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Amanita Journal Articles & Abstracts

Traditional Use
Spiritual Use
Medical Use


Fungi in Khanty folk medicine, by M. Saar
Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol 31 (No. 2) 1991, 175-179

Ethnomyocological data from Siberia and North-East Asia on the effect of Amanita muscaria, by M. Saar
Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol 31 (No. 2) Feb 1991, 157-173



Soma siddhas and alchemical enlightenment: psychedelic mushrooms in Buddhist tradition, by S. Hajicek-Dobberstein
Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol 48 (No. 2) 1995, 99-118

Haoma-Soma in the world of ancient Greece, by J. Wohlberg
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 22 (No. 3) 1990, 333-342

Wasson's alternative candidates for soma, by Tom J. Riedlinger
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol 25 (No. 2) 1993, 149-156

One route to religious ecstasy (Amanita muscaria), by Daniele Piomelli
Nature Vol 349. Jan 31, 1991, 362
(No Text Available)

Traditional use in North America of Amanita muscaria for divinatory purposes, by R. Gordon Wasson
Journal of Psychedelic DrugsVol 1-2,Jan 11, 1979, 25-28
(No Text Available)

Soma and Amanita Muscaria, by John Brough
Bulletin of the School of Oriental annd African StudiesUniversity of London, Vol 34 1971, 331-362
(No Text Available)



Psycho-mycological studies of amanita: From ancient sacrament to modern phobia, by Jonathan Ott
Journal of Psychedelic DrugsVol 8 (No. 1) Jan-Mar 1976, 27-35

Structure and antitumor activity of a branched (1-->3)-Beta-D-glucan from the alkaline extract of Amanita muscaria, by T. Kiho; M. Katsuragawa; K. Nagal; S. Ukai; M. Haga
Carbohydr-Res Vol 224, Feb 7 1992, 237-243
(No Text Available)

Monoamines in the brain under the influence of muscimol and ibotenic acid, two psychoactive principles of Amanita muscaria, by P. Konig-Bersin; P.G. Waser; H. Langemann; W. Lichtensteiger
Psychopharmacologia Vol 18 (No. 1) Aug 19 1970, 1-10
(No Text Available)



Poisoning with spotted and red mushrooms--pathogenesis, symptoms, treatment, by K. Tupalska-Wilczynska; R. Ignatowicz; A. Pozlemski; H. Wojcik; G. Wilczynski
Wiad Lek Vol 49 (No. 1-6) 1996, 66-71

Mushroom poisoning in infants and children: the Amanita pantherina/muscaria group, by D.R. Benjamin
Journal of Toxicology and Clinical Toxicology Vol 30 (No. 1) 1992, 13-22

Naturally-occurring excitatory amino acids as neurotoxins and leads in drug design, by P. Krogsgaard-Larsen; J.J. Hansen
Toxicology Letters Spec No:409-416 Dec 1992, 64-65

Toxic metabolites of Amanita pantherina, A. cothurnata, A. muscaria and other Amanita species, by W.S. Chilton; J. Ott
Lloydia Vol 39 (No. 2-3) 1976, 150-157



Epidural kainate, but not ibotenate, produces lesions in local and distant regions of the brain. A comparison of the intracerebral actions of kainic acid and ibotenic acid, by W.O. Guldin; H.J. Markowisch
Journal of Neuroscience Methods Vol 5 (No. 1-2) 1982, 83-93

Ibotenic acid lesion of nucleus basalis magnocellularis differentially affects cholinergic, glutamatergic and GABAergic markers in cortical rat brain regions, by S. Rossner; R. Schlievs; V. Bigl
Brain Resources Vol 668 (No. 1-2) Dec 1994, 85-99