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Psychoactive Cacti
by Erowid
Archived Images #
Ariocarpus fissuratus #
Color photo of a single potted A. fissuratus
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Coryphantha macromeris (Donana) #
Color photo of a potted Coryphantha macromeris cacti (non-mescaline containing).
Photo by MeneerCactus, © 2002
Echinocereus triglochidatus #
Color photo of two potted E. triglochidatus cacti.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Mammillaria heyderii (Witculiki, Wichu-ri-ki) #
Nice color photo of a single M. heyderii.
Photo by Michael S. Smith. Used with permission.
Trichocereus atacamensis #
Color photo of a Trichocereus atacamensis cardòn herbarium display by the Botanical Preservation Corps, Palenque Mexico.
Photo by Freeblood, © 2000
Trichocereus bridgesii (achuma) #
Close-up color photo of T. bridgesii with one large white flower.
Photo by Bob Wallace, © 2000
Color photo of T. bridgesii with one large white flower.
Photo by Bob Wallace, © 2000
Color photo of a tall T. bridgesii var. longaspinus (long spined).
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a cultivated T. bridgesii fma. monstrosus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a T. bridgesii fma. monstrosus with a cluster of new branches.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a small T. bridgesii fma. monstrosus.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo of a tall T. bridgesii var. eusaporous (good-tasting).
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Trichocereus macrogonus #
Color photo of a 2 ft tall T. macrogonus, approx 5" in diameter.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a 3 ft tall T. macrogonus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a 8" tall T. macrogonus with an additional 1 ft tall new growth.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Trichocereus pachanoi (san pedro) #
Color photo of 3 potted San Pedros growing in Northern California.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998
A regrowth pup on a trimmed Trichocereus pachanoi (San Pedro). One month old pup growing from a 8 cm cutting in a pot with a 5 cent Euro coin for size comparison. [Spain]
Photo by anonymous. © 2017
A regrowth pup on a trimmed Trichocereus pachanoi (San Pedro). One month old pup growing from a 8 cm cutting in a pot with a 5 cent Euro coin for size comparison. [Spain]
Photo by anonymous. © 2017
Color photo of a single potted San Pedro growing in Northern California.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998
Trichocereus pachanoi (san pedro) cuttings will grow if set the right way up (upper right), on their side (center) or upside down (top left). [The Netherlands]
Photo by Viridiplantae. © 2017
Beautiful color photo of a heavily blooming San Pedro cactus.
Photo by Erowid, © 2004
Color photo of two open San Pedro flowers.
Photo by Erowid, © 2004
Close-up color photo of the center of a San Pedro flower
Photo by Erowid, © 2004
A single potted Trichocereus pachanoi (San Pedro) cactus at a plant shop. [PA, USA]
Photo by Adam Valenzano. © 2009
Beautiful color photo of a San Pedro cactus flower.
Photo by Larry Gerald, used by Erowid with permission.
Flowering San Pedro cactus.
Photo by Entheomation, © 2004
Color photo of a San Pedro with two large flowers.
Photo by Anonymous Photographer, © 2000
Color photo of a San Pedro with five large flowers growing from the tip.
Photo by Steve H., © 2000
Color photo of a small potted San Pedro cactus with a single large white flower.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo showing the side-view of a San Pedro in full bloom.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo showing the side-view of a blooming San Pedro. The bloom has not yet opened
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Large flowering Trichocereus pachanoi. [KS, USA]
Photo by Entheomation. © 2006
Trichocereus pachanoi (san pedro) seeds in package with growing instructions.
Photo by zhah. © 2007
#1 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup just beginning to grow at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
#2 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup just beginning to grow at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
Young 3 month old Trichocereus pachanoi grown from 5" cutting and showing fast growth. [USA]
Photo by FlowGnome. © 2009
#3 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup beginning to grow at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
#4 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup beginning to grow at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
#5 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup growing at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
#6 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup growing at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
#7 in the series showing a T. pachanoi pup growing at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
#8 in the series showing the new T. pachanoi now a couple of inches tall, growing at the base of a larger specimen. Tennessee
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
Color photo of a group of San Pedro growing in a window.
Photo from 'Psychedelic Shamanism', by Jim DeKorne
Color photo of three San Pedro growing indoors.
Photo from knehnav, used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of six foot specimen growing in a yard.
Photographer unknown.
Color photo of six foot specimen growing in a yard.
Photographer unknown.
Color photo of three potted San Pedro.
Photo by Scruff, © 2000
Color photo of a rare and sacred four ribbed San Pedro. The base of the specimen is five ribbed.
Photo by Chris Giblin, used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of a T. pachanoi fma. cristata (crested form). Specimen is a recently planted cutting approximately 2 inches long. It is an cutting from the so called "B clone" mutant San Pedro from Sacred Succulents, which alternates between monstrose and cristate growth. Washington D.C.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo of a T. pachanoi fma. cristata (crested form). Specimen is a recently planted cutting approximately 2 inches long. It is an cutting from the so called "B clone" mutant San Pedro from Sacred Succulents, which alternates between monstrose and cristate growth.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
A Trichocereus pachanoi monstruosa (monster form) cactus viewed from above. [The Netherlands]
Photo by Viridiplantae. © 2016
Color photo of three potted T. pachanoi fma cristata (crested form) and 1 potted T. pachanoi fma monstrosus (monstrous form).
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo of a Jules Giant, as sold by Allies. We believe this is a variety of T. pachanoi.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998
Color photo of a Trichocereus spp. var Jules Giant. Believed to be a variety of T. pachanoi.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo of two Trichocereus pachanoi. Note how both cacti shrink to a very narrow stalk near the top indicating lack of sun.
Photo by St. Anthrope, © 2000
In the central market of Cuzco, Peru, San Pedro tea and ayahuasca are displayed in dusty soda bottles alongside altar items and dried cuttings of Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Trichocereus pachanoi cactus. [Cuzco, Peru]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
Some hotels and New Age centers in Cuzco, Peru offer a choice between ayahuasca and San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi) journeys. [Cuzco, Peru]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
Tourists in Cuzco, Peru can buy dried or fresh cactus in shops or the central market. [Cuzco, Peru]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
A photo of three columnar T. pachanoi from the Shulgin Collection. From article titled Sasha's Peyote and Mescaline: Excavating and Digitizing the Cactus Papers, by Keeper Trout [California, USA]
Photo by K Trout. © 2016
A closeup of the flowering tuft on a T. pachanoi from the Shulgin Collection. From article titled Sasha's Peyote and Mescaline: Excavating and Digitizing the Cactus Papers, by Keeper Trout [California, USA]
Photo by K Trout. © 2016
Trichocereus peruvianus (peruvian torch) #
Nice close-up photo of a classic Trichocerus peruvianus
Photo by Michael S. Smith, © 2002
Nice color photo of single 14" tall T. peruvianus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of single 2 foot tall T. peruvianus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Detailed top view of Trichocereus peruvianus. Grown in tempetature range from 10-110 F. [CA, USA]
Photo by Collin. copy; 2009
A Trichocereus peruvianus cactus with two small buttons. [CA, USA]
Photo by Collin. © 2010
Close-up color photo of the spines of a T. peruvianus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a cross-section of a T. peruvianus. Shows the woody core of the cacti as well as the way the flesh of a cut cacti receeds as it dries (this was cut flat).
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Very interesting color photo of an old, nearly dead T. peruvianus which has lost all flesh except for a small patch at the base of the now dried bone-like structure of the woody-core. Out of the small patch of remaining flesh has grown a beautiful new growth..
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a new pup growing off the top of a cut T. peruvianus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of small T. peruvianus.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of nice blue T. peruvianus specimen.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of single T. peruvianus.
Photo from knehnav, used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of single T. peruvianus.
Photo from knehnav, used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of single T. peruvianus.
Photo from knehnav, used by Erowid with permission.
Trichocereus spachianus #
Color photo of a single potted T. spachianus next to tape measure showing size.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Trichocereus terscheckii (Cardón Grande) #
Color photo of a small cultivated T. terscheckii 1.5 ft tall and 7 " in diameter.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a small cultivated T. terscheckii 5" tall and 4" in diameter.
Photo by Erowid, © 1999
Color photo of a small potted T. terscheckii.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Color photo of a small Trichocereus terscheckii.
Photo by Murple, © 2000
Trichocereus werdermannianus #
Color photo of the 8" cross-section of a T. werdermannianus.
Photo by Erowid, © Erowid
Trichocereus spp. (misc) #
Color photo of an unidentified Trichocereus species growing outdoors.
Photographer unknown.
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.