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by Erowid
Archived Images #
Erythroxylum cataractarum #
Color photo of small plant cultivated in a pot.
Photo by Pedro Luz. Used by Erowid with permission.
Erythroxylum coca (Coca Plant) #
A very nice color photo of leaves and flower.
Photo by George Linney.
Close-up of three Erythroxylum coca leaves.
Photo by Zariat. © 2010
Four dry Erythroxylum coca leaves connected at the stem. [Mexico]
Photo by Pekon Metsa. © 2009
Color scan of coca leaves and coins both from Bolivia.
Photo by Murple, © 2002
Color photo of plant.
Photo by George Linney.
Color photo of flower.
Photographer Unknown.
Small color photo of plant.
U.S. government Public Domain photo.
Color photo of powder cocaine next to coca leaves.
U.S. government Public Domain photo.
Offerings of coca leaves, placed on a "mesa" or altar, are traditionally arranged in threes. [Machu Picchu, Peru]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
In the lush Yungas region of Bolivia, small parcels of land are allotted to families for coca cultivation, which is highly regulated. The soil of this terraced coca plantation is packed and rocky. [near Coroico, Bolivia]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
Erythroxylum coca Flower #
Closeup of a flowering Erythroxylum coca plant.
Photo by Shawn Xavier. © 2014
Erythroxylum coca Fruit #
Small ripe Erythroxylum coca fruit. [France]
Photo by JP. © 2007
Erythroxylum coca Seeds #
A colletion of Erythroxylum coca seeds next to a match for size comparison.
Photo by Palex. © 2007
Erythroxylum coca Botanical Drawings #
Color drawing of plant, flower and seeds.
From Kohler's Medicinal Plants, © 1995-2003 Missouri Botanical Garden.
Color drawing showing plant, flowers, and fruit.
From "An Introduction to Materia Medica and Pharmacology" (1942).
Black and white drawing of plant and flower.
Illustration by Sir William Hooker, director of the Kew gardens. Published in Companion to the Botanical Magazine (1835)
Black and white drawing of plant.
Artist unknown.
Erythroxylum novogranatense #
Closeup photo showing Erythroxylum novogranatense var. Novogranatense plant with leaves, flowers, and fruits, all attached to the motherplant (planted from seed). [SE Asia]
Photo by DBotany. © 2007
Collage of 4 color photos of leaves and flower.
Photo by Pedro Luz. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of leaves and seeds (berries) of an E. novogranatense bush. [Colombia]
Photo by Shadow, © 2003 Erowid..
Coca Products #
Color photo showing a mylar bag of coca leaf powder, baking soda, and prepared acullico powder ready for use.
Photo by Erowid. © 2016
Erythroxylum coca products from Peru. [Peru]
Photo by Howard Charing. © 2010
Color scan of a box of Zurit brand Mate de Coca (Coca leaf tea). From Peru.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color scan of a paper teabag cover of Zurit brand Mate de Coca (Coca leaf tea). From Peru.
Photo by Erowid, © 2002
Color scan of a container of Coca balm used for topical uses such as arthritis and sore muscles. [Bolivia]
Photo by Murple, © 2001
Coca leaves and sodium bicarbonate labeled "El Recreo" ("recreation" or "relaxation") are sold together at city markets and sidewalk stalls. As a base, sodium bicarbonate aids in releasing alkaloids from the plant when it is combined with leaves and chewed and held in the mouth. Shown here with no-nonsense "potable alcohol". [La Paz, Bolivia]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
Miscellaneous #
Coca tea is ubiquitous in Bolivia and Peru. Although coca is mixed with lime (calcium oxide) or sodium bicarbonate prior to buccal administration, tea is brewed with coca leaves alone, and has a pleasant, earthy taste. [La Paz, Bolivia]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012
A shopkeeper displays his coca in a large cloth sack, dispensing leaves in 500 gram bags. [Tupiza, Bolivia]
Photo by Erowid Crew. © 2012 Erowid
Color ad for Coca tea.
Artist Unknown
Statue of South American God with coca bag and flask
Photographer Unknown
1500 yr old statue of Peruvian deity holding a bag of coca leaves.
16th century carved pot shows seated figure with coca quid in his cheek.
Lime was mixed with coca leaves for chewing. This gold container was used to hold the lime.
Coca leaf press.
U.S. government Public Domain photo.
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.