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Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs
assembled by Keeper of the Trout
Section 3 : Part 3 :
Reported or suspected admixtures

A listing of some of the other plants reported or suspected as source plants, additives, or somehow connected with ayahuasca.

Including a few plants with chemistry and oral applications similar to ayahuasca &/or admixtures but some only finding use for this purpose in modern times.

Assembled by Keeper of the Trout 1998

A field of mostly Phalaris aquatica var. stenoptera growing in Marin County, California.

Some of the known admixtures may also be used as a hallucinogens alone; many have other medicinal applications which, for the largest part, this does not cover. (There is overlapping use of some of the plants as San Pedro admixtures; See Sacred Cacti Second Edition or Ratsch 1998 for a listing)

See Bianchi & Samorini 1993 and Ott 1994 for much more details about and references for the reported chemistry of these and related plants that are used ethnomedically, as well as folk uses, modern medicinal applications and a wealth of other information. They do not entirely overlap. Their references can serve as a good starting point for readers wanting to find yet more details.

Also see our references for more detail.

Common name and associated words list follows the by-species listing of reported admixture plants.

This list will be perennially ongoing.

A summary of the major Malpighiaceous MAOI source plants was presented earlier.

[By species] [By common name]

Section 3:

Part 3: Reported or suspected admixtures and other plants associated with ayahuasca and ayahuasca analogs.
While including a few, for the largest part this work omits most of the multitude of plants known to be used on their own for visionary effects.

Although this bears no connection to ayahuasca or its admixtures, there is one species that I would like to draw attention to, in the hopes of kindling a bit more horticultural interest.

Desfontainia spinosa