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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
Section 3 : Part 2 :
Seemingly promising Acacia species lacking bioassay reports

Potentially effective South Pacific Acacia species that appear to lack any human bioassay reports

Acacia confusa

This species sees its bark occasionally used in traditional Chinese medicine (in Taiwan) but apparently only the roots are potent enough to be useful in ayahuasca analogs.

The report of Liu et al. 1977 indicated 1.15% DMT in this species' roots. [More work is clearly needed for this valuable species.]

It might be worth reevaluating this species using the newer approaches described for jurema extraction due to the comments in the literature asserting the tannins present were interfering with extraction of DMT from the stem bark.

Acacia confusa
Photo by Mulga
Photo by Mulga Reproduced with permission

Acacia simplicifolia

This coastal tree from New Caledonia also grows in neighboring islands, and, like all of these Acacias, seeds are commercially available.

0.81% DMT was recovered from the dried bark by Poupat et al. 1976.