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Archived Images #
Myristica fragrans (Nutmeg) #
Photo showing whole Myristica fragrans nuts as well as freshly ground nutmeg. [CA, USA]
Photo by Erowid, © 2005
Myristica fragrans fruit cut open to expose seed (nutmeg). Photo taken in May. [WI, USA]
Photo by Krisztian. © 2006
Closeup color photo of open nut.
Photo by George Linney.
Color photo of branch with flowers.
Photo by George Linney.
Closeup color photo of flower.
Photo by George Linney.
Small color photo of cut branch with nut.
Photographer Unknown.
Nutmeg Powder #
Close up of nutmeg powder and container. [USA]
Photo by Herr Mannelig. © 2009
Myristica insipida #
Close-up of a single Myristica insipida leaf in the sunlight, taken at the Sydney Royal Botanic Gardens. [Sydney, Australia]
Photo by Erowid. © 2011
Fresh fruit of Myristica insipida, cut open to reveal seed. [Australia]
Photo by D.C. Williams. © 2006
Molecules #
Still 2D image of the Myristicin molecule.
Image by Erowid, © 2001
Rotating 3D image of the Myristicin molecule.
Image by Erowid, © 2001
Submissions and Credits #
If you have photos you'd like to donate to Erowid's Image Vaults, we'd love to see them! We intend
to give credit to all photographers and artists. If you know the photographer of an unlabelled photo
in our collection or if we are using a photo of yours without permission, please let us know and we'll
add credit or remove the image, as you choose.