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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
Section 1 :
Trivia about 1-Methyl-β-Carbolines found in Hoasca Brews

  Rf Rf Subl. Fluorescence (under UV) Chromophores (3)
Y/N Maxima (Agurell 1969)
Reference or Assay a b 4 4 2 5 D E NN F HC
Harmine 0.64 0.73 Yes Yes Royal Blue Indigo-Blue (2) or Yellow-Green (3) Orange None Dull Violet Navy Blue na
Harmaline 0.07 0.38 Yes Yes Whitish Blue na na None (4) na na na
Tetrahydroharmine 0.13 0.66 Yes Yes na na Orange None (Yes) (5) Dull Violet Navy Blue Purple

  1. Agurell et al. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 23(3):903-916. 1969. [Maxima 355 mm (EtOH)].
  2. Der Marderosian et al. American Journal of Pharmacy. 140:137-147. 1968.
  3. Ghosal S, Mazumder UK, Bhattacharya SK. "Chemical and pharmacological evaluation of Banistereopsis argentea Spring ex Juss." Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 60(8):1209-1212. 1971. (b)
  4. Hochstein and Paradies. Journal of the American Chemical Society 79: 5735-5736. 1952 (a)
  5. Marion p. 394. 1952. "The Indole Alkaloids." pp. 369-498 (Ch. 13) in: R.H.F. Manske & H.L. Holmes (eds.) The Alkaloids. Chemistry and Physiology. Vol. 2" Academic Press, New York.
Solvent systems:
  • a. On Chloroform-Formamide system [Ref. 4: citing Hochstein et al. (1955) JACS 77: 3551.
  • b. Ref. 3: Using Silica Gel G chromatoplates and Methyl alcohol-Chloroform-Acetic acid (75:25:15) as developer.
Assay Reagents:
  • D: Dragendorff's
  • E: Ehrlich's
  • F: Fröhde
  • HC: Hopkin-Cole
  • NN: α-Nitroso-β-naphtholnitrous acid
  • na : Not Available.
  • Y/N : simple yes no answer
  • Rf : standard value measurements used for TLC, a fractional expression of how far a band migrated relative to the distance the solvent migrated.
  • Subl. : Sublimes, sublimates
(1) Ghosal and coworkers (3.) reported that indole-3-alkylamines and tetrahydro-β-carbolines showed a light-blue fluorescence under UV on papers, aromatic β-carbolines showed violet and 3,4-dihydro-β-carbolines showed a sea-green fluorescence. (It must be noted that these colors are not necessarily the same on alumina and DMT does not fluoresce within the visible range of the spectrum -- it DOES fluoresce outside the range so is meaasurable.)

McKenna et al. 1984a states that tetrahydro-β-carbolines (and DMT) are visible as dark spots under short wave UV while aromatic and dihydro-β-carbolines showed strong colors under longwave UV.

Banerjee & Ghosal found that crudely purified 5-MeO-DMT has a pale yellow fluorescence and 5-MeO-DMT-N-oxide has a dull red color (both under UV). Appleseed reported not seeing any fluorescence with 5-MeO-DMT (Personal communication; 1995)

(2) In Acidic solutions.

(3) In Basic solutions. The transition occurs within the pH interval 7.2-8.9, and can be used in quantitative estimations, according to Marion.

(4) According to McKenna et al. 1984a Journal of Ethnopharmacology 10 (2): 195-223.

(5) Also according to McKenna et al.1984a:

While there is no immediate reaction with Ehrlich's, THH, unlike harmine and harmaline, shows the slow development of robin's-egg blue over a 24 hour period. Tryptamines, on the other hand, react within 30 minutes; usually showing a dark blue or violet.