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Morning Glory
Legal Status
by Erowid
Caution :   All legal information should be verified through other sources. [see below]
Ipomoeia violacea
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Schedule III Chemical
Morning Glory is not a controlled plant in the United States. Live plants and seeds of any variety are legal to buy sell or possess. Both plants and seeds are regularly sold by botanical supply companies. However, it is important to know that one of the chemicals contained in the seeds, LSA, is Schedule III in the U.S. Practically, this means that if an extraction is done on particular types of morning glory seeds, the resulting LSA is illegal to possess. We are unaware of any cases in which an individual has been prosecuted after doing a home extraction of the seeds, although it seems within the realm of possibility. Large scale (especially commercial) extraction of LSA from Morning Glory seeds begins to fall into the realm of "clearly illegal" and would certainly be difficult to defend.

Also note that some jurisdictions consider Morning Glory to be an invasive, unwanted weed plant and control the growing of the plant and distribution of the seeds under laws and regulations for weeds.
Arizona #
All Ipomoea species listed as "noxious weeds" in Arizona and are illegal to cultivate. Penalties are 1st or 2nd degree misdemeanor. See AZ Title 3 : Agriculture: R3-4-245. Prohibited Noxious Weeds and Arizona Prohibited Noxious Weed List.
Louisiana #
Effective Aug 8, 2005 (signed into law Jun 28, 2005) Louisiana Act No 159 makes 40 plants illegal, including Ipomoea violacea, when intended for human consumption. The law specifically excludes the "possession, planting, cultivation, growing, or harvesting" of these plants if used "strictly for aesthetic, landscaping, or decorative purposes." (Text of HLS_05RS-52 and Update June 2005)
Tennessee #
Tennessee did not pass the proposed bill that would have banned dozens of plants as "hallucinogenic" when intended for human consumption. Instead, they banned only Salvia divinorum. See Comments on New State Laws Controlling the Consumption of Hallucinogenic Plants.
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other U.S. state, please let us know.

Australia #
Morning Glory plants and seeds are legal to grow and possess in Australia unless extracted. However, the import and export of I. violacea, I. tricolor, and I. hederaceae plants (including seeds) is prohibited under the Customs Act. (thanks R, YPMD)
Brazil #
Morning Glories are uncontrolled in Brazil, but LSA is controlled. (thanks P)
Belgium #
Morning Glory seed packets sold in gardening stores. We have been told that the seeds are considered "officially unfit for human consumption" (unconfirmed) (thanks QN, DK)
Canada #
We have been told that McKenzie Seeds, a large Canadian seed company, reports that any seeds treated with toxic chemicals in Canada are required by law to both be labeled as treated on the packaging and have the seeds themselves be dyed with a color so chemically treated seeds are easily identified visibly. (thanks JK)
Denmark #
We have been told that MG seeds are commonly available in health stores and flower shops. (unconfirmed) (thanks CH)
Finland #
We have been told that plants and seeds are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give). (thanks AM)
Hungary #
We have been told that plants and seeds are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give). "As far as I know, Morning Glory is not controlled in any form in Hungary nor in Slovakia. You can buy it anywhere from a gardening store to major superstores." (unconfirmed) (thanks CK)
Ireland #
Plants and seeds are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute. (thanks A, RF)
Italy #
Morning glory seeds are listed as controlled narcotic drugs in Italy. (Health Ministry Decree, 25 Sept 2007) (thanks SD, M) (last updated Oct 2007)
Mexico #
The plants and seeds of morning glory species are legal to possess, cultivate, buy, and distribute. Extractions may be controlled / illegal in some way. (unconfirmed) (thanks RP) (last updated Sep 25 2012)
Netherlands #
The plants and seeds of morning glory species are legal to possess, cultivate, buy, and distribute. (thanks R)
New Zealand #
The plants and seeds of morning glory species are legal to possess, cultivate, buy, and distribute. Seeds are reportedly sprayed and warnings included on the packets not to consume the seeds. Chemical LSA is controlled as a drug in New Zealand. (unconfirmed) (thanks B) (last updated Sep 12 2010)
Poland #
We believe that morning glory seeds are not explicitly illegal in Poland. See;jsessionid=769FBE2C258E7ED610CA0EDFF917FB43?id=WDU20051791485&type=3. HBWR (Argyreia nervosa) and Rivea corymbosa are listed as controlled plants, but MGS are not listed. (thanks AS) (last updated Sep 2, 2015)
Romania #
Seeds are commonly sold in gardening stores without legal restriction. (thanks A)
Serbia & Montenegro #
We have been told that plants and seeds are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give). (thanks I)
Singapore #
We have been told that the untreated seeds are sold in packets in greenhouses in Singapore. (unconfirmed) (thanks T0)
Slovakia #
We have been told that plants and seeds are legal to cultivate, buy, possess, and distribute (sell, trade or give). "As far as I know, Morning Glory is not controlled in any form in Hungary nor in Slovakia. You can buy it anywhere from a gardening store to major superstores." (unconfirmed) (thanks CK)
South Africa #
Some provinces consider Morning Glory to be an invasive weed (Category 1 or 3). ALIEN INVASIVE PLANTS AND WEEDS.
United Kingdom (UK, Britain, England) #
We received a report that Heavenly Blue seeds are sold in the UK as of January 2011. (unconfirmed) (thanks D) (last updated Jan 26 2011)
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other country, please let us know.
Erowid legal information is a summary of data gathered from site visitors, government documents, websites, and other resources. We are not lawyers and can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided here. We do our best to keep this information correct and up-to-date, but laws are complex and constantly changing. Laws may also vary from one jurisdiction to another (county, state, country, etc)...this list is not comprehensive.