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cover image
Can't Find My Way Home
America in the Great Stoned Age, 1945-2000
Rating :
Author(s) :
Martin Torgoff
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
2004(hb,1st ed,fine/fine)
Publisher :
Simon & Schuster
Allen Ginsberg: "Marijuana can be a very useful educational tool. It's as much a natural part of life as getting laid, having a homosexual experience, or going to Europe!"

Timothy Leary: (on the Harvard Psilocybin Project): "We were like the Wright brothers, you know, Hey watch that tree!--soaring off beyond normal consciousness, then we'd get lost somewhere, and come back for a landing, and talk about it. Wow! Did that happen to you? There were no maps or guides in Western psychological literature to describe these states."

Wavy Gravy: "Oh, yes, there was Mexican shit back there in teh early '60s that was so strong it would put Vikings in your oatmeal and jewels shining in the wall if you smoked it! The question was an obvious one: Was America ready for Vikings in its oatmeal?"

Jerry Rubin: "All those crazy right-wingers were always saying we were getting our money from Russia, but we were getting it from marijuana smoking. How else could the movement have been financed?"

Robert Stone: "From the beginning, deep down, I never felt that drugs were a good thing, but they were something that was wild and open and free--and at that moment, these things were very important to us."

Ed Sanders: "With drugs it can't be some blatant simple thing of, 'Hey, man, le'ts get high and listen to Miles.' The issue becomes about policing--like an environmentalist policing the bioregion, finding out who's dumping what into the creeks. There have to be values involved." David Crosby: "We were right about a lot of things twenty-five years ago. We were right about the war. We were right about the environment. We were right about civil rights and women's issues. But we were wrong about the drugs."

Ram Dass: "I realized I knew how to get high, but the game wasn't to get high, it was to be free--and high wasn't the same as free."

Grace Slick: "It was not my idea to stop using drugs. It was the Highway Patrol's."