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Psilocybin Mushroom Images
Live or Freshly Picked
by Erowid
Archived Images #
Panaeolus bispora (Copelandia bispora)  
Color photo of four rare P. bispora mushrooms from above.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Panaeolus cambodgeniensis (Copelandia cambodgeniensis)  
Color photo of P. cambodgeniensis, the most potent of the Panaeolus species which is very common on Oahu Island in Hawaii.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Panaeolus campanulatus (bell-capped panaeolus)  
Three small Panaeolus campanulatus mushrooms growing in grass in late September. [Ireland]
Photo by ManWell. © 2009
Color photo of several bell-shaped panaeolus growing in grass and clovers.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Color photo of several Panaeolus campanulatus growing in grass.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Panaeolus cyanescens (blue meanies, gold caps, gold tops) (Copelandia cyanescens) 
Color photo showing several Panaeolus cyanescens next to a coin for size comparison.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Nice color photo showing a group of freshly harvested P. cyanescens. Specimens were cultivated from type specimens. [Southern NSW, Australia]
Photo by BlueMeanie, © 2002
Color photo of several freshly picked Panaeolus cyanescens.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo showing several Panaeolus cyanescens growing in dung.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Top view of a cluster of Panaeolus cyanescens Tropicalis growing in dung. (Mexico)
Photo by Alberto, © 2006 Erowid.
Side view of a cluster of Panaeolus cyanescens Tropicalis growing in dung. (Mexico)
Photo by Alberto, © 2006 Erowid.
P. Cyanescens growing in wood chips. [Newport, Oregon]
Photo by Adam_Davolt. © 2018
A dense cluster of Ps. Cyanescens. [Newport, Oregon]
Photo by Adam_Davolt. © 2018
P. Cyanescens fruiting bodies, two together attached at the base, about an inch long. [Newport, Oregon]
Photo by Adam_Davolt. © 2018
Panaeolus subbalteatus  
Panaeolus subbalteatus (=cinctulus) growing on horse dung. Found in the black forest, Germany (14.10.2000)
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Small photo of two P. subbalteatus mushrooms found growing in grass clippings in early August. (Georgia, USA)
Photo by GumbyDude, © 2002
Color photo of 4 specimens.
Color photo of several Panaeolus subbalteatus specimens.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of several Panaeolus subbalteatus specimens.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Panaeolus tropicalis (Copelandia tropicalis)  
Color photo of the uncommon P. tropicalis.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Psilocybe arcana  
Color photo of three bluing Psilocybe arcana Borovicka et Hlavacek, taken in Quercus and Acer forest, November 2000. (Czech Republic)
Photo by Jan Borovicka [Czech Mycological Society], © 2002
Beautiful color photo of three Psilocybe arcana Borovicka et Hlavacek, taken in Quercus and Acer forest, November 2000. (Czech Republic)
Photo by Jan Borovicka [Czech Mycological Society], © 2002
Beautiful color photo of Psilocybe arcana Borovicka et Hlavacek, taken in Quercus and Acer forest, November 2000. (Czech Republic)
Photo by Jan Borovicka [Czech Mycological Society], © 2002
Psilocybe atlantis  
Color photo of three cultivated specimens of the Atlanta-area sclerotia-forming psilocybe. (USA)
Photo by, © 2005 and
Psilocybe australiana  
Single Psilocybe australiana (Guzman Watling 1978) similar to P. subaeruginosa (Cleland 1927). Hyaline Lageniform Pluerocystidia. (Eltham, Victoria, Australia)
Photo by Bluemeanie, © 2003 Erowid.
Psilocybe aztecorum  
Small cluster of five Psilocybe aztecorum found Aug 2005 growing in soil near Popocatepetl volcano. (State of Morelos, México)
Photo by Alejandra España Natera, © 2006 Erowid.
Five Psilocybe aztecorum showing underside of cap. (State of Morelos, México)
Photo by Alejandra España Natera, © 2006 Erowid.
Large cluster of thirty mature Psilocybe aztecorum. (State of Morelos, México)
Photo by Alejandra España Natera, © 2006 Erowid.
Psilocybe azurescens (Psilocybe cyanescens Astoria Ossip)  
Young specimen of Psilocybe azurescens growing on alder wood chips. 20.10.2000 near Stuttgart, Germany.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Close-up color photo of two nice young P. azurescens mushrooms. (Victoria, Australia)
Photo by Psilophile50, © 2006 Erowid.
Two very young specimens of Psilocybe azurescens on alder wood chips. 20.10.2000, near Stuttgart, Germany.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
A handful of freshly picked and washed Psilocybe azurescens, previously identified as P. cyanescens Astoria Ossip. [Astoria WA, USA]
Photo by John Smith. © 2003 Erowid.
Mature specimens of Psilocybe azurescens. 20.10.2000 near Stuttgart, Germany.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
A collection of dried P. azurescens spread out on cardboard.
Photo by Bryce Edwards, © 2001
A collection of cultivation reports and photos for P. azurescens.
Photos by individual photographers. Used with permission of SporeWorks.
Color photo of a fresh harvest of P. azurescens. (Astoria)
Anonymous Photographer, © 2002
Fairly large ring of azurescens.
Photographer unknown.
Psilocybe baeocystis (potent psilocybe)  
Several Psilocybe baeocystis growing in grass. [BC, Canada]
Photo by MTVos. © 2011
Color photo of four potent psilocybes growing on moss.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Color photo of three potent psilocybes lying on a table.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Psilocybe serbica  
Mushrooms identified as Psilocybe serbica var. Bohemica, after consultations with Mr. Jan Borovicka (Czech Micology Society). [Karpaty, Slovakia]
Photo by Juraj Somolanyi. © 2013
Beautiful color photo of a group of young Psilocybe serbica, growing on woody debris in Alnus and Picea forest (Czech Republic), damp locality.
Photo by Jan Borovicka, Czech Mycological Society, © 2001
Beautiful color photo of two young Psilocybe serbica, growing on woody debris in Alnus and Picea forest (Czech Republic), damp locality.
Photo by Jan Borovicka, Czech Mycological Society, © 2001
Beautiful color photo of a small group of Psilocybe serbica, growing on woody debris in Alnus and Picea forest (Czech Republic), damp locality.
Photo by Jan Borovicka, Czech Mycological Society, © 2001
Psilocybe serbica, var. Bohemica. Identified after consultations with Mr. Jan Borovicka (Czech Mycology Society). [Karpaty, Slovakia]
Photo by Juraj Somalanyi. © 2013
Psilocybe coprophila  
Color photo of a nice selection of harvested Psilocybe coprophila.
Photographer unknown.
Psilocybe crobulus  
Color photo of a nice selection of harvested Psilocybe crobulus.
Photographer unknown.
Psilocybe cubensis (Cubes, Stropharia cubensis)  
A single Psilocybe cubensis mushroom body growing in grass in a cattle field near Nimbin, Ausrtralia. The cap is approximately 4 inches across. [Nimbin, Australia]
Photo by Erowid. © 2014
A single small Psilocybe cubensis picked from a cattle field near Nimbin, Australia. Mushrooms were plentiful and growing on cow dung, grass, and dirt. Spore covered veil shows spore color below cap. [Nimbin, Australia]
Photo by Erowid. © 2014
Two fruiting bodies of Psilocybe cubensis growing on cow dung near Nimbin, Australia. Veil below cap displays spore color. [Nimbin, Australia]
Photo by Erowid. © 2014
Two small Psilocybe cubensis, with un-opened caps growing on dung after rain. [Honduras, Fco.Morazan]
Photo by Natalia Galeano. © 2014
Psilocybe cubensis Cambodia growing on brown rice flower (BRF) cake. [USA]
Photo by D. © 2013
Four healthy Psilocybe cubensis specimens at various stages of growth, growing on dung. Found in July. [FL, USA]
Photo by Fuji. © 2009
The tops of four Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms peeking out of the grass. [FL, USA]
Photo by Fuji. © 2009
Close-up color photo of a single young P. cubensis found in the wild. [July 2000, Southwest Florida]
Photo by GGreatOne234, © 2002
Two Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms with un-opened caps, growing in grass. [N. MS, USA]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2006
Four healthy P. cubensis specimens found on cow dung in early June. [NE PB, Brazil]
Photo by Pilinta. 2006
Six nice young P. cubensis mushrooms growing in a north Louisiana cattle field in mid June. [LA, USA]
Photo by Hookah Smoking Caterpillar. © 2007
One young P. cubensis specimen growing in cow dung in June [MS, USA]
Photo by Jason. © 2006
Color photo of a single large somewhat dried P. cubensis cap from the top.
Anonymous Photographer, © 2000
Color photo of a four fresh P. cubensis mushrooms.
Anonymous Photographer, © 2000
Close-up color photo of two fresh P. cubensis mushrooms.
Anonymous Photographer, © 2000
Color photo of two P. cubensis mushrooms growing in grass.
Photo by Christopher B., © 2000
Color photo of freshly picked P. cubensis mushrooms next to metric ruler for size comparison.
Photo by Gweedo, © 2003 Erowid.
Color photo of several P. cubensis picked in Koh, Thailand.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of Thai mushroom vendor holding Giant Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Singer, Koh Samui, Thailand.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of 3 specimens held in a hand.
Color photo of three cubensis mushroom growing on a dung heap.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Color photo of a group of mushrooms growing wild on the edge of a field in Jacksonville, Florida. Largest cap is 5 ½ inches across.
Photo by Shroom Wizard, used with permission.
Photo of five large P. cubensis growing wild in dung (Guadalajara, Mexico). July 1999.
Photo by Gandhi, © 2002 Erowid.
A single 30 gram fresh P. cubensis cambodian strain (scale was zero'd with cd case on it). (Washington, USA).
Photo by C-Woo grow master, © 2002 Erowid.
Photo of three large cultivated P. cubensis, cambodian strain. (Washington, USA).
Photo by C-Woo grow master, © 2002 Erowid.
Color photo of several P. cubensis growing in tall grass.
Photo by W. Rieger, © 2002
Beautiful color photo of two P. cubensis growing on dung.
Photo by W. Rieger, © 2002
Photo of two large P. cubensis, salvadorian coastal strain. (El Salvador).
Photo by Siegfried, © 2002 Erowid.
Photo of two large P. cubensis growing on dung, a very potent salvadorian highland strain (El Salvador).
Photo by Siegfried, © 2002 Erowid.
Close-up color photo of four very large specimens of cultivated P. cubensis. (USA)
Photo by Anonymous Photographer, © 2006 Erowid.
Color photo of a single freshly picked young P. cubensis. (El Salvador).
Photo by Siegfried, © 2002
Color photo of a clump of giant Psilocybe cubensis grown from a strain originally collected in Ban Hua Thanon, Koh Samui, from Southern Thailand.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of 6 picked P. cubensis of different sizes. (picked 4/29/99).
Photo by Ooz, © 2002
Photo of a young, cultivated, freshly picked P. cubensis mushroom. [CT, USA]
Photo by Dr. Wolf, © 2002
Photo of three nice P. cubensis specimen growing on dung in spring, 2001. [Tomball, TX, USA]
Photo by Dr. Head, © 2003 Erowid.
Photo of a single P. cubensis mushroom growing on dung in spring, 2001. [Tomball, TX, USA]
Photo by Dr. Head, © 2003 Erowid.
Close of up dried Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, including caps, stems, and whole mushrooms. [Santa Cruz, CA]
Photo by kisps. © 2014
Fruiting cultivated Psilocybe cubensis. A photo of a plastic incubator, humidity-containing tub into which aluminum pans filled with baked brown rice and vermiculite 'cakes', grown with P. cubensis mycelium, have been placed in order to cause the fruiting bodies to grow.
Photo by anonymous. © 2014
Four "purple ringer" Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms grown on cow manure. [South Florida, USA]
Photo by Death_B4_Designer. © 2017
"Purple ringer" Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms grown on cow manure, drying on an off-white frisbee showing the purple spore deposits. [Obtained In South Florida]
Photo by Death_B4_Designer. © 2017
Psilocybe cyanescens (Wavy Caps)  
Beautiful color photo of a cluster of mature P. cyanescens taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Close-up color photo of three P. cyanescens taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Nice close-up color photo of the top of a cap of a small P. cyanescens, showing striations and bluing around edges. (N. CA, USA)
Photo by Erowid, © 2006 Erowid.
Color photo of a group of young P. cyanescens taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Color photo of a cluster of P. cyanescens amidst dry leaves, taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Color photo of unusually tall P. cyanescens, 6 inches tall, growing in tall grass in San Francisco, California.
Photo by Mycelium5150, © 2005 Erowid.
Densely packed P. cyanescens growing in forest litter. [WA, USA]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2006
Close-up color photo of two P. cyanescens growing in the wild [N. California].
Photo by Erowid, © 2003 Erowid.
Top view of two P. cyanescens growing in the wild [N. California].
Photo by Erowid, © 2003 Erowid.
Close-up color photo of two P. cyanescens taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Color photo of a cluster of P. cyanescens taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Color photo of a group of P. cyanescens taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000 Erowid.
Color photo of wavy caps found in short grass in a clearing in the forest in northern California, 1/15/98.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998
Color photo of wavy caps found in the wild in northern California, 1/15/98.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998
Freshly picked Psilocybe cyanescens discovered in woodchipped hillside in semi-landscaped urban area. [WA, USA]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2007
Color photo of P. cyanescens growing on alder chips.
Closeup of Psilocybe cyanescens growing in beauty bark . Woodinville, Washington in early November 2000.
Photo by Alex Cook, © 2002
Color photo showing the terrain and woodchips where P. cyanescens grow. Woodinville, Washington in early November 2000.
Photo by Alex Cook, © 2002 Erowid.
Color photo of wavy caps found in the wild in northern California, 1/15/98.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998 Erowid.
Color photo of wavy caps found in the wild in northern California, 1/15/98.
Photo by Erowid, © 1998 Erowid.
Color photo of wavy caps found in the wild in northern California, 12/15/97.
Photo by Erowid, © 1997 Erowid.
Color photo of a large clump of wavy caps.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Color photo of a group of cyanescens on a piece of paper.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Psilocybe gallaeciae  
Several Psilocybe gallaeciae mushrooms, a very potent new Psilocybe from Vigo (Spain) [Vigo, Spain]
Photo by Ziro. © 2009
Psilocybe hoogshagenii Hein var. hoogshagenii  
Color photo of P. hoogshagenii Heim var. hoogshagenii from Mexico.
Photo by Jom Jacobs, © John W. Allen, used by Erowid with permission.
Psilocybe mexicana  
Beautiful color photo of a group of live P. mexicana (Jalisco Strain).
Photo by Workman of Sporeworks, © 2002
Beautiful color photo of a group of live P. mexicana (Jalisco Strain).
Photo by Workman of Sporeworks, © 2002
Color photo of a handful of freshly picked mature P. mexicana (Jalisco Strain).
Photo by Workman of Sporeworks, © 2002
Nice color photo of freshly picked P. mexicana mushrooms and sclerotia (Jalisco Strain).
Photo by Workman of Sporeworks, © 2002
Close-up color photo of seven P. mexicana (Strain A).
Photo by Workman of Sporeworks, © 2002
Color photo of a single mature P. mexicana (Strain B).
Photo by Workman of Sporeworks, © 2002
Small color photo of a two P. mexicana.
Photo by AirDog, © 2002
Psilocybe muscorum  
Color photo of a nice selection of harvested Psilocybe muscorum.
Source unknown.
Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata  
One Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata mushroom, extremely large yet not very aged. Rare and exciting! Found in riverbanks with decaying wood. Mornings after spring showers is the ideal time to find them. [VA, USA]
Photo by Nito. © 2017
A decent patch of Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata mushrooms, found by riverbanks with alot of decaying wood. After morning showers is best time for these to flourish. [VA, USA]
Photo by Nito. © 2017
Psilocybe pelliculosa (Conifer Psilocybe)  
Color photo of a cluster of conifer psilocybes.
Photographer unknown, originally archived by the Altered Consciousness BBS.
Psilocybe samuiensis  
Color photo of Psilocybe samuiensis Guzmán, Bandala and Allen. From manured soil in a rice paddie. Koh Samui, Thailand.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of three freshly picked mushrooms. From manured soil in a rice paddie in Koh Samui, Thailand.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Psilocybe semilanceata (Liberty Cap)  
Close-up color photo of a single P. semilanceata taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Color photo of a group of P. semilanceata taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Beautiful color photo of a group of live P. semilanceata growing in grass. [The Netherlands]
Photo by B.M. © 2003 Erowid.
Close-up color photo of a group of P. semilanceata taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Color photo of single mushroom.
Photo from the Dan Lieberman Image Library, used with permission.
Photo shoing five P. semilanceata growing in a tuft of tall grass in a meadow. (Sweden)
Photo by Maco, © 2006 Erowid.
Color photo of two P. semilanceata taken in the Black Forest region of Germany's Southwest in Early November.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Color photo of a single P. semilanceata picked in October. [Wales]
Photo by Jackal, © 2004
Psilocybe semilanceata growing in a lawn near the town hall of a small village in Southern Norway. 02.09.2000
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2000
Beautiful color photo of a P. semilanceata mushroom.
Photo by Georg Mueller, © 2002
Two nice specimens of Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms growing in grass. [Bulgaria]
Photo by EgoKilleR. © 2009
Color photo of a collection of freshly picked P. semilanceata from the forest. (Finland)
Photo by PJO, © 2002
Tray full of freshly picked Psilocybe semilanceata. Picked in mid/late November. [England]
Photo by Tripper D. © 2007
A great piece of Psilocybe semilanceata art. :) (Finland)
Photo by PJO, © 2002
Color photo of five freshly picked Psilocybe semilanceata, picked October 2001. (Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, England)
Photo by Nicke, © 2002
Beautiful color photo of a cluster of 4 picked mushrooms.
Source Unknown.
Freshly picked Norwegian Liberty Caps, "Norwegian Fleinsopp". Picked on the Norwegian west coast in mid-september. [Norway]
Photo by liarliar. © 2007
Dozens of freshly picked Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms laid out to dry. [Germany]
Photo by Zhah. © 2009
Color photo of a group of liberty caps growing in a clump of grass.
Photo from the book "Funghetti", by Lucio Pagani.
Close-up color photo of a group of liberty caps, or Norwegian "spiss fleinsopp" mushrooms.
Photographer and source unknown.
Color photo of a group of liberty caps picked together.
Photo by Yachaj Paye © 2005
Color photo of habitat from which P. semilanceata were picked, showing mycelium. Renkum, Netherlands
Photo by Yachaj Paye © 2005
Color photo of a split p. semilanceata showing stipe, gills, and pellicle. Renkum, Netherlands
Photo by Yachaj Paye © 2005
Color photo showing Panaeolus sphinctrinus beside a P. semilanceata for comparison. Renkum, Netherlands
Photo by Yachaj Paye © 2005
Color photo showing Mycena epipterygia beside a P. semilanceata for comparison. Renkum, Netherlands
Photo by Yachaj Paye © 2005
Freshly picked Psilocybe semilanceata. [Norway]
Photo by Anonymous. © 2009
Shiny-wet Psilocybe semilanceata fruiting bodies in green grass. [Scotland]
Photo by Nightman. © 2016
Shiny-wet Psilocybe semilanceata fruiting bodies in grass. [Scotland]
Photo by Nightman. © 2016
Psilocybe semperviva  
Psilocybe semperviva (P. hoogshagenii var. convexa), artificially grown on straw pellets from spores of indoor grown fruits. Natural habitat: Mexico. Spores from Quila, Mexico. [Quila, Mexico]
Photo by © 2010
Psilocybe subaeruginosa  
A small cluster of Psilocybe subaeruginosa growing from decomposing wood litter in an urban parkland. [VIC, Australia]
Photo by Lord Mayonnaise. © 2010
Color photo of a single P. subaeruginosa growing under pine trees in July. (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Jonathan Carmichael, © 2002
Color photo of several Psilocybe subaeruginosa (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Oudge, Chris and Daniel, © 2002
Color photo of several Psilocybe subaeruginosa (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Oudge, Chris and Daniel, © 2002
Color photo of a few small P. subaeruginosa growing in pine needles. (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Shroomk, © 2002
Color photo of a single P. subaeruginosa growing in a native forest area where pine trees have been removed. Picture taken in July, in Dandenong ranges National Park, Sherbrooke Forest. (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Jonathan Carmichael, © 2002
Color photo of a single P. subaeruginosa growing under pine trees in July. (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Jonathan Carmichael, © 2002
Color photo of a group of small P. subaeruginosa growing under pine trees in July. (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Jonathan Carmichael, © 2002
A single Ps. subaeruginosa growing on wood debree in May 2002. Pluerocystidia hyaline ventricose-rostrate. (VIC, Australia)
Photo by Bluemeanie. © 2003 Erowid.
Psilocybe subcubensis  
Color photo of four P. subcubensis Guzman from Koh Samui, Thailand.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Color photo of two P. subcubensis.
Photo by John W. Allen. Used by Erowid with permission.
Psilocybe tampanensis (Philosopher's Stones)  
Photo of a small number of dime sized P. tampanensis sclerotia purchased from a smart shop. [Amsterdam]
Photo by Gorilla Farmer. © 2003 Erowid.
Color photo of three cultivated specimens of P. tampanensis. (USA)
Photo by, © 2005 and
Psilocybe weilii  
P. weilii growing in wet overgrown grassy area. [GA, USA]
Photo by Morgan. © 2009
Several Psilocybe weilii growing in grass. [GA, USA]
Photo by Morgan. © 2009
Beautiful color photo of a group of live P. weilii. [GA, USA]
Photo by Lizard King. © 2003 Erowid.
Beautiful color photo of two P. weilii. [GA, USA]
Photo by Lizard King. © 2003 Erowid.
Nice color photo of a single young P. weilii. [GA, USA]
Photo by Lizard King. © 2003 Erowid.
Nice color photo of the underside of a single young P. weilii. [GA, USA]
Photo by Lizard King. © 2003 Erowid.
Nice color photo of the top of the cap of a single mature P. weilii. [GA, USA]
Photo by Lizard King. © 2003 Erowid.
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.