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The psilometric scale of comparative potency of selected Psilocybe mushrooms

Please note that these do not represent average values for widely sampled populations. Just because a mushroom species has some samples that show high or low concentrations does not mean that all mushrooms of that type have levels matching those in this chart.

P. azurenscens1.78.38.35Stamets and Gartz 1995
P. bohemica1.34.11.02Gartz and Muller 1989; Gartz (1994)
P. semilanceata.98.02.36Gartz 1994
P. baeocystis.85.59.10Repke et al. 1977; Beug and Bigwood 1982(b)
P. cyanescens.85.36.03Stijve and Kuyper 1985; Repke et al. 1977
P. tampanensis.68.32n/aGartz 1994
P. cubensis.63.60.025Gartz 1994; Stijve and de Meijer 1993
P. weilii.61.27.05
P. hoogshagenii.60.10n/aHeim and Hofmann 1958
P. stuntzii.36.12.02Beug and Bigwood 1982(b); Repke et al. 1977
P. cyanofibrillosa.21.04n/aStamets et al. 1980
P. liniformans.16n/d.005Stijve and Kuyper

Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World, Paul Stamets

Citations for references:
  • Stivje, de Meijer. "Macromycetes from the state of Parana, Brazil. 4 The psychoactive species" Arq Biol Technol 1993 36(2):313-329
  • Gartz and Muller. "analyses and cultivation of fruitbodies and mycelia of Psilocybe bohemica." Biochem Physiol Pflanzen. 1989. 184:337-341
  • Stamets and Gartz. "a new caerulescent Psilocybe from the Pacitic Coast of Northwestern North America". Integration 6. 1995
  • Repke D, Leslie D, Guzman G. "Baeocystin in Psilocybie, Conocybe, and Panaeolus." LLoydia. 1977. 40:566-578
  • Beug M, Bigwood J. "Quantitative analysis of psilocybin and psilocin in Psilocybe baeocystic Singer and Smith by high-performance liquid chromatography and by thin-layer chromatography." Journal of Chromatography 1981 207:370-385.
  • Beug M, Bigwood J. "Variation of psilocybin and psilocin levels with repeated flushes (harvests) of mature sporocaps of Psilocybe cubensis (earle) Singer." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1982. 5:271-291.
  • Beug M, Bigwood J. "Psilocybin and psilocin levels in twenty species from seven genera of wild mushrooms in the Pacific Northwest (USA)" Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1982. 5:271-278.
  • Stivje TC, Kuyper TW. "Occurence of psilocybin in various higher fungi from several European countries" Planta Medica 1985 51(5):385-387.
  • Heim RA, Hofmann A. "La psilocybine et la psilocine chez les psilocybe et strophaires hallucinogenes." Les champignons hallucinogenes du Mexique. 1958. 6:258-267. Paris: Editions du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
  • Stamets P, Beug PM, Bigwood J, Guzman G. "a new species and a new variety of Psilocybe from North America" Mycotaxon 1980 11:476-484.