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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
Section 1 :

    CA Reg. No.: 57498-78-9


    MW 228.50

    Needles from methanol mp 226-227° (dec.)

    UV, IR, NMR, MS: Hashimoto & Kawanishi 1975

    Preparation from harmine by oxidation with Hydrogen peroxide.
    Reduction (with FeSO4 in Ammonium hydroxide) to regenerate harmine base.
          Hashimoto & Kawanishi 1975

    Alkaloid isolated from Banisteriopsis caapi
    0.0005% (by dry weight?) in stem & leaf.
          Hashimoto & Kawanishi 1975

    [Also Southon & Buckingham 1989: 701; # M-00163] br>

    Presence was also reported in Don et al. 1998