07/05/90 Products. Cat. No. VOSDC Corporation. Diagnostic Opiates Vial: 5ml ........ 07/05/90 Products Calibrators Cat. Corporation. No. MOP 4-7 Diagnostic Opiates Positive Vial: 1ml ........ 07/05/90 Products Reference Cat. No. Corporation. VOSPC Diagnostic Opiates Reference Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Preparation: Cat. Corporation. No. 5YOS7 Diagnostic PCP Calibrators Vial: 5ml ........ 07/05/90 Products. Cat. No. MPC 3-7 Corporation. Diagnostic PCP Calibrators: Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products. Cat. No. PCC4-8 Corporation. Diagnostic PCP Reference Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Preparation: Cat. Corporation. No. 5YPC6 Diagnostic PTH (C-Terminal) Vial: 10 ml ...... 03/01/88 Products Isotope: Cat. No. Corporation. PCD2 Diagnostic PTH (Ultra) Vial: 5 ml ....... 03/01/88 Products Antiserum: Cat. Corporation. No. PTD1 Diagnostic PTH (Ultra) Vial 5 ml ........ 03/01/88 Products Isotope: Cat. No. Corporation. PTD2 Diagnostic PTH-M Isotope: Cat. Vial: 10 ml ...... 03/01/88 Products. No. PMD2 Corporation. Diagnostic RIA Controls Level Vial: 10 ml ....... 03/25/91 Products 4, 5, 6 Cat. N0. Corporation. CON4, CON5, CON6 Diagnostic Serum Morphine Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Calibrators: Cat. Corporation. No. SMC4-8 Diagnostic Serum Morphine Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Controls: Cat. No. Corporation. SMCO2, SMCO3 Diagnostic THC Calibrators B- Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products F: Cat. No. THD4- Corporation. 8 Diagnostic THC Calibrators Vial: 5ml ........ 07/05/90 Products. Cat. No. MTH 4-7 Corporation. Diagnostic THC Reference Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products Preparation: Cat. Corporation. No. 5YTH7 Diagnostic Ten One Kit: 12 Tests, 48 01/25/91 Products. Methamphetamine Tests Corporation. Cat. No. VKMA1, VKMA4 Diagnostic Ten One Opiates Kit: 1 vial, 12 & 07/05/90 Products. Cat. No. VKSO1, 48 5ml cartridges Corporation. VKSO4 Diagnostic Testosterone Vial: 3.5ml ...... 03/25/91 Products Calibrators Cat. Corporation. No. TTD3-8 Diagnostic Total Testosterone Vial: 3.5ml ...... 03/25/91 Products Calibrators Cat. Corporation. No. TTC4-8 Diagnostic Triiodothyronine Vial: 120 ml ..... 03/01/88 Products (T3) Isotope: Cat. Corporation. No. TT32 Diagnostic [125I] Free Vial: 105ml ...... 03/25/91 Products Testosterone Cat. Corporation. No. TTF2 Diagnostic [125I] Vial: 10 ml ....... 03/25/91 Products Testosterone Cat. Corporation. No. TTD2 Diagnostic [125I] Total Vial: 105ml ...... 03/25/91 Products Testosterone Cat. Corporation. No. TTT 2 Diagnostic Systems Radioimmunoassay Kit: 100 Tests ... 10/08/93 Laboratories Inc. Kit for the Measurement of Dehydroepiandrost. .erone (DHEA), DSL 8900 Diagnostics Amphetamines Carboy: 20, 10, 5, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme Conjugate 1 L Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Amphetamines Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0017 Diagnostics Amphetemine Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 500 ml each 0018 Diagnostics Barbiturate Enzyme Carboy: 20, 10, 5, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Congugate Reagent, 1 L Bulk Diagnostics Barbiturate Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 100 ml each 0225 Diagnostics Barbiturate Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 500 ml each 0226 Diagnostics Benzodiazepine Carboy: 20, 10, 5, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme Conjugate 1 L Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Benzodiazepine Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0039 Diagnostics Benzodiazepine Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 500 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0040 Diagnostics Cannabinoid Enzyme Carboy: 20, 10, 5, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Conjugate Reagent, 1 L Bulk Diagnostics Cannabinoid Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 100 ml each 0185 Diagnostics Cannabinoid Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 500 ml each 0186 Diagnostics Cocaine Metabolite Carboy: 20, 10, 5, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme Conjugate 1 L Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Cocaine Metabolite Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0055 Diagnostics Cocaine Metabolite Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 500 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0056 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. High Calibrator A, 500 ml Bulk Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. High Calibrator A, Cat# 0324 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. High Calibrator, 500 ml Bulk Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. High Calibrator, Cat# 0036 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level 2 Control, 500 ml Bulk Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level 2 Control, Cat# 0208 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level 2A Control, 500 ml Bulk Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level 2A Control, Cat# 0331 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level I Control, 500 ml Bulk Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level I Control, Cat# 0210 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level IA Control, 500 ml Bulk Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Level IA Control, Cat# 0329 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Low Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator A, Cat # 0322 Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Low Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator, Bulk 500 ml Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Low Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator, Bulk 500 ml Diagnostics Drugs of Abuse Low Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator, Cat# 0034 Diagnostics Methadone Enzyme Carboy: 20, 10, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Conjugate Reagent, 5,1L Bulk Diagnostics Methadone Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 100 ml each 0596 Diagnostics Methadone Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 500 ml each 0597 Diagnostics Methadone Carboy: 20, 10, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Metabolite Enzyme 5,1L Conjugate Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Methadone Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Metabolite Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0200 Diagnostics Methadone Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Metabolite Enzyme 500 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0201 Diagnostics Methaqualone Carboy: 20, 10, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme Conjugate 5,1L Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Methaqualone Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0514 Diagnostics Methaqualone Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 500 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0515 Diagnostics Opiate Enzyme Carboy: 20, 10, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Conjugate Reagent, 5,1L Bulk Diagnostics Opiate Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 100 ml each 0135 Diagnostics Opiate Enzyme Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Immunoassay Kit# 500 ml each 0136 Diagnostics Phencyclidine Carboy: 20, 10, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme Conjugate 5,1L Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Phencyclidine Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0160 Diagnostics Phencyclidine Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 500 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0161 Diagnostics Propoxyphene Carboy: 20, 10, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme Conjugate 5,1L Reagent, Bulk Diagnostics Propoxyphene Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 100 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0432 Diagnostics Propoxyphene Kit: 2 Bottles; 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Enzyme 500 ml each Immunoassay Kit# 0433 Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 100ng/ 500 ml ml, Bulk Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 100ng/ ml, Cat# 0044 Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 200ng/ ml Cat# 0206 Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 200ng/ 500 ml ml, Bulk Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 50ng/ ml Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 50ng/ 500 ml ml, Bulk Diagnostics THC Urine Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator, 20ng/ ml, Cat# 0235 Diagnostics THC Urine Control Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 125ng/ml, Bulk 500 ml Diagnostics THC Urine Control Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 40ng/ml, Bulk 500 ml Diagnostics THC Urine Control Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 60ng/ml, Bulk 500 ml Diagnostics THC Urine Control Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 75ng/ml, Bulk 500 ml Diagnostics THC Urine Control, Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 125ng/ml, Cat# 0212 Diagnostics THC Urine Control, Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 40ng/ml, Cat# 0170 Diagnostics THC Urine Control, Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 60ng/ml, Cat# 0168 Diagnostics THC Urine Control, Bottle: 5ml ...... 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. 75ng/ml, Cat# 0214 Diagnostics THC urine Bottle: 5L, 1L, 10/20/93 Reagents, Inc. Calibrator 20ng/ 500 ml ml, Bulk Diagnostics DHEA Controls I Vial: 3.5ml ...... 10/08/93 Systems and II, DSL 8951 Laboratories Inc. & 8952 Diagnostics DHEA Standards, A- Vial: 3.5ml ...... 10/08/93 Systems. F, DSL 8901-8906 Laboratories Inc. Diagnostics Radioimmunoassay Kit; 100 Tests ... 10/08/93 Systems Kit for the Laboratories Inc. Measurement of Dehydroepiandrost. .erone (DHEA), DSL 9000 Diagnostics Radioimmunoassay Kit: 100 Tests ... 10/08/93 Systems Kit for the Laboratories Inc. Quantitative Measurement of Testosterone, DSL 4000 Diagnostics Radioimmunoassay Kit: 100 Tests ... 10/08/93 Systems Kit for the Laboratories Inc. Quantitative Measurement of Testosterone, DSL 4100 Diagnostics Testosterone Vial: 3.5ml ...... 10/08/93 Systems Controls I and II, Laboratories Inc. DSL 4051 & 4052 Diagnostics Testosterone Vial: 3.5ml ...... 10/08/93 Systems Standards A-F, Laboratories Inc. DSL 4001-4006 Diamedix Barbital-Acetate Package: 20 07/27/72 Corporation. Buffer, Powder envelopes-10.65g 709-317 per envelope Diamedix CEP Plate- Plate: 40mm x 80mm 08/09/73 Corporation. Amebiasis Testing x 2.5mm 40 Test No. 730- 274 Diamedix CEP VI No. 709-339 Plate: 40mm x 80mm 08/09/73 Corporation. x 2.5mm Diamedix Counterelectropho. Plastic plates: 06/16/75 Corporation. .resis (CEP) 40mm x 80mm x Plates for 2.5mm Trichinosis Testing Diamedix EDTA (0.014M)-GVB Bottle: 5ml ...... 08/09/73 Corporation. Buffer, 753-034 Diamedix EDTA (0.01M)-GVB Bottle: 5ml ...... 08/09/73 Corporation. Buffer, 753-031 Diamedix GVB(3+) Buffer 753 Bottle: 50 ml ..... 08/09/73 Corporation. -037 Diamedix Glucose-GVB 1 Bottle: 50 ml ..... 08/09/73 Corporation. Buffer, 753-036 Duo Research, Inc Drug Testing Kit: 25 bottles .. 12/26/86 Assessment Program Quality Control Samples Duo Research, Inc Drug Testing Bottle: 65ml ..... 02/27/86 Assessment Program-Quality Control Sample Duo Research, Inc Drug Testing Kit: 5-65ml 02/27/86 Assessment bottles Program-Quality Control Sample Kit DynaGen, Inc ..... Benzoylecgonine Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 and delta-8 THC- 100 ml Carboxylic Acid Cat# 700-111 DynaGen, Inc ..... D-Amphetamine and Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 DL- 100 ml Methamphetamine Cat# 700-107 DynaGen, Inc ..... D-Amphetamine, D- Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 Methamphetamine 100 ml and delta-9 THC- Carboxylic Acid Cat# 700-112 DynaGen, Inc ..... D-Amphetamine, Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 Pseudoephedrine, 100 ml DL- Methamphetamine and Phenylpropan. .olamine Cat# 700- 116 DynaGen, Inc ..... DL-Methamphetamine Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 Cat# 700-110 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... Hydrocodone Cat# Plastic bottle: 07/27/93 700-106 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... Hydromorphone Cat# Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 700-108 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... Methadone Cat# 700 Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 -118 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... Methaqualone Cat# Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 700-119 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... Morphine, Codeine Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 and 6- 100 ml Monoacetylmorphine Cat# 700-114 DynaGen, Inc ..... Oxazepam Cat# 700- Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 120 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... PeoCheck Blind Kit: 25 Bottles; 07/27/93 Performance 100 ml plastic Specimens Cat# 500-100 DynaGen, Inc ..... Phencyclidine and Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 Hydrocodone Cat# 100 ml 700-115 DynaGen, Inc ..... ProCheck Blind Kit: 5 bottles; 07/27/93 Performance 100 ml plastic Specimens Cat# 500-200 DynaGen, Inc ..... Propoxyphene Cat# Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 700-121 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... Secobarbital Cat# Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 700-117 100 ml DynaGen, Inc ..... delta 9 THC- Plastic Bottle: 07/27/93 Carboxylic Acid 100 ml and Phentermine Cat# 700-113 E.I. duPont de (1) PREP Sample Kit containing 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Preparation and following: Inc. Analysis Kit E.I. duPont de (2) PREP Buffer/ Box containing 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Internal Standard following: Inc. and Liquid Chromatography Verifier E.I. duPont de (2a) PREP Liquid Vial: 10 ml (1 vial 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Chromatography /box) Inc. Verifier E.I. duPont de (2b) PREP Buffer/ Vial: 100 ml (3 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Internal Standard vials/box) Inc. E.I. duPont de (3) PREP Box containing 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Calibrators following: Inc. E.I. duPont de (3a) PREP Vial: 10 ml (1 vial 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level /box) Inc. 1 E.I. duPont de (3b) PREP Vial: 10 ml (1 vial 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level /box) Inc. 2 E.I. duPont de (3c) PREP Vial: 10 ml (1 vial 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level /box) Inc. 3 E.I. duPont de (3d) PREP Vial: 10 ml (1 vial 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level /box) Inc. 4 E.I. duPont de (4) PREP Controls Box containing 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., following: Inc. E.I. duPont de (4a) PREP Control- Vial: 10 ml (2 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., Low Level vials/box) Inc. E.I. duPont de (4b) PREP Control- Vial: 10 ml (2 09/25/78 Nemours & Co., High Level vials/box) Inc. E.I. duPont de DM/TU Saturating Plastic Bottle: 1L, 02/22/89 Nemours & Co., Reagent 10L, 20L Inc. E.I. duPont de DuPont Drug Vial: 6ml, Box: 10 09/28/90 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-A vials Inc. (levels 1-5) E.I. duPont de DuPont Drug Vial: 6ml (1 vial 04/04/86 Nemours & Co., Calibrators- and 2 vials/box) Inc. Levels 1 through 5 E.I. duPont de DuPont Vial: 6 ml ....... 10/13/86 Nemours & Co., Phenobarbital Inc. Assay E.I. duPont de DuPont U Amp Bottle: 1 liter .. 10/19/87 Nemours & Co., Enzyme Pack Inc. Reagent E.I. duPont de DuPont U Barb Bottle: 1 liter .. 10/19/87 Nemours & Co., Enzyme Pack Inc. Reagent E.I. duPont de DuPont U Benz Bottle: 1 liter .. 10/19/87 Nemours & Co., Enzyme Pack Inc. Reagent E.I. duPont de DuPont U COC Bottle: 1 liter .. 10/19/87 Nemours & Co., Enzyme Pack Inc. Reagent E.I. duPont de DuPont U OPI Bottle: 1 liter .. 08/28/87 Nemours & Co., Enzyme Pack Inc. Reagent E.I. duPont de DuPont U THC Bottle: 1 liter .. 01/04/88 Nemours & Co., Enzyme Pack Inc. Reagent E.I. duPont de DuPont Urine Drugs Box: 6 Vials, 6ml 07/27/87 Nemours & Co., -of-Abuse Vial Inc. Calibrator (Levels 0, 1, 2) E.I. duPont de DuPont Urine Drugs Vial: 6 ml ....... 08/03/87 Nemours & Co., -of-Abuse Control Inc. E.I. duPont de DuPont aca Plastic Packs: 25 12/23/84 Nemours & Co., Barbiturate tests Inc. Screen Analytical Test Pack E.I. duPont de DuPont aca 6 Vials: 3ml ..... 02/23/84 Nemours & Co., Barbiturate Inc. Screen/ Benzodiazepine Screen Calibrator E.I. duPont de DuPont aca Plastic Packs: 25 02/23/84 Nemours & Co., Benzodiazepine tests Inc. Screen Analytical Test Pack E.I. duPont de Phenobarbital Vial: 6ml (1 vial/ 04/02/86 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level box) Inc. 1 E.I. duPont de Phenobarbital Vial: 6ml (1 vial/ 04/02/86 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level box) Inc. 2 E.I. duPont de Phenobarbital Vial: 6ml (1 vial/ 04/02/86 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level box) Inc. 3 E.I. duPont de Phenobarbital Vial: 6ml (1 vial/ 04/02/86 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level box) Inc. 4 E.I. duPont de Phenobarbital Vial: 6ml (1 vial/ 04/02/86 Nemours & Co., Calibrator-Level box) Inc. 5 E.I. duPont de Theophylline Vial: 6 ml. Box 09/21/88 Nemours & Co., Calibrator Levels contains 2 vials Inc. 1, 2 and 3 each level E.I. duPont de Thyroid Rotor .... Foil Pouch: 1 10/25/88 Nemours & Co., Rotor Shelf Inc. Carton: 10 Rotors Box: 5 Shelf Cartons (50 Rotors) E.I. duPont de Thyronine (TU) 32 Test Cartridge, 03/29/89 Nemours & Co., Uptake Flex Carton: 7 Inc. cartridges E.I. duPont de Thyronine (TU) Plastic container: 04/28/86 Nemours & Co., Uptake Flex(tm) 2.3ml (20 tests) Inc. Reagent Cartridge E.I. duPont de Urine Amphetamine Carton: 50 tests . 08/27/87 Nemours & Co., (U Amp) Test Pack Inc. E.I. duPont de Urine Barbiturate Carton: 50 tests . 08/27/87 Nemours & Co., (U Barb) Test Inc. Pack E.I. duPont de Urine Carton: 50 tests . 08/27/87 Nemours & Co., Benzodiazepine (U Inc. Benz) Test Pack E.I. duPont de Urine Cannabinoid Carton: 50 tests . 11/09/87 Nemours & Co., (U THC) Test Pack Inc. E.I. duPont de Urine Cocaine (U Carton: 50 tests . 08/27/87 Nemours & Co., COC) Test Pack Inc. E.I. duPont de Urine Opiate (U Carton: 50 tests . 07/08/87 Nemours & Co., OPI) Test Pack Inc. E.I. duPont de aca PHNO Carton: 40 tests 08/25/77 Nemours & Co., Analytical Test packs Inc. Pack E.I. duPont de aca Thryonine Plastic Pack: 1 08/25/83 Nemours & Co., Uptake Analytical test Inc. Test Pack E.I. duPont de aca Urine Vial: 10 ml ....... 09/17/93 Nemours & Co., Methadone Inc. Calibrator (Level 1 & 2) E.I. duPont de aca Urine Vial: 6ml ........ 09/17/93 Nemours & Co., Methadone Control Inc. (Negative/ Positive) E.I. duPont de 5-Cyclohexenyl-3, Combi-Vial: 250 01/04/77 Nemours & Co., 5, -Dimethyl microcuries , 1 Inc, Medical barbituric Acid millicurie, and 5 Products. (3H(G)), Catalog millicuries No. NET-426 E.I. duPont de Acetaldehyde (1, 2 Pyrex Glass 01/04/77 Nemours & Co., -14C) as Breakseal Tube: Inc, Medical Paraldehyde, 250 microcuries, Products. Catalog No. NEC- 1 millicurie 158 E.I. duPont de Cocaine, Levo-[ Combi-Vial: 100 01/04/77 Nemours & Co., Benzoyl] [3.4-3H microcuries, 250 Inc, Medical. (N)] Catalog No. microcuries Products. NET-510 E.I. duPont de Diazepam [Methyl- Combi-Vial: 0.250 09/06/79 Nemours & Co., 3H] Catalog No. millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. NET-564 millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de Dihydromorphine [7, Combi-Vial: 250 01/04/77 Nemours & Co., 8-3H(N)] microcuries, 1 Inc, Medical. millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de Dihydromorphine[N- Combi-Vial: 0.250 02/29/80 Nemours & Co., Methyl-3H] NET- millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. 658 millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de Dihydrotestostero. NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., .ne, [1, 2, 4, 5, 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical 6, 7, 16, 17-3H(N) Products. ] E.I. duPont de Dihydrotestostero. NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., .ne, [1, 2, 4, 5, 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical. 6, 7-3H(N)]- Products. E.I. duPont de Dihydrotestostero. NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., .ne, [1, 2-3H(N)] 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical Products. E.I. duPont de Dihydrotestostero. NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., .ne, [4-14C]- 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical Products. E.I. duPont de Drug Discovery Kit, Kit: 100 tests, 08/08/89 Nemours & Co., No. NED-002, NED- 500 tests Inc, Medical. 002A Products. E.I. duPont de Flunitrazepam Combi-Vial: 5 08/08/89 Nemours & Co., (Methyl-3H) microcuries, 14 Inc, Medical. microcuries Products. E.I. duPont de Flunitrazepam 2.5 Combi-Vial: 2.0 ml 08/08/89 Nemours & Co., Micro M Inc, Medical Products. E.I. duPont de Flunitrazepam [ Combi-Vial: 0.250 04/29/87 Nemours & Co., Methyl-3H] NET millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. 567 millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de LSD [N-Methyl-3H] Combi-Vial: 0.250 11/06/79 Nemours & Co., NET-638 millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de Mazindol (4'-3H) Combi-Vial: 0.250 05/17/84 Nemours & Co., Catalog No.NET- millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. 816 millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de Methylenedioxymet. Combi-Vial: 0.0250 08/25/75 Nemours & Co., .hamphetamine, (+) millicuries, 0.25 Inc, Medical 3, 4-[N-methyl-3H millicuries, 1.0 Products. ] NET 957 millicuries E.I. duPont de Methylphenidate,+/ Combi-Vial: 0.250 06/11/84 Nemours & Co., -threo[methyl- millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. 3HNET857 millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de Mibolerone ....... Glass Vial: 5ml .. 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., Inc, Medical Products. E.I. duPont de Mibolerone, [ NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 17Alpha-methyl-3H 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical. ]- Products. E.I. duPont de Morphine [N-methyl Combi-Vial: 0.250 02/29/80 Nemours & Co., -3H] NET-653 millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. millicurie Products. E.I. duPont de N-[1-(2-Thienyl) Combi-Vial: 0.250 06/11/84 Nemours & Co., Cyclohexyl]-3, 4- millicuries, 1.0 Inc, Medical. Piperidine millicurie Products. (Piperidyl-3, 4- 3H)NET-886 E.I. duPont de Phencyclidine [ Combi-Vial: 0.250 09/06/79 Nemours & Co., Piperidyl-3, 4-3H millicurie, 1.0 Inc, Medical. (N)], Catalog No. millicurie Products. NET-630 E.I. duPont de Testosterone, [1, NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 2, 6, 7, 16, 17- 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical. 3H(N)] Products. E.I. duPont de Testosterone, [1, NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 2, 6, 7-3H(N)]- 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical Products. E.I. duPont de Testosterone, [ NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 1Alpha, 2Alpha, - 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical. 3H(N)]- Products. E.I. duPont de Testosterone, [ NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 1Beta, 2Beta, -3H 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical. (N)]- Products. E.I. duPont de Testosterone, [4- NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 14C]- 0.8ml, 6.2ml; Inc, Medical. Glass Vial: 10 ml Products. E.I. duPont de Testosterone, [7- NENSURE Vial: 11/01/91 Nemours & Co., 3H(N)]- 0.8ml, 6.2ml Inc, Medical Products. E.I. duPont de d-Amphetamine Combi-Vial: 250 01/04/77 Nemours & Co., Sulfate (3H(G)), microcuries, 1 Inc, Medical Catalog No. NET- millicurie, and 5 Products. 140 millicuries EM Diagnostic EMDS Antiepileptic Box: 3 Vials, 5 ml 06/11/86 Systems, Inc. Drug Calibrator each Item No. 67630/95 EM Diagnostic EMDS Test Packs, Carton: 48 Test 09/09/86 Systems, Inc. Phenobarbital Packs (PHENO) Item No. 67677/95 EM Diagnostic Easytest Cuvette: 1.8ml (40 06/11/86 Systems, Inc. Phenobarbital cuvettes /carton) Assay Item No. 67534/93 Eastman Kodak KODATROL Control I 1 Set: 2 amber 07/21/88 Company. Control and glass vials ea. 6 Diluent Set ml 1 Box: 12 sets Eastman Kodak KODATROL Control 1 Set: 2 amber 07/21/88 Company. II Control and glass vials ea. 6 Diluent Set ml 1 Box: 12 sets Eastman Kodak Kodak EKTACHEM Vial: 3ml ........ 09/13/85 Company. Specialty Calibrator Eastman Kodak Kodak EKTACHEM Vial: 3ml ........ 09/13/85 Company. Specialty Control I Eastman Kodak Kodak Ektachem Glass Vial: 6 ml . 11/10/87 Company. Specialty Control II Electro-Nucleonics VIRGO IPA Immuno- Kit .............. 11/30/82 Laboratories, Precipitation Incorporated. Assay for Phenobarbital Endocrine 0.1% Lysozyme- Glass Bottle: 2 05/28/87 Metabolic Center. Barbital Buffer, liter 0.05M Endocrine 1% Lysozyme- Glass Bottle: 2 05/28/87 Metabolic Center. Barbital Buffer, liter 0.05M Endocrine Barbital Buffer, Plastic Bottle: 05/28/87 Metabolic Center. 0.05M 3000 ml Endocrine Barbital Buffer, Plastic Bottle: 05/28/87 Metabolic Center. 0.1M 3000 ml Endocrine Tracer Diluent ... Glass Bottle: 1 or 05/28/87 Metabolic Center. 2 liter Environmental EZ-Screen: Ampule: 1 ml ..... 02/03/87 Diagnostics, Inc. Cannabinoid Enzyme Conjugate Environmental EZ-Screen: Kit: 1 test ...... 02/03/87 Diagnostics, Inc. Cannabinoid Kit Catalog No. 216- 2BP Environmental EZ-Screen: Ampule: 1 ml ..... 02/03/87 Diagnostics, Inc. Cannabinoid Positive Control Environmental EZ-Screen: Polyethylene Tube: 12/20/88 Diagnostics, Inc. Cannabinoid/ containing ampule Cocaine-Enzyme with 1 tablet, Conjugate Kit: 1 test Environmental EZ-Screen: Polyethylene Tube: 12/20/89 Diagnostics, Inc. Cannabinoid/ 2.2ml, Kit: 1 Cocaine-Positive test Control Fisher Diagnostics TheraChem Kit: 9 vials, vial: 03/03/81 Anticonvulsants/ 5ml Theophylline, Level I, II Fisher Scientific Electrophoretic Packet: 12.14 g. . 10/27/72 Buffer No. 1 pH 8.60, Ionic Strength 0.05, Catalog No. E-1 Fisher Scientific Electrophoretic Packet: 18.16 g. . 10/27/72 Buffer No. 2, pH 8.60, Ionic Strength 0.075, Catalog No. E-2 Fisher Scientific IL-Test Kit: contains 2 03/15/88 Phenobarbital plastic containers of reagent 2 Fisher Scientific IL-Test Plastic Container: 03/15/88 Phenobarbital 16 ml Conjugate, Reagent 2 Fisher Scientific Owren's Veronal Vial: 10 ml ...... 08/18/86 Buffer, CS1094-34 Fisher Scientific Owren's Veronal Vial: 25 ml ...... 08/18/86 Buffer, CS1094-38 Fisher Scientific SeraChem Abnormal Vial: 5ml, 10 ml .. 04/16/82 Clinical Chemistry Control Serum (Human) Unassayed No. 2906 Fisher Scientific SeraChem Abnormal Vial: 5ml ........ 04/16/82 Clinical Chemistry Control Serum (Human), Assayed No. 2905 Fisher Scientific SeraChem Normal Vial: 5ml ........ 04/16/82 Clinical Chemistry Control Serum (Human), Assayed No.2907 Fisher Scientific Serachem Normal Vial: 5ml, 10 ml .. 04/16/82 Clinical Chemistry Control Serum (Human), Unassayed No. 2908 Fisher Scientific TDM Cal .......... Kit: 7 Vials ..... 11/26/86 Fisher Scientific TDM Cal (B-F) .... Vials: 5 ml ...... 11/26/86 Fisher Scientific Thera Chem TDC Kit: 6 vials ..... 01/12/84 Therapeutic Drug Controls, Low and High Levels, 2840 -58 Fisher Scientific TheraChem-Plus TDC Kit: 9 vials ..... 03/19/86 Therapeutic Drug Controls, Tri- Level, No. 2845- 94 Fisher Scientific Therapeutic Drug Vial: 5ml ........ 03/19/86 Control, High Level III, No. 2848-31 Fisher Scientific Therapeutic Drug Vial: 5ml ........ 01/12/84 Control, High Level, 2842-31 Fisher Scientific Therapeutic Drug Vial: 5ml ........ 03/19/86 Control, Low Level I, No. 2846 -31 Fisher Scientific Therapeutic Drug Vial: 5ml ........ 01/12/84 Control, Low Level, 2841-31 Fisher Scientific Therapeutic Drug Vial: 5ml ........ 03/19/86 Control, Mid- Range Level II, No. 2847-31 Fisher Scientific Urine Chemistry Vial: 25ml ....... 04/06/78 Control (Human) Level II, No. 2935-80 Fisher Scientific Urine Toxicology Vial: 25ml ....... 04/06/78 Control No. 2950- 61 Fisher Scientific SeraChem Plus Vial: 10 ml, Box: 07/25/89 Group. Clinical 50 vials, Carton: Chemistry Control 4 boxes Sera Unassayed (Bovine) Level I Fisher Scientific SeraChem Plus Vial: 10 ml, Box: 07/25/89 Group. Clinical 50 vials, Carton: Chemistry Control 4 boxes Sera Unassayed (Bovine) Level II Flow Laboratories DGV No. 28-010 ... Bottle: 125ml .... 04/16/73 Flow Laboratories Human "O'' DGV Glass Vial: 100 ml 10/14/76 (Dextrose Gelatin Veronal Buffer) No. 28-080 GIBCO Laboratories Complement Bottle: 1 liter .. 01/28/74 Fixation Buffer Solution, pH 7.3- 7.4, NDC 0118115- 0247-1 GIBCO Laboratories Complement Bottle: 500 ml .... 04/05/77 Fixation Buffer Solution, pH 7.3- 7.4, NDC 011815- 0247-2 GIBCO Laboratories Dextrose-Gelatin- Bottle: 100 and 07/05/73 Veronal Buffer 500 ml Solution NDC No. 815-0566-1 and No. 815-0566-2 GIBCO Laboratories Electrophoresis Bottle: 1 liter .. 01/28/74 Buffer Solution, pH 8.6, NDC 011815-0245-1 GIBCO Laboratories I.E.P. Buffer Bottle: 1 liter .. 01/28/74 Solution pH 8.2 NDC 011815-0246-1 Gelman Sciences, Drug Control Set Set: 3 vials of 04/06/72 Inc. No. 51911 50 ml each Gelman Sciences, Drug Standard Set, Set: 3 vials of 04/06/72 Inc. No. 51910 2ml each Gelman Sciences, Hi-Phore Buffer .. Glass Vial: 15g. . 02/11/82 Inc. Gelman Sciences, High Resolution Vial: 10dr ....... 12/22/71 Inc. Buffer-Tris Barbital Buffer No 51104 Gumm Chem. Co .... Niflow Initial Drums: 5 Gallons . 09/30/85 Additive Gumm Chem. Co .... Niflow Maintenace Drums: 5 Gallons . 09/30/85 Additive Hach Chemical Co. pH 8.3 Buffer Pillow: 1 g. each 11/30/71 Powder Pillows. No. 898-98 Helena Cardio REP CK Plate: 4.6'' x 2.4''09/24/93 Laboratories. Isoenzymes Gel Helena CK-LD Buffer Packet: 18.332g. , 03/26/86 Laboratories. Catalog No. 5808 10 packets/box Helena Cardio REP CK Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/24/93 Laboratories. Isoenzymes Kit, Cat# 3310 Helena Cardio REP CK Plate: 4.6'' x 2.4''09/24/93 Laboratories. Isoforms Gel Helena Cardio REP CK Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/24/93 Laboratories. Isoforms Kit, Cat # 3305 Helena Electra B1 Buffer, Packet: 13.1g. 10 12/28/73 Laboratories. Catalog No. 5016 packets/ box Helena Electra B2 Buffer, Packet: 18.2g. 10 12/28/73 Laboratories. Catalog No. 5017 packets/ box Helena Electra HR Buffer, Packet: 18.1g. 10 12/28/73 Laboratories. Catalog No. 5805 packets/ box Helena HDL Packet: 36g. ..... 12/18/85 Laboratories. Electrophoresis Buffer Helena Isoamylase Cathode Packet: 9.7g. .... 12/18/85 Laboratories. Buffer Helena Isoamylase Kit Kit: 2 Packets 01/24/86 Laboratories. Catalog No. 5925 Cathode Buffer Helena Owren's Veronal Plastic Bottle: 09/15/88 Laboratories. Buffer Cat. No. 125 ml 5375 Helena REP ALP-15 Gel ... Plate: 5.8'' x 5.5''08/26/93 Laboratories. Helena REP Alkaline Kit: 10 Plates ... 08/26/93 Laboratories. Phosphatase Cat# 3152 Helena REP CK Isoforms-15 Plate: 5.8'' x 5.5''03/09/88 Laboratories. Helena REP CK Isoforms-15 Kit: 10 plates ... 03/09/88 Laboratories. Kit: Cat. No. 3081 Helena REP CK Isoforms-4 Kit: 10 Plates ... 08/26/93 Laboratories. Cat# 3083 Helena REP CK Isoforms-4 PLate: 5.8.. x 08/26/93 Laboratories. Gel 1.25.. Helena REP CK Isoforms-8 Kit: 10 Plates ... 08/26/93 Laboratories. Cat# 3082 Helena REP CK Isoforms-8 Plate: 5.8.. x 08/26/93 Laboratories. Gel 2.18.. Helena REP CK-12 ........ Plate: 5.8.. x 03/09/88 Laboratories. 2.18.. Helena REP CK-12 Kit: 10 plates ... 03/09/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit: Cat. No. 3071 Helena REP CK-2 STAT Kit, Kit: 10 plates 03/30/89 Laboratories. Cat. No. 3074 (5.8.. x 0.6..) Helena REP CK-30 ........ Plate: 5.8.. x 5.5 03/09/88 Laboratories. .. Helena REP CK-30 Kit: 10 plates ... 03/09/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit Helena REP CK-6 ......... Plate: 5.8..x1.25. 03/09/88 Laboratories. . Helena REP CK-6 Isoenzyme Kit: 10 plates ... 03/09/88 Laboratories. Kit: Cat. No. 3072 Helena REP ImmunoFix Kit Kit: 10 plates ... 03/09/93 Laboratories. # 3150 Helena REP LD ........... Plates: 5.8..x5.5. 03/09/88 Laboratories. ., 5.8..x2.18.., 5.8..x1.25.. Helena REP SPE Hi Res-15 Kit: 10 plates 03/30/89 Laboratories. Kit, Cat. No. (5.8.. x 5.5..) 3176 Helena REP SPE-16 Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/14/93 Laboratories. Template (Acid Blue) Kit, Cat# 3171 Helena REP SPE-16 Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/14/93 Laboratories. Template (Ponceau S) Kit, Cat# 3161 Helena REP SPE-16 Plate: 5.8..x 2.18 09/14/93 Laboratories. Template Gel .. Helena REP SPE-30 Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/14/93 Laboratories. Template (Acid Blue) Kit, Cat# 3170 Helena REP SPE-30 Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/14/93 Laboratories. Template (Ponceau S) Kit, Cat# 3160 Helena REP SPE-30 Plate: 5.8..x 5.5. 09/14/93 Laboratories. Template Gel . Helena REP SPE-8 Template Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/14/93 Laboratories. (Acid Blue) Kit, Cat# 3172 Helena REP SPE-8 Template Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/14/93 Laboratories. (Ponceau S) Kit, Cat# 3162 Helena REP SPE-8 Template Plate: 5.8..x 1.25 09/14/93 Laboratories. Gel .. Helena REP Ultra-30 HDL, Plate: 5.8..x 5.5. 09/24/93 Laboratories. VLDL/LDL Gel . Helena REP Ultra-30 HDL, Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/24/93 Laboratories. VLDL/LDL Kit, Cat # 3183 Helena REP Ultra-8 HDL, Plate: 5.8..x 1.25 09/24/93 Laboratories. VLDL/LDL Gel .. Helena REP Ultra-8 HDL, Kit: 10 Plates ... 09/24/93 Laboratories. VLDL/LDL Kit, Cat # 3185 Helena REP-HDL-12 Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit Cat. (5.8.. x 2.18..) No. 3187 Helena REP-HDL-30 Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit Cat. (5.8.. x 5.5..) No. 3186 Helena REP-HDL-6 Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit Cat. (5.8.. x 1.25..) No. 3188 Helena REP-Lipo-12 Kit Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Cat. No. 3181 (5.8.. x 2.18..) Helena REP-Lipo-30 Kit Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Cat. No. 3180 (5.8.. x 5.5..) Helena REP-Lipo-6 Kit Cat. Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. No. 3182 (5.8.. x 1.25..) Helena REP-SP-12 Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit Cat. (5.8.. x 2.18..) No. 3171 Helena REP-SP-30 Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit Cat. (5.8.. x 5.5..) No. 3170 Helena REP-SP-6 Isoenzyme Kit: 10 Plates 09/15/88 Laboratories. Kit Cat. No. 3172 (5.8.. x 1.25..) Helena Super Z-12XHDL Kit: 3 Packages 01/24/86 Laboratories. Cholesterol buffer 36 g Supply Kit Catalog No. 5470) Helena TITAN GEL Alkaline Kit: 10 Plates ... 08/26/93 Laboratories. Phosphatase (HR) Cat# 3058 Helena TITAN GEL Alkaline Kit: 1 bag ....... 06/19/89 Laboratories. Phosphatase (HR) Kit, Cat. No. 3058 Helena TITAN GEL Alkaline Plastic Bag: 13.1g 06/19/89 Laboratories. Phosphatase Buffer Helena TITAN GEL Alkaline Plate: 3.5..x 2.9. 08/26/93 Laboratories. Phosphatase Gel . Helena Titan Gel High Packet: 25.9 g ... 04/12/83 Laboratories. Resolution Protein Buffer Helena Titan Gel High Kit: 10 Plates 03/03/86 Laboratories. Resolution (90mm x 75mm), 2 Protein Kit Packages Buffer Catalog No. 3040 Helena Titan Gel High Plate: (90mm x 03/03/86 Laboratories. Resolution 75mm) Protein Plate Helena Titan Gel IFE Packet: 25.9 g ... 12/18/85 Laboratories. Buffer Helena Titan Gel IFE Plate: (90mm x 03/05/86 Laboratories. Plate 75mm) Helena Titan Gel Kit: 10 Plates 01/24/86 Laboratories. ImmunoFix Kit (90mm x 75mm), 2 Catalog No. 3046 Packets IFE Buffer Helena Titan Gel Kit: 10 plates, 1 03/09/93 Laboratories. ImmunoFix Plus pkg IFE buffer Kit # 3067 Helena Titan Gel Kit: 10 plates, 1 03/09/93 Laboratories. ImmunoFix-9 Kit # pkg IFE buffer 3051 Helena Titan Gel Iso Dot Packet: 19.6 g ... 01/07/86 Laboratories. LDH Buffer Helena Titan Gel Iso Dot Plate: (90mm x 12/18/85 Laboratories. LDH Isoenzyme 75mm) Plate Helena Titan Gel Iso Dot Kit: 10 Plates 01/24/86 Laboratories. LDH Kit Catalog (90mm x 75mm), 1 No. 3062 Packet Iso Dot LDH Buffer Helena Titan Gel LD Packet: 21.5 g ... 11/26/86 Laboratories. Buffer Helena Titan Gel LD Bottle: 10 ml .... 11/26/86 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Diluent Helena Titan Gel LDH Packet: 22.7 g ... 03/07/83 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Buffer Helena Titan Gel LDH Plate: (90mm x 12/18/85 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Plate 75mm) Helena Titan Gel LDH Vial: 2ml, 10 01/07/86 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Reagent vials/box Helena Titan Gel Packet: 17.3 g ... 12/18/85 Laboratories. Lipoprotein Buffer Helena Titan Gel Kit: 1 Packet 01/24/86 Laboratories. Lipoprotein Kit Buffer Catalog No. 3045 Helena Titan Gel Plate: (90 x 75 mm) 01/09/87 Laboratories. Lipoprotein Plate Helena Titan Gel Multi- Kit: 10 plates (81 01/09/87 Laboratories. Slot Lipo-17 Kit x 143 mm) 1 Catalog No. 3095 packet buffer (21.6 g) Helena Titan Gel Multi- Plate: (81 x 143 01/09/87 Laboratories. Slot Lipo-17 mm) Plate Helena Titan Gel Multi- Kit: 10 plates (81 01/09/87 Laboratories. Slot SP-17 Kit x 143 mm) 1 Catalog No. 3091 packet buffer (29.1 g) Helena Titan Gel Multi- Plate: 81 x 143 mm 01/09/87 Laboratories. Slot SP-17 Plate Helena Titan Gel Serum Packet: 29.1 g ... 04/12/83 Laboratories. Protein Buffer Helena Titan Gel Serum Kit: 10 Plates 01/24/86 Laboratories. Protein Kit (90mm x 75mm), 1 Catalog No. 3041 Packet Buffer Helena Titan Gel Serum Plate: (90mm x 12/18/85 Laboratories. Protein Plate 75mm) Helena Titan Gel Silver Packet: 25.9 g ... 12/18/85 Laboratories. Stain Buffer Helena Titan Gel Silver Kit: 10 Plates 01/24/86 Laboratories. Stain Kit Catalog (90mm x 75mm), 2 No. 3035 Packets Buffer Helena Titan Gel Silver Plate: (90mm x 03/03/86 Laboratories. Stain Plate 75mm) Helena Titan Gel-PC LDH Kit: 10 Plates 01/24/86 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Kit (90mm x 75mm), 1 Catalog No. 3053 Packet LDH Buffer, 1 Box LDH Reagent Helena Titan Gel-PC LDH Plate: (90mm x 12/18/85 Laboratories. Isoenzyme Plate 75mm) Helena Titan III Agar Packet: 5 g (5 12/28/73 Laboratories. Catalog No. 5023 Packets/box) Helena Titan IV IE Plate Package: plates, 3 12/28/73 Laboratories. (large) by 4 in Helena Titan IV IE Plate Package: plates, 1 12/28/73 Laboratories. (small) by 3 in Helena Titan IV IE Plate Kit: 12 small (1 12/28/73 Laboratories. Kit by 3 in.) IE plates, 1 box B1 Buffer Helena Titan IV IE Plate Kit: 10 large (3 12/28/73 Laboratories. Kit by 4 in.) IE Plates, 1 box B1 Buffer High Standard (DL) Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Methamphetamine 1.0 mg/ml High Standard (DL) Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Methamphetamine- d10 100 ug/ml High Standard (DL) Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Methamphetamine- d5 100 ug/ml High Standard 11-Nor-Delta-8- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Carboxy-Tetrahyd. .rocannabinol 100 ug/ml High Standard 11-Nor-Delta-9- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Carboxy-Tetrahyd. .rocannabinol 100 ug/ml High Standard 11-Nor-Delta-9- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Carboxy-Tetrahyd. .rocannabinol-d10 100 ug/ml High Standard 11-Nor-Delta-9- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Carboxy-Tetrahyd. .rocannabinol-d3 100 ug/ml High Standard 3, 4-Methylenedio. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .xymethamphet- amine (MDMA) 100 ug/ml High Standard 3, 4-Methylenedio. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .xymethamphet- amine-d5 (MDMA) 100 ug/ml High Standard 3-Methylfentanyl Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard 3-Methylfentanyl- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. d3 100 ug/ml High Standard 4- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Methoxyamphetamine 1.0 mg/ml High Standard 4- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Methoxyamphetamine -d5 100 ug/ml High Standard 6-Acetylmorphine- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. d3 100 ug/ml High Standard Benzoylecgonine Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 1.0 mg/ml High Standard Benzoylecgonine Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Propyl Ester 1.0 mg/ml High Standard Benzoylecgonine-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Benzoylecgonine-d8 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Cocaethylene-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Cocaethylene-d8 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Cocaine 1.0 mg/ml . Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Cocaine-d3 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Cocaine-d8 1.0 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Codeine 100 ug/ml . Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Codeine-d3 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Codeine-d6 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard DL Amphetamine Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 1.0 mg/ml High Standard DL Amphetamine-d10 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard DL Amphetamine-d5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Delta-8-Tetrahydr. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .ocannabinol 100 ug /ml High Standard Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .ocannabinol 100 ug /ml High Standard Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .ocannabinol 100 ug /ml High Standard Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .ocannabinol-d10 100 ug/ml High Standard Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .ocannabinol-d6 100 ug/ml High Standard Diazepam 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Diazepam-d5 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Diphenoxylate 1.0 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. mg/ml High Standard Ecgonine 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Ecgonine Methyl Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Ester 1.0 mg/ml High Standard Ecgonine Methyl Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Ester-d3 100 ug/ml High Standard Ecgonine-d3 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Fentanyl 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Fentanyl-d5 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Hydrocodone 1.0 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Hydrocodone-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Hydromorphone Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 1.0 mg/ml High Standard Hydromorphone-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Lysergic Acid Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Diethylamide-dl 25 ug/ml High Standard Lysergic Acid N- Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Methyl- Propylamide (LAMPA) 25 ug/ml High Standard Methadone 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Methadone-d3 100 ug Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. /ml High Standard Methaqualone 1.0 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. mg/ml High Standard Methaqualone-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Methylenedioxyamp. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .hetamine (MDA) 1.0 mg/ml High Standard Methylenedioxyamp. Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. .hetamine (MDA) d- 5 100 ug/ml High Standard Morphine 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Morphine-d3 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Norcocaine 1.0 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Norcodeine 1.0 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Nordiazepam 1.0 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Nordiazepam-d5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Normorphine 1.0 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Oxazepam 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/9 Products. High Standard Oxazepam-d5 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. ml High Standard Phencyclidine Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 1.0 mg/ml High Standard Phencyclidine-d10 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Phencyclidine-d5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standard Temazepam 1.0 mg/ml Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. High Standard Temazepam-d5 100 ug Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. /ml High Standards 6-Acetylmorphine Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. 100 ug/ml High Standards Cocaethylene 1.0 mg Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. /ml High Standards Lysergic Acid Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Diethylamide 25 ug/ml High Standards Lysergic Acid Ampule: 2ml ...... 05/11/93 Products. Diethylamide-d3 25 ug/ml Hycor Biomedical, Hycor AccuPINCH Bottle: 3ml Kit: 08/21/90 Inc. Cocaine Test 50 tests Hycor Biomedical, Hycor AccuPINCH Bottle: 3ml Kit: 08/21/90 Inc. Morphine Test 50 tests Hycor Biomedical, Hycor AccuPINCH Bottle: 3ml Kit: 08/21/90 Inc. Phencyclidine 50 tests Test Hycor Biomedical, Hycor Accupinch Bottle: 3ml; Kit: 10/29/91 Inc. Methamphetamine 50 Tests Test Hycor Biomedical, Hycor Accupinch Bottle: 3ml; Kit: 10/29/91 Inc. THC Test 50 Tests Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Bottle: 10 ml Kit: 08/24/90 Inc. Abuse Urine 4 bottles, 12 Calibrator bottles BARBITURATES Urine Calibrator- 4 levels Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Bottle: 10 ml Kit: 08/24/90 Inc. Abuse Urine 4 bottles, 12 Calibrator DELTA- bottles 9-THC Urine Calibrator-4 levels Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Bottle: 10 ml Kit: 08/24/90 Inc. Abuse Urine 4 bottles, 12 Calibrator bottles NORDIAZEPAM Urine Calibrator-3 levels Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Bottle: 10 ml Kit: 08/24/90 Inc. Abuse Urine 4 bottles, 12 Calibrator bottles OPIATES Urine Calibrator-4 levels Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Bottle: 10 ml Kit: 08/24/90 Inc. Abuse Urine 4 bottles, 12 Calibrator bottles PHENCYCLIDINE Urine Calibrator- 4 levels Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Vial: 10 ml, Kit: 03/29/89 Inc. Abuse Urine 12 vials, Kit: 4 Calibrator, vials Amphetamine Urine Calibrator-4 level Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Drugs of Vial: 10 ml, Kit: 03/29/89 Inc. Abuse Urine 12 vials, Kit: 4 Calibrator, vials Benzoylecgonine Urine Calibrator- 4 level Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Ligand/ Vial: 10 ml Box: 15 03/01/90 Inc. Combo Control vials High Level Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Ligand/ Vial: 10 ml Box: 15 03/01/90 Inc. Combo Control Low vials Level Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Ligand/ Vial: 10 ml Box: 15 03/01/90 Inc. Combo Control Mid vials Level Hycor Biomedical, Sentry Ligand/ Kit: 15 vials .... 03/01/90 Inc. Combo Control Multi-Pack Hycor/ICL Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 30 ml ..... 02/24/89 Scientific. Comprehensive Urine Control, HIGH POSITIVE Hycor/ICL Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 30 ml ..... 02/24/89 Scientific. Comprehensive Urine Control, LOWER THRESHOLD Hycor/ICL Drugs of Abuse Bottle: 30 ml ..... 02/24/89 Scientific. Comprehensive Urine Control, UPPER THRESHOLD Hycor/ICL Drugs of Abuse Box: 4-100 ml 10/21/88 Scientific. Urine Control, Bottles CONFIRMATION Hycor/ICL Drugs of Abuse Box: 4-30 ml 10/21/88 Scientific. Urine Control, Bottles SCREEN ICL Scientific ... Therapeutic Drug Glass Vial: 10 ml . 08/14/85 Control I, TDC I (High Level) ICL Scientific ... Therapeutic Drug Glass Vials (12): 08/14/85 Control I, II, 10 ml III, Tri-Level TDC Multipack ICL Scientific ... Therapeutic Drug Glass Vial: 10 ml . 08/14/85 Control II, TDC II (Mid-Level) ICL Scientific ... Therapeutic Drug Glass Vial: 10 ml . 08/14/85 Control III, TDC III (Low Level) ICN Micromedic Immunogen: BZ-A .. Plastic Vial: 1.5 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. ml ICN Micromedic Immunogen: BZ-B .. Plastic Vial: 1.5 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. ml ICN Micromedic Immunogen: CD-A .. Plastic Vial: 1.5 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. ml ICN Micromedic Immunogen: M-A ... Plastic Vial: 1.5 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. ml ICN Micromedic Immunogen: M-B ... Plastic Vial: 1.5 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. ml ICN Micromedic Immunogen: TF-A .. Plastic Vial: 1.5 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. ml ICN Micromedic Micromedic Amber Glass Vial: 02/24/88 Systems, Inc. Combostat THC/ 2 ml Plastic Cocaine STANDARDS Bottle: 100 ml -2, 3, and 4 ICN Micromedic Micromedic Plastic Bottle: 25 02/24/88 Systems, Inc. CrackPot 57Co/ ml, 1000 ml 125I Tracer Solution ICN Micromedic Micromedic Bottle: 50 ml, 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. Morphine 125I 1000 ml Tracer Solution ICN Micromedic Micromedic Bottle: 5 ml, 100 02/29/88 Systems, Inc. Morphine ml Standards 2, 3 and 4 INCSTAR (125I) Human TSH Vial: 15ml ....... 03/08/91 Corporation. Tracer Cat. No. CA-2623 INCSTAR Anticonvulsant Vial: 3.5ml ...... 03/08/91 Corporation. Drug Controls Levels I and II Cat. Nos. CA-2419, CA-2420 INCSTAR Assay Buffer Cat. Bottle: 150 ml .... 03/08/91 Corporation. No. CA-2742 INCSTAR Clinical Assays Kit: 50, 500 03/08/91 Corporation. Gamma Coat (125I) assays Phenobarbital Radio- immunoassay Kits Cat. Nos. CA-2545, CA-2565 INCSTAR Clinical Assays Kit: 50, 500 03/08/91 Corporation. Gamma Coat (125I) assays Phenytoin Radioimmunoassay Kits Cat. Nos. CA -2537, CA-2557 INCSTAR Clinical Assays Kit: 100, 500 03/08/91 Corporation. Gamma Coat (125I) assays T3 Uptake Radioimmunoassay Kit Catalog Nos. CA-2539, CA-2539J, CA-2559, CA-2559J INCSTAR Clinical Assays Kit: 125 assays; 03/08/91 Corporation. Gamma Dab (125I) Vial: 15ml hTSH Radioimmunoassay Kit Cat. No. CA- 1591 INCSTAR HTSH Non-Specific Vial: 3.5ml ...... 03/08/91 Corporation. Binding Reagent Cat. No. CA-2752 INCSTAR Human TSH Controls Vial: 3.5ml ...... 03/08/91 Corporation. Levels I & II Cat. Nos. CA-2452, CA- 2453 INCSTAR Human hTSH Blank Vial: 15ml ....... 03/08/91 Corporation. Cat. No. CA-2885 INCSTAR Phenobarbital Bottle: 3.5ml .... 03/08/91 Corporation. Standards: 1, 3, 10, 30, 100 ug/ml Cat. Nos. CA-2380 -2384 INCSTAR Rabbit Anti-Human Vial: 15ml ....... 03/08/91 Corporation. TSH Serum Cat. No. CA-2145 INCSTAR hTSH Standards: 2, Bottle: 3.5ml .... 03/08/91 Corporation. 5, 10, 20, 50 uIU /ml Cat. Nos. CA- 2886-2890 Immunotech Corp .. Amphetamine Enzyme Bottle: 10.5ml ... 09/28/89 Conjugate Immunotech Corp .. Amphetamine Bottle: 1ml ...... 09/28/89 Positive Urine Calibrator Immunotech Corp .. Amphetamine-ALK Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 Phos Cat. No. 612; 50 units, 300 units Immunotech Corp .. Amphetamine-HRP Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 Cat. No. 613; 50 units Immunotech Corp .. Benzoylecgonine- Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 Alk Phos Cat.# 602; 50 units, 300 units Immunotech Corp .. Benzoylecgonine- Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 HRP Cat. No. 604; 50 units, 300 units Immunotech Corp .. Cocaine Conjugate Bottle: 75ml ..... 06/13/91 No. 0364-SIG Immunotech Corp .. Cocaine Metabolite Vial: 10.5ml ..... 09/28/89 Enzyme Conjugate Immunotech Corp .. Cocaine Metabolite Vial: 2ml ........ 09/28/90 Positive Urine Calibrator Immunotech Corp .. Delta-8-tetrahydr. Bottle: 10 ml .... 03/12/90 .ocannabinol-ALK Phos Cat. No. 616; 50 units, 300 units Immunotech Corp .. Delta-8-tetrahydr. Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 .ocannabinol-HRP Cat. No. 618; 50 units Immunotech Corp .. ENDAB Kit: 100 tests, 4 09/28/89 Phenobarbital Kit, Bottles: 1 ml ea. Cat. No. 119 Immunotech Corp .. Methamphetamine- Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 ALK Phos Cat. No. 614; 50 units Immunotech Corp .. Methamphetamine- Bottle: 10 ml .... 03/12/90 HRP Cat. No. 615; 50 units Immunotech Corp .. Micro Dau Kit: 96 tests, 09/28/89 Amphetamine Bottle: 10.5 ml, Enzyme 2 ml Immunoassay Test Kit Immunotech Corp .. Micro Dau Benzodia Kit: 96 tests, 09/28/89 - zepine Enzyme Bottle: 10.5 ml, Immunoassay Test 2 ml Kit Immunotech Corp .. Micro Dau Cocaine Kit: 96 tests, 09/28/89 Metabolite Enzyme Bottle: 10.5 ml, Immunoassay Test 2 ml Kit Immunotech Corp .. Micro Dau Opiates Kit: 96 tests .... 12/19/89 Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit Immunotech Corp .. Micro Dau PCP Kit: 96 tests .... 07/11/90 Enzyme Immunoassay Kit Cat. No. 175 Immunotech Corp .. Micro Dau THC Kit: 96 tests .... 07/11/90 Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit Cat. No. 173 Immunotech Corp .. Morphine Positive Vial: 3.5 ml ..... 12/19/89 Urine Calibrator Immunotech Corp .. Morphine-ALK Phos Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 Cat. No. 610; 50 units, 300 units Immunotech Corp .. Morphine-HRP Cat. Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 No. 611; 50 units, 300 units Immunotech Corp .. Opiates Enzyme Vial: 10 ml ...... 12/19/89 Conjugate Immunotech Corp .. Oxazepam Enzyme Bottle: 10.5ml ... 09/28/89 Conjugate Immunotech Corp .. Oxazepam Positive Bottle: 2ml ...... 09/28/89 Urine Calibrator Immunotech Corp .. Oxazepam-ALK Phos Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 Cat. No. 606; 50 units Immunotech Corp .. Oxazepam-HRP Cat Bottle: 10 ml ..... 03/12/90 No. 608; 50 units Immunotech Corp .. PCP Enzyme Vial: 20 ml ....... 07/11/90 Conjugate Cat. No. 375 Immunotech Corp .. PCP Positive Urine Vial: 3ml ........ 07/11/90 Calibrator Cat. No. 418 Immunotech Corp .. Phenobarbital Bottle: 10.0 ml ... 09/28/89 Enzyme Conjugate Immunotech Corp .. Phenobarbital 4 Bottles: 1ml 09/28/89 Serum Standard: each 3 ug/ml, 10 ug/ml, 30 ug/ml, 80 ug/ml Immunotech Corp .. THC Enzyme Vial: 20 ml ....... 07/11/90 Conjugate Cat. No. 373 Immunotech Corp .. THC Positive Urine Vial: 3ml ........ 07/11/90 Calibrator Cat No. 416 50ng/ml, 417 100ng/ml Industrial 11-Nor-Carboxy- Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/04/85 Analytical Delta-9-Tetrahyd. Laboratory, Inc. .rocannabinol Industrial 11-hydroxy-delta-9 Ampule: 1 ml ..... 02/18/87 Analytical -tetrahydrocanna. Laboratory, Inc. .binol Industrial Optical Opti-Kleen ....... Bottle: 5 gallon . 06/24/81 International Innofluor Bottle: 3 ml ..... 07/09/87 BioClinical, Inc. Phenobarbital Calibrators 0.0, 3.0, 8.0, 20.0, 40.0, and 80.0 mcg/ml International Phenobarbital Vial: 5 ml ....... 09/23/87 BioClinical, Inc. Stock Tracer International Hemochron Control Kit: 18 Tests; 03/11/91 Technidyne Corp. Plasma Quality Test tube: 9ml; Control Test Kit Vial: 5ml Janssen 3H Alfentanil .... Vial: 0.5 ml ..... 02/01/87 Pharmaceutica, Inc. Janssen 3H Fentanyl ...... Vial: 0.5 ml ..... 02/01/87 Pharmaceutica, Inc. Janssen 3H Sufentanil .... Vial: 0.5 ml ..... 02/01/87 Pharmaceutica, Inc. Janssen Alfentanil Kit: 200 tests ... 05/13/85 Pharmaceutica, Radioimmunoassay Inc. Kit Janssen Fentanyl Kit: 200 tests ... 05/13/85 Pharmaceutica, Radioimmunoassay Inc. Kit Janssen Sufentanil Kit: 500 tests ... 05/13/85 Pharmaceutica, Radioimmunoassay Inc. Kit Kallestad Barbital Buffer Vial ............. 05/19/81 Diagnostics. 901 Kallestad IEP Buffer No. 900 Vial: 7 Dram ..... 12/26/78 Diagnostics. Kallestad Immunoelectrofilm 1 Film Sealed in 03/11/80 Diagnostics. Catalog No.910 Cardboard Container Kallestad Immunoelectrofilms, Styrofoam 06/22/87 Diagnostics. Catalog No. 1013 Container: 25 film Kallestad Immunoelectrophor. Kit: 3 Vials ..... 06/22/87 Diagnostics. .esis Reagent Kit, Catalog No. 1012 Kallestad Quanticoat 125I-T3 Kit: 400 12/16/85 Diagnostics. Uptake Kit Determinations Catalog No. 823 Kallestad Quanticoat 125I-T3 Kit: 100 tests ... 06/24/81 Diagnostics. Uptake Kit, Catalog No. 833 Kallestad Quanticoat 125I-T3 Bottle: 500 ml .... 12/16/85 Diagnostics. Uptake Reagent Catalog No. 785 Kallestad Quanticoat 125I-T3 2 Glass Bottles: 06/24/81 Diagnostics. Uptake Reagent 110 ml No.834 LKB Instruments, Tris-barbiturate Packet: each 6.788 05/15/78 Inc. Buffer pH 8.6 g. 20 packets/box Lemmon Company ... Etorphine Standard Plastic Carboy: 1 10/31/83 Solution Liter MCI Biomedical ... IEP Buffer, pH 8.2, Package: 6.510 08/28/72 0.04 Ionic grams Strength Materials & 5-Ethyl-5-(1 - Screw Cap Vial: 05/03/73 Technology. Carboxy-N-Propyl) 8ml Systems. Barbituric Acid Materials & 5-Ethyl-5-(1 - Vaccine Vial: 8ml 05/03/73 Technology Carboxy-N-Propyl) Systems. Barbituric Acid Bovine Serum Albumin or Rabbit Serum Albumin Materials & 5-Ethyl-5-(1 - Vaccine Vial: 8ml 05/03/73 Technology Carboxy-N-Propyl) Systems. Barbituric Acid Sensitized RBC Materials & Barbiturate Screwcap Vial: 09/17/76 Technology. Standard 10 ml Systems. Materials & Benzoyl Ecgonine . Screw Cap Vial: 04/18/74 Technology. 25 mg and 100 mg Systems. Materials & Benzoylecgonine Screwcap Vial: 09/17/76 Technology. Standard 10 ml Systems. Materials & Carboxymethyl- Screw Cap Vial: 05/03/73 Technology. Morphine 8ml Systems. Materials & Carboxymethyl- Vaccine Vial: 8ml 05/03/73 Technology Morphine Bovine Systems. Serum Albumin or Rabbit Serum Albumin Materials & Carboxymethylmorp. Vaccine Vial: 50 ml 05/03/73 Technology .hine Sensitized Systems. RBC Materials & Ecgonine Bovine Vaccine Vial: 8ml 05/03/73 Technology Serum Albumin or Systems. Rabbit Serum Albumin Materials & Ecgonine Vaccine Vial: 50 ml 05/03/73 Technology. Sensitized RBC Systems. Materials & Methadone Standard Screwcap Vial: 09/17/76 Technology. 10 ml Systems. Materials & Morphine Standard Screw Cap Vial: 07/17/73 Technology. 10 ml Systems. Materials & Tropinecarboxylic Screw Cap Vial: 05/03/73 Technology. Acid 8ml, 10 ml Systems. McGean-Rocho, Inc Chloral Solution Plastic container; 1/11/91 Denatured 1, 5, 55 Gallons McGean-Rocho, Inc Reflexion Semi- Plastic container; 1/11/91 Bright B 1, 5, 55 Gallons McGean-Rocho, Inc Reflexion Semi- Plastic container; 1/11/91 Bright S 1, 5, 55 Gallons Medi-Chem, Inc ... Barbiturate Test Bottle: 120 ml .... 02/22/74 Set (Sodium Secobarbital Standard 10 mg % w /v) Catalog No.250 Medical Analysis ACE II Calibrator Glass Vial: 22 x 08/07/86 Systems, Inc. for the DuPont 38mm, 5ml aca Level 1 Medical Analysis ACE II Calibrator Glass Vial: 22 x 08/07/86 Systems, Inc. for the DuPont 38mm, 5ml aca Level 2 Medical Analysis ACE II Calibrator Glass Vial: 22 x 08/07/86 Systems, Inc. for the DuPont 38mm, 5ml aca Level 3 Medical Analysis Amobarbital, #117 Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Benzoylecgonine, # Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 432 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Benzoylecgonine, # Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 483 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Benzoylecgonine, # Bottle: 10-1800 ml 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 719 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Butalbital, #429 Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis CHALLENGE Liquid Kit: 10 Bottles .. 01/24/91 Systems, Inc. Therapeutic Drug Linearity Controls Medical Analysis CHALLENGE Liquid Glass Bottles: 5ml; 01/24/91 Systems, Inc. Therapeutic Drug 1 Set: 5 Bottles Linearity Controls TD1 A-E; TD2 A-E Medical Analysis ChemTrak Liquid Vial: 15ml ....... 04/30/85 Systems, Inc. Unassayed Medical Analysis Chemistry Control Vial: 15ml ....... 04/30/85 Systems, Inc. Assayed, Level 1, 2, & 3 Medical Analysis Chemistry Control, Vial: 15ml ....... 04/30/85 Systems, Inc. Level 1, 2, & 3 Medical Analysis Clonazepam, #473 Bottle: 50-500 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Codeine, #435 Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis D-Amphetamine, # Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 423 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis D-Methamphetamine, Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #422 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis DOA Calibrator 1, Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #1921 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Calibrator 2, Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #1922 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Calibrator 2, Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #C38979 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Calibrator 3, Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #C38978 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Calibrator 4, Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #C38980 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 2, # Bottle: 20-200L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1912 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 3, # Bottle: 20-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1943 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 3, # Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1913 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 4, # Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1914 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 4, # Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1914P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 4, # Bottle: 20-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1944 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control 4, # Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1944P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control G2, # Bottle: 20-200L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1915 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control G3, # Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1916 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control G4, # Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1917 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Control G4, # Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1917P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis DOA Cutoff Control, Bottle: 1-10L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #1946 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Cutoff Control, Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #1946P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis DOA High Control, Bottle: 1-10L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #1945 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Liquid Drugs Vial: 5ml, 18ml; 10/12/90 Systems, Inc. of Abuse Controls Box: 6-8ml vials; Level 2, 3, 4 Box: 8-5ml vials Medical Analysis DOA Low Control, # Bottle: 1-10L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 1947 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Positive Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Control, #1924 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis DOA Positive Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Control, #1924P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis DOA Positive Bottle: 10-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Control, #C38981 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Diazepam, #430 Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Liquid Urine Vial: 5 ml ....... 04/03/87 Systems, Inc. Control Level 1 Medical Analysis Liquimmune Bottle: 40-100L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Immunoassay Control 1, #2300 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Liquimmune Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Immunoassay Control 1, #2300P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis Liquimmune Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Immunoassay Control 2, #2301 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Liquimmune Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Immunoassay Control 3, #2302 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Liquimmune Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Immunoassay Control 3, #2302P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis Methadone, #438 Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Methaqualone, #439 Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Morphine Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Glucuronide, #433 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Morphine, #434 Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Nordiazepam, #431 Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Pentobarbital, # Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 426 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Phencyclidine, # Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 437 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Phenobarbital, # Bottle: 50-700 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 418 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Phenobarbital, # Bottle: 10-100 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 425 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Phenobarbital, # Bottle: 50-200 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. 745 Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Propoxyphene, #440 Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Secobarbital, #427 Bottle: 10-250 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis TDM Plus.XL Level Bottle: 5ml, Box: 09/05/90 Systems, Inc. I, II or III 6 bottles Unassayed Enhanced Liquid Drug Control Medical Analysis Testosterone, #748 Bottle: 50-200 ml . 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Intermediate Solution Medical Analysis Therapeutic Drug Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Monitoring Control 1, #1581 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Therapeutic Drug Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Monitoring Control 2, #1582 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Therapeutic Drug Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Monitoring Control 3, #1583 Bulk Solution Medical Analysis Therapeutic Drug Bottle: .1-1L .... 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. Monitoring Control 3, #1583P Pilot Solution Medical Analysis Tri-Point Glass Bottle: 5ml; 10/23/91 Systems, Inc. LiquImmune Ligand Kit: 6 Bottles Control, Levels 1, 2 and 3 Medical Analysis Tri-Point Glass Bottle: 5ml; 10/23/91 Systems, Inc. LiquImmune Ligand Kit: 6 bottles Control, Levels 1, 2 and 3 Medical Analysis chemTRAK Liquid Kit: 6 x 5ml Vials 10/08/86 Systems, Inc. Unassayed Therapeuitic Drug Control Level 2 Medical Analysis chemTRAK Liquid Kit: 6 x 5ml Vials 10/08/86 Systems, Inc. Unassayed Therapeutic Drug Control Level 3 Medical Analysis chemTRAK Liquid Kit: 6 x 5ml Vials 10/08/86 Systems, Inc. Unassayed Therapeutic Drug Control Level 1 Medical Analysis DOA Calibrator 4, Bottle: 20-300L .. 10/22/93 Systems, Inc. #C38980P Pilot Solution Meloy Labs, Inc .. Counterelectropho. Plates: 10 09/05/73 .resis Plates, G- determinations 301 Meloy Labs, Inc .. Immunoelectrophor. Plates: 6 / unit . 09/05/73 .esis Plates, G- 201 Merck and Co., Inc Amphetamine - d6 Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 08/30/89 HCl, Cat. No. MD- 3892 Merck and Co., Inc Cocaine - d3 HCl Ampule: 2 or 5 ml. 06/13/88 Catalog # MD-3677 Merck and Co., Inc Codeine - d3 H2O 2 ml, 5ml ampule 09/06/88 (N-methyl-d3) No. Carton: 5 ampules MD-3776 Merck and Co., Inc Codeine-d3 Catalog Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 06/13/88 # MD-3678 Merck and Co., Inc DL-1 Phenyl-2- Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 06/13/88 aminopropane 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, -d6 (Amphetamine-d6) Catalog # MD-3682 Merck and Co., Inc DL-1 Phenyl-2- Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 06/13/88 methylaminopropane -1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3 -d6 HCl (Methamphetamine d6) Catalog # MD- 3683 Merck and Co., Inc DL-1-Phenyl-2- 2 ml, 5 ml amber 09/06/88 aminopropane-1, 1, ampule Carton: 5 2, 3, 3, 3-d6 HCL ampules No. MD-3778 Merck and Co., Inc Ecgonine - d3 Ampule: 2 or 5 ml. 06/13/88 Methyl Ester HCl Catalog # MD3679 Merck and Co., Inc Methamphetamine - Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 08/30/89 d9 HCl, Cat. No. MD-3853 Merck and Co., Inc Morphine - d3 HCl 2 ml, 5 ml ampule 09/06/88 3H20 (N-methyl-d3) Carton: 5 ampules No. MD-3777 Merck and Co., Inc Morphine - d3 HCl Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 06/13/88 Catalog # MD-3680 Merck and Co., Inc O-Benzoylecgonine- Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 06/13/88 d3 Catalog # MD- 3676 Merck and Co., Inc Phencyclidine-d5 Ampule: 2 or 5 ml 06/13/88 HCl Catalog # MD- 3681 Microdiagnostics, Amphetamine Enzyme Bottle: 10 ml ..... 12/24/92 Inc. Conjugate Microdiagnostics, Cocaine Enzyme Bottle: 10 ml ..... 12/24/92 Inc. Conjugate Microdiagnostics, EIA for Kit: 2 bottles ... 12/24/92 Inc. Amphetamine Metabolites Microdiagnostics, EIA for Cocaine Kit: 2 bottles ... 12/24/92 Inc. Metabolites Microdiagnostics, EIA for Marijuana Kit: 2 bottles ... 12/24/92 Inc. Metabolites Microdiagnostics, EIA for Opiate Kit: 2 bottles ... 12/24/92 Inc. Metabolites Microdiagnostics, EIA for PCP Kit: 2 bottles ... 12/24/92 Inc. Metabolites Microdiagnostics, Opiate Enzyme Bottle: 10 ml ..... 12/24/92 Inc. Conjugate Microdiagnostics, PCP Enzyme Bottle: 10 ml ..... 12/24/92 Inc. Conjugate Microdiagnostics, Positive Bottle: 2ml ...... 12/24/92 Inc. Amphetamine Standard Microdiagnostics, Positive Cocaine Bottle: 2ml ...... 12/24/92 Inc. Standard Microdiagnostics, Positive Opiate Bottle: 2ml ...... 12/24/92 Inc. Standard Microdiagnostics, Positive PCP Bottle: 2ml ...... 12/24/92 Inc. Standard Microdiagnostics, Positive THC Bottle: 2ml ...... 12/24/92 Inc. Standard Microdiagnostics, THC Enzyme Bottle: 10 ml ..... 12/24/92 Inc. Conjugate Microgenics Bulk Calibrator Carboy: 10L ...... 11/13/90 Corporation. Solution 80 ug/ml, 40 ug/ml Microgenics In-house Bottle: 2L ....... 11/13/90 Corporation. Phenobarbital Bulk Primary Standard 40 ug/ml, 80 ug/ml Microgenics In-house Micro tube: 1.5ml; 11/13/90 Corporation. Phenobarbital Box: 100 tubes Primary Standard 40 ug/ml, 80 ug/ml Microgenics In-house Bottle: 2L ....... 11/13/90 Corporation. manufacturing Bulk Calibrator 10 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml, 40 ug/ml, 60 ug/ml, 80 ug/ml, 90 ug/ml Phenobarbital Microgenics In-house Vial: 3.5ml ...... 11/13/90 Corporation. manufacturing Calibrator 10 ug/ ml, 20 ug/ml, 40 ug /ml, 60 ug/ml 80 ug /ml, 90 ug/ml Phenobaribtal Microgenics Microgenics CEDIA Vial: 3.5ml; Kit: 11/13/90 Corporation. Phenobarbital 2 vials Assay 40 ug/ml, 80 ug/ml Microgenics Phenobarbital Flask: 100 ml ..... 11/13/90 Corporation. Stock Solution Micromedic Systems Micromedic Nalgene Bottle: 4 06/25/87 Neonatal T4 125I oz. Tracer Solution Micromedic Systems Micromedic Nalgene Bottle: 2 06/25/87 Neonatal T4 oz. Elution Solution Micromedic Systems Neonatal T4 125I Vial: 30 ml ....... 05/21/80 Tracer Solution Micromedic Systems Neonatal T4 Buffer Bottle: 8 ounce .. 05/21/80 Solution Micromedic Systems T3 RIA 125I Tracer Vial: 30 ml ....... 12/14/76 Solution Micromedic Systems T3 RIA Buffer High Density 12/14/76 Solution Polyethylene Bottle: 8 ounce Micromedic Systems T3 Uptake 125I Vial: 30 ml ....... 12/14/76 Tracer Solution Micromedic Systems T3 Uptake Buffer High Density 12/14/76 Solution Polyethylene Bottle: 8 ounce Micromedic Systems T4 RIA 125I Tracer Vial: 30 ml ....... 12/14/76 Solution Micromedic Systems T4 RIA Buffer High Density 12/14/76 Solution Polyethylene Bottle: 8 ounce Miles Inc ........ Immuno-1 Setpoint Glass Bottles: 5ml; 01/03/91 TDM Calibrators Kit: 5 Bottles Kit No. T03-2864 Component No. T13 -2864(02-06) Miles Inc ........ Technicon Immuno 1 Glass vial; 5ml; 3/16/92 TESTpoint Ligand Kit: 6 vials Controls, Kit No. T03-3393-01; Level I T13-3394- 01; Level II T13- 3395-01; Level III T13-3396-01 Miles Inc ........ Technicon RA Vial: 5ml Kit: 5 07/20/90 Systems Set Point vials Miles Laboratories, SERALYZER ARIS Kit: 2 vials; 1ml/ 04/29/93 Inc. Phenobarbital vial Calibrator Kit, # 6453 Miles Laboratories, SERALYZER ARIS Kit: 4 vials; 1ml/ 04/29/93 Inc. Phenobarbital vial Calibrator and Control Kit, # 6455T Miles Laboratories, SERALYZER ARIS Kit: 2 vials; 1ml/ 04/29/93 Inc. Phenobarbital vial Control Kit, # 6454T Miles Laboratories, Seralyzer ARIS Vial: 1ml ........ 01/17/84 Inc. Drug Assay Control Miles Laboratories, Seralyzer ARIS Vial: 0.5ml ...... 01/17/84 Inc. Drug Assay High Calibrator Miles Laboratories, Seralyzer ARIS Vial: 0.5ml ...... 01/17/84 Inc. Drug Assay Low Calibrator Miles Laboratories, Seralyzer ARIS Bottle Containing 05/28/86 Inc. Phenytoin Reagent 25 and 50 Strips Strips Miles Laboratories, T-4 Buffer ....... Glass Screwtop 03/28/77 Inc. Vial: 3/4 ounce Monobind, Inc .... Monobind T3 Test Tube w/Cap: 11/08/77 Antibody Reagent 70 ml Monobind, Inc .... Monobind T3 Tracer Wheaton Glass 11/08/77 Reagent Container: 55ml Monobind, Inc .... Monobind T4 Test Tube w/Cap: 11/08/77 Antibody Reagent 70 ml Monobind, Inc .... Monobind T4 Tracer Wheaton Glass 11/08/77 Reagent Container 55ml Monobind, Inc .... Monobind TSH Test Tube w/Cap: 11/08/77 Antibody Reagent 10.5ml Monobind, Inc .... Monobind TSH Non- Wheaton Glass: 11/08/77 Specific Buffer 1.05ml Monobind, Inc .... Monobind TSH Plastic Container 11/08/77 Precipitating w/Cap : 105ml Reagent Monobind, Inc .... Monobind TSH Wheaton Glass 11/08/77 Tracer Reagent Container 10.5ml Monobind, Inc .... T3 Adsorbent Glass Bottle: 05/15/78 Reagent 110 ml, 50 ml Plastic Bottle: 260 ml Monobind, Inc .... T3 Uptake Tracer Glass Bottle: 55ml, 05/15/78 Reagent 30 ml Plastic Bottle: 125ml Monobind, Inc .... TSH Kit: 100 Tests ... 11/08/77 Radioimmunoassay Test System Monobind, Inc .... Thyroxine Kit: 100 Tests ... 11/08/77 Radioimmunoassay Test System Monobind, Inc .... Triiodothyronine Kit: 100 tests ... 11/08/77 Radioimmunoassay Test System Monoclonal Test Kit for Kit: 50 tests .... 10/17/86 Antibodies, Inc. Cocaine Metabolites in Urine Monoclonal Test Kit for Kit: 50 tests .... 10/17/86 Antibodies, Inc. Opiates in Urine Monoclonal Test Kit for Tetr. Kit: 50 tests .... 10/17/86 Antibodies, Inc. .ahydrocannabinol (THC) in Urine NSI Technology Alpha, alpha- Amber Ampoule: 2ml 03/02/89 Services Corp. dimethyl- phenethylamine Nuclear MAAT T3 Uptake Bottle: 105ml, 11/16/90 Diagnostics, Inc. Reagent 210 ml; Kit: 1 bottle 210 ml Nuclear SPINSEP-TBG Polypropylene 12/15/77 Diagnostics, Inc. Reagent Catalog Bottle: 105ml No. 17100 Nuclear TETRIA P.E.G. Polypropylene 03/10/78 Diagnostics, Inc. Antiserum Catalog Bottle: 55ml No. 16100A Nuclear TETRIA P.E.G. Polypropylene 07/08/77 Diagnostics, Inc. Reagent Catalog Bottle: 105ml No. 16100 Nuclear TETRIA P.E.G. Polypropylene 03/10/78 Diagnostics, Inc. Reagent Catalog Bottle: 55ml No. 16100R Nuclear TRIA-P.E.G. Polypropylene 03/10/78 Diagnostics, Inc. Antiserum Catalog Bottle: 55ml No. 12100A Nuclear TRIA-P.E.G. Polypropylene 03/10/78 Diagnostics, Inc. Reagent Catalog Bottle: 55ml No.12100R OMI International Compound N Steel Drum: 55 10/01/75 Corporation. Solution gallon Organon Teknika ASSURE, Levels I & Vial: 10 ml ...... 06/27/80 Corp. II Organon Teknika Barbital Buffered Plastic Bottle: 1L 01/05/90 Corp. Saline with Azide Organon Teknika Bovine QAS 6 Vials/Kit (10 ml/ 04/28/80 Corp. Clinical Study vial) Organon Teknika Liothyronine T3 Boston Round Amber 01/20/76 Corp. 125I Bottle: 16 ounce Organon Teknika Liothyronine T3 Boston Round Amber 02/18/79 Corp. 125I Bottle: 4 ounce Organon Teknika Midwest/ Illinois/ Vial: 10 ml, 10 04/16/81 Corp. New Jersey vials / kit Quality Control Program, Level I & II Organon Teknika Modified Barbital Plastic Bottle: 1L 01/05/90 Corp. Buffer Organon Teknika Owren's Veronal Bottle: 37 ml .... 05/07/80 Corp. Buffer for FIBRIQUIK Organon Teknika PACP I & II ...... Kit: 36 vials/kit 03/07/80 Corp. Organon Teknika PROFILE Vial: 10 ml ...... 11/28/80 Corp. Anticonvulsant Levels I & II Organon Teknika Platelin ......... Vial: 7.3ml ...... 03/13/72 Corp. Organon Teknika Platelin Plus Vial: 7.3ml ...... 03/13/72 Corp. Activator Organon Teknika Profile General Kit Ctg: 6 vials . 02/22/82 Corp. Set Organon Teknika Profile General- Vial: 5 ml ....... 02/22/82 Corp. Levels I & II Organon Teknika Quality Assurance Vial: 16.5 ml, 6 08/17/78 Corp. Serum Level I vials/ kit Organon Teknika Quality Assurance Vial: 16.5 ml, 6 08/17/78 Corp. Serum Level II vials/ kit Organon Teknika Russell's Viper Vial: 7.3ml 07/08/74 Corp. Venom Reagent containing 48 mg of powder Organon Teknika Simplastin ....... Vial: 4.7ml, 7.3ml, 03/13/72 Corp. and 16.5ml Organon Teknika Simplastin-A ..... Vial: 7.3ml ...... 03/13/72 Corp. Organon Teknika T-4 125I Reagent . Boston Round 01/20/76 Corp. Bottle: 2 ounce, amber bottle, 7 dr Organon Teknika T-4 Antiserum Boston Round 01/20/76 Corp. (rabbit) Bottle: 4 ounce, clear bottle, 7 dr Organon Teknika TETRA-TAB-RIA T4 Kit: 40 tests, 200 01/20/76 Corp. Diagnostic Kit tests Organon Teknika TETRA-TUBE RIA T4 Kit: 100 tests, 06/03/83 Corp. Diagnostic Kit 500 tests Organon Teknika TGTR Set ......... Package: 4 Tests 03/13/72 Corp. per set Organon Teknika TRI-TAB T3 Uptake Kit: 200 Tests ... 01/20/76 Corp. Diagnostic Kit Organon Teknika TRI-TAB T3 Uptake Kit: 40 tests .... 02/18/79 Corp. Diagnostic Kit Organon Teknika TRIS/Barbital Plastic Bottle: 1L 01/05/90 Corp. Buffer Organon Teknika Unassayed Vial: 25 ml ...... 06/27/80 Corp. Chemistry Serum Control, Levels I & II Ortho Diagnostic Activated Bottle: 3.2ml .... 09/21/71 Systems, Inc. ThromboFAX No.721000 Ortho Diagnostic Ortho Activated Glass Vial: 30 05/23/83 Systems, Inc. PTT Reagent determination size, 100 Ortho Diagnostic Ortho Plasma Glass Vial: 5ml .. 10/25/83 Systems, Inc. Coagulation Control Level I Ortho Diagnostic Ortho Plasma Glass Vial: 5ml .. 10/25/83 Systems, Inc. Coagulation Control Level II Othro Diagnostic ORTHO Owren's Kit: 6-20 ml vials 08/26/88 Systems, Inc. Buffer PB Diagnostic OPUS Phenobarbital Vial: 2.5ml Carton: 08/07/90 Systems, Inc. Calibrators: 5, 5 vials 10, 20, 40, 80 ug/ ml PB Diagnostic OPUS Phenobarbital Plastic Test 08/07/90 Systems, Inc. Test Modules Module, Tray: 5 modules, Carton: 50 modules PB Diagnostics Estradiol Reagent 6 Vials; 1ml/vial 10/28/93 Systems, Inc. PB Diagnostics Estradiol Test Plastic plate: 1.7 10/28/93 Systems, Inc. Module ..x .7..x 3.5.. PB Diagnostics OPUS Estradiol Kit Kit: 50 Tests .... 10/28/93 Systems, Inc. Pacific Hemostasis Barbital Buffered Vial: 100 ml ...... 05/24/84 Saline Pacific Hemostasis Barbital Buffered Vial: 90 ml ....... 05/24/84 Saline with Heparin Pacific Hemostasis Diluting Fluid ... Vial: 20 ml ....... 05/24/84 Pantex ........... Immuno T3 Kit: (1) Kit Containing 01/04/79 L- Bottles: (1)10 ml Triiodothyronine (2)10 ml (3)50 ml 125I (2)1st (4)5ml (5)3ml Antiserum (3)2nd Antiserum (4) Diluent (5) Standards Pantex ........... Immuno-Digoxin Kit Kit Containing 01/04/79 Containing: (1) Bottles: (1)10 ml Digoxin 125I (2) (2)20 ml (3)50 ml 1st Antiserum (3) (4)5ml 2nd Antiserum (4) Diluent Pantex ........... Immuno-Estriol Bottle: 50 ml ..... 01/04/79 125I Kit: 2nd Antiserum Pantex ........... Immuno-Estriol Kit: Kit Containing 01/04/79 (1)Estriol 3H RIA Bottles: (1)10 ml (2)Estriol 3H (2)5ml (3)10 ml (4) Recovery (3)1st 20 ml (5)100 ml (6) Antiserum (4)2nd 50 ml (7)5ml Antiserum (5) Diluent (6)Buffer (7)Standards Pantex ........... Immuno-T4 Kit: (1) Kit Containing 01/04/79 Thyroxine 125I (2) Bottles: (1)100 ml, 1st Antiserum (3) 1000 ml (2)50 ml (3) 2nd Antiserum (4) 100 ml (4)5ml (5) Diluent (5) 3ml Standards Pantex ........... Immuno- Kit Containing 01/04/79 Testosterone 125I Bottles: (1)10 ml Kit: (1) (2)10 ml (3)50 ml Testosterone 125I (4)100 ml (5)5ml (2)1st Antiserum (3)2nd Antiserum (4)Diluent (5) Standards Pantex ........... T3 Uptake Kit: L- Bottle: 100 ml, 01/04/79 Triiodothyronine 1000 ml 125I Perkin-Elmer Amphetamine Kit: 100 tests ... 12/18/86 Corporation. Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay Kit Perkin-Elmer Barbiturates Kit: 100 tests ... 12/18/86 Corporation. Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay Kit Perkin-Elmer Cocaine Kit: 100 tests ... 12/18/86 Corporation. Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay Kit Perkin-Elmer Methadone Kit: 100 tests ... 12/18/86 Corporation. Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay Kit Perkin-Elmer Morphine Kit: 100 tests ... 12/18/86 Corporation. Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay Kit Perkin-Elmer Opiates Kit: 100 tests ... 12/18/86 Corporation. Polarization Fluoroimmunoassay Kit Princeton Panagel 16 ....... Pouch: 1 slide ... 06/29/87 Separations, Inc. Princeton Panagel 8 ........ Pouch: 1 slide ... 06/29/87 Separations, Inc. Princeton Panagel Fiber Drum: 25 kg 06/29/87 Separations, Inc. Electrobuffer Princeton Panagel Electrode Pouch: 18.3 gms .. 06/29/87 Separations, Inc. Buffer Princeton Panagel LD Pouch: 11.85 gms . 06/29/87 Separations, Inc. Isoenzyme Electrode Buffer Princeton Panagel LD Pouch: 1 slide ... 06/29/87 Separations, Inc. Isoenzyme Slide Quality Assurance Q.A. Toxicology Vial: 6ml, 12ml 01/23/90 Service Corp. Blood Controls Plastic Bottle: 60 ml, 90 ml, 250 ml, 625ml Glass Bottle: 6ml-100 ml Quality Assurance Q.A. Toxicology Vial: 6ml, 12ml 01/23/90 Service Corp. Serum Controls Plastic Bottle: 60 ml, 90 ml, 250 ml, 625ml Glass Bottle: 6ml-100 ml Quality Assurance Q.A. Toxicology Vial: 6ml, 12ml 01/23/90 Service Corp. Urine Controls Plastic Bottle: 60 ml, 90 ml, 250 ml, 625ml Glass Bottle: 6ml-100 ml Quantimetrix ..... Quantimetrix Polyethylene 04/16/86 Anticonvulsant Dropper Bottle: Serum Drug 15ml Control, Liquid Level II Control No. 17-0303-2 Quantimetrix ..... Quantimetrix Polyethylene 04/16/86 Antidepressant Dropper Bottle: Serum Drug 15ml Control, Liquid Level I Control No. 17-0303-1 Quantimetrix ..... Quantimetrix Polyethylene 04/16/86 Antidepressant Dropper Bottle: Serum Drug 15ml Control, Liquid Level I Control No. 17-0305-1 Quantimetrix ..... Quantimetrix Polyethylene 04/16/86 Antidepressant Dropper Bottle: Serum Drug 15ml Control, Liquid Level II Control No. 17-0305-2 Quantimetrix ..... Urine Drugs of Dropper Bottle: 15 02/23/87 Abuse Control ml Catalog No. 12- 2411-1 Quin-Tec, Inc .... Additive SB-1 .... Drum: 55 gals. ... 05/11/87 Quin-Tec, Inc .... Quin-Tec Plastic Pail: 5 10/13/81 Brightener 402 gallons, Plastic Drum: 55 gallons Quin-Tec, Inc .... Quin-Tec Plastic Pail: 5 10/13/81 Brightener 404 gallons, Plastic Drum: 55 gallons Radian Corporation (+/-) 11-Nor-9- Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 Carboxy-delta 9- THC-D9 0.01 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation 2-S Methcathinone- Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 D5 HCl 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 2R-Cathinone HCL Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation 2R-Cathinone-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 HCL 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 2R-Methcathinone Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 HCL 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 2R-Methcathinone- Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 D5 HCL 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 2S-Cathinone HCL Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation 2S-Cathinone-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 HCL 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 2S-Methcathinone Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 HCL 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 3, 4-Methylenedio. Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 .xyamphet amine 2ml 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 3, 4-Methylenedio. 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 .xyamphet amine-D5 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation 3, 4-Methylenedio. 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 .xyamphet amine-D5 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 3, 4-Methylenedio. Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 .xymethamphet 2ml amine 0.1, 1.0 mg /ml Radian Corporation 3, 4-Methylenedio. 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 .xymethamphet amine-D5 0.1 mg/ ml Radian Corporation 3, 4-Methylenedio. 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 .xymethamphet amine-D5 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation 4-Methylaminorex Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation 4-Methylaminorex- Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 D5 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation 6-Acetylmorphine . Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation 6-Acetylmorphine- Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 D3 Radian Corporation 9-Carboxy-11-nor- Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 Delta-9-Tetrahyd. .rocannabinol-D3 Radian Corporation 9-Carboxy-11-nor- Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 delta-9-THC 0.1, 2ml 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Alpha- Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 Hydroxyalprazolam 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg /ml Radian Corporation Alpha- Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 Hydroxyalprazolam -D5 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Alpha- Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 Hydroxytriazolam 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Alpha- Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 Hydroxytriazolam- D4, 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Alprazolam 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 11/05/90 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Alprazolam-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 11/05/90 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Amobarbital 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Amphetamine-D3 0.1 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 mg/ml Radian Corporation Anhydroecgonine Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Anhydroecgonine-D3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Benzoylecgonine .. Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation Benzoylecgonine-D3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation Buprenorphine 0.1 Ampule: 2ml ...... 02/01/91 Radian Corporation Buprenorphine-D4 Ampule: 2ml ...... 02/01/91 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation Chlordiazepoxide Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Cocaethylene 0.1 mg Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/13/90 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Cocaethylene-D3 .. Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/13/90 Radian Corporation Cocaethylene-D8 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Cocaine 0.1, 1.0 Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Cocaine-D3 ....... Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation Codeine .......... Ampule: 2 ml ..... 03/09/88 Radian Corporation Codeine-D3 ....... Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation D-Amphetamine 0.1, Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation D-Methamphetamine Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg /ml Radian Corporation D-Propoxyphene 0.1, Amber glass ampule: 04/27/92 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation D-Propoxyphene Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-3, 4-MDEA 100 ug Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-3, 4-MDEA-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine 0.1, Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine-D11, Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine-D3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 (SC) 0.1, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine-D5 Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Amphetamine-D8, Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-Methamphetamine Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation DL-Methamphetamine Ampule: 2ml ...... 06/16/93 -D11 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Methamphetamine Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 -D5 0.1, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-Methamphetamine Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/06/93 -D8 (Phenyl-D5 & N-Methyl-D3) 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation DL-Methamphetamine Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/04/87 -D8 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Methamphetamine Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 -D8, 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation DL-Propoxyphene - 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 D5 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 .ocannabinol 0.1, 2ml 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Delta-9-Tetrahydr. Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 .ocannabinol-D3 Radian Corporation Diazepam 0.1, 1.0 Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Diazepam-D5 0.1 mg 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 /ml Radian Corporation Diazepam-D5 1.0 mg 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 /ml Radian Corporation Ecgonine 0.1 mg/ml, Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Ecgonine Methyl Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 Ester 0.1, 1.0 mg 2ml /ml Radian Corporation Ecgonine Methyl 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 Ester-D3 0.1 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Ecgonine Methyl 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 Ester-D3 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Ecgonine-D3 0.1 mg Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Fentanyl ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/02/91 Radian Corporation Fentanyl-D5 ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/02/91 Radian Corporation Flurazepam 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Hydrocodone - D3 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation Hydrocodone - D3 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Hydrocodone 0.1, Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Hydromorphone - D3 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation Hydromorphone - D3 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Hydromorphone 0.1, Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Ibogaine 100 ug/ml, Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Ibogaine-D3 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Lorazepam 0.1 mg/ml, Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Lorazepam-D4, Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Meperidine 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Meperidine 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Meprobamate 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Mescaline 100 ug/ml, Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Mescaline-D9 100 ug Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Methadone - D5 0.1 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 mg/ml Radian Corporation Methadone - D5 1.0 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 mg/ml Radian Corporation Methadone 0.1, 1.0 Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Methaqualone - D4 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation Methaqualone - D4 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Methaqualone 0.1, Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Methcathinone Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Methcathinone-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Methohexital 0.1 mg Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Methylphenidate Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Morphine ......... Ampule: 2 ml ..... 03/09/88 Radian Corporation Morphine-3-Beta-D- Ampule: 2ml ...... 02/01/91 glucuronide 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Morphine-3-Beta-D- Ampule: 2ml ...... 02/01/91 glucuronide-D3 0.1, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Morphine-D3 ...... Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation Nitrazepam 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/17/90 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Nitrazepam-D5 0.1 Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/17/90 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Norcocaine 0.1 mg/ Vial: 2ml ........ 06/12/91 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Norcocaine-D8 Ampule: 2ml ...... 12/22/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Nordiazepam - D5 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 0.1 mg/ml Radian Corporation Nordiazepam - D5 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Nordiazepam 0.1, Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Noroxycodone 0.1 mg Ampule: 2ml ...... 06/16/93 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Noroxymorphone Ampule: 2ml ...... 06/16/93 100 ug/ml, 1.0 mg/ ml Radian Corporation Oxazepam - D5 0.1 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 mg/ml Radian Corporation Oxazepam - D5 1.0 2 ml amber ampule 10/19/88 mg/ml Radian Corporation Oxazepam 0.1, 1.0 Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Oxycodone-D6 0.1 mg Ampule: 2ml ...... 06/16/93 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Pentobarbital 0.1 Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/24/90 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Pentobarbital-D5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/24/90 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg /ml Radian Corporation Phencyclidine 0.1 Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Phencyclidine-D5 . Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 Radian Corporation Phenobarbital 0.1 Amber glass ampule: 01/12/89 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml 2ml Radian Corporation Phenobarbital-D5 Ampule: 2 ml ..... 12/04/87 0.1 mg/ml, 1.0 mg /ml Radian Corporation Prazepam 100 ug/ml, Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Prazepam-D5 100 ug/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/29/93 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Temazepam 0.1 mg/ Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/17/90 ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Temazepam-D5 0.1 Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/17/90 mg/ml, 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Triazolam 0.1 mg/ml, Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 1.0 mg/ml Radian Corporation Triazolam-D4 0.1 mg Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/27/92 /ml, 1.0 mg/ml Research 3H Alfentanil .... Vial: 0.5 ml ..... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Research 3H Fentanyl ...... Vial: 0.5 ml ..... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Research 3H Sufentanil .... Vial: 0.5 ml ..... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Research Alfentanil Kit: 200 tests ... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Radioimmunoassay Research Alfentanil Kit: 200 tests ... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Radioimmunoassay Research Fentanyl Analogs Amber Ampule: 1 ml, 10/17/89 Diagnostics. Reference Plastic Shell: 5 Standards for ampules, Kit: 2 Drug Analysis shells (10 ampules) Research Fentanyl Kit: 200 tests ... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Radioimmunoassay Research Sufentanil Kit: 200 tests ... 06/15/89 Diagnostics. Radioimmunoassay Research Triangle 11-Nor-9-carboxy- Kit Containing: 18 10/26/81 Institute. delta-9 THC Blood -21ml Ampuls; 1- Standards Kit. 5ml Ampul Research Triangle 11-Nor-9-carboxy- Kit Containing: 18 10/26/81 Institute. delta-9 THC -21ml Ampuls; 1- Plasma Standards 5ml Ampul Kit. Research Triangle Delta-9 THC Blood Kit Containing: 16 10/26/81 Institute. Standards Kit -2ml Ampuls; 1- 5ml Ampul Research Triangle Delta-9 THC Plasma Kit Containing: 16 11/02/81 Institute. Standards Kit -2ml Ampuls; 1- 5ml Ampul Research Triangle Iodine Kit for Kit Containing: 26 10/26/81 Institute. Radioimmunoassay -1ml Ampuls; 2- of 11-Nor-9- 20 ml Vials; 2- carboxy-delta-9 250 ml Bottles THC in Blood Research Triangle Iodine Kit for Kit Containing: 24 10/26/81 Institute. Radioimmunoassay -1ml Ampuls; 2- of 11-Nor-9- 20 ml Vials; 2- carboxy-delta-9 250 ml Bottles THC in Plasma Research Triangle Iodine Kit for Kit Containing: 20 10/20/80 Institute. Radioimmunoassay -1ml Ampules; 2- of Delta-9 THC 20 ml Vials; 2- 250 ml Bottles Research Triangle Iodine Kit for Kit Containing: 22 07/10/81 Institute. Radioimmunoassay -1ml Ampules; 2- of Delta-9 THC in 20 ml Vials; 2- Blood 250 ml Bottles Research Triangle Tritium Kit for Kit Containing: 20 06/27/80 Institute. Radioimmunoassay -1ml Ampules; 2- of Delta-9 THC 20 ml Vials; 2- 250 ml Bottles Restek Corp ...... Thebaine ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Alprazolam ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Amobarbital ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Amphetamine ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Aprobarbital ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Barbital ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Benzoylecgonine .. Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Benzphetamine .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Bromazepam ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Butabarbital ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Butalbital ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Cannabidiol delta- Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 8 Restek Corp ...... Cannabinol ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Chlordiazepoxide . Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Clobazam ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Clonazepam ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Cocaethylene ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Cocaine .......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Codeine .......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Desmethyl Diazepam Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Diacetylmorphine . Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Diazepam ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Ecgonine ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Ecgonine methyl Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 ester Restek Corp ...... Fenfluramine ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Fentanyl ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Flunitrazepam .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Flurazepam ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Glutethimide ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Hexobarbital ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Hydrocodone ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Levorphanol ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Lorazepam ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Medazepam ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Meperidine ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Mephobarbital .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Meprobamate ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Methadone ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Methamphetamine .. Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Methohexital ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Methyprylon ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Morphine ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Nitrazepam ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Oxazepam ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Oxycodone ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Pentazocine ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Pentobarbital .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Phencyclidine .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Phendimetrazine .. Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Phenmetrazine .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Phenobarbital .... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Phentermine ...... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Prazepam ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Propoxyphene ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Secobarbital ..... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Talbutal ......... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Temazepam ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Tetrahydrocannabi. Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 .nol 11-nor delta- 9-THC-carboxylic acid Restek Corp ...... Tetrahydrocannabi. Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 .nol delta-9 Restek Corp ...... Thiamylal ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Thiopental ....... Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Restek Corp ...... Triazolam ........ Ampule: 2ml ...... 01/08/93 Roche Diagnostic ABUSCREEN Kit: 100 tests, 03/01/89 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Methamphetamine High Specificity Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Amphetamine Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Barbiturate Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Cannabinoids Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Cocaine Metabolite Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 vials ..... 05/27/92 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Methamphetamine (High Specificity) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Morphine Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 2 Vials ..... 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Calibration Standard for Phencyclidine (PCP) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Kit: 8 vials ..... 05/18/92 Systems, Inc. Calibration Pack Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Pack: 6 vials .... 05/18/92 Systems, Inc. Calibrator Level 3 Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Pack: 6 vials .... 05/18/92 Systems, Inc. Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Kit: 6 vials; 4ml/ 03/22/93 Systems, Inc. THC Positive vial Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Kit: 100 Test, 03/19/91 Systems, Inc. for Cocaine 1000 Test Metabolite Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Kit: 100 Test, 03/19/91 Systems, Inc. for Opiates 1000 Test Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONLINE Vial: 100 Test, 03/19/91 Systems, Inc. for THC 1000 Test Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRACK Vial: 4ml ........ 03/22/93 Systems, Inc. for Benzodiazepines Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK ` Kit: 50 tests, 100 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. `THC'' (100ng/ml) tests Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK ` Vial: 4 ML ....... 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. `THC'' Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kit: 50 tests, 100 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Amphetamine tests Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Vial: 4 ml ....... 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Amphetamine Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kit: 50 tests, 100 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Barbiturate tests Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Vial: 4 ml ....... 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Barbiturates Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kit: 50 Tests, 100 05/03/91 Systems, Inc. Benzodiazepines Tests Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kit: 50 tests, 100 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Cocaine tests Metabolite Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Vial: 4 ml ....... 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Cocaine Metabolite Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Vial: 4ml ........ 09/08/93 Systems, Inc. Methadone Positive Reference Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kits: 50 tests, 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Morphine 100 tests Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Vial: 4 ml ....... 03/14/88 Systems, Inc. Morphine Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kit: 50 Tests, 100 05/03/91 Systems, Inc. THC (50ng/ml) Tests Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kit: 50 tests, 100 11/22/89 Systems, Inc. phencyclidine tests (PCP) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Vial: 7 ml ....... 11/22/89 Systems, Inc. phencyclidine (PCP) Positive Control Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 09/13/85 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Amphetamine High Specificity Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 02/15/83 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Barbiturates Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 03/06/87 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Benzodiazepines Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 Tests 08/14/81 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 Tests for Cannabinoids Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 Tests, 02/15/83 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 Tests for Cocaine Metabolite Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 01/28/86 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 02/15/83 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Methaqualone Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 02/15/83 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Morphine Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 100 tests, 02/15/83 Systems, Inc. Radioimmunoassay 2500 tests for Phencyclidine (PCP) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Amphetamine Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Barbiturate Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Cannabinoids Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Cocaine Metabolite Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 vials, 05/27/92 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Methamphetamine (High Specificity) Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Morphine Roche Diagnostic Abuscreen Kit: 3 Vials, 10/12/87 Systems, Inc. Reference 100 ml each Controls and Calibrator for Phencyclidine (PCP) Roche Diagnostic Agglutex Kit: 20 tests, 100 06/27/83 Systems, Inc. Phencyclidine tests (PCP) Test Kit Roche Diagnostic Anti-T4 Reagent Vial: 15ml ....... 07/22/81 Systems, Inc. 125I T4 (for T4 Radioimmunoassay) Roche Diagnostic CAL PACK Abuscreen Kit: 4 vials ..... 09/11/91 Systems, Inc. ONLINE THC Calibration Pack Roche Diagnostic COBAS FP Kit: 6 Vials ..... 11/13/84 Systems, Inc. Phenobarbital Calibrators Roche Diagnostic COBAS FP Reagents Kit: 100 tests ... 11/13/84 Systems, Inc. for Phenobarbital Roche Diagnostic COBAS FP TDM Kit: 6 Vials ..... 11/13/84 Systems, Inc. Controls Roche Diagnostic Immunizing Vial: 10, 20, 50, 01/25/83 Systems, Inc. Preparation No. 1, or 100 ml 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 Roche Diagnostic Immunizing Vial: 10 ml, 20 ml, 07/24/84 Systems, Inc. Preparation No. 9 50 ml, or 100 ml Roche Diagnostic Immunizing Vial: 10 ml, 20 ml, 07/24/84 Systems, Inc. Preparation No. 50 ml, or 100 ml 9A Roche Diagnostic Immunizing Vial: 10 ml, 20 ml, 04/02/86 Systems, Inc. Preparation No.10 50 ml, or 100 ml Roche Diagnostic Immunizing Vial: 10 ml, 20 ml, 04/02/86 Systems, Inc. Preparation 50 ml, or 100 ml No.10A Roche Diagnostic Immunizing Vial: 10 ml, 20 ml, 07/12/83 Systems, Inc. Preparations No. 50 ml, or 100 ml 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, & 8A Roche Dioagnostic Abuscreen ONTRAK Kits: 50, 100 09/08/93 Systems, Inc. Methadone Tests Rowley Biochemical Aldehyde Fuchsin Bottle: Pint, 02/02/84 Institute, Inc. Solution Quart, Gallon Rowley Biochemical Aldehyde Thionin Bottle: Pint, 02/02/84 Institute, Inc. Solution Quart, Gallon Rowley Biochemical Mayer's Bottle: Pint, 02/02/84 Institute, Inc. Hematoxylin Quart, Gallon Solution Schering Corp .... Hepaquik ......... Vial: 9 Dram and 07/16/72 Plate Serex, Inc ....... Automates CoMA Kit: 3 Bottles; 50, 07/22/92 Cocaine 1000 Tests Metabolite Assay Serex, Inc ....... Automates CoMA Bottle: 12.5ml, 07/22/92 Cocaine 50 ml Metabolite Assay Reagent B Serex, Inc ....... Automates CoMA Vial: 5ml ........ 07/22/92 High Calibrator Serex, Inc ....... Automates CoMA Low Vial: 5ml ........ 07/22/92 Calibrator Serex, Inc ....... Automates CoMA Kit: 3 Bottles; 50, 07/22/92 Plus Cocaine 1000 Tests Metabolite Assay Serex, Inc ....... Automates CoMA Bottle: 12, 5ml, 07/22/92 Plus Cocaine 50 ml Metabolite Assay Reagent B Serex, Inc ....... Benzoylecgonine Bottle: 1 ml ..... 12/16/89 Positive Control Serex, Inc ....... Benzoylecgonine Bottle: 1 ml ..... 12/16/89 Standards Serex, Inc ....... CoMA EIA for Kit: 96 tests, 2 10/17/89 Cocaine Bottles: 5 ml ea., Metabolite Assay Plate: 96 wells Serex, Inc ....... Cocaine Metabolite Kit: 3 bottles - 12/16/89 Standards and 100 Assays Controls Kit Serono Diagnostics, rT3 Barbital Glass Vial: 120 ml 10/26/84 Inc. Buffer Serono Diagnostics, rT3-125I ......... Glass Vial: 13ml . 10/26/84 Inc. Serono Diagnostics, rT3-Antiserum .... Glass Vial: 13ml . 10/26/84 Inc. Sherwood Medical Lancer Fibrinogen Kit .............. 04/17/75 Company. Determination, Reagent Kit Catalog No. 8889- 007608 Sigma Chemical Co 11Beta-Hydroxytes. Vial: 2ml ........ 02/04/94 .tosterone, H-4646 Sigma Chemical Co Acid Hematoxylin Bulk: 1000L ...... 05/04/93 Solution, No. 285 -2 Sigma Chemical Co Alpha- Vial: 2ml ........ 02/04/94 Ethyltryptamine, E-1392 Sigma Chemical Co Amobarbital Sodium Ampule: 1ml ...... 05/13/93 Salt, Product No. A-7441 Sigma Chemical Co Cocaethylene, C- Vial: 2ml ........ 02/04/94 7313 Sigma Chemical Co Mayer's Bulk: 1000L ...... 05/04/93 Hematoxylin Solution, No. MHS -1 Sigma Chemical Co Nitrazepam, N-3397 Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/08/93 Sigma Chemical Co Owren's Buffer, No. Bottle: 500 ml; 04/05/89 05880 Vial: 20 ml; Box: 5vials Sigma Chemical Co. (+)Deoxyephedrine- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 d5 HCl #D-5914 Sigma Chemical Co. (+-) 2, 5- Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 Dimethoxy-4- bromoamphetamine Hydrobromide, D- 7633 Sigma Chemical Co. (+-) 2, 5- Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 Dimethoxy-4- methylamphetamine HCl, D-7883 Sigma Chemical Co. (+-) Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 Deoxyephedrine HCl, D-7508 Sigma Chemical Co. (+-)-(2 Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 Methylamino) propiophenone Hydrochloride Sigma Chemical Co. (-) Deoxyephedrine, Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 D-7258 Sigma Chemical Co. 1-Tetrahydrocanna. Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 .binol, Product No. T-4764 Sigma Chemical Co. 1-Tetrahydrocanna. Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 .binol, Product No. T-4764 Sigma Chemical Co. 11-Hydroxy-delta 9 Ampule: 2ml ...... 11/06/91 Tetrahydrocannab. .inol Cat. No. H3879 Sigma Chemical Co. 11-nor-delta9-Tet. Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 .rahyrocannabinol, 9-carboxylic .05 mg/ml acid, No. N -5642 Sigma Chemical Co. 11-nor-delta9THC-9 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 -Carboxylic Acid #N-6893 Sigma Chemical Co. 19-Nortestosterone Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 17-Decanoate, N 3021 Sigma Chemical Co. 19-Nortestosterone Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 17- Phenylpropionate, N 2771 Sigma Chemical Co. 19-Nortestosterone Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 17-Propionate, N 2896 Sigma Chemical Co. 3, 4 Methylenedio. Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 .xymethamphetamine 1 mg/ml, No. M- 5029 Sigma Chemical Co. 3, 4-Methylenedio. Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 .xyamphetamine, No. M-3272 Sigma Chemical Co. 3-Methylfentanyl Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 HCl, M-6255 Sigma Chemical Co. 5, 5- Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Diallylbarbituric Acid, Product No. D-6013 Sigma Chemical Co. 5-Alpha-Androstan- Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 17beta-ol-3-one Benzoate, A 9687 Sigma Chemical Co. 6-Tetrahydrocanna. Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 .binol, Product No. T-4889 Sigma Chemical Co. AST Reagent A, Vial: 10 ml ....... 06/27/79 Stock No.56-2 Sigma Chemical Co. Acid Hematoxylin Bottle: 25ml, 08/06/73 Solution, No.285- 100 ml 2 Sigma Chemical Co. Adenosine Bottle: 4 ounce .. 07/25/83 Phosphate Substrate, Product No. 675-1 Sigma Chemical Co. Allylcyclopentylb. Sealed Ampule: 1ml 04/10/85 .arbituric Acid (A -7787) Sigma Chemical Co. Allylisobutylbarb. Sealed Ampule: 1ml 04/10/85 .ituric Acid (A- 1038) Sigma Chemical Co. Alphaprodine Ampule: 1ml ...... 08/27/84 Hydrochloride (A- 1537) Sigma Chemical Co. Alphenal (A-1163) Ampule: 1ml ...... 04/10/85 Sigma Chemical Co. Alprazolam .25 mg/ Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 ml, No. A-5052 Sigma Chemical Co. Alprazolam-d5 #A- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 7055 Sigma Chemical Co. Ammonia Reagent , Vial: 10 ml ....... 02/17/77 Stock No. 170-10 Sigma Chemical Co. Ammonia Reagent Kit: 10 Vials .... 02/17/77 Kit: Stock No. 170-10 Sigma Chemical Co. Ammonia Reagent Vial: 30 ml ....... 12/13/77 Stock No. 170-10 Sigma Chemical Co. Ammonia in Plasma Kit: 100 tests, 30 12/13/77 Kit tests Sigma Chemical Co. Amobarbital , Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. A- 5142 Sigma Chemical Co. Antibody Vials: 2ml and 5X 04/02/86 Sensitized Sheep 2ml Erythrocytes (EA7S) Sigma Chemical Co. Aprobarbital , Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. A- 7023 Sigma Chemical Co. Barbital Buffer , Polyethylene Vial: 05/11/77 Product No. B- 30 ml 6632 Sigma Chemical Co. Barbital Buffer 5X Bottle: 200 ml .... 11/14/91 Concentrate Electrophoresis Reagent Cat. No. B-3506 Sigma Chemical Co. Barbital Buffer Vial: 20 ml ....... 07/11/80 with Albumin Stock No. 880-3 Sigma Chemical Co. Barbital, Product Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 No. B-8632 Sigma Chemical Co. Benzoylecgonine 1 Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 mg/ml, No. B-8900 Sigma Chemical Co. Benzoylecgonine-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 #B-3277 Sigma Chemical Co. Benzphetamine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/08/84 Hydrochloride, Product No. B- 8765 Sigma Chemical Co. Bromazepam #B-5402 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Sigma Chemical Co. Bufotenine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Monooxalate, Product No. B- 8757 Sigma Chemical Co. Butabarbital , Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. B- 8882 Sigma Chemical Co. Butalbital, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Product No. B- 5514 Sigma Chemical Co. Butethal (B-7516) Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/05/85 Sigma Chemical Co. Cannabidiol, Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Product No. C- 6395 Sigma Chemical Co. Cannabidiol, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 08/29/79 Product No. C- 6395 Sigma Chemical Co. Cannabinol, Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Product No. C- 6520 Sigma Chemical Co. Cannabinol, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 08/29/79 Product No. C- 6520 Sigma Chemical Co. Chloral Hydrate, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. C- 6516 Sigma Chemical Co. Chlorazepam Ampule: 1ml ...... 05/24/85 Dipotassium Salt, (C-9531) Sigma Chemical Co. Chlordiazepoxide Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/05/85 (C-4782) Sigma Chemical Co. Chlordiazepoxide Ampule: 2ml ...... 06/26/90 Hydrochloride Acetonitrile Drug Standard #C-9547 Sigma Chemical Co. Chlordiazepoxide- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 d5 #C-5047 Sigma Chemical Co. Clobazam, No. C- Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 6667 Sigma Chemical Co. Clonazepam, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/08/84 Product No. C- 4404 Sigma Chemical Co. Cocaine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride Product No. C- 1528 Sigma Chemical Co. Cocaine-d3 #C-3547 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Sigma Chemical Co. Codeine-d3 HCl #C- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 3672 Sigma Chemical Co. Codeine.Product No. Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 C-1653 Sigma Chemical Co. D-Amphetamine Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Sulfate, Product No. A-3278 Sigma Chemical Co. DL-Amphetamine HCL, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. A- 5017 Sigma Chemical Co. Delorazepam #D- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 5789 Sigma Chemical Co. Desmethyldiazepam Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 1 mg/ml, No. D- 3162 Sigma Chemical Co. Desmethyldiazepam- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 d5 #D-6039 Sigma Chemical Co. Dextropropoxyphene Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/27/84 Hydrochloride (D- 8901) Sigma Chemical Co. Diazepam, Product Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/08/84 No. D-9900 Sigma Chemical Co. Diazepam-d5 #D- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 5664 Sigma Chemical Co. Diethylpropion Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. D- 7274 Sigma Chemical Co. Diphenoxylate (D- Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/05/85 0780) Sigma Chemical Co. Drug Standard Mix Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/18/86 1, D-3155 Sigma Chemical Co. Drug Standard Mix Ampule: 2ml ...... 04/18/86 2, D-3030 Sigma Chemical Co. Ecgonine Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 Hydrochloride 1 mg/ml, No. E-9762 Sigma Chemical Co. Ecgonine-d3 HCl #E Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 -2014 Sigma Chemical Co. Ecgonine-d3 Methyl Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Ester HCl #E-2139 Sigma Chemical Co. Estazolam #E-1139 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Sigma Chemical Co. Ethinamate (E-8508) Ampule: 1ml ...... 04/10/85 Sigma Chemical Co. Ethylmorphine, E- Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 3377 Sigma Chemical Co. Fenfluramine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. F- 1884 Sigma Chemical Co. Fenproporex Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 Hydrochloride, No. F-7261 Sigma Chemical Co. Fentanyl Citrate, Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/06/89 No. F-5886 Sigma Chemical Co. Fentanyl-d5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Citrate #F-2520 Sigma Chemical Co. Flunitrazepam No. Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/30/87 F-8763 Sigma Chemical Co. Flurazepam Ampule: 2 ml ..... 10/20/89 Dihydrochloride Methanol Drug Standard, No. F- 9134 Sigma Chemical Co. Flurazepam Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/08/84 Dihydrochloride, Product No. F- 9134 Sigma Chemical Co. Gelatin Veronal Vial: 50 ml, 250 ml 09/15/86 Buffer (GVB2+) No. G-6514 Sigma Chemical Co. Glutethimide, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. G- 3134 Sigma Chemical Co. Glycerophosphate Bottle: 4 ounce .. 07/25/83 Substrate, Product No. 675-2 Sigma Chemical Co. Heroin Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 Hydrochloride .1 mg/ml, No. H-5144 Sigma Chemical Co. Hexobarbital, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. H- 2007 Sigma Chemical Co. Hydrocodone Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 Bitartrate, No. H -2269 Sigma Chemical Co. Hydromorphone Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/30/87 Hydrochloride No. H-7141 Sigma Chemical Co. Ibogaine HCL, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. I- 4630 Sigma Chemical Co. LDH Bottle: 30 ml ..... 01/04/77 Electrophoresis Buffer, Stock No. 705-1 Sigma Chemical Co. LDH-P Reagent No. Vial: 100 ml ...... 05/29/73 125-100 Sigma Chemical Co. Levorphanol Glass Ampule: 2 ml 06/29/89 Tartrate 1 mg/ml, No. L-0896 Sigma Chemical Co. Lorazepam (L-0140) Ampule: 1ml ...... 05/24/85 Sigma Chemical Co. Lormetazepam, No. Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 8145 Sigma Chemical Co. Lysergic Acid, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. L- 5881 Sigma Chemical Co. Lysergic Acid Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Diethylamide #L- 8147 Sigma Chemical Co. Mayer's Bottle: 3ml, 6ml, 08/06/73 Hematoxylin 25ml, 100 ml, Solution, MHS-1, 225ml, 500 ml, MHS-16, MHS-32, 1.0L, 2.5L, 4.0L MHS-80, MHS-128 Sigma Chemical Co. Mebutamate (M-3772) Ampule: 1ml ...... 09/05/85 Sigma Chemical Co. Medazepam (M-7646) Ampule: 1ml ...... 05/24/85 Sigma Chemical Co. Meperidine Ampule: 1ml ...... 08/27/84 Hydrochloride (M- 1020) Sigma Chemical Co. Mephobarbital, Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Product No. M- 3514 Sigma Chemical Co. Meprobamate (M- Ampule: 1ml ...... 05/24/85 0271) Sigma Chemical Co. Mescaline HC1, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. M- 5153 Sigma Chemical Co. Methadone Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. M- 3268 Sigma Chemical Co. Methadone-d3 #M- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 4781 Sigma Chemical Co. Methamphetamine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 HC1 , Product No. M-5260 Sigma Chemical Co. Methaqualone Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. M- 3393 Sigma Chemical Co. Methaqualone-d4 #M Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 -5406 Sigma Chemical Co. Methylphenidate Ampule: 1ml ...... 10/31/84 Hydrochloride (M- 1145) Sigma Chemical Co. Methyprylon, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/08/84 Product No. M- 1769 Sigma Chemical Co. Morphine Sulfate, Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 No. M-9524 Sigma Chemical Co. Morphine-3-B-D Ampule: 1ml ...... 10/21/82 Glucuronide, Product No. M- 4266 Sigma Chemical Co. Morphine-d3 HCl, M Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 -6380 Sigma Chemical Co. N, N- Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Diethyltryptamine , Product No. D- 0392 Sigma Chemical Co. N, N- Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Dimethyltryptamine , Product No. D- 6263 Sigma Chemical Co. Nalorphine Ampule: 1ml ...... 08/27/84 Hydrochloride Sigma Chemical Co. Norcodeine Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 Hydrochloride, No. N-3017 Sigma Chemical Co. Normorphine HCl #N Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 -7393 Sigma Chemical Co. Noroxymorphone #N- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 7018 Sigma Chemical Co. Oxazepam, No. O- Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/30/87 1755 Sigma Chemical Co. Oxazepam-d5 #O- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 1381 Sigma Chemical Co. Oxazolam, No. O- Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/06/89 8005 Sigma Chemical Co. Oxycodone Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. O- 2628 Sigma Chemical Co. Paraldehyde, Ampule: 1ml ...... 10/21/82 Product No. D- 3778 Sigma Chemical Co. Pemoline, Product Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 No. P-3518 Sigma Chemical Co. Pentazocine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. P- 7530 Sigma Chemical Co. Pentobarbital, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. P- 3393 Sigma Chemical Co. Phencyclidine, No. Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/30/87 P-7043 Sigma Chemical Co. Phencyclidine-d5 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 HCl #P-6054 Sigma Chemical Co. Phendimetrazine, Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Product No. P- 3524 Sigma Chemical Co. Phenobarbital FPIA Kit: 6 vials ..... 11/21/89 Calibrator Set Cat. No. P9051 Sigma Chemical Co. Phenobarbital FPIA Vial: 2.5 ml ..... 11/21/89 Calibrator: A- No.P8301, B- No.P8426, C- No.P8551, D- No.P8676, E- No.P8801, F- NO.P8926 Sigma Chemical Co. Phenobarbital Bottle: 10, 5, 1L, 02/01/91 Primary Stock 500, 100 ml Solution No. Z- 5419 Sigma Chemical Co. Phenobarbital Prod. Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 No.P-3643 Sigma Chemical Co. Phentermine Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 Hydrochloride, Product No. P- 7655 Sigma Chemical Co. Phenylacetone, Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Product No. P- 2024 Sigma Chemical Co. Prazepam, No. P- Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/30/87 7168 Sigma Chemical Co. Psilocin #P-4054 . Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Sigma Chemical Co. SIA Cocaine Kit: 96 Tests .... 07/11/91 Metabolites Sigma Chemical Co. SIA Conjugate Bottle: 75ml ..... 07/11/91 Cocaine Metabolites Sigma Chemical Co. SIA Positive Vial: 1ml ........ 07/11/91 Reference Cocaine Metabolites Sigma Chemical Co. Secobarbital, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/30/77 Product No. S- 4006 Sigma Chemical Co. Secobarbital-d5, S Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 -4628 Sigma Chemical Co. Temazepam, No. T- Vial: 1 ml ....... 06/30/87 4903 Sigma Chemical Co. Tenocyclidine HCl, Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 T-3507 Sigma Chemical Co. Testosterone Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 17beta-Cypionate, T 3415 Sigma Chemical Co. Testosterone Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 Enanthate, T 3540 Sigma Chemical Co. Testosterone Ampule: 1ml ...... 07/30/92 Propionate, T 3665 Sigma Chemical Co. Thebaine, Product Sealed Ampule: 1ml 09/19/83 No. T-5270 Sigma Chemical Co. Thiamylal Sodium, Sealed Ampule: 1ml 06/08/84 Product No. T- 6896 Sigma Chemical Co. Thiopental (T-1022) Ampule: 1ml ...... 08/27/84 Sigma Chemical Co. Triazolam #T-7658 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Sigma Chemical Co. Trizma-Barbital Bottle: 30 ml ..... 01/04/77 Buffer, Stock No. 710-1 Sigma Chemical Co. Tropacocaine, Vial: 1ml ........ 05/11/81 Product No. T- 4516 Sigma Chemical Co. Z9999, Field Test Vial: 400 ml ...... 03/14/91 Sample PSEUDOnarcotics Marihuana Formulation Sigma Chemical Co. d-Amphetamine-d3 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Sulfate #A-7180 Sigma Chemical Co. d-Lysergic Acid Ampule: 2ml ...... 11/06/91 Cat. No. L-9752 Sigma Chemical Co. d-Propoxyphene-d7 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 HCl #P-4179 Sigma Chemical Co. d-Propoxyphene-d7 Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 HCl #P-4179 Sigma Chemical Co. delta-9-tetrahydro Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 - cannabinol-d3 # T-8783 Sigma Chemical Co. dl-Amphetamine, A- Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 2262 Sigma Chemical Co. l-Amphetamine, A- Ampule: 2ml ...... 09/25/91 9136 Sigma Chemical Co. p- Ampule: 2ml ...... 08/28/90 Methoxyamphetamine HCl #M-4656 Sigma Diagnostics CA System Buffer . Bottle: 500 ml .... 09/09/93 Smart Chemical Co. Regal 180XL ...... Plastic Drum: 55 06/12/86 gallon SolarCare Benzoylecgonine Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Cutoff Calibrator Corporation. SolarCare Benzoylecgonine Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Negative Control Corporation. SolarCare Benzoylecgonine Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Positive Control Corporation. SolarCare Cocaine Cutoff Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Calibrator Corporation. SolarCare Cocaine EIA ...... Kit: 3 vials ..... 06/05/90 Technology Corporation. SolarCare Cocaine Metabolite Kit: 30 vials .... 06/05/90 Technology. EIA Corporation. SolarCare Cocaine Negative Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. SolarCare Cocaine Positive Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. SolarCare LSD Cutoff Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Calibrator Corporation. SolarCare LSD EIA .......... Kit: 3 vials ..... 06/05/90 Technology Corporation. SolarCare LSD Negative Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. SolarCare LSD Positive Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. SolarCare Low Level Benzo- Kit: 3 vials ..... 06/05/90 Technology diazepine Corporation. (Triazolam) EIA SolarCare Triazolam Cutoff Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. SolarCare Triazolam Negative Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. SolarCare Triazolam Positive Vial: 4ml ........ 06/05/90 Technology. Control Corporation. Supelco, Inc ..... Alk Mix No. 04- Vial: 1ml ........ 08/28/73 9210 Supelco, Inc ..... Amobarbital, No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 -9170 Supelco, Inc ..... Amph. Mix Catalog Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/09/86 No. 4-9205 Supelco, Inc ..... Amphetamine No.04- Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 9165 Supelco, Inc ..... Anticonvulsant Glass Serum Bottle: 06/16/77 Mixture No.1; No. 50 ml 04-9202 Supelco, Inc ..... Antiepileptic Kit: 3 Ampules ... 05/21/80 Calibration Standard Kit, No.4-9259 Supelco, Inc ..... Antiepileptic Glass Ampule: 5ml 05/21/80 Calibration Standards, Nos.4- 9256, 4-9257, 4- 9258 Supelco, Inc ..... Aprobarbital No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 -9171 Supelco, Inc ..... Barb. Mix 1, Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/09/86 Catalog No. 4- 9200 Supelco, Inc ..... Barb. Mix 2, Glass Ampule: 2ml 06/09/86 Catalog No. 4- 9201 Supelco, Inc ..... Barbital, Catalog Glass Ampule: 10 ml 06/09/86 No. 4-9279 Supelco, Inc ..... Barbiturates Test Ampule: 2 ml ..... 02/25/87 Mix Catalog No. 4 -9295 Supelco, Inc ..... Cannabidiol, No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 11/27/74 -9221 Supelco, Inc ..... Cannabinol, No.04- Ampule: 1ml ...... 11/27/74 9235 Supelco, Inc ..... Cocaine, No.04- 1000 mcg/Glass 06/05/75 9188 Ampule Supelco, Inc ..... Codeine No.04-9161 Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 Supelco, Inc ..... Cyclobarbital Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 No.04-9175 Supelco, Inc ..... Delta-1 THC, No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 11/27/74 -9237 Supelco, Inc ..... Delta-6 THC, No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 11/27/74 -9238 Supelco, Inc ..... Dextroamphetamine, Glass Ampule: 1ml 05/21/80 No.4-9185 Supelco, Inc ..... Glutethimide No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 -9173 Supelco, Inc ..... Heroin No.04-9162 Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 Supelco, Inc ..... Hexobarbital No.04 Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 -9177 Supelco, Inc ..... Mephobarbital Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 No.04-9178 Supelco, Inc ..... Meprobamate, No.4- Glass Ampule: 1ml 05/21/80 9184 Supelco, Inc ..... Methadone No.04- Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 9163 Supelco, Inc ..... Methamphetamine Ampule: 1ml ...... 12/22/72 No.04-9168 Supelco, Inc ..... Methaqualone, 1000 mcg/Glass 06/05/75 No.04-9183 Ampule Supelco, Inc ..... Morphine No. 04- Glass Ampule: 03/08/78 9160 1000mcg Supelco, Inc ..... Pentobarbital No. Glass Ampule: 03/08/78 04-9179 1000mcg Supelco, Inc ..... Phenobarbital No. Glass Ampule: 03/08/78 04-9181 1000mcg Supelco, Inc ..... Psilocybin, No.04- 1000 mcg /Glass 06/05/75 9191 Ampule Supelco, Inc ..... Secobarbital No. Glass Ampule: 03/08/78 04-9180 1000mcg Sure Tech Codeine in Urine Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic. Matrix; Prod 924 Associates, Inc. Sure-Tech 3, 4-Methylenedio. Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic .xyamphetamine in Associates, Inc. Urine Matrix; Prod 928 Sure-Tech 3, 4-Methylenedio. Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic .xymethylamphetami. Associates, Inc. .ne in Urine Matrix; Prod 929 Sure-Tech Alprazolam in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod. 920 Sure-Tech D-Methamphetamine/ Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic D-Amphetamine in Associates, Inc. Urine Matrix; Prod 926 Sure-Tech D-Propoxyphene in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 936 Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse Vial: 4ml Kit: 1 05/11/90 Diagnostic. Urine Control vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Sample) Positive Amphetamine Kit No. ST 904, Vial No. 904-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse Kit: 2 vials ..... 05/11/90 Diagnostic Urine Control Associates, Inc. (Blind Sample) Positive Cocaine & Marijuana Kit No. ST 903 Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse Vial: 4ml Kit: 1 05/11/90 Diagnostic. Urine Control vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Sample) Positive Cocaine, Kit No. ST 901, Vial No. 901-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse Vial: 4ml Kit: 1 05/11/90 Diagnostic. Urine Control vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Sample) Positive Marijuana, Kit No. ST 902, Vial No. 902-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse Vial: 4ml Kit: 1 05/11/90 Diagnostic. Urine Control vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Sample) Positive Opiates Kit No. ST 905, Vial No. 905-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse Vial: 4ml Kit: 1 05/11/90 Diagnostic. Urine Control vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Sample) Positive Phencyclidine Kit No. ST 906, Vial No. 906-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml; Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Controls vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Codeine No. 907-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml; Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Controls vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Methadone No. 908 -P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml; Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Controls vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Methamphetamine No. 909-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml, Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Controls vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Methaqualone No. 913-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml, Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Controls vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Oxazepam No. 910-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml, Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Controls vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Propoxyphene No. 911-P Sure-Tech Drugs of Abuse: Vial: 20 ml, Box: 1 09/13/90 Diagnostic. Urine Control vial Associates, Inc. (Blind Samples) positive Seco- barbital No. 912- P Sure-Tech Meperidine in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 930 Sure-Tech Methadone in Urine Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic. Matrix; Prod 925 Associates, Inc. Sure-Tech Methaqualone in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 927 Sure-Tech Morphine-3- Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Glucuronide in Associates, Inc. Urine Matrix; Prod 931 Sure-Tech Nordiazepam in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 932 Sure-Tech Normeperidine in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 933 Sure-Tech Oxazepam in Urine Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic. Matrix; Prod 934 Associates, Inc. Sure-Tech Phencyclidine in Vial: 20 ml ...... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 935 Sure-Tech Secobarbital in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 937 Sure-Tech Temazepam in Urine Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic. Matrix; Prod 938 Associates, Inc. Sure-Tech Triazolam in Urine Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostic. Matrix; Prod 939 Associates, Inc. Sure-Tech 9-Carboxyl-11 Nor- Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostics A-9-THC in Urine Associates, Inc. Matrix; Prod 923 Sure-Tech Benzoylecgonine in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostics Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod 922 Sure-Tech D-Amphetamine in Vial: 20 ml ....... 04/24/92 Diagnostics Urine Matrix; Associates, Inc. Prod. 921 Syva Co .......... EMIT 2000 Bottle: 200 ml .... 02/22/93 Phenobarbital Bulk Reagent B Syva Co .......... EMIT IIC Kit: 2 Bottles ... 12/15/93 Cannabinoid Assay Syva Co .......... EMIT IIC Bottle: 500 ml .... 12/15/93 Cannabinoid Assay Reagent 2 Syva Co .......... EMIT IIC Kit: 2 Bottles ... 12/15/93 Phencyclidine Assay Syva Co .......... EMIT IIC Bottle: 500 ml .... 12/15/93 Phencyclidine Assay Reagent 2 Syva Co .......... Emit 2000 Bottle: 200 ml .... 06/09/93 Phenobarbital Bulk Reagent Syva Co .......... Emit IIC Kit: 2 Vials ..... 01/06/94 Barbiturate Assay Syva Co .......... Emit IIC Vial: 500 ml ...... 01/06/94 Barbiturate Enzyme Reagent 2 Syva Co .......... Emit IIC Vial: 10 ml ....... 01/06/94 Calibrators 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Syva Co .......... Emit IIC Opiate Kit: 2 Vials ..... 01/06/94 Assay Syva Co .......... Emit IIC Opiate Vial: 500 ml ...... 01/06/94 Enzyme Reagent 2 Syva Co .......... Emit Methadone Bottle: 1000 ml ... 06/07/93 Bulk Reagent Syva Co .......... Emit THC 50/100ng Kit; 2vials, 500 ml 10/11/93 Assay each Syva Co .......... Emit THC Vial: 10 ml ....... 10/11/93 Calibrators; 0ng/ mlk, 50ng/ml, 100ng/ml, 200ng/ ml Syva Co .......... Emit THC Controls; Vial: 10 ml ....... 10/11/93 Levels I, II, III, IV Syva Co. ......... AccuLevel Flask: 50 ml ...... 10/31/85 Phenobarbital Test Control Stock Solution Syva Co. ......... AccuLevel (1)Glass Vial: 6ml; 01/24/86 Phenobarbital (2)Glass Vial: Test Kit (Catalog 9ml, 12 Vials per No.10C019) test kit Contains: (1) AccuLevel Phenobarbital Control (2) AccuLevel Reagent I Syva Co. ......... Advance T-3 Uptake Kit: 100 tests ... 05/11/82 Assay Syva Co. ......... Advance Thyroxin Kit: 100 tests ... 05/11/82 Assay Syva Co. ......... Antiepileptic Drug Vial: 10 ml , 08/27/74 Control Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... EMIT Thyroxine Glass Bottle: 4oz., 01/23/89 Assay, Cat. No. Kit: 500 Assays 6J909 Syva Co. ......... Emit 2000 Kit: 1 cassette; 08/05/91 Phenobarbital Cassette: 11ml Assay (Convenience Pack) Syva Co. ......... Emit 2000 Kit: 1 bottle; 08/05/91 Phenobarbital Bottle: 15ml Assay; Enzyme Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit 2000 Kit: 5 vials ..... 08/05/91 Phenobarbital Calibrators (5, 10, 20, 40, 80) Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/12/84 Amphetamine Assay Catalog No. 3C919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/12/84 Barbiturate Assay Catalog No. 3D919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Glass Bottle: 02/21/89 Benzodiazepine 180 ml, Kit: 2 Assay Reagent 2 bottles Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 3ml ...... 10/05/84 Calibrator A Catalog No. 3A919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 3ml ...... 10/05/84 Calibrator B Catalog No. 3A969 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/12/84 Cannabinoid (100) Assay Catalog No. 3M919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 3ml ...... 10/09/84 Cannabinoid (100) Calibrator Catalog No. 3M969 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Plastic Bottle: 09/15/86 Cannabinoid (20) 180 ml Assay, Catalog No. 3M959 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 3ml ...... 07/31/89 Cannabinoid 100ng Assay, Positive Control Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Glass Bottle: 5ml, 02/21/89 Cannabinoid 20ng Kit: 2 bottles Assay Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Glass Bottle: 5ml, 02/21/89 Cannabinoid 20ng Kit: 2 bottles Assay Control Set -Positive Control Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 2 Bottles: 3ml ... 10/09/84 Cannabinoid Control Set Catalog No. 3M989 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Cocaine Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/12/84 Metabolite Assay Catalog No. 3H919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Control 2 Bottles: 3ml ... 10/09/84 Set A Catalog No. 3A939 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Control 2 Bottles: 3ml ... 10/09/84 Set B Catalog No. 3A989 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/19/84 Methaqualone Assay Catalog No. 3Q919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Opiate Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/12/84 Assay Catalog No. 3B919 Syva Co. ......... Emit 700 Bottle: 180 ml .... 10/12/84 Phencyclidine Assay Catalog No. 3J919 Syva Co. ......... Emit AED-No. 1 Vial: 3ml, 08/27/74 Calibrator Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... Emit AED-No. 2 Vial: 3ml, 08/27/74 Calibrator Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... Emit AED-No. 3 Vial: 3ml, 08/27/74 Calibrator Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... Emit AED-No. 4 Vial: 3ml, 08/27/74 Calibrator Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... Emit AED-No. 5 Vial: 3ml, 08/27/74 Calibrator Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... Emit Amphetamine Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Amphetamine Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Amphetamine Glass bottle: 12/05/90 Bulk Reagent B 1000 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit Barbiturate Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Barbiturate Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Barbiturate Glass Bottle: 12/05/90 Bulk Reagent B 1000 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Benzodiazepine Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Benzodiazepine Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Glass Bottle: 12/05/90 Benzodiazepine 1000 ml Bulk Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit Calibrator B Vial: 5ml, 25ml .. 06/19/91 Level 1 (cutoff) Syva Co. ......... Emit Calibrator B Vial: 5ml, 25ml .. 06/19/91 Level 2 (high) Syva Co. ......... Emit Cannabinoid Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 (100) Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Cannabinoid Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 (100) Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Cannabinoid Glass bottle: 12/05/90 Bulk Reagent B 1000 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit Cocaine Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Metabolite Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Cocaine Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Metabolite Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Cocaine Glass Bottle: 12/05/90 Metabolite Bulk 1000 ml Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit Convenience Plastic Cassette: 11/23/87 Pack 100 tests Phenobarbital Assay: Catalog No. 5D009 Syva Co. ......... Emit Convenience Kit: 100 Tests Ea. 05/09/88 Pack: T-Uptake Kit-Plastic Assay (Thyroid Cassette: 16 ml Hormone Binding Ratio) Syva Co. ......... Emit Convenience Plastic Cassette: 02/22/89 Pack: Thyroxine 8ml, Kit: 100 Assay Enzyme Assays Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit Delta 9 Vial: 3 ml ....... 08/22/89 Cannabinoid 100 ng/ml Calibrator/ Control Syva Co. ......... Emit Delta 9 Vial: 3 ml ....... 08/22/89 Cannabinoid 20 ng /ml Calibrator/ Control Syva Co. ......... Emit Delta 9 Vial: 3 ml ....... 08/22/89 Cannabinoid 400 ng/ml Calibrator/ Control Syva Co. ......... Emit Delta 9 Vial: 3 ml ....... 08/22/89 Cannabinoid 50 ng /ml Calibrator/ Control Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Kit: 2500 Assays . 06/30/88 Amphetamine Assay Catalog No. 3C619 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Kit: 2500 Assays . 06/30/88 Barbiturate Assay Catalog No. 3D619 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Kit: 500 Tests 05/10/88 Calibrator Kit Each Kit - 2 Catalog No. 3A619 Glass Bottles 100 ml. Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Kit: 2 Bottles, 50 07/15/88 Cannabinoid 100 ml. ea. ng Assay Control Kit, Catalog No. 3M739 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Kit: 3 Bottles 50 07/15/88 Cannabinoid 100 ml. ea. ng. Assay Calibrator Kit, Catalog No. 3M729 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Kit: 2500 Assays . 07/15/88 Cannabinoid 100 ng. Assay Kit, Catalog No. 3M719 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Cocaine Bottle: 125 ml ... 05/10/88 Metabolite Assay Catalog No. 3H619 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Control Kit: 500 Tests 05/10/88 Kit Catalog No. Each Kit-2 Glass 3A629 Bottles - 100 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Opiate Bottle: 125 ml ... 05/10/88 Assay Catalog No. 3B619 Syva Co. ......... Emit HVA Bottle: 125 ml ... 05/19/88 Phencyclidine Assay Catalog No. 3J619 Syva Co. ......... Emit II Kit: 100 ml, 500 ml 06/29/90 Barbiturate Assay Bottle: 4oz, 500 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit II Calibrator Vial: 10 ml, 50 ml . 06/29/90 A Level 1 (Cutoff) Syva Co. ......... Emit II Calibrator Vial: 10 ml, 50 ml . 06/29/90 A Level 2 (high) Syva Co. ......... Emit II Bottle: 4oz, 500 ml; 10/12/90 Cannabinoid 20ng, Kit: 100 ml, 500 ml 50ng, 100ng Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit II Cocaine Kit: 100 ml, 500 ml 06/29/90 Metabolite Assay Bottle: 4oz, 500 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit II Delta 9 Vial: 10 ml, 50 ml . 10/12/90 Cannabinoid 20ng/ ml, 50ng/ml, 100ng/ml, 200ng/ ml, Calibrator/ Control Syva Co. ......... Emit II Methadone Kit: 2 vials ..... 01/26/93 Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit II Methadone Bottle: 100 ml, 01/26/93 Assay Reagent 2 500 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit II Kit: 2 vials ..... 01/26/93 Methaqualone Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit II Bottle: 100 ml, 01/26/93 Methaqualone 500 ml Assay Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit II Monoclonal Kit: 2 vials ..... 01/26/93 Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit II Monoclonal Vial: 100 ml, 500 ml 01/26/93 Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine Assay Enzyme Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit II Opiate Kit: 100 ml, 500 ml 06/29/90 Assay Bottle: 4oz, 500 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit II Bottle: 4oz, 500 ml; 10/26/90 Phencyclidine Kit: 100 ml, 500 ml Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit Methadone Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Methadone Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Methaqualone Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Methaqualone Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Opiate Bulk Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Opiate Bulk Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Opiate Bulk Glass bottle: 12/05/90 Reagent B 1000 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit Phencyclidine Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Syva Co. ......... Emit Phencyclidine Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent 2 Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Phencyclidine Glass Bottle: 12/05/90 Bulk Reagent B 1000 ml Syva Co. ......... Emit Phenobarbital Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit Phenobarbital Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent B Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Phenobarbital Vial: 6 ml , 08/27/74 Enzyme Reagent B Lyophilized Syva Co. ......... Emit Qst Steel Drum: 7 06/05/86 Phenobarbital gallon Bulk Powder Reagent Syva Co. ......... Emit Qst Primidone Glass Vial: 6ml, 11/12/85 Assay Catalog No. 50 Vials/Kit 60819 Syva Co. ......... Emit Serum Bottle: 3ml ...... 05/22/79 Barbiturate- Enzyme Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit T-Uptake Bottle: 4 oz., 1L, 05/25/89 Assay Kit: 500 tests, 5000 tests Syva Co. ......... Emit T-Uptake Polyethylene 02/29/88 Assay (Thyroid Bottle: 4 oz. Hormone Binding Ratio) Catalog No. 6J519 Syva Co. ......... Emit T-Uptake Bulk Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Powder Reagent A Syva Co. ......... Emit T-Uptake Bulk Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Powder Reagent A Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Thyroxine Glass Bottle: 8 05/25/89 Assay oz., 1L, Kit: 1300 tests, 5000 tests Syva Co. ......... Emit Thyroxine Bottle: 1000 ml .. 10/04/89 Bulk Powder Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit Thyroxine Bottle: 4 oz. .... 04/20/90 Bulk Powder Reagent B Satellite Syva Co. ......... Emit Tox Serum Bottle: 3ml ...... 02/01/79 Benzodiazepine Assay Kit Containing: Emit Enzyme Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests, 09/27/84 Amphetamine Assay 1000 tests Catalog Nos. 3C019, 3C119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Glass Vial: 5ml .. 01/30/89 Amphetamine Class Low Calibrator, Cat. No. 3C179 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Glass Vial: 5ml .. 01/30/89 Amphetamine Class Medium Calibrator, Cat. No. 3C189 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests, 09/27/84 Benzodiazepine 1000 tests Assay Catalog Nos. 3F019, 3F119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 1000 tests .. 09/12/86 Cannabinoid 100 ng Assay, Catalog No. 3M119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 3 vials ..... 07/31/89 Cannabinoid 100ng Assay Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Vial: 3ml ........ 07/31/89 Cannabinoid 100ng Assay Low Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Vial: 3ml ........ 07/31/89 Cannabinoid 100ng Assay Medium Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests ... 02/10/86 Cannabinoid 20ng Assay Catalog No. 3M619 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Vial: 10 ml 02/10/86 Cannabinoid 20ng Lyophilized Enzyme Reagent B Powder Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Vial: 5 ml ....... 06/01/88 Cannabinoid 50 ng Assay Calibrators, Low And Medium: Cat. No. 3M509 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests ... 06/01/88 Cannabinoid 50 ng Assay: Cat. No. 3M519 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests ... 09/24/84 Cannabinoid Assay Catalog No. 3M019 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 3 Vials, 3ml 01/03/80 Cannabinoid Urine Each Calibrator Set Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests, 09/27/84 Cocaine 1000 tests Metabolite Assay Catalog Nos. 3H019, 3H119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Low Vial: 5 ml ....... 06/30/89 Calibrator A Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Low Bottle: 5ml ...... 07/20/84 Calibrator A Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Low 5 ml vial ........ 10/06/88 Calibrator A, Catalog No. 3C579 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Medium Vial: 5 ml ....... 06/30/89 Calibrator A Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Medium 5 ml vial ........ 10/06/88 Calibrator A, Catalog No. 3C569 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Medium Bottle: 5ml ...... 08/03/84 Calibrator B Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests, 10/05/84 Methadone Assay 1000 tests Catalog Nos. 3E019, 3E119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests, 10/06/88 Monoclonal 1000 tests Amphetamine/ Methamphetamine Assay, Catalog No3C549 100 tests, 3C559 1000 tests Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Opiate Kit: 100 tests, 09/27/84 Assay Catalog Nos. 1000 tests 3B019, 3B119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u. Bottle: 6ml ...... 02/01/79 Phencyclidine Assay Kit Containing: (1) Emit Phencyclidine Enzyme Reagent B Syva Co. ......... Emit Kit: 100 tests, 09/27/84 d.a.u.Barbiturate 1000 tests Assay Catalog Nos. 3D019, 3D119 Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u.Low Bottle: 5ml ...... 08/03/84 Calibrator B Syva Co. ......... Emit d.a.u.Medium Bottle: 5ml ...... 07/20/84 Calibrator A Syva Co. ......... Emit- Tox Serum Kit: 50 tests .... 05/22/79 Barbiturate Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-Qst Kit: 50 Vials .... 01/18/84 Phenobarbital Assay, Catalog Number 6D819 Syva Co. ......... Emit-Tox Serum Bottle: 3ml ...... 02/01/79 Calibrators; Low and Medium Syva Co. ......... Emit-d.a.u. Kit: 100 tests ... 04/27/82 Methaqualone Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 3ml, 80 10/03/80 Amphetamine Assay vials/kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 3ml, 80 10/03/80 Barbiturate Assay vials/kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 3ml, 80 10/03/80 Benzodiazepine vials/kit Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 6ml, 80 09/27/84 Cannabinoid Assay Vials/Kit Catalog No. 3M319 Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 3ml, 2 vials 07/10/81 Cannabinoid /kit Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 3ml, 2 vials 07/10/81 Cannabinoid /kit Controls Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Opiate Kit: 3ml, 80 vials 10/03/80 Assay /kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Vial: 3ml, 80 01/07/81 Phencyclidine vials/kit Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Serum Vial: 3ml, 80 02/16/81 Barbiturate Assay vials/kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Serum Vial: 3ml, 80 02/16/81 Benzodiazepine vials/kit Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Serum Vial: 3ml ........ 02/16/81 Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Serum Vial: 3ml, 2 vials 02/16/81 Controls /kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Serum Vial: 3ml, 80 02/16/81 Phencyclidine vials/kit Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Vial: 1ml, 3 vials 10/03/80 Calibrator A /kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Vial: 3ml, 80 03/16/82 Cocaine Vials/Kit Metabolite Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Vial: 1ml, 6 vials 10/03/80 Controls A /kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Vial: 3ml , 80 03/22/82 Methadone Assay vials/kit Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Kit: 80 Vials .... 04/27/82 Methaqualone Assay Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Vial: 3ml ........ 04/27/82 Methaqualone Calibrator Syva Co. ......... Emit-st Urine Vial: 3ml ........ 04/27/82 Methaqualone Controls Syva Co. ......... IL test AED Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 Calibrator 1 Syva Co. ......... IL test AED Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 Calibrator 2 Syva Co. ......... IL test AED Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 Calibrator 3 Syva Co. ......... IL test AED Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 Calibrator 4 Syva Co. ......... IL test AED Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 Calibrator 5 Syva Co. ......... IL test Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 Cannabinoid 100ng, 400ng calibrator Syva Co. ......... IL test set A Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 calibrator Syva Co. ......... IL test set A Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 control Syva Co. ......... IL test set B Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 calibrator Syva Co. ......... IL test set B Vial: 5ml ........ 04/06/90 control Syva Co. ......... Vista Thyroxine Cartridge: 4ml ... 01/22/93 Uptake Reagent Cartridge Syva Co. ......... Vista Cartridge: 2.02 ml 09/11/92 Triiodothyronine (T3) Reagent Cartridge Tempil Division. Tempilaq Striped Plastic Sheet: 6 09/22/76 Big Three. Mylar by 12 in. 50 Industries, Inc. sheets per envelope The Binding Site, I.F.E. Buffer .... Plastic Bottle: 12/05/91 Inc. 125ml The Binding Site, Immunofixation Kit Kit: 125ml Plastic 12/05/91 Inc. Bottle The Theta Corp ... Allobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP305 The Theta Corp ... Amobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP313 The Theta Corp ... Amphetamine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP604 The Theta Corp ... Anileridine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP203 The Theta Corp ... Aprobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP306 The Theta Corp ... Barbital No. FP314 Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 The Theta Corp ... Benzoylecgonine FP Vial: 2ml ........ 01/24/87 -1001 The Theta Corp ... Butabarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP315 The Theta Corp ... Butalbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP307 The Theta Corp ... Chloral Betaine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP502 The Theta Corp ... Chloral Hydrate No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP501 The Theta Corp ... Cocaine No. FP601 Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 The Theta Corp ... Codeine No. FP102 Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 The Theta Corp ... Cyclobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP308 The Theta Corp ... Dihydrocodeine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP108 The Theta Corp ... Diphenoxylate No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP205 The Theta Corp ... Ethchlorvynol No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP508 The Theta Corp ... Ethylmorphine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP106 The Theta Corp ... FP207 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 09/04/80 The Theta Corp ... FP210 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP214 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/84 The Theta Corp ... FP327 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/84 The Theta Corp ... FP405 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 03/08/79 The Theta Corp ... FP411 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP412 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP416 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP512 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 03/08/79 The Theta Corp ... FP513 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 03/08/79 The Theta Corp ... FP514 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP515 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 03/08/79 The Theta Corp ... FP556 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/84 The Theta Corp ... FP601A ........... Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP607 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... FP609 ............ Vial: 2ml ........ 05/15/84 The Theta Corp ... Fentanyl No. FP211 Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 The Theta Corp ... Glutethimide No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP404 The Theta Corp ... Heptabarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP309 The Theta Corp ... Hexobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP303 The Theta Corp ... Hydrocodone No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP107 The Theta Corp ... Hydromorphone No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP103 The Theta Corp ... Levorphanol No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP208 The Theta Corp ... Marker Mixture No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FPM-104 The Theta Corp ... Marker Mixture No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FPM-201 The Theta Corp ... Meperidine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP201 The Theta Corp ... Mephobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP301 The Theta Corp ... Meprobamate No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP402 The Theta Corp ... Methadone No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP206 The Theta Corp ... Methamphetamine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP603 The Theta Corp ... Metharbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP302 The Theta Corp ... Methohexital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP304 The Theta Corp ... Methylphenidate No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP605 The Theta Corp ... Monthly Urine Test Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 No. FPM-103 The Theta Corp ... Morphine No. FP101 Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 The Theta Corp ... Oxycodone No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP109 The Theta Corp ... Oxymorphone No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP104 The Theta Corp ... Paraldehyde No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP506 The Theta Corp ... Pentobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP318 The Theta Corp ... Phenazocine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP213 The Theta Corp ... Phenmetrazine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP606 The Theta Corp ... Phenobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP320 The Theta Corp ... Piminodine No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP202 The Theta Corp ... Probarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP319 The Theta Corp ... Secobarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP310 The Theta Corp ... Talbutal No. FP311 Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SM No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 1 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SM No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 2 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SM No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 3 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SM No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 4 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SP No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 1 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SP No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 2 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SP No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 3 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture SP No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 4 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture TM No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 1 The Theta Corp ... Test Mixture TM No. Vial: 2ml ........ 06/19/74 2 The Theta Corp ... Thiamylal No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP322 The Theta Corp ... Thiopental No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP321 The Theta Corp ... Vinbarbital No. Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 FP312 The Theta Corp ... Weekly Urine Test Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 (FDA) No. FPM-101 The Theta Corp ... Weekly Urine Test Vial: 2ml ........ 04/10/73 (States) No. FPM- 102 Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Proficiency Sample Plastic Bottle 06/22/82 Containing 40 ml Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Special Toxi-Discs Plastic Vial or 03/30/77 Bottle Containing 50 Standard Discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Supplemental Plastic Vial 06/15/88 Standard Toxi- Containing 50 Discs No. SD-4 Standard Discs Catalog No. 234 Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Supplemental Plastic vial 06/15/88 Standard Toxi- containing 50 Discs No. SD-5 standard discs Catalog No. 235 Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Supplemental Plastic vial 06/15/88 Standard Toxi- containing 50 Discs No. SD-6 standard discs Catalog No. 236 Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Control ..... Plastic Bottle 03/30/77 Containing 50 ml Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Control THC . Plastic Bottle 10/05/83 Containing 50 ml Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Disc A Series Plastic Vial 05/06/75 Containing 50 Standard Discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Disc B Series Plastic Vial 05/06/75 Containing 50 Standard Discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic vial 06/15/88 II, No 3 Catalog containing 50 No. 131C standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic vial 06/15/88 II, No. 1 Catalog containing 50 No. 131A standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic vial 06/15/88 II, No. 10 containing 50 Catalog No. 131K standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic visal 06/15/88 II, No. 11, containing 50 Catalog No. 131L standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic vial 06/15/88 II, No. 12 containing 50 Catalog No. 131M standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic vial 06/15/88 II, No. 2 Catalog containing 50 No. 131B standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic via 06/15/88 II, No. 5 Catalog containing 50 No. 131E standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs Library Plastic vial 06/15/88 II, No. 8 Catalog containing 50 No. 131H standard discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Discs THC ... Plastic Vial 10/05/83 Containing 50 Standard Discs Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Grams ....... Glass Jar 09/24/80 Containing 50 or 100 Chromatograms Toxi-Lab, Inc .... Toxi-Lab Kit: 50 tests .... 10/05/83 Cannabinoid (THC) Screen Tudor Laboratories, FPIA Phenobarbital Kit: 100 tests ... 11/27/89 Inc. Kit Cat. No. 105 Tudor Laboratories, Phenobarbital Kit: 6 vials ..... 11/27/89 Inc. Calibrator Kit Cat. No. 205 Tudor Laboratories, Phenobarbital Vial: 4.0 ml ..... 11/27/89 Inc. Calibrators B, C, D, E, F Universal Reagents, Drug Monitoring & Bottle: 10 ml .... 10/09/90 Inc. Toxicology No. DM 90-5, DM-62 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -High Range Anticonvulsants No. 71910 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -High Range Barbiturates No. 71916 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -High Range Hypnotic Plus Acetaminophem, No. 71918 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -High Range Hypnotic Plus Salicylate, No. 71920 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -Mid Range Anticonvulsants No. 71911 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -Mid Range Barbiturates No. 71917 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -Mid Range Hypnotic Plus Acetaminophem, No. 71919 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Control Bottle: 10 ml ..... 04/14/80 -Mid Range Hypnotic Plus Salicylate, No. 71921 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Serum Bottle: 10 ml ..... 07/29/82 Control Dried # 88112 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Serum Bottle: 10 ml ..... 07/29/82 Control Dried # 88113 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Serum Bottle: 10 ml ..... 07/29/82 Control Dried # 88120 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Serum Bottles .......... 05/24/76 Control-Dried Catalog Nos. 44610, 44612, 44632, 44635, 44636, 44637, 44642, 44645, 44646, 44647, 44658 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Urine Bottle: 20 ml ..... 07/29/82 Control Dried # 88100 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Urine Bottle: 10 ml ..... 07/29/82 Control Dried # 88121 Utak Laboratories Toxicology Urine Bottle: 1 oz. .... 05/24/76 Control-Dried Catalog Nos. 44650, 44651, 44652, 44653 Ventrex PTH Antiserum .... Vial: 5ml ........ 04/12/90 Laboratories, Inc Ventrex PTH Assay Buffer . Vial: 10 ml ....... 04/12/90 Laboratories, Inc Ventrex PTH Omega Kit: 60 tests .... 04/12/90 Laboratories, Inc Radioimmunoassay Kit Ventrex PTH Second Vial: 10 ml ....... 04/12/90 Laboratories, Inc Antibody Ventrex PTH Tracer Buffer Vial: 5 ml ....... 04/12/90 Laboratories, Inc Wien Laboratories, 3H Dihydrotestost. Vial: 5.5ml ...... 02/21/91 Inc. .erone Cat. No. D- 1916 Wien Laboratories, 3H Epi- Vial: 5.5ml ...... 02/21/91 Inc. Testosterone Cat. No. T-1028 Wien Laboratories, 3H Testosterone Vial: 5.5ml ...... 02/21/91 Inc. Cat. No. T-3027 Wien Laboratories, ANS Buffer pH 8.6 Plastic Bottle: 05/14/75 Inc. Catalog No. T- 100 ml 5144 Wien Laboratories, Buffer Reagent pH Bottle: 4oz. ..... 12/22/72 Inc. 8.6 Catalog No. T -5065 Wien Laboratories, Coated Charcoal Bottle: 4oz. ..... 12/22/72 Inc. Suspension No. T- 5077 Wien Laboratories, Dihydrotestostero. Vial: 5.5ml ...... 02/21/91 Inc. .ne Standard 1ng/ ml Cat. No. D- 1928 Wien Laboratories, Epi-Testosterone Vial: 5.5ml ...... 02/21/91 Inc. Standard, 10ng/ml Cat. No. T-1016 Wien Laboratories, Epi-Testosterone Kit: 2 Bottles ... 02/21/91 Inc. Test Set Cat. No. TS-1010 Wien Laboratories, Methamphetamine: Vial: 5ml, 10 ml .. 06/25/90 Inc. HRP EIA Conjugate Wien Laboratories, T3 Buffer Reagent Plastic Vial: 20 ml 09/13/78 Inc. Catalog No. T- 5156 Wien Laboratories, Testosterone Vial: 5.5ml ...... 02/21/91 Inc. Standard, 10ng/ml Cat. No. T-3039 Wien Laboratories, Testosterone Test Kit: 2 Bottles ... 02/21/91 Inc. Set Cat. No. TS- 333 Windsor Calibrators FPR Kit: 6 Vials ..... 10/30/86 Laboratories, Inc Phenobarbital Windsor Phenobarbital Kit: 100 tests ... 11/20/86 Laboratories, Inc Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Kit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated: March 23, 1994. Gene R. Haislip, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration. [FR Doc. 94-7568 Filed 3-30-94; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410-09-U ------------------------------------------------------ The Contents entry for this article reads as follows: Schedules of controlled substances: Exempt chemical preparations, 15052