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Conferences and Events
by Erowid
Aug 1953 Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness 1   [Details]
Apr 22-24, 1959 The First International Conference on LSD Therapy 2   [Details]
Feb 1961 Quarterly Meeting of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association 3   [Details]
Aug 13-19, 1961 The XIV International Conference of Applied Psychology    [Details]
May 8-10, 1965 The Second International Conference on the Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism 4   [Details]
Jan 21-23, 1966 The Trips Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 13-18, 1966 University of California LSD Conference    [Details]
Oct 6, 1966 The Love Pageant Rally    [Details]
Jan 14, 1967 The Human Be-In    [Details]
Jan 14, 1967 Human "Be-In" in Golden Gate Park and Haight Ashbury, is attended by 20,000. Considered a key psychedelic event that foreshadowed the coming "Summer of Love" in the summery of 1967.    [Details]
Jan 28-30, 1967 Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs Conference 5   [Details]
Jun 9-12, 1967 Psi and Altered States of Consciousness: An International Conference on Hypnosis, Drugs, Dreams, and Psi 6   [Details]
Jun 21, 1967 "Love-In" in San Francisco thousands of doses of DOM (STP) were distributed for free, unfortunately, they were distributed in approximately 10-15 mg doses, 5-10 times higher than Shulgin had recommended, and many people were hospitalized after getting way too high. 7, 8, 9   [Details]
Oct 14-15, 1967 R.M. Bucke Memorial Society for the Study of Religious Experience Third Annual Conference 10   [Details]
Nov 22-24, 1968 Psychedelic Drugs 11   [Details]
Jan 25-26, 1969 Psychotomimetic Drugs Conference 12   [Details]
Apr 7-11, 1969 Conference on Altered States of Consciousness    [Details]
Aug 15-17, 1969 The Woodstock Music & Art Fair    [Details]
Apr 16 (&?), 1970 Second Conference on Voluntary Control of Internal States    [Details]
Jul 31-Aug 2, 1970 Powder Ridge Rock Festival is cancelled but 30,000 hippies show up at the outdoor festival despite police attempts to stop the event.    [Details] [More Info]
1971 Third Conference on Voluntary Control of Internal States    [Details]
Aug, 1972 People's Pot Conference    [Details]
Aug 1973 The Freek Press, a free newspaper distributed at the second Windsor Free Festival (UK), includes the Acid Report, which describes various microdots circulating at the event. 13   [More Info]
Apr 22, 1976 Eighth Conference on the Voluntary Control of Internal States    [Details]
Jun 23-28 Midnight Sun Conference on Transpersonal Psychology    [Details]
Oct 29-31, 1976 International Conference on Psychotropic Fungi    [Details]
Oct 14-15, 1977 LSD--A Generation Later: Colloquium I    [Details]
Oct 27-30, 1977 Second International Conference on Hallucinogenic Mushrooms 14   [Details]
Sep 28-Oct 1, 1978 Hallucinogens in Native American Shamanism and Modern Life 15   [Details]
Jan 24, 1979 From Inner Space to Outer Space: The Creation of the Future 16   [Details]
Nov 2-4, 1979 Mushrooms I Conference    [Details]
Oct 31-Nov 2, 1980 Mushrooms II Conference    [Details]
Jul 9-11, 1981 Colloquium II: The Future of Consciousness 17   [Details]
May 13-14, 1983 Psychedelics and Spirituality Conference    [Details]
Feb, 1984 Psychedelics and Spirituality    [Details]
May 11-13, 1984 International Conference on Shamanism    [Details]
Mar 10-15, 1985 Conference on MDMA 18   [Details]
May 18-19, 1986 MDMA Conference    [Details]
Jul 24, 1988 Beyond the Doors of Perception Conference    [Details]
Oct 2, 1988 Albert Hofmann in America: Celebrating 50 Years of Consciousness Research    [Details]
Feb, 1990 Psychedelics in the 1990s: Regulation or Prohibition 19   [Details]
Feb 2-3, 1991 The Bridge Conference: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Psychedelics 20   [Details]
Nov 16-20 1992 Plantas, Chamanismo, y Estados de Conciencia    [Details]
Apr 16, 1993 Bicycle Day: Celebrating 50 Years of LSD    [Details]
Oct 21-22, 1993 50 Years of LSD: Current Status and Perspectives of Hallucinogens 21   [Details]
Apr 28, 1994 Gathering of the Minds: A Southern California Psychedelic Conference 22   [Details] [More Info]
Oct 3-7,1994 L'Estudi dels Estats Modificats de Consciència    [Details]
Jan 15-20 Pacific Symposium on Psychedelics, II    [Details]
Feb 16-19 Psychoactive Sacramentals Conference.    [Details]
Jan 1996 Psychedelics 1996 Event.    [Details]
Oct 18, 1996 Entheobotany 1    [Details]
Jan 6-8 Entheogens 1997 Event.    [Details]
Nov 22-23, 1997 Mind States: Current Perspectives on Visionary Plants and Drugs    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 6-10 Primary Religious Experience Project [PREP] Conference    [Details]
Oct 1-4, 1998 Psychoactivity I    [Details]
Dec 11-13, 1998 1st Annual Ska Pastora, Leaves of the Shepherdess: Salvia Divinorum and Salvinorin-A    [Details]
Oct 28-31, 1999 Mycomedia Millennium    [Details]
Dec 9-12, 1999 2nd Annual Ska Pastora, Leaves of the Shepherdess: Salvia Divinorum and Salvinorin-A    [Details]
Jul 20-23, 2000 Consciousness Technologies Conference    [Details]
Feb 2, 2001 The State of Ecstasy: The Medicine, Science and Culture of MDMA    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 22-24, 2001 Altered States of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
May 11-13, 2001 Entheobotany 2    [Details] [More Info]
May 18-20, 2001 The Prophets Conference: Techniques of Discovery    [Details] [More Info]
May 25-27, 2001 Mind States II: Further Perspectives on Altered Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
May 27-30, 2001 The Contents of Consciousness: Perception, Attention, and Phenomenology    [Details] [More Info]
May 30-Jun 2, 2001 Drug Policies For The New Millennium    [Details]
Jun 22-29, 2001 Global Inspiration Conference    [Details]
Jul 19-22, 2001 Consciousness Technologies II Conference    [Details]
Jul 22-31, 2001 Psychointegrator Plants    [Details]
Aug 23, 2001 Anomalous Experiences: Clinical Issues    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 23-26, 2001 Telluride Mushroom Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 21-28, 2001 Cooragurteen: Irish Potions: Entheogens Past and Present    [Details]
Sep 22-28, 2001 and Oct 1-7, 2001 Shamanism, Trance, Psychoactive Plants and Mushrooms in Nepal    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 18-21, 2001 Wild Mushrooms 2001: 16th Annual Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 2-7, 2001 International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 16-18, 2001 The Prophets Conference: Healers and Heroes    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 12, 2001 The London Ibogaine Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 10-19, 2002 Psychointegrator Plants: Ayahuasca, Ethnobotany, Psychotherapy, Visionary Art, Out-of-Body Experiences and Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 3-7, 2002 The 13th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm, along with the 2nd International Harm Reduction Congress on Women and Drugs    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 29-31, 2002 The Prophets Conference: Renewal    [Details]
Apr 8-12, 2002 Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
May 16-19 Gathering of the Tribes (GOTT) Conference 23   [Details]
Jul 22-31, 2002 Ayahuasca Healing Retreat    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 4-13, 2002 Ayahuasca, Holotropic Breathwork, Psychopharmacology, and Consciousness    [Details]
Aug 9-11, 2002 The Prophets Conference    [Details]
Aug 21-24, 2002 Boom Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 22-25, 2002 Telluride Mushroom Festival    [Details]
Aug 26-Sep 2, 2002 Burning Man    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 28-31, 2002 The Healing Journey    [Details]
Sep 26-28, 2002 Breaking the Chains: People of Color and the War on Drugs    [Details]
Oct 1-6, 2002 Mind States Jamaica    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 9, 2002 Techstasy! Consciousness + Sex + Drugs + Technology: For Everyone    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 10, 2002 The Politics of Medical Marijuana    [Details]
Oct 25-29, 2002 The International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 28-Nov 2, 2002 Robert Venosa Painting Workshop    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 29, 2002 Journey for Justice Forum    [Details]
Oct 30, 2002 Journey for Justice Forum    [Details]
Nov 8-10, 2002 Marijuana Policy Project & Students for Sensible Drug Policy    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 16, 2002 Ibogaine Forum    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 22-24, 2002 Canadian Harm Reduction Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 22-24, 2002 Psychoactivity III    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 1-4, 2002 The 4th National Harm Reduction Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 9-18, 2003
& Jan 20-30, 2003
Ayahuasca Healing Retreat    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 9-20, 2003 Experiential and Theoretical International Symposia in the Brazilian Amazon    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 12-15, 2003 Out from the Shadows: Ending Drug Prohibition in the 21st Century    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 5-26, 2003 Ayahuasca 3-Week Intensive    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 6-10, 2003 The 14th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 17-19, 2003 NORML Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 19, 2003 Bicycle Day 60th Anniversary    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 26, 2003 Sex and Drugs: For All Genders    [Details]
May 23-25, 2003 Mind States IV Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 1-13, 2003 Colombia in the Crosshairs: US Drug Policy in the Andes Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 11-13, 2003 Altered States and the Spiritual Awakening Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 20-29, 2003 Ayahuasca Healing Retreat    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 3-14, 2003 Ayahuasca, Holotropic Breathwork, Visionary Art, Shamanism, and Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 21-24, 2003 Telluride Mushroom Festival    [Details]
Aug 21-22, 2003 Entheovision 1 Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 25-Sept 1, 2003 Burning Man    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 27-31, 2003 Plants, Dreams & Visions Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 9, 2003 NIDA: Psychoactive Botanical Products    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 12-13, 2003 The IACM 2nd Conference on Cannabinoids in Medicine    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 19, 2003 Psychedelic Psychotherapy: New Research, Ancient Practice    [Details]
Sep 19-26, 2003 Consciousness and the Spirits of Nature Event    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 20, 2003 The 14th Annual MassCann/NORML Freedom Rally    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 2, 2003 The Truth About Medical Marijuana    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 5-25, 2003 Ayahuasca Intensive at Wasiwaska    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 8-11, 2003 Addiction Medicine State of the Art 2003 Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 12, 2003 Daniel Pinchbeck Reading    [Details]
Nov 5-8, 2003 Biennial Conference of the Drug Policy Alliance    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 8, 2003-
Mar 31, 2004
Mythic Visions: Yarn Paintings of a Huichol Shaman Exhibit    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 20-29, 2003 Ecuadorian Amazon Journey    [Details]
Nov 29-30, 2003 Ethnobotanica III: Australian Ethnobotany Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 6-17, 2004 Ethnobotany: Plants in Human Affairs January Intensive    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 7-9, 2004 Fifth Annual Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 11-20, 2004 Ayahuasca Healing Retreat    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 31-Feb 1, 2004 Entheogenesis    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 7-11, 2004 Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
May 14-16, 2004 Altered States and The Spiritual Awakening II    [Details] [More Info]
May 15-Jun 30, 2004 Interdependance: The Art of the Covenant    [Details] [More Info]
May 20-22, 2004 The Third National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 7-11, 2004 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 11-18, 2004 Sixteenth International Transpersonal Association Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 24-26, 2004 Exploring Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 2-15, 2004 Painting in Dali's Garden    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 21-23, 2004 National Social Norms Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 19-22, 2004 Telluride Mushroom Festival    [Details]
Aug 21-22, 2004 Entheovision 2    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 26-30, 2004 Boom Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 10-11, 2004 Cannabinoids in Medicine    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 10-12, 2004 The Great Rethinking    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 12-17, 2004 European Digital Library Conferences    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 15-20, 2004 Mind States Oaxaca    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 24-26, 2004 CannaBusiness 2004 Event    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 27-30, 2004 International Conference on Drugs and Young People    [Details]
Oct 22-31, 2004 Dreaming and Awakening    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 6, 2004 Synergenesis    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 18-21, 2004 Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 23-Feb 5, 2005 Oneiric Vision: Ayahuasca, Lucidity, and Dreaming in the Amazon    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 27, 2005 Neofiles: Twenty First Century Brains    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 28, 2005 Drugs : The Politics, Philosophy and Economics    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 5, 2005 Resonance: The Convergence of Music and Spirituality    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 20-21, 2005 New York City Ibogaine Forum 2005    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 22, 2005 A Live Chat With Dr. Sasha Shulgin and Ann Shulgin    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 20-23, 2005 International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 3, 2005 Psychonautic Landscape IV    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 7, 2005 The Psychedelic Art of Alex Grey    [Details]
Apr 15-16, 2005 Altered States and the Spiritual Awakening    [Details] [More Info]
May 6-8, 2005 Whole Earth Festival    [Details] [More Info]
May 7-9, 2005 Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts    [Details] [More Info]
May 12-14, 2005 Making Sense of Depression, Stress and Anxiety    [Details] [More Info]
May 14, 2005 3rd Annual Interdimensional Art Show    [Details] [More Info]
May 15, 2005 Cosmic Memory    [Details] [More Info]
May 21-26, 2005 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting    [Details] [More Info]
May 21-23, 2005 Entheogenesis 2: From Darkness Back to Light    [Details] [More Info]
May 27-29, 2005 Mind States VI: Technology and Transcendence    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 15-28, 2005 Painting in Dali's Garden    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 17, 2005 Drugs : The Shape of Things to Come?    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 24-27, 2005 9th Annual Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 30-Jul 30, 2005 Confessions of a Dope Dealer Performance    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 3-8, 2005 Visionary Art Intensive    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 6-11, 2005 Consciousness and Healing - IONS 11th Int'l Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 16-22, 2005 1st International Shamanism Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 22-27, 2005 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 12-28, 2005 Confessions of a Dope Dealer    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 17-20, 2005 Toward a Science of Consciousness Midway Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 17-23, 2005 Psytopia in Jamaica    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 20-24, 2005 Aging with Dignity: New Challenges, New Possibilities, New Solutions    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 20-21, 2005 National Criminal Justice Drug Workers Forum    [Details]
Sep 24-Nov 26, 2005 Minds Wide Open    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 7-12, 2005 Mushroom Growing International Week    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 8, 2005 Synergenesis 2    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 9, 2005-Feb 20, 2006 Ecstasy: In and About Altered States    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 16, 2005-
Jan 2, 2006
SAFE: Design Takes On Risk    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 22-23, 2005 Sacred Elixirs    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 10-12, 2005 International Drug Policy Reform Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 10-12, 2005 The 7th Annual Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 13-15, 2006 LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 27, 2006 Drugs University V    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 4-8, 2006 Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 19-21, 2006 Unhooked Thinking    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 30-May 4, 2006 17th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 2-5, 2006 Entheogenesis Australis    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 8, 2006 A Vigil for Lost Promise    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 23-25, 2006 SheShamans and Magic Mamas    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 30-Jul 8, 2006 2nd International Amazonian Shamanism Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 15-17, 2006 First Annual Clusterbusters Convention    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 23-27, 2006 Solanaceae - Genomics Meets Biodiversity    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 1-6, 2006 Metzner Alchemical Divination    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 3-9, 2006 Boom Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 24-27, 2006 Telluride Mushroom Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 28-Sep 24, 2006 Burning Man Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 7-9, 2006 ATP-ITP Transpersonal Psychology Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 14-16, 2007 Annual Global Conference on Neuroprotection & Neuroregeneration    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 14, 2007 Psychedelics Reconsidered    [Details] [More Info]
May 13-18, 2007 The 18th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm    [Details] [More Info]
May 18-20, 2007 SheShamans    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 13-17, 2007 Mind States Costa Rica    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 7-14, 2007 The 3rd Amazonian Shamanism Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 27-29, 2007 Women's Visionary Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 5-7, 2007 The 1st International Alchemy Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 12-14, 2007 Weltkonferenz der Ethnotherapien [World Conference on Ethnotherapies]    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 19-24, 2007 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 27, 2007 Horizons: Contemporary Perspectives on Psychedelics    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 3-11, 2007 Exploring the Megalithic Mind    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 5-8, 2007 The Biennial International Drug Policy Reform Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 5-8, 2008 World Congress on Spirituality and Psychology    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 23-24, 2008 Demand Reduction Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 28, 2008 LSD & MDMA as Therapeutic Tools    [Details]
Mar 21-24, 2008 World Psychedelic Forum    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 26-29, 2008 Symposium on Hallucinations in Philosophy and Cognitive Science    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 4-5, 2008 5th National Clinical Conference on Medical Cannabis    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 8-12, 2008 Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 17, 2008 The 2nd Annual Ayahuasca Monologues    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 10-18, 2008 Convergence Event    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 19-27, 2008 The 4th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 19-21, 2008 Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 20-Dec 7, 2008 Consciousness: The Web Course    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 30, 2008 Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Spirituality    [Details]
Oct 10-13, 2008 Women's Visionary Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 12-16, 2008 The 5th Solanaceae Genome Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 13-16, 2008 The 7th National Harm Reduction Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 26, 2008 Psychedelics As Medicine: Chemical Input, Therapeutic Output    [Details]
Apr 20-23, 2009 International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm: Harm Reduction and Human Rights    [Details] [More Info]
May 5-8, 2009 31st Annual SALIS Conference    [Details]
Jun 12-14, 2009 Harmony Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 11-18, 2009 5th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference: the Art and the Heart of Healing    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 25-27, 2009 Seminario Estados Modificados de Consciencia, Desarrollo Humano y Conocimiento [Seminar on Modified States of Consciousness, Human Development, and Knowledge]    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 25-27, 2009 Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 2-4, 2009 Women's Visionary Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 31, 2009 The 1st Conference of Dialogs Between Medicines    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 6-9, 2009 Entheogenesis Australis    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 8-13, 2009 The 6th Solanaceae Genome Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 12-14, 2009 The International Drug Policy Reform Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 29-Dec 14, 2009 Psychoactivity VI    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 5-6, 2009 Mycological Society of San Francisco Annual Fungus Fair    [Details]
Feb 10-11, 2010 Estados Modificados de Conciencia [Modified States of Consciousness]    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 12-14, 2010 Bringing Transpersonal Psychology to a World in Crisis    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 13, 2010 World Premiere of Dirty Pictures, a documentary about Alexander Shulgin.    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 17-21, 2010 Curing Minds: Consciousness in Sickness and Health    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 12, 2010 Research on Psychedelics Moves into the Mainstream -- The Lancet    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 12-17, 2010 Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 15-18, 2010 Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 22-23, 2010 Taking the Measure of the Magic Mirror: Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 7-9, 2010 Club Health: 6th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use, and Related Health Issues    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 7-9, 2010 Club Health 2010: The 6th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use, and Related Health Issues    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 10-13, 2010 Alchemeyez Visionary Arts Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 11-13, 2010 Harmony Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 23-27, 2010 The 17th International Transpersonal Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 10-17, 2010 The 6th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Aug 18-25, 2010 Boom Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 10, 2010 The Medicine: Science & Psychedelics Movie Screening    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 13-14, 2010 Media Influence on Nightlife    [Details]
Oct 20-25, 2010 Science and Nonduality Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 22-25, 2010 Women's Visionary Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 23-24, 2010 Mind Altering Science    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 28-29, 2010 Pratiques Contemporaines des Plantes Psychotropes [Contemporary Practices with Psychotropic Plants]    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 18-21, 2010 The 8th National Harm Reduction Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 4-5, 2010 Entheogenesis Australis    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 11-12, 2010 Catalysts: The Impact of Psychedelics from Consciousness to the Clinic    [Details] [More Info]
Feb 19, 2011 Women's Visionary Council Valentine Love Party    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 11-12, 2011 Psychedelics in the Culture and Healing of the 21th Century    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 25-27, 2011 European Student Drug Policy Reform Conference: Another Bloody Birthday    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 2-3, 2011 Breaking Convention: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 28-29, 2011 Manifesting the Mind: Further Explorations of Human Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 17, 2011 European Ayahuasca Research Symposium    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 17-19, 2011 Roots of Light: Ancient Wisdom for a New Humanity    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 18, 2011 The Shulgin Index: Book Signing    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 2 -31, 2011 Women's Visionary Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 13-21, 2011 MAPS Pacific Northwest U.S. Fundraising Tour    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 16-17, 2011 After the War on Drugs: Envisioning a Post-Prohibition World    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 23-25, 2011 Expanded States of Consciousness, Psychotherapy and Human Development    [Details] [More Info]
Sep 30, 2011 The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Lecture & Book Signing    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 13-Dec 31, 2011 Beyond: Transpersonal Photographs    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 14-18, 2011 Dirty Pictures, Docfest 2011    [Details] [More Info]
Oct 14-16, 2011 Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics    [Details] [More Info]
Nov 2-5, 2011 2011 International Drug Policy Reform Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 2-5, 2011 Entheogenesis Australis Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 8-12, 2011 MAPS 25th Anniversary Conference, Workshops, and Benefit Celebration    [Details] [More Info]
Dec 12-14, 2011 Club Health 2011: The 7th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use and Related Health Issues    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 12-Mar 18, 2012 Fred Tomaselli Exhibition    [Details] [More Info]
Jan 28, 2012 Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 2-4, 2012 Progress, Not Prisons Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 4, 2012 Ayahuasca in a Global Context    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 10, 2012 Psychedelic Love    [Details] [More Info]
Mar 23-25, 2012 International Students for Sensible Drug Policy Conference    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 7-21, 2012 The Shulgin Blotter Art Fundraiser    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 9-14, 2012 Toward a Science of Consciousness    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 10, 2012 An Intimate Conversation about Plants, Fungi, and Animals Dinner    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 14, 2012 Enhancing Consciousness, Enhancing Conscience: Research, Methods, Tools    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 16, 2012 The Wonder of Plant Teachers: Entheogens as Cognitive Tools Presentation    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 27-29, 2012 The 11th Annual New Living Expo    [Details] [More Info]
May 18, 2012 Dirty Pictures Screening and Fundraiser for Sasha Shulgin    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 1-4, 2012 Cosmo Festival    [Details] [More Info]
Jun 15-17, 2012 Terence McKenna: Beyond 2012    [Details] [More Info]
Jul 27-29, 2012 6th Annual Women's Visionary Congress    [Details] [More Info]
Apr 18-23, 2013 Psychedelic Science 2013    [Details] [More Info]

  1.   Proceedings published as Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness, edited by E.D. Adrian, F. Bremer, and H.H. Jasper (1954). A review of the book can be found in JAMA. 1956;161(1):115. doi: 10.1001/jama.1956.02970010117042. NOTE: The conference year is incorrectly listed as 1954 in some references, likely due to the error of repeating the year that the conference proceedings were published, rater than the year the event was held.
  2.   Proceedings were published as The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, edited by H.A. Abramson (1960).
  3.   Proceedings published as Hallucinogenic Drugs and Their Psychotherapeutic Use, edited by Richard Crocket, Ronald A. Sandison, and Alexander Walk (1963).
  4.   Proceedings were published as The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism, edited by H.A. Abramson (1967).
  5.   Proceedings published as a $4 hardcover book: Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs, edited by D.H. Efron, B. Holmstedt, and N.S. Kline (1968).
  6.   Proceedings published as PSI and Altered States of Consciousness, edited by R. Cavanna and M. Ullman (1968).
  7.   Bureau of Drug Abuse Control. Micro-Gram. Nov 1967;1(1):1-2.
  8.   Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Microgram. May 1968;1(8):2.
  9.   Scully T. Personal Communication with Trout and Erowid. 2021.
  10.   Proceedings published as Do Psychedelics Have Religious Implications?, edited by D.H. Salman and R.H. Prince (1968).
  11.   Proceedings published as Psychedelic Drugs, edited by Richard E. Hicks and Paul Jay Fink (1969).
  12.   Proceedings published as Psychotomimetic Drugs, edited by D.H. Efron, B. Holmstedt, and N.S. Kline (1968).
  13.   Jarnow J. Heads: A Biography of Psychedelic America. 2016; pp 79-80.
  14.   Partial proceedings published as Teonanácatl: Hallucinogenic Mushrooms of North America, edited by J. Ott and J. Bigwood (1978).
  15.   Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 11[1-2](1979)
  16.   "Tim Leary: '3 billion years from amoebas to Howard Cosell'" by Spencer Rumsey, The Berkeley Barb, January 18-31, 1979, page 8.
  17.   "Colloquium '81: Higher Consciousness and Creativity", High Times December 1981, pages 36-42, 70-71, 110.
  18.   Ecstasy: The Complete Guide : A Comprehensive Look at the Risks and Benefits of MDMA, edited by Julie Holland (2001), page 389.
  19.   Stafford P. Psychedelics Encyclopedia. Ronin. 1992. p 57.
  20.   Stafford P. Psychedelics Encyclopedia. Ronin. 1992. p 44-53.
  21.   Proceedings published as 50 Years of LSD: Current Status and Perspectives of Hallucinogens, edited by A. Pletscher and D. Ladewig.
  22.   "Notes From a Psychedelic Revival Meeting" by Richard Gehr, posted at
  23.   Erowid F, Erowid E. "Data Points in the Void". Erowid Extracts. Oct 2002;3:6-7.