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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
Section 3 : Part 2 :
Phalaris aquatica & Phalaris arundinacea
A look at some selected reports

It should be understood that material marked D+M or M may contain either 5-MeO-MMT or 5-MeO-DMT or both. No breakdown was attempted in these cases. In the case of Marten et al. 1974 (ref. 5b) all values were generated as mean averages and harvests were not at optimum times.

Phalaris aquatica

Phalaris arundinacea

Abbreviations and Definitions

(for numbers in superscript)

1: Numbers with this format are USDA clone numbers. [Many are readily available through the USDA. Check their GRIN website.]

2: Originated from U.S. Regional Pasture Research Laboratory, University Park, Pennsylvania.

3: Origin listed as "highly diverse source population used in plant breeding and genetic studies at the University of Minnesota, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics."

4: Grown in a controlled environment of 21o C days/16o C nights with an 8 hour day length.

5: DMT was found in only 75% of the individuals arising from this clone.

6: Material stored in plastic bags, frozen at -12o C, until analyzed in 1969.

7: Harvested when 20-60 cm tall and still in vegetative stage.

8: 100 seedlings weighed 10-20 grams.

9: Unidentified trace alkaloids turned out to be 5-Methoxygramine, 5,7-Dimethoxygramine and 7-Methoxygramine. All were in the whole plant but highest in the roots. Mulvena & Slaytor 1983

10: Simons & Marten 1971 obtained the clones P.I. 235547 Sweden [USDA clone 19-7] and P.I. 253317 Yugoslavia from either the Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Pullman Washington or the Northeastern Station, Geneva, NY.

References used for Phalaris table:

1.   Appleseed (Variable dates)
2.   Barnes et al. 1971
3.   Baxter & Slaytor 1972
4.   Gander et al. 1976
5a.  Marten et al. 1973
5b.  Marten et al. 1974
6.   Mulvena & Slaytor 1982
7.   Mulvena & Slaytor 1983
8.   Oram & Williams 1967
9.   Rendig et al. 1970
10.  Rendig et al. 1976
11.  Williams et al. 1971

For complete citations please see the reference listings.